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I hereby declare that the project work entitled “TEXTILE INDUSTRY” submitted in partial
fulfilment of the requirements of the PGDM-F/T Program of Institute of Productivity & management
is my original work and the project is not submitted as project previously to any institute for the
award or any degree.


Date Signature of the student







INDIAN TEXTILE INDUSTRY………………………………………………..…………………5




INDUSTRY SUPPLY CHAIN……………………………………………………………………..8

INDIA’S COMPETITIVENESS…………………………………………………………………..9

NATIONAL TEXTILE POLICY 2000…………………………………………………………..13

TEXTILE COMPANIES IN INDIA ….…………………………………………………..……..16

BCG MATRIX……………………………………….……………………………………….……20

PORTERS FIVE FORCE MODEL……………….…………………………………………..….21

SEGMENT ANALYSIS…………………………….…………………………………………..…26




The history of textiles in India dates back to nearly five thousand years to the days of the Harappan
civilization. Evidences that India has been trading silk in return for spices from the 2nd century have
been found. This shows that textiles are an industry which has existed for centuries in our country.
Recently there has been a sizeable increase in the demand for Indian textiles in the market. India is
fast emerging as a competitor to China in textile exports. The Government of India has also realized
this fact and lowered the customs duty and reduced the restrictions on the imported textile machinery.
The intention of the government’s move is to enable the Indian producers to compete in the world
market with high quality products. The results of the government’s move can be visible as Indian
companies like Arvind Mills, Mafatlal, Grasim; Reliance Industries have become prominent players
in the world. The Indian textile industry is the second largest in the world-second only to China. The
other competing countries are Korea and Taiwan. Indian Textile constitutes 35% of the total exports
of our country.

The history of apparel and textiles in India dates back to the use of mordant dyes and printing blocks
around 3000 BC. The foundations of the India's textile trade with other countries started as early as
the second century BC. A hoard of block printed and resistdyed fabrics, primarily of Gujarati origin,
discovered in the tombs of Fostat, Egypt, are the proof of large scale Indian export of cotton textiles
to the Egypt in medieval periods.

During the 13th century, Indian silk was used as barter for spices from the western countries.
Towards the end of the 17th century, the British East India Company had begun exports of Indian
silks and several other cotton fabrics to other economies. These included the famous fine Muslin
cloth of Bengal, Orissa and Bihar. Painted and printed cottons or chintz was widely practiced
between India, Java, China and the Philippines, long before the arrival of the Europeans.

India Textile Industry is one of the largest textile industries in the world. Today, Indian economy is
largely dependent on textile manufacturing and exports.



Textile Industry in India is the second largest employment generator after agriculture. It holds
significant status in India as it provides one of the most fundamental necessities of the people. Textile
industry was one of the earliest industries to come into existence in India and it accounts for more
than 30% of the total exports. In fact Indian textile industry is the second largest in the world, second
only to China. The Indian textile industry has a significant presence in the economy as well as in the
international textile economy. Its contribution to the Indian economy is manifested in terms of its
contribution to the industrial production, employment generation and foreign exchange earnings. It
contributes 14 percent of industrial production, 9 percent of excise collections, 18 percent of
employment in the industrial sector, nearly 20 percent to the country’s total export earning and 4
percent to the Gross Domestic Product.
It is closely linked with the agricultural and rural economy. It is the single largest employer in the
industrial sector employing about 35 million people. If the employment in allied sectors like ginning,
agriculture, pressing, cotton trade, jute, etc. are added then the total employment is estimated at 93
million. The net foreign exchange earnings in this sector are one of the highest and, together with
carpet and handicrafts, account for over 37 percent of total export earnings at over US $ 10 billion.
Textiles, alone, account for about 25 percent of India’s total forex earnings.
India’s textile industry since its beginning continues to be predominantly cotton based with about 65
percent of fabric consumption in the country being accounted for by cotton. The industry is highly
localized in Ahmedabad and Bombay in the western part of the country though other centers exist
including Kanpur, Calcutta, Indore, Coimbatore, and Sholapur.
The structure of the textile industry is extremely complex with the modern, sophisticated and highly
mechanized mill sector on the one hand and the hand spinning and hand weaving (handloom) sector
on the other. Between the two falls the small-scale power loom sector. The latter two are together
known as the decentralized sector. Over the years, the government has granted a whole range of
concessions to the non-mill sector as a result of which the share of the decentralized sector has
increased considerably in the total production. Of the two sub-sectors of the decentralized sector, the
power loom sector has shown the faster rate of growth. In the production of fabrics the decentralized
sector accounts for roughly 94 percent while the mill sector has a share of only 6 percent.
Being an agro-based industry the production of raw material varies from year to year depending on
weather and rainfall conditions. Accordingly the price fluctuates too.



