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5th Primary

Units 3 – 4- -5
Unit 3
A Visit to a Farm
 The student has to read unit 3 in Hello book . This unit includes different vocabulary
words and new expressions.
 The student has to read the third unit in the ordinary level book .
 Unit 3 is A Visit to a Farm pages 10 – 15 .
 In this unit the students will know the differences between the regular and irregular
verbs in the Past Simple Tense .
 Regular verbs in the past simple:
 WE just add ed to the verb
 Ex: help helped.
 work worked.
 wave waved.
 Irregular verbs in the past simple:
 Ex: fly flew.
 eat ate.
 drive drove.
Verb to be: is = was
are = were
 Question:
 We use the helping verb ( did )
Ex Did you---------- ?

 Ex: What happened at five o’clock?
 What happened at seven o’ clock?

 Ex . I like.
 I don’t like.
 Ex: she , he doesn’t like _________.
 I
 You like
 We or don’t like
 they
 He-she-it like or doesn't.
 Goat. Camel. Buffalo.
 Donkey. Sheep.

 Asking about:
 Color: ex: What is the color of your uniform?

 Time: ex: What is the time now?

 Place: ex: Where is MSE School?
Unit 4 ( Months of the year )

 Objectives
 The student has to read unit 4 in Hello Book . This unit includes vocabulary
words and expressions.
 Procedures
 The student has to read the fourth unit in the ordinary
level book .
 Unit 4 is (Months of the year ) pages 16 - 18 .
 In this unit the students will know the names of the
months .
Months: January. February.
 March. April.
 May. June.
 July. August.
 September. October.
 November. December.
 When is your birthday?
 My birthday is in __________.
 Is your birthday in March?
 Is your birthday in August?

The calendar: ( after-before )

 Ex: my birthday comes after your birthday.
 Ann’s birthday comes before Henry’s birthday.
Unit 5
Animal Facts
 The student has to read unit 5 in Hello book . This unit includes new
vocabulary words ,expressions ,opposites and questions.
 The student has to read the fifth unit in the ordinary level book .
 Unit 5 is (Animal Facts ) pages 19 - 21 .
 In this unit the students will know :

( sound box):-
cat. Camel. Cow. Crocodile.

hippo. Lion Elephant.
crocodile. Cow. Cat.
 Expressions:
 Ex: Can an elephant run?
 Can a hippo jump?
 Can a lion swim?
answers: yes , they can ________
 no , they can’t ________
Ask a question:
 ex: Is your birthday in June?
 Opposites:-
 Long # short. Fat # thin.
 Big # small. Dark # light.
 Tall # short. Happy # sad.
 Clean # dirty. Good # bad.
Has / Have got”
Ex The giraffe has got a long neck.
 They have got long legs.

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