Kings MEN Letter 2010

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doing mighty exploits for

the glory of God

October 15, 2010

Dear Mighty Man of God,

“It’s not the answers that guide life’s journey, but rather the questions.” - Ranier Rilke

What is the Vision of our MEN’s GROUP at His Life Ministries?

Let me introduce you to it.

Introducing the 7-Fold Vision for MEN at Kings MEN.

“that by the Grace of God, we will be fathers,
mentors, warriors,
priests, kings, prophets & providers of our Home and

I believe if we continually ask this Question …

it will guide our church as a whole into maturity. After all it is the MEN
of our CHURCH that our ladies, kids, children and new comers are
looking up to.
Something happens when MEN ask Questions.
Something happens when they continue to do so.
It shows they are Involved. Interested. Committed and Feels Responsible.

Maybe here’s another question you are asking: “What can I do to thank the
LORD through our Church this 2010?”

1. Be TOTALLY involved in our THANKSGIVNIG 2010 Discipleship Emphasis by praying for it.
2. Be part of a Discipleship GROUP to study: “WHY GOD WANTS YOU TO PROSPER”.
3. BRING your entire FAMILY and FRIENDS to church to the GRAND OPENING of
THANKSGIVING 2010 on November 7, 2010 at Cinema 5, 945am
OR at any HLM Church SITE.

Lets Get ready for PROSPERITY!

Pastor JR here :-)
Cc Council, Admin, Pastors of HLM, Management TEAM

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