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Border town’s city chic and bush charm

By Ashlee Betteridge It’s nice to know that end of your picturesque
As a bored kid growing up in Albury/Wodonga, ramble along upgraded walking paths, you can
I always wondered why people went there for still buy a lace-decorated tissue box cover at the
holidays. many craft shops along the way .
The two towns straddle the Murray River, and Among the area’s top attractions are:
it seemed the main attraction for many tourists • The walk starting in Albury’s Noreuil
was just swimming back and forth between NSW Park, which trails along the river through bush
and Victoria. and farmland, passing craft shops at Gateway
But returning to my hometown this summer Island, before finishing at Wodonga’s Somerset
made me realise it isn’t such a small place any- Gardens.
more. • Monument Hill, home to Albury’s most dom-
The new Albury/Wodonga freeway has im- inating feature, the War Memorial
proved road access, and Virgin Blue are starting • The Botanic Gardens will be a favourite
Sydney to Albury flights this month. among green thumbs.
Albury just built itself an impressive modern • Culture vultures can get their fix at the mu-
library and Wodonga has a cafe strip complete seum, art gallery, cinema or perhaps catch a per-
with public art. formance by the local Hothouse Theatre or Flying
Gone are the days when asking for a cappuc- Fruit Fly Circus.
cino would see your ‘barista’ reaching for the jar • The Hume Weir, though low from the
of instant and an egg whisk. drought, is still a great place for fishing, swim-
Now you can get a decent espresso, complete ming and watersports and catching a sunset.
with a pretentious setting. If you get bored of town, a short car trip from
It may have gone a little bit posh with the in- Wodonga lies the historic goldmining towns of
flux of city folk fleeing high property prices, but Yackandandah and Beechworth. Rutherglen’s
it’s still got country charm. wineries and Stanley’s berry farms are also good. Above, the Hume Weir wall offers a sunset view.

• Europe Earlybird Specials

• Discounted Holiday Packages
• The Bali Package Specialist
Open 7 days for your convenience: Mon-Fri 9am – 5.30pm; Sat 10am – 4pm; Sun 12pm – 4pm
107 Anzac Parade, Kensington (op Kensington Post Office)
P 9662 5000 F 9662 5001 E


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