The Indian textile industry contributes about 14 per cent to industrial production, 4 per cent to the
country's gross domestic product (GDP) and 17 per cent to the country’s export earnings, according
to the Annual Report 2009-10 of the Ministry of Textiles. It provides direct employment to over 35
million workers directly and it accounts for 21% of the total employment generated in the economy
and is the second largest provider of employment after agriculture. Some of the textile clusters in
which productions happens are very huge and significant for the overall industry, for example

 Panipat produces 75% of all blankets produced in India

 Tirupur contributes 80% of the country’s cotton hosiery exports
 Ludhiana makes 95% of total woolen knitwear produced

According to the Ministry of Textiles, Export target in textiles in 2010 at USD is 50 billion.
the cumulative production of cloth during April’09- March’10 has increased by 8.3 per cent as
compared to the corresponding period of the previous year. Moreover, total textile exports have
increased to US$ 18.6 billion during April’09- January’10, from US$ 17.7 billion during the
corresponding period of the previous year, registering an increase of 4.95 per cent in rupee terms.
Further, the share of textile exports in total exports has increased to 12.36 per cent during April’09-
January’10, according to the Ministry of Textiles.
As per the Index of Industrial Production (IIP) data released by the Central Statistical Organisation
(CSO), cotton textiles has registered a growth of 5.5 per cent during April March 2009-10, while
wool, silk and man-made fibre textiles have registered a growth of 8.2 per cent while textile products
including wearing apparel have registered a growth of 8.5 per cent.

The textile sector has increased their investment in projects to upgrade their equipment amid fierce
market competition and to meet the growing demand for more textile products. Total investment in
the textile industry between 2004 and 2008 was around Rs.65,478 crore in India, which is expected to
reach Rs.1,50,600 crore by 2012. This enhanced investment would generate 17.37 million jobs--
12.02 million direct and 5.35 million indirect—by 2012.


To understand Indias position among other textile producing the industry contributes 9% of
GDP and 35% of foreign exchange earning, Indias share in global exports is only 3% compared to
Chinas 13.75% percent. In addition to China, other developing countries are emerging as serious
competitive threats to India. Looking at export shares, Korea (6%) and Taiwan (5.5%) are ahead of
India, while Turkey (2.9%) has already caught up and others likeThailand (2.3%) and Indonesia (2%)
are not much further behind. The reason for this development is the fact that India lags behind these
countries in investment levels, technology, quality and logistics. If India were competitive in some
key segments it could serve as a basis for building a modern industry, but there is no evidence of
such signs, except to some extent in the spinning industry.



In 2006, the largest apparel manufacturers and exporters were countries from the Asia-Pacific region
which included countries like China, Hong Kong, Phillipines, Malaysia, Indonesia, Bangladesh,
Srilanka, Pakistan, Thailand and India. The other major apparel manufacturing nations were USA,
Italy, Germany and Mexico.



The apparel industry supply chain can be broadly categorized into six major components - raw
materials, textile plants, apparel plants, export chains, retail stores and customers.




With 3.9 million handlooms, India is the highest handloom producing country in the World. 30% of
the total export income is generated by textile alone, it is second largest Employer industry after
agriculture. The textile industry constitutes approximately 14% of country's total industrial


In spite of the Chinese dominance, India has a fair opportunity to grab a substantial stake in the
projected garment market share. According to PHD Chamber of Commerce and Industry (PHDCCI),
post-MFA, India's market share in the US is expected to go up to 15 per cent from the present 4 per
cent. In the EU, the market share increase is expected to be 50 per cent from the current 6 per cent to
9 per cent .



There is no denying India is competitive enough and will become even more competitive once its
infrastructure issues are sorted out. China has probably already reached its peak and further
improvements may not be as dramatic.


Countries and their positive and negative aspects with regard to textiles



China Efficient, low cost, Growth at the cost of profits

vertically integrated

India, Pakistan Vertically integrated, low Lacks economies of scale and

cost infrastructure support

Mexico (NAFTA), Turkey Proximity to market, duty Lack of China and Indias degree
and quota free of competitiveness

ASEAN (Vietnam, Cheap labor No other cost or locational

Cambodia, Indonesia) advantage

AGOA (African) countries, Quota and tariff free, Lack of integration and China
Bangladesh cheap labor and Indias has degree of

Hong Kong, Korea, Taiwan Trading hubs proximity No cost advantage, protected
to China currently by quotas

USA and EU Non-quota barriers likely Huge but choosy market

to prove irritant to


Indian Textiles targets- 11th Five year Plan (2007-2012)

 Market size of US$ 115 Billion

 Export target US$ 55 Billion

 Domestic market US$ 60 Billion

 India’s market share in world textiles trade to grow from 3% to 8 %

 12 Million additional jobs

 Investment Rs.150,600 Crs


Year ( April March) Target Achievement

2008-09 24.18 24.16

2007-08 21.16 21.14
2006-07 19.73 19.62
2005-06 15.565 17.80
2004-05 15.16 13.04
2003-04 16.31 13.16


2002-03 15.05 12.41

2001-02 13.72 10.76


Country 1990 1997

Billion % Billion %
US$ share US$ share
Hong Kong 7.99 7.68 14.6 9.42
China 7.10 6.82 13.83 8.92
South Korea 6.04 5.81 13.35 8.61
Germany 14.00 13.46 13.05 8.42
Italy 9.80 9.43 12.9 8.32
Taiwan 6.13 5.90 12.73 8.21
USA 5.03 4.83 9.19 5.93
France 7.21 4.65 5.86 5.64

Belgium-Luxembourg 6.54 6.29 7.01 4.52

Japan 5.88 5.65 6.75 4.35


Country 1990 1997

Billion US$ % share Billion US$ % share

China 9.41 9.14 31.8 21.06

Hong Kong 15.37 14.92 23.11 15.30

Italy 12.07 11.72 14.85 9.83
USA 2.57 2.49 8.68 5.75
Germany 7.82 7.59 7.29 4.83
Turkey 3.44 3.34 6.7 4.44

