Rich and Poor

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Rich and Poor

Most people want to be rich but surely more than half of them are poor and it’s a fact … No I
think it’s better to say it’s two fact. The first fact is some people are rich. That's good! Who
wouldn't like to get rich? There are many advantages to being rich. The other fact is some
people are poor. That's a problem, and something needs to be done about it.

But what is poverty anyway? Is it just lack of money or low income or even not to afford basic
human needs ?

It’s true, but that’s not all. If we assume that all the differences between poor and rich is all
about wealth and wealth is basically the problem, what can be done about it?

I think it’s a rule that rich people tend to hang on to their money while poor people tend to
spend as much money as they find. Rich people are not satisfied with what they have and try to
get more and they believe that wealth or abundance is there for the taking and there is enough
for everyone whereas poor people believe that they will never be rich. This thought is
translated into action, so they will never be rich.

Nothing is wrong with desiring to be rich. I think our desire and ambition leads us to better life
and for being rich and successful, you don’t need to be lucky, extremely hard working or to
have a university degree.

What you need is the right mindset and attitude that is framed along the years by the education
and the culture.

What poor people need to do and rich people need to continue is following some principles
that lead them toward the lifestyle that both always desire.

Some of these principles are;

1. Ethics, as a basic principle.

2. Integrity or uprightness.
3. Responsibility
4. Work hard.
5. Try to saving and investing
6. Desire and Ambition
7. Respect to the laws and rules.
8. Respect to the rights of other citizens.
9. Punctuality

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