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The Cutting Activities DNA of Euphorbia tirucalli Gum on plasmid pUC19

Nurul Isnaini, Kendri, Fairus Zabadi

Faculty of Pharmacy, Muhammadiyah University of Surakarta, Jalan Achmad Yani Tromol Pos
1 Pabelan, Kartasura, Surakarta 57102, Central Java, Indonesia.


Inacivating Ribosome Proteins (RIPs) are a group of toxic proteins in plants that have
RNA N-glikosidase activity. RIP has the ability to cut supercoiled double-stranded DNA, RNA
N-glikosidase, 3 immunosupresive, cytotoxic, abortifacient, antiviral and anti-HIV. Patah tulang
plant (Euphorbia tirucalli L.) has been empirically used for treatment of gastritis, rheumatism
and syphilis. This study aims to determine the DNA-cutting activity of Patah tulang resin
(Euphorbia tirucalli L) on plasmid pUC 19 and know the size of a minimum concentration of
Patah tulang resin (Euphorbia tirucalli, L.) that can provide the DNA cutting activity.
The bacteria were cultured, isolated, digested and result in electrophoresis to look at the
ability of sap fractures in cutting supercoiled double-stranded DNA. Gum of Patah tulang
created in a series of concentrations namely 50, 100, 150, 200, 250 ul/ml. Testing positive to say
if the results of digestion occurs extract DNA pattern thinning and thickening nick supercoiled
circular at low levels, whereas at higher levels would appear that the linear DNA band
The results showed that the extract of Patah tulang (Euphorbia tirucalli, L.) has no cutting
activity against supercoiled double-stranded DNA until levels of 250μg/ml, but there are likely to
contain proteins similar to RIP because it has not done the test with other methods. Need to do
research with other methods to determine whether there is a potential protein RIP.

Keywords: ribosome Inactivating Proteins (RIPs), supercoiled double-stranded DNA, Euphorbia

tirucalli, L.

Aktivitas Pemotongan DNA Getah Euphorbia tirucalli Gum terhadap plasmid


Nurul Isnaini, Kendri, Fairus Zabadi

Fakultas Farmasi, Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta
Jalan Achmad Yani Tromol Pos 1 Pabelan, Kartasura, Surakarta 57102, Jawa tengah,


Ribosom Inacivating Proteins (RIPs) merupakan sekelompok protein toksik dalam

tanaman yang mempunyai aktivitas RNA N-glikosidase. RIP mempunyai kemampuan memotong
DNA superkoil untai ganda, RNA N-glikosidase, 3 immunosupresive, sitotoksik, abortifacient,
antiviral dan anti HIV. Tanaman patah tulang (Euphorbia tirucalli L.) telah secara empiris
digunakan untuk pengobatan gastritis, rematik dan sifilis. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk
mengetahui aktivitas pemotongan DNA getah patah tulang (Euphorbia tirucalli L) terhadap
plasmid pUC 19 dan mengetahui besarnya konsentrasi minimal getah patah tulang (Euphorbia
tirucalli, L.) yang dapat memberikan aktivitas pemotongan DNA.
Bakteri dikultur, diisolasi, didigesti dan hasilnya di elektroforesis untuk melihat
kemampuan getah patah tulang dalam memotong DNA superkoil untai ganda. Getah patah
tulang di buat dalam beberapa seri konsentrasi yaitu 50 , 100, 150, 200, 250 µg/ml. Uji
dikatakan positif apabila pada hasil digesti ekstrak terjadi pola penipisan DNA superkoil dan
penebalan nick sirkuler pada kadar rendah, sedangkan pada kadar yang lebih tinggi akan
muncul pita DNA linier yang makin menebal.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa ekstrak getah patah tulang (Euphorbia tirucalli, L.)
tidak memiliki aktivitas pemotongan terhadap DNA superkoil untai ganda sampai kadar
250µg/ml, tetapi ada kemungkinan mengandung protein yang mirip RIP karena belum dilakukan
pengujian dengan metode yang lain. Perlu dilakukan penelitian dengan metode lain untuk
mengetahui ada tidaknya protein yang berpotensi sebagai RIP.

Kata kunci : Ribosome Inactivating Proteins (RIPs), DNA superkoil untai ganda, Euphorbia
tirucalli, L.

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