France 4.65 4.51 5.34 3.54

UK 3.08 2.99 5.28 3.50


South Korea 8.11 7.87 4.19 2.77

Thailand 2.86 2.78 3.77 2.50
Total (top 10) 69.38 67.36 111.01 73.52
World 103.00 100.00 151.00 100.00


ON NOVEMBER 2, the Government announced the New Textile Policy (NTP), outlining measures
to make India a global player in textiles and readymade garments by raising exports from $11 billion
to $50 billion by 2010. Of this, the share of readymade garments will be half. The Government has
decided to de reserve the garment industry from the SSI category to make the former internationally
more competitive. Till now, the garment sector was under SSI reservation, with an investment ceiling
of Rs 3 crore, and the maximum foreign direct investment limit of 24 per cent.
There are two more modifications. First, the FDI limit of 24 per cent has been removed, and foreign
companies will be able to make 100 per cent investments through the Foreign Investment Promotion
Board (FIPB) route. Second, the 50 per cent export obligation on firms with foreign equity has been
done away with.
The Government intends to implement, in a time-bound manner, the Technology Upgradation Fund
Scheme covering all manufacturing sectors of the industry. According to the Textiles Minister, Mr
Kashiram Rana, response to this scheme is improving, and proposals worth Rs 11,000 crore were
Acording to the RBI, exports of readymade garments in the 11 years from 1987-88 to 1998-99 rose
from $1,430 million to $4,444 million -- more than threefold. The annual average growth rate
readymade exports during this period were 10.9 percent, against the overall export growth rate of 9.7
Exports of readymade to the developed countries are improving. Against exports of $427 million to
the US, in 1987-88, they touched $1,503 million -- again, more than threefold-- in 1998-99. There
have been similar increases in despatches to the UK, Germany, France, Canada, Italy, Japan and the


Netherlands. There was a decline in exports to the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS)
because of the unstable conditions.
India was also able to capture markets in developing countries, especially the UAE. The rising trend
of readymade garment exports, even to the most developed countries, proves beyond doubt the
competitive ability of the small sector.


Government of India, Ministry of Textiles has launched a Technology Upgradation Fund Scheme
(TUFS) for the Textile and Jute Industries, which is in operation since 01.04.1999 for 5 years i.e. up
to 31.03.2004. There is no cap on funding under this scheme. It is an open-ended scheme depending
on the capacity of the industry to absorb funds in bankable and techno-economically feasible
The main features of the TUFS are given below: -
I. The scheme provides a reimbursement of 5% point on the Interest charged by the lending
agency on a project of Technology Up gradation in conformity with the scheme.
II. The identified sectors in the textile industry viz. Cotton ginning and pressing, spinning/silk
reeling and twisting/wool scouring and combing/ synthetic filament yarn texturising, crimping
and twisting, manufacturing of viscose filament yarn (VFY) / Viscose Staple Fiber (VSF),
weaving/knitting including non woven and technical textiles, garments/made-ups, Jute industry
are eligible to avail of these concessional loan for their technology up gradation requirements.
Investments in common infrastructure or facilities owned by the association, trust or co-operative
society of the units participating in the TUF Scheme and other investments specified are also
eligible for funding under the scheme.
III. Technology levels are benchmarked in terms of specified machinery for each sector of the
textile industry. Machinery with technology levels lower than that specified will not be permitted
for funding under the TUF Scheme.
IV. General eligibility condition and sector specific eligibility conditions have also been
specified in the scheme.
V. Nodal agencies for the scheme are as follows: -
For the Textile Industry (excluding SSI sector) – IDBI
For the SSI Textile Sector (Cotton Ginning & Pressing, Weaving, Knitting, Processing &
Garmenting Manufacturing) - SIDBI
For Jute Industry - IFCI
VI. The interest @5% would be reimbursed to the respective nodal agency through the budget
(plan) provisions of the Ministry of Textiles.
VII. The functioning of the scheme is being periodically monitored by TAMC Chaired by Textile
Commissioner and Inter-Ministerial Steering Committee, Chaired by Secretary (Textiles).


VIII. A special cell has been set up in the financing institutions for expeditiously processing loan
application received under the scheme.
IX. All the 18 SFCs, 17 SIDCs and 11 Twin function IDCs, EXIM Bank and NCDC have been
co-opted by SIDBI and IDBI. Further SIDBI has co opted 81 commercial banks, coop. banks and
NSIC and IDBI has co-opted 36 commercial banks, 1 co-operative bank and 4 AIFIs (IFCI,
ICICI, IIBI and LIC) have also been co-opted by IDBI. IFCI has coopted 3 SFCs, 1 SIDC, 6
commercial banks, 3 AIFIs and Exim Bank for financing jute industry under the scheme.
X. An option has also been provided to the Small Scale Textile and Jute Industries to avail of
either 12% Credit Linked Capital Subsidy (CLCS) or the existing 5% interest reimbursement
under the TUFS. CLCS-TUFS will be in operation from 1st Jan., 2002 to 31st March, 2004.
There is no distinction between public sector, co-operative sector or private sector mills under
the scheme, if project proposal is bankable and technoeconomically feasible. Indian textile
industry should have focused on all major sectors right from fibre to fashion and planned for an
organized growth across the supply chain so as to compete with China and even countries such
as Pakistan, Vietnam and Thailand. Instead, the industry had put majority of its stock in the
spinning sector. This is clearly evident in the utilization of Technology Upgradation Fund
Scheme effectively by the spinning sector. Although it is a positive outcome, in my opinion, the
industry turned a blind eye on value-adding sectors such as weaving and finishing.


