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Social Thinking Curriculum

The curriculum will be broken up into three parts that will focus on:

1. Communication
Four steps of communication
1. Thinking about others
2. Establishing a physical presence
3. Thinking with our eyes
4. Using language to relate to others

2. Social Thought
Four steps of perspective taking
Intentional vs unintentional communication
Social memories
Mutual social thought about others

3. The ILAUGH model (bringing it all together)

I = Initiation of Communication
L= Listening With Eyes and Brain
A = Abstract and Inferential Language/Communication
U = Understanding Perspective
G=Gestalt Processing/Getting the Big Picture
H= Humor and Human Relatedness

The lessons will be mostly based on Michelle Garcia Winner’s Social Thinking
curriculum. We reserve the right to use other lessons as they pertain to the topic and
stray from the outline as needed.

Tammy Leimer, MSW

Whitney Nickol, MA, CCC-SLP

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