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Many teens are getting influenced by

their peers or friends into using drugs.

Today’s teens face more challenges
and temptations than any other
generation has.
Drugs are a part of a teen’s everyday life.

• Drugs play more of a role in a teenager’s

attitude, schooling, and health.
• Drugs become more and more accessible to
teens everyday.
• Some teens do not know how to control their
own life, so that is why some teens get into
Why does this happen?
• It happens because most teens get tempted
into doing it by their friends. Some do not
know how to control themselves or they just
choose to do it.
Teens have friends that do drugs.
• Yes, many teens have friends that do it. And
when people have friends that do drugs, they
also want to do it to fit in with their crowd.
• I know a lot of teens do it to fit in, but if you’re
not into it and you don’t like it at all, then
stop. Don’t let your friends control your life.
You make your own decisions.
• Some people have urges. They have the urge
to just try it. But once you have tried just a bit
of it, there is a possibility you can get addicted
to it. They say you can’t control your urges,
but you can, if you have the right strength to
say no to them.
Do teens take drugs at a young age?

• Yes, I believe so. I’ve seen many young teens

do it with no care at all. Also, without seeing
the consequences that can happen to them.
The population.
• In 2006, 1.2 million of the population take
drugs. That is a very big number. Most teens
don’t know what they’re taking. They just take
it without thinking.
• At the age of 12 to 17, teens are already
smoking cigarettes, drinking alcohol, smoke
marijuana, etc.
What can these drugs do to teens?
• It can definitely do a lot to your body. Many
drugs have different side effects. When you
take drugs, some part of the drug can damage
your brain in so many ways. Your appearance
may change a little bit, you can also can
slightly different from the person you use to
• Even if you try a little bit of any type of drug,
there is a big possibility that you can get
addicted to it in an instant. But it also depends
on how you control yourself.
Ruined lives.
• Basically, you are ruining your own life by
taking drugs. How? You get addicted, so you
can’t focus on anything else. You will be a
completely different person. You will be
careless about every thing. You’ll just be stuck
at home, doing nothing with your life.
• The people who are addicted feel an
overwhelming incontrollable need for drugs.
You want nothing but drugs in your hands.
You’ll do any thing just to get it. You’ll also be
very bi-polar.
Do teens find that using drugs is a good
stress reliever?
• Yes, some teens find drugs as a stress reliever
because they have nothing or no one else to
run to when they have a problem. As in drugs,
I mean smoking cigarettes and drinking
alcohol. But little do they know, some times
that will not work.
Teen drug abuse.
• Thoughts of failure, disappointment, guilt, and
embarressment flood a parents mind when
they find out their son or daughter is using
• Teens often do not see how drugs can affect
them physically, socially, and mentally.
Here is a link to a video:
• Watch this video. This is before and after faces
of meth users. You will see just how their
appearance change after using one drug.
Drinking your pain away.
• I understand it may be some thing you choose
to do, but really think about this. Do you think
drinking alcohol is the right solution? Sure,
being drunk can help you forget, but just
know, it’s not good to drink whenever you’re
mad, depressed or stressed.
Personal talks.
• When you’re taking drugs, you constantly hide
it from your parents. It’s hard to hide, because
you’re afraid they will find out. You should
know, they will find out eventually. Hiding
things like things like this from your parents is
not a very good idea.
• Marijuana is used all over the world. In the
past, many older people smoked marijuana.
Today, kids are smoking it at a younger age
than ever before. Marijuana is very addictive.
Once you try it once, you’ll keep going.
• Ecstasy is used by many teens today. Ecstasy is
a pill you take when you’re out partying and
you will be completely out of your mind. You’ll
be some where else. Ecstasy, to me, is a bad
thing to take because it can really mess up
your mind. You won’t be able to sleep very
well. Ecstasy can cause serious damage to the
brain if you use it too often.
• Everyone drinks alcohol. For young people,
alcohol is the number one drug of choice.
Teens use alcohol more frequently and heavily
than all other illicit drugs combined.
So, my point to this is some teens need to really
think for themselves. They need to see the
possible side effects and damages they are
causing to their bodies by taking these drugs.
Is drugs really some thing you would like to
do? Think about it.

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