Textile Workers’ Rehabilitation Fund Scheme came into force with effect from 15th Sept. 1986.The
objective of TWRFS is to give interim relief to the workers rendered jobless due to permanent
closure of the mills. Another reason also was to curtail the widespread disguised employment in the
textile industry. Relief under the scheme is available only for 3 years on a tapering basis, 75% of the
wage equivalent in the first year, 50% in the second year and 25% in the third year.

The government has established various research associations for the textile industry like

 Ahmedabad Textile Industry Research Association, Ahmedabad

 Bombay Textile Research Association, Mumbai

 South India Textile Research Association, Coimbatore

 Northern India Textile Research Association, Ghaziabad


 Silk and Art Silk Mills Research Association, Mumbai

It has a few export promotion councils also like

 Handloom Export Promotion Council, Madras

 Apparel Export Promotion Council, New Delhi

 Cotton Textile Export Promotion council, Mumbai

 The Synthetic and Rayon Textiles Export Promotion Council, Mumbai

 Indian Silk Export Promotion Council, Mumbai

 Wool and Woollens Export Promotion council, New Delhi

 Carpet Export Promotion Council, New Delhi

 Export Promotion Council for Handicrafts

 Powerloom Development & Export Promotion Council


India being one of the fastest growing economies of the world, which has both positively and
negatively, affected the Indian textile industry. On one hand it has become a major retailing hub and
a host for various multinational companies on the other hand this has a negative effect on the
domestic players. The emergence of mall, brand slavery, fashion awareness, rise in the income level
has further reinforced the competition among the multinationals and the domestic players and has
lead to opening of number of retail outlets in India.
The introduction of VAT and the growth of organized retail industry are also likely to push up
growth in the textiles and apparel sector domestically too. While the garments business will pose its
own set of challenges in terms of providing flexibility in operations and dealing with labor
productivity issues, an increasing contribution to revenues from the garments business, which is less
capital-intensive and margins-accretive, would augur well for earnings growth.



Incorporated in 1979, based in Bangalore, it’s one of India's largest manufacturers and designer of
garments for men, women and children and caters to the needs of several international fashion brands
and retailers. Gokaldas Exports has been a major player in the readymade garment industry across the
globe. In the present Indian fashion retailing, Gokaldas has grabbed a distinguished place for itself in
the form of "The Wearhouse" catering to the specific fashion needs of the people. The Wearhouse
has high profile outlets in Bangalore, Chennai, Hyderabad and Coimbatore. An ISO 9001:2000
Certified Company has a capacity to produce and export 2.5 million garments a month. The Group's
products include coats, suits, jackets, parkas, windcheaters, ski wear; warmups, surf wear, swim
wear; trousers, shorts; casual wear shirts, ladies blouses and dresses for customers in international
market. It mainly operates in India but exports its products to countries like the United States of
America, Canada, Mexico, United Kingdom, Germany, Austria, Spain, Italy, France, Netherlands,
Middle East, South Africa, Japan, Denmark, Taiwan and Hong Kong. A few of the manufacturing
units are 100% export units with capabilities of mass production. They have the license to import
duty-free fabrics and accessories from all over the world for re-export. It has over 48,000 employees
who work in around 48 fully equipped, modern, manufacturing factories.

Arvind Mills Ltd. was incorporated in 1931 with share capital Rs.2525000 ($55000) in Ahmedabad
by the Lalbhai group. The Company's operations are divided into the Textile Division, telecom
division and garments division. We will be majorly concentrating on the garments division. Products
manufactured are dhoties, sarees, mulls, dorias, crepes, shirtings, coatings, printed lawns & voiles
cambrics, twills gabardine etc. Arvind Brands is part of the Lalbhai Group, which holds licenses for
leading international brands such as Arrow, Lee, Wrangler, Gant and Tommy Hilfiger for retail and
wholesale sales in the local market. Its mainstream brands are Excalibur and Flying Machine. In
addition, it owns an array of casual sportswear and denim brands marketed in India, including Flying
Machine, Newport and Ruf & Tuf jeans and Excalibur shirts along with licensed relationship with
various international brands like Nautica, Jansport, Kipling, Hero by Wrangler, Lee Riders and
Tommy Hilfiger, and joint ventures with VF Corporation and Diesel. but the company is facing
severe competition from major brands like Louis Philippe, Park Avenue and small brands like
Trigger and Blackberrys. It produces about 110 million meters of denim every year and the garment
section is doing extremely well because of the customer loyalty it enjoys. The demand for jeans, in
particular, is expected to rise, as manufacturing companies in the US have shut operations.

The winner of “ best retailer leadership award 2008” organized by retail congress, Mumbai, Koutons
Retail India Limited engages in the design, manufacture, and retail of men’s wear and integrated
apparel in India. It currently sells its apparel using the “Koutons” and “Charlie Outlaw” brands. Mr.
Kohli along with his brother in law Mr. Sawheny partnered to set up Charlie's Creation. In 1997 the
Company diversified its business by introducing non-denim trousers in the existing product range of
denim apparel. The company has inaugurated its 89th family Store in Hyderabad, which it claims to
be its largest store in the country. Koutons India has an annual finishing and manufacturing capacity
of 22.92 million pieces and 12.36 million pieces of apparel, respectively. The capacity utilization for
the same was 41.21% and 21.99% respectively at the end of FY2007.Koutons has 18
manufacturing/finishing units and 14 warehouses spread across various locations in and around


Gurgaon. The company's strategy is to have small, but more stores. This helps to save costs and at the
same increase reach of the company. The company has a phenomenal growth record.

