Advantages of Three Phase Over Single Phase

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Advantages of Three Phase Over Single Phase:

• Three phase won't require as large of wire size as a single phase unit to install

• three phase won't have a capacitor on the compressor, and they usually start easier

• There's not a real big savings on energy, you draw less amperage but it's on three wires instead of two so the actual KW usage is close. A 20
SEER over a 13 SEER will save you a little energy, but I like 3 phase

Single phase power has a sine wave voltage that crosses zero before reversing its polarity. In the region near the zero-crossing there is not much power. At zero there
is none at all. So single phase loads often need some trickery to deliver output in this area. Often it is just the inertia of the motor or appliance.

Three phase power is always delivering power on one of its phases, and is thus preferred for machines, motors and appliances that use lots of power.

If the application is large power, or small power with weight restrictions (like automobiles!) three phase is preferred. DC (Direct Current) is the next step up for smooth
high-power devices but requires rectification, regulation and smoothing to be useful.

Another problem with DC is that, for efficient long distance transmission, it cannot be simply converted to much higher voltages than the voltage at which it was
generated at the power station. Similarly DC cannot be transformed down to safer, much lower mains voltages for use by consumers.

AC (Alternating Current) is used for high power generation and distribution because it can easily be transformed, using transformers, to achieve very efficient power
transmission over very long distances and can then be transformed down to low voltages for distribution to consumers.

Two phase, and higher multi-phases are also used but very rarely.


A three phase system provides constant torque, whereas single phase does not.

With three phase you will get more power per kilogram of metal to generate electrical energy.
Center tapped transformer:
Advantages of Bridge Rectifier:

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