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Entry # 1.

Reflection about: The use of Information Communication Technology

in the teaching of English in an ESL/EFL classroom. Post an entry.

      The use of technology in ESL/EFL classroom can be productively or unproductively. It

depends on what kind of purposes we have when using it.

     On one hand, I consider that Technology can be productively in the teaching field because it
becomes in a very helpful tool for the teaching and learning process. Teachers are able to do a
god job in the classroom if they us it appropriately. As we know, technology offers a variety of
resources such as projector, DVD, TV, CD player, computers, and programs which facilitate
both the teaching and learning process. Statistically, students are able to learn effectively through
using technology.

     On the other hand, I believe that Technology can be unhelpful if teachers and students do not
use it appropriately. There is not tech-miracle waiting for teacher when they go shopping for an
ESL/EFL class. As we know new technology can turn out to be a valuable resource or a
disappointing failure. More than that, teachers should not let technology replace their real
purpose in the ESL/EFL classroom. Sometimes, technology becomes teachers lazy; they only
depend on what technology offers to them for teaching.

     Finally, I strongly believe that, technology can be a helpful tool in the ESL/EFL classroom if
teachers and students use technology appropriately because there are not tech-miracles waiting
for them. Both teachers and students must have real and clear purposes when use technology.
Otherwise, they can be a waist of time.


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