Zodiac Clothing Company Ltd manufactures, exports and imports garments, textiles accessories etc.
Zodiac has been in the apparel business for a period of 50 years by now and is known for its quality
shirts. Zodiac, is today, the largest selling shirts & tie brand at Shopper's Stop according to Brand
Equity (The Economic Times) The Company started business in 1954 and export of readymade
garments to Europe started in early '60s, which included mainly ties and shirts. For many decades,
Zodiac has been synonymous with ties. The business of ties is a high fashion business and Zodiac has
taken this to new highs in India and across the globe. In fact, one can say that in India Zodiac is
generically associated with ties. Following Zodiac's huge success with ties, the company entered the
arena of men's accessories with Cuff links, Belts, Wallets and Handkerchiefs. In 1973, Zodiac had a
stand-alone exclusive shirt shop in Hotel Taj in Mumbai. The company then entered the domestic
shirt segment in late '80s.It employs around 3500 people in 7 manufacturing units in 16 offices
located in UK, US, Germany, UAE etc.Each manufacturing unit is spread over 35000 sq.ft and has
modern equipment to spread 60 yards of cloth at a time. All the manufacturing units are same in
design and layout. Quality is maintained throughout the 40 stages of assembly line. All the units have
their own power generating units in order to be efficient. It has its own 80 exclusive outlets and
around 2000 multibranded outlets. Its continuously showing profit and has a consistently growing
export business.

House of Pearl Fashions Limited is a multinational ready to wear apparel manufacturing company.
The company also provides supply chain solutions for the fashion industry globally along with
warehousing & distribution networks in the UK & US. It operates in 11 strategic locations in six
continents. It has two brands Kool hearts, DCC in the United States of America. The brand Kool
hearts focuses on the young fashion, where as the focus of DCC is more towards the Missy segment
It basically deals with 3 streams which are manufacturing to Retailers, souring solutions for retailers,
Marketing, Distribution & Branding for Retailers. It takes care of the whole process from design &
development, manufacturing or sourcing till offering a range of pre retailing services, warehousing to
delivering at the door step on a call off basis. It manufactures a broad range of products comprising
of knits, woven, sweaters and bottoms in basic as well as complex designs. It has a good
manufacturing capacity; the present in-house manufacturing capacity of the company is twenty
million pieces. Per annum spread over more than 725,000 sq feet of built up area with efficiently
designed layouts to ensure smooth flow of materials. The company is planning to double the capacity
by expanding the operations in Chennai, Bangladesh & Indonesia. It intends to have a capacity of
30million pieces by the end of 2009. The company adopts integrated marketing techniques and has
merchandising teams in Canada, Europe, HK, UK, and US, closely interacting with existing and
potential customers at their doorstep. The Company shares were listed on the stock exchanges first
time in Feb, 07. It recently went for a joint venture with LERROS, a premium apparel brand from



Haria Exports Ltd. is a leading garment exporter in the country for the last twenty four years. It is a
Star Trading Company and has won the golden status certificate in the year 1999. This company
occupies a unique place in the industry of the by its contribution to Industrial output, employment
generation and Foreign exchange earnings. Even though the textile industry has the distinctive
advantage in respect of raw material and skilled labor, the industry is suffering from technology
obsolescence which in turn affects the quality, productivity and cost effectiveness. The high capital
cost is impeding the process of Hi-Tech up gradation. Therefore, the Government of India, Ministry
of Textile has launched Technology Up gradation Fund Scheme for Textiles & Jute Industries of
Rs.25000.00 crores at a concessional rate of interest of appx.5%. In order to compete with the outside
world, the company is paying attention to the application of technology, closely following up the
fashion trends and improved product quality. In order to be more cost efficient the company has
acquired latest machinery which ascertained exact material consumption depending upon the style
and pattern. The Government policies, interest rates, export incentives etc may also affect the overall
performance of the company, but even then the company is optimistic about its revenue and growth.

The company started in 1996 with the manufacture of headgears, baseball caps and high altitude
jackets, using cotton textile and leather, mainly for exports. The company was incorporated on 1st
May 1996 as Evinix Fashion Accessories Private Limited under the Companies Act, 1956. Mr.
Sanjay Taneja, brother of Mr. Raujeev Taneja (the original promoter of the company) joined the
Company as a Promoter replacing Mrs.Anuradha Taneja, who disassociated herself from the
company. The name of the company was changed to Evinix Accessories Private Limited from Evinix
Xsesryz and a fresh Certificate of Incorporation dated 20th March 2003 was taken. In March 2005,
M/s Ambros Exports Private Limited took equity stake in the company.
The apparel category constitutes men and women’s shirts, trousers, skirts and tops, kidswear and
nightwear. Organic cotton wear for expecting mothers and infants is an additional strength. They use
Organic cotton and its products through its brand name “Othentix”- Authentic Sustainable Textiles,
lends a unique personality to each garment manufactured and supplied by Evinix. The company came
out with a principle of Rapid Retail suggesting that every merchandise has a limited shelf life at CUT
stores; CUT is an acronym for Comfortable, Urban and Trendy. Evinix is setting up CUT stores
(averaging 4000-5000 sq feet) in fast urbanizing young Indian towns. It recently launched the CUT
youth style store in Rajkot. The Rapid Retail business concept embraces the e.t.o.a.d concept i.e. the
exact time of awaited departure when the product will move out to the next best price bracket.

