Simple Verb Tenses

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Simple Verb Tenses

The verb is the heart of the


Carol Wolff
The Verb
If you do not have a heart you will not

be alive.
Therefore without a verb you do not

have a sentence.
The verb gives us a clue as to time and

who is doing the action.

The subject “does” the verb.
Present Simple Tense

He She It + “s”
He walks
She walks
It walks

I walk.
You walk.
They walk.
We walk.
Present Simple with
She walks to school.
Does she walk to school?
Where does she walk to?
He She It

You walk to school.

Do you walk to school?
Where do you walk to?
I You They We
Past Simple Tense
I walked to school.
They walked to school
She walked to school.

The verb always remains the same. We add

“ed” to the base verb.
BUT we always have exceptions. We have
a long list of irregular verbs. e.g. eat – ate
Past Simple Questions

You walked to
Did you walk to school?
Where did you walk to?
Spelling Rules
Verb Endings
Verb ends:“o” “ss” “s” “ch” “sh” “x” “z”
We usually add “es”
e.g. Mixes does passes catches

Verb ends: Vowel (a,e,i,o,u) and “y”

JUST add S
e.g. Plays

Verb ends: Consonant and “y”

Drop the Y and add “ies”
e.g. try - tries cry - cries
Amit ( is - are - has ) Israeli

They ( are - is - was ) my friends.

Sara ( was - are - is ) not absent today.

She ( was - are - is ) here yesterday .

They ( will - are - is ) play football tomorrow.

Liron is going to ( study - studied - studies ) English.

They ( write - wrote - writing ) different stories last year

Alon ( use - uses - used ) his computer last week.

Tal ( use - uses - used ) his computer everyday.

The students ( read - are reading - reads ) the lesson now.

( Do - Did - Does ) they play football everyday ?

( Do - Did - Does ) she visit you yesterday ?

Will the boys ( play - played - playing ) basketball ?

What did they ( cleaned - clean - cleans )?

What does she ( eat - eats - ate )?

They (cooked - cooks ) supper.

Has she ( drink - drunk - drank ) water ?

She ( has - have - had ) her dress cut yesterday.

They ( have - has - had ) their school cleaned everyday

Sara ( have - has - is having ) her room painted now.

They have had their car ( repair - repaired - repairs ) already.

Lior( has - have - will have ) her dress cut tomorrow.

Lior ( has - had - having) her dress ironed yesterday.

Carol Wolff

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