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Lifestyles, Fitness

and Rehabilitation

Lifestyles, fitness Hyperlipidemia
and rehabilitation

• What is Cholesterol?
– A soft, waxy substance found among
the lipids (fats) in the bloodstream
– Used to form cell membranes and some
– High levels in the blood are a major risk
factor for coronary heart disease
– Fats can’t dissolve in the blood and
must be transported by lipoprotiens
Lifestyles, fitness Hyperlipidemia
and rehabilitation

• What is LDL Cholesterol?

– Low-density lipoprotien
• “Bad” cholesterol
• Major cholesterol carrier in the blood
• High levels cause slow build up of plaques
in the walls of the arteries
• A blood clot may form in the area of a
plaque and block the flow of blood causing
a heart attack or stroke
Lifestyles, fitness Hyperlipidemia
and rehabilitation

• What is HDL Cholesterol?

– High-density lipoprotien
• “Good” cholesterol
• Carries cholesterol away from the arteries
and back to the liver
• May remove excess cholesterol from fatty
plaques and slow their growth
• High levels of HDL appear to protect against
heart attack
• Low HDL indicates a greater risk for heart
Lifestyles, fitness Hyperlipidemia
and rehabilitation

• What is Lp(a) Cholesterol?

– Genetic variation of LDL
• High levels are important risk factor for the
development of CAD
• Linked to premature atherosclerosis
• Unknown how Lp(a) causes premature
coronary heart disease
Lifestyles, fitness Hyperlipidemia
and rehabilitation

• How does atherosclerosis start?

– Complex process of damage
to the inner layer of the artery
• Elevated levels of lipids
in the blood
• High blood pressure
• Tobacco smoke
Lifestyles, fitness Hyperlipidemia
and rehabilitation

• How does atherosclerosis start?

– Fat, cholesterol, fibrin, platelets and
other substances are deposited in the
artery wall
– Endothelium becomes markedly
– Tobacco smoke speeds up the growth
of atherosclerosis
Lifestyles, fitness
and rehabilitation Initial Classification based on
Total Cholesterol and HDL

Cholesterol level HDL-C Follow up

Desirable blood cholesterol >35mg/dl Repeat testing within 5
<200 years

<35 mg/dl Perform fasting lipoprotein


Borderline-high cholesterol >35 and <2 risk factors Reevaluate 1-2 yrs
200-239 mg/dl
<35 and >2 risk factors Perform fasting lipoprotein
High cholesterol>240mg/dl Perform fasting lipoprotein

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