Pearl Global Limited was incorporated on 23rd October, 1979 under the name Pearl Agencies Private
Limited. The Company became a Deemed Public Company with effect from 1st July, 1991 The name
of the Company was change to PEARL GLOBAL LIMITED (PGL) on 2nd September, 1993 in
terms of Section 21 of the Companies Act, 1956 as per fresh Certificate of Incorporation issued by
the Registrar of Companies, Delhi & Haryana. PGL manufactures, sells, and exports ready to wear
apparel in India. The company primarily produces garments in woven and knitted fabrics. Its
products include casual wear dresses, ladies’ blouses, and bottoms. The company is based in
Gurgaon, India. PGL is a subsidiary of House of Pearl Fashions Limited.



Bang Overseas limited’s principal activity is to manufacture and market textiles and apparels. The
Group's textile includes readymade garments, under garments and hosiery.It markets with a brand
name of Thomas Scott. The Group operates only in India. It was incorporated in the year 1992 and is
presently providing fashion fabrics and meeting ready to wear requirements of the customers in
apparel, textile and Retail segment. The company started the business from trading in textile and
since 1998, they are conceptualizing and designing fashion fabrics and outsourcing the
manufacturing process of the same from countries like Turkey, Portugal, Mauritius and other
European Countries. In the same year, they launched our seasonal fabric collections in textile under
the name "Bodywaves", marketed through their own distribution channel to different brands and
retailers. They have ventured into ready-to-wear mens' segment in 2000 by outsourcing
manufacturing process and in turn selling to various international brands. They launched ready-to-
wear mens' garments under our brand name "Thomas Scott" in 2002. They started their own first
apparels manufacturing unit in Bangalore in the year 2005 in the name of Reunion Clothing
Company with an installed capacity of 350,000 pieces per annum and in the year 2006 then they
started the second manufacturing unit in the name of Formal Clothing Company with an installed
capacity of 360,000 pieces per annum. At present they have installed capacity of 720,000 and
540,000 pieces per annum at their Reunion Clothing Company and Formal Clothing Company. Their
products are presently retailed through 157 point of sales comprises of our own Retail outlets, Large
format stores (LFS) like Shoppers' Stop, Pyramid, Globus, the LOOT, SAGA and Multi Brand
Outlets (MBO) spread all over India. They cater to the demand of various other apparel manufacturer
and brands also. They have centralized warehousing and logistics centre at Kalher Village near
Bhiwandi to facilitate our supply chain management as well.

BCG Matrix is also called the Boston Matrix because it was created by Bruce Hendeson for the
company Boston Consulting Group in 1970. The BCG matrix method is based on the product life
cycle theory that can be used to determine what priorities should be given in the product portfolio of
a business unit.

The high growth and high market share brands that exist in Indian market and are the market leaders.
This category consists of the companies like Zodiac, Du Pont etc. These companies are regularly
investing in R&D and gaining market share as time passes. These stars try to become the cash cows
of the future and want to remain in the market.

Cash Cows


The companies which have low business growth and high market share are the cash cows that
generate milk continuously with the small investment to be as the mature company in the market.

Question marks (also known as Problem Childs)

The companies that have high growth rate and lower market share are the question mark as they
could be new ventures started or they are companies that do not have liquidity enough to increase
their share in the market. But these companies have potential to be the star in the market due to good
growth rate and thus they could invest more into their business to expand as the star and then
becoming the cash cows.

The dogs are more charitable pets that exist in the market and have the low market share and low
growth rate so these companies are better to get out of the market or much cash is required to set
them up. These companies have the cash traps which ties up the money in a business with the lower

In the present Indian fashion retailing, Gokaldas has grabbed a distinguished place for itself in the
form of "The Wearhouse" catering to the specific fashion needs of the people. It ainly operates in
India but exports its products to countries like the United States of America, Canada, Mexico, United
Kingdom, Germany, Austria, Spain, Italy, France, Netherlands, Middle East, South Africa, Japan,
Denmark, Taiwan and Hong Kong. This means the company has a high growth rate since its
inception.Therefore I put it in star.



1. Brand Loyalty
The existing players have been in the industry for a long period of time and have established a good
reputation with their customers in domestic as well as foreign market. This has resulted in the high


brand loyalty by customers. But this will not act as a potential barrier for other companies because
most of the Indian textile companies operate in B-To-B segment and all the players keep competing
among themselves for new consignments from the clients.

2. Absolute cost Advantage

Abundant availability of raw material is one of the key advantages of the Indian textile industry; this
also gives a major opportunity to Indian textile industry and creates a barrier for foreign players to
compete with Indian companies in cost advantage.

