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Who’s In Charge?

Often you wander, who is charge of your life. From making decisions, doing everyday task to taking
inventory of your life; ask yourself now, “Who’s In Charge?”

Do you really believe you are in total control? Would you like to be? What would that look, feel and
sound like if you were now, in total control? Now that you have a full picture, ask yourself again, “Am I
in total control of my life?” Many times you find you are actually on auto pilot, just doing the next thing
without being conscious of what or why you are doing something. Read on now to learn how to
eliminate the auto pilot and begin to live consciously and on purpose.

Let’s take a moment and study the word “Responsibility”. What does that mean to you? Really, is that
all it means? Think deeper and see if the word has many meanings for you. You will find the word
actually tells you you’re in charge. Did you get that? Yes, you are in charge. Take a quick look at the word
again. Ok, you can stop and continue to read how it relates to you.

Responsibility, the word broken down, translates to your response of ability or ability to respond. Wow,
that is major, read that sentence again. This word actually eliminates any excuses in your life. How is
that possible? Take a situation that you now have in your life and ask yourself, “How do or did I respond
to that situation? Your action or reaction is equal to your response and the ability to create a positive or
negative out of it.

Blaming others for your life, gives away your personal power and gives others the responsibility of living
life for you. How great can that be? Having someone else control your life; making your life as great or
as miserable as they want it, that is a life without purpose.

How do you take your life off auto pilot? Take each event and make it purposeful. Wow, that is a lot, you
say. Well, not really if you want to be the creator of your life. Begin by taking a true inventory of what is
happening in your life now. Once you have written down your inventory list, ask yourself the following

1) Did I create this?

2) Do I even like this?
3) Who is responsible for this?
4) Take charge and change it now.

Taking charge is taking the ability you have to change your life for the better. For example, if you have a
habit and you want to get rid of it? Only you can decide to take the action to change it, remember you
created it. Taking charge puts you back on the cause side of life. If you like to react instead of act, then
continue living on the effect side. The effect side allows you to blame others and life for your misery. The
cause side, however, allows you to cause life to happen on purpose. This is a big decision for many
people. The deciding factor being, “Are you ready to be responsible for you?” That comes with a
decision to live consciously and on purpose. If you are truly ready for change and to have what you
want, then now is the time.

Your response to any situation is your fault. Let me use a personal point in my life to show you how this
is true. I had been sexually abuse for many years at an early age. Now, I can either blame the abuser for
what he did, and continue to blame him for all my misfortunes in life, or I can take control and not
become a victim. In taking control I can say “Yes, that happen to me, but that does not define me or my
ability to create my life. Yes, the abuser should be held liable; however, what does that do for me? It
does nothing for me, it may make me feel better for the moment but in the end, it does not change me
or the way I choose to create my life. This may sound crazy to you at first, but reread it and find in your
own life where an effect on someone else, made your life better. It does not, it may bring a moment of
comfort but there is no lasting effect. One can either stay in the wound (victim) or create healing (on
purpose), it is your choice?

Are you ready to create a life on purpose? Are you now ready to do everything on purpose? Bringing the
conscious awareness to your life begins when you answer “YES” to these questions.

What does “On Purpose” mean to you? It means you now have the choice of response of your ability.
This is an exciting concept. Think of the endless things you can now do in your life, that you did not think
you had a choice or role in. Using your creative ability to make life happen as you want it is now. The
focus now is “What do I want to create in my life?” and “How do I create it?”

Creating your life now, is simple. Let go of people, places and things that do not bring you joy. Make a
list of people, places and things that do bring you joy. What is your dream life? If there are no limits and
joy abounds. Here is a great secret many of us fail to realize; you are only as limited as your beliefs. That
is true, just look at the world today. If someone never thought they could fly, do you think we would be
flying today? Take off the old beliefs; say what you want and most important take action.

Taking action is easier today than ever. There are so many resources to help you build and live your
dream life. Take action today and watch the amazing results that you produced.

Get started now, peel off all the labels, beliefs and people who are limiting your world. Apply a new view
without boundaries, with unlimited belief and people who are truly on your side.

Taking responsibility is the rewards in life. What are your rewards?

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