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Week Five Vocabulary List

word part meaning examples my examples (2) picture

aquarium - a water container for
aqua water aqueduct - a pipeline for water

antiseptic - preventing infection

antisocial - opposing social norm
anti against

antecede - to come before

something in time
ante before antemeridian - before noon (a.m)

homicide – murder
incisor - a sharp tooth for cutting
cide cut, kill food

concur - to agree with someone

convention - a gathering of
con with people with a common interest

unabridged - not shortened

unfriendly - lacking friendliness.
un not

Created by Heather Taxis Greene, 2010

biography- a life story written by
another person
bio life biosphere - Earth's surface inhabited
by living things

centennial- the 100th anniversary

centimeter - 1/100 of a meter
cent hundred century - 100 years

exceed - to go beyond the limits

recede - to go back
cede go, yield

triangle - a figure with 3 sides and 3

tri three triathlon - an athletic contest with 3

misbehave - to behave badly

misprint - an error in printing
mis bad misnomer - an error in naming a
person or thing

inscribe - to write letters or words on a

scrib/script write scribe - a person who writes out
describe - to represent with words or

Created by Heather Taxis Greene, 2010

intrastate - existing in one state
intravenous - inside or into a vein
intro/intra inside introvert - shy person who keeps
within him/herself.

posthumous - after someone's death

postpone - to delay something;
post after

preamble - a part in front of a formal

pre before prepare - to get ready in advance
prediction - a statement foretelling
the future.
semiannual - every half year
semicircle - half a circle
semi half semiconscious - partly conscious

bibliography - a list of books used as

biblio book bibliomania - an extreme love of
bibliophile - a person who loves

Created by Heather Taxis Greene, 2010

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