 India is more cost competitive vis-à-vis countries like Brazil, China and South Korea in
manufacture of textiles

 Cost advantage arises mainly from the large pool of low cost but skilled manpower available
in India

 In case of textured yarn and fabric, India is less competitive, which is a result of the higher
tax burden (excise duty) on manmade textiles in the country

 India’s position is strong vis-à-vis other countries in most raw materials

 Largest producer of jute

 Second largest producer of silk

 Third largest producer of cotton, accounting for nearly 16% of global production

 Third largest producer of cellulosic fiber/yarn

 Fifth largest producer of synthetic fibers/yarn

 Eleventh largest producer of wool

 Cotton - Predominant fabric used in the industry

 With 4.13 million metric tons of production, country accounts for almost 16% of
global production of cotton

 India also leads the world in cultivated area under cotton (roughly 8.82 million
hectares in 2004-05)

 Jute - Occupies an important place in the Indian economy

 Has a strong contribution to direct employment as well livelihood in the tertiary sector
and allied activities

 India leads globally in jute with its annual production of 7.5 million bales in 2004-05


 Silk - Highly remunerative cash crop, with minimum investment and sustained attractive

 India accounts for 18% of world raw silk production (15.74 thousand tones production
in 2003-04)

 India has the unique distinction of being endowed with all 4 varieties of silk -
Mulberry, Eri, Tasar, Muga

 Wool - With its annual production of 50.7 thousand tons of raw wool fiber, India accounts of
roughly 2% of global production

3. Economies of Scale:
 The textile industry across the value chain is largely decentralized
 Units mostly independent and small scale in nature, rather than composite units
undertaking all activities together

 Large scope for entry of organised integrated textile manufacturers

4. Customer switching cost:

As earlier mentioned that the existing players are operating in this industry for a long period
and also have established long term relationship with their customers. Over a period of time these
companies have customised their products as per the needs of the customers therefore customers also
prefer to still to the existing suppliers rather than moving to others as there is a high switching cost
involved here and if the customers switch to new suppliers than again he need to train the suppliers as
per their requirements

5. Government Regulations:
 Historically the textile industry in India has been reserved for the small scale sector,
which has been exempted from taxes, thus discouraging investments in increasing scale
 The government, through its various Budget announcements has sought to rationalize

 Budget 2002-03: Textiles brought under the ambit of Cenvat (credit for duties paid
on inputs or capital goods) and introduced on all yarns

 Budget 2003-04: Cenvat extended across the entire textile chain to include fabrics,
made-ups and apparel; excise duty exemptions on many sectors and processes,
specially SSI removed; excise duty rates reduced


 Budget 2004-05: Cenvat made optional - every manufacturer allowed to choose

between a complete exemption from payment of excise duty or adopt the Cenvat
route; excise duties lowered to 4% on cotton textiles and 8% on non cotton textiles
(except man made fibers, polyester filament yarn, nylon filament yarn) for those
claiming Cenvat credit

Always government regulations aimed at improving competitiveness of industry to face a post quota

Several government initiatives targeted to attract investments:

Technology up gradation fund scheme:

 Scheme launched in 1999 to provide firms access low interest loans for technology up
gradation and setting up new units with state-of-art technology

 Scheme has disbursed INR 91.61 bn till 31st December 2005

Policy related to foreign investment:

 Up to 100% foreign direct investment allowed in textile and apparel manufacturing
industry, with approval of the Foreign Investment Promotion Board (FIPB)

 USD 1.02 bn of FDI in the sector approved between 1991 and 2004

 Companies free to set up fully-owned sourcing (liaison) offices, as well as marketing


Upgrading Infrastructure:
 “Scheme for Integrated Textile Parks” (SITP), based on public-private partnership
model to build world class infrastructure facilities
 Product specific “Cluster Approach” targeting development of 100 additional clusters
in textiles

 Technology Mission on Cotton (TMC), focusing on cotton R&D, dissemination of

technology to farmers, improvement of market infrastructure and modernization of ginning
and pressing sector.


1. Industry competitive structure:


Since this industry is highly fragmented there is always high probability during the boom phase that
many new players could enter this industry which would lead to a price war and ultimately end up
with the bankruptcy of some players or consolidation of industry. So, this is a treat to the existing
But also the existing players work a lot on cost efficiencies therefore the treat of new entrant is
negated by the cost efficiencies of existing players

2. Industry Demand:
In the current scenario textile exports have declined drastically and even in domestic demand there is
a little slowdown. Due to which textile companies are working on reducing cost by ways of reducing
the work force, decrease in operation cost etc. Also this will evoke more rivalry among the existing
players as they all will like to maintain their market share in spite of the slump in industry

3. Exit Barrier:
This is not just a labour intensive industry but even the cost involved in plant setup is very high along
with that with the invent of many new technologies many companies have adapted to modern
techniques to remain competitive in industry as well as to produce better products for their customers
in lesser time and with lesser cost.
Therefore because of high involvement and emotional attachment with the business as it has been a
traditional business for generations for many companies they still prefer to stick and continue with
the business. But in the current scenario many textile mills have closed down because of deep cut in
demand and high operational cost due to severe global crisis.


 Indian textile companies are facing a tough competition from Chinese, Brazilian and
South Korean companies as they are able to produce at a lower cost compared to Indian

 This industry is fragmented and there are large number of players in the industry,
therefore buyer get the option of choosing from many suppliers

 Indian textile industry is no more just a mass producer of textile rather it has moved
into niece segment and has developed capability to produce finest quality of fabric which
provides them distinctive competencies against other countries as well as small players who
could cater to mass consumers only.

Therefore overall buying power of buyer will defer from company to company. Companies like
Arvind mill, Raymond, aditya birla group have achieved certain degree of distinctive competencies
therefore with them buying power of buyer is negated to large extent against their competencies.

But many small companies who are mass producer of textile face a strong buying power of buyer.



