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Cristian Zamora
Announcer -Going to Vounder is….Erik’s team

(Crowd Cheers while presenting him. Some people are shocked at his winning.)

Jason- This is bullshit.

(Crowd is cheering and settles down for Erik’s speech)

Erik- Thank You so much. This is something that I’ve been wanting for a long time and I know I won’t let
anyone in here down. So Cheers to a great launch! (Grabs Champaign glass and raises it towards the
people, everyone else does it to. Camera keeps still on group and black screen and opening credits.)
Damn, I can’t believe it. Were here.

Logan- Shit. Yeah its all true. It cant get better than this. So what the family say.

Erik- Linda wasn’t so sicked about it. But I just didn’t care. The kids were hells of fun. They were all

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