Here again bargaining power of supplier dictated by the segment that they are targeting to, for a niece
players and companies who have achieved operational excellence can dictate terms to buyers but for
small players who just produce for mass consumption do not have much say in the business deal and
the prices are mostly dictated by the buyer.


Textile itself is a very broader term and is a solution to a very basic need of any human being
therefore there is as such no substitute to this but within the textile industry there are many substitutes
to different category of textiles. In India there are various types of textile produced from cotton, silk,
synthetic etc.

There is always a risk of substitution of one type with the other type also there is constant research
carried out to develop new types of textiles but combining different textiles in different proportion.
But in broader perspective there is no substitute to textile.


India’s textile industry comprises mostly small-scale, non-integrated spinning, weaving, finishing,
and apparel-making enterprises. The figure below depicts the overall value chain and the number and
type of units within the industry.
Textile Sector – High Level Value Chain

Spinning mills
With an installed capacity of 40 million spindles, India accounts for about 22 per cent of the world’s
spindle capacity. In 2005, India’s spinning sector consisted of about 1,161 small-scale independent
firms and 1,566 larger scale independent units. Independent spinning mills account for about 75 per
cent of capacity and 92 per cent of production.

Knit/Weaving/Knitting Units


India’s weaving and knitting sector is highly fragmented, small-scale, and labour-intensive. The
woven fabric production industry can be divided into three sectors: powerloom, handloom and mill
sector. In 2005 it consisted of about 3.9 million handlooms, 1.8 million power looms, and 0.1 million
looms in the organised sector. The decentralised power loom sector accounts for 95 per cent of the
total cloth production. The knitted fabric forms 18 per cent of the total fabric production.

Processing Units
The processing industry is largely decentralised and marked by hand processing units and
independent processing units. Composite mill sectors are very few falling into the organized
category. Overall, about 2,300 processors are operating in India, including about 2,100 independent
units and 200 units that are integrated with spinning, weaving or knitting units.

Garment Manufacturing Units

Small-scale fabricators dominate garment manufacturing. Most garment manufacturing units fare
reasonably well on the technology count. The bulk of apparel is produced by about 77,000 small-
scale units classified as domestic manufacturers, manufacturer exporters, and fabricators
(subcontractors). The fragmented structure of the industry provides the advantage of a large pool of
skilled workers in different areas of textile manufacturing, and also gives scope for entry of
organized integrated textile manufacturers. Small scale units in different sectors can also be
leveraged as a supply base for sourcing materials at low cost. Apart from these advantages, the
industry has also been experiencing consistent growth across different sectors, making it one of the
key potential sectors in India.



 Removal of quota restrictions to give a major boost to the exports.


 India is one of the largest exporters of Yarn in international market and contributes around
25% share of the global trade in Cotton Yarn.
 Low per capita consumption of textiles in India as the world consumption is 6.8, India only
consume 2.8 of it. That’s why there is large scope of manufacturing and exports.
 Availability of the cheap labour in India would help the development of the textiles at the
lower cost.
 Cost competition is not much in India as majority of Indian population is not dependent on
the big brands like Armani, United Colours of Beneton etc, so India itself does not hold much
competition with these brands.
 The large cotton production in India would lead to the development of the textile mills in the
better way, as India does not have to import the raw material from outside.
 There are well established production bases for made ups export as well as for domestic

 The most serious problem of the industry is the lack of adequateprocessing facilities; there is
over-dependence on hand processors and traditional items.
 The Indian textile industry is fragmented. Most of the SMEs are tiny and cottage type units
without sufficient capital back-up.
 The government policies in India for the textile industries are traditional as they are not
upgraded like the up gradation of the policies for the IT industries.
 The quality of wider-width fabrics for meeting the export demand is lacking in many respects,
which is acting as a disadvantage to the growth of the industry.
 The technology used in the most of the textile mills is old enough that they can’t be modified,
but there have to be new machineries imported to give the edge in technological
advancements in this sector.

 As per available information, the market for processed cotton fabric will increase in the
European and other markets and, therefore, the powerloom industry may benefit and expand
substantially. Further the growth in the export segment will be mainly from cotton made-ups
and garments along with processed fabrics.
 Grey fabric export is continuing to grow and will show increasing trends.
 Value added products will have greater demand and, therefore, processing will play an
important role.
 India with traditional designs and craftsmanship can command a greater market share for
niche products in made-ups and garments.
 Indian companies need to focus on the product development and this could easily be possible
as there is the greater scope in the Indian Market.
 As the new generation is keen towards the western culture the training for specially textiles
could be provided to them and they could be encouraged to develop the efficient sector of


 Increased use of computer aided designing to develop the designing capabilities of the textile.
Using new technologies and softwares ease the use of virtual design on the computer and then
choosing from various alternatives.

 Increased competition in the domestic market yield to the development of the more SMEs
which invest more to survive in the market.
 The working area of most of the industries in the textile industries is not hygienic enough to
give the workers more comfortable area to work in. so this condition has to be improved.
 Need to revamp consumer consciousness
 Chinese goods are cheap as well as the machinery provided by them is also cheap. So the
threat for the export and designing is the Chinese Aggression over the International market.
 Continuously quality improvement is needed to make sure that people would rely on Indian
goods not on the foreign goods.
 Traditional items like terry towels are manufactured in EOUs all over the country with
superior quality. This has been eroding the traditional markets for powerloom and handloom
products forcing them to go for product diversification.

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