Abortion, A Controversial Issue: Lauren Huynh Language Arts 7 June Third, 2010

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Abortion, a Controversial Issue

Lauren Huynh
Language Arts 7th
June Third, 2010

Abortion has been a very big controversial issue in the U.S. There are an
even amount of people against it, as there is for it. Some people think abortion is a
spiritual kind of murder, that is never okay and others think that abortion is okay
only in some situations. Like, rape or incest. I personally, think abortion is okay in
some situations, but should only be used if needed.

The problem that seems to be occurring more often than the previous years
is abortion. Four out of five unmarried women are more likely to get an abortion
then married women. For the last few years, the most people to get abortions are
18 and 19 year olds. I think more and more teenagers are getting pregnant, and
they when they do get pregnant, they rely on abortion. I think most teenagers think
that abortion is a way to solve their problems, and make all the bad things go away.
But really it’s not; abortion is a form of murder, in my opinion.

I think the solution to having to use abortion is abstinence, or safe sex. Being
abstinent means not having sex until your married and it really helps not getting
pregnant when you’re not ready or when you can’t support the baby. Although
being cautious during sex or using protection is a very good recommendation, but
doing that doesn’t always prevent the risk of getting pregnant, or a sexual
transmitted disease. I’ve learned that different people think different things, and
some things like this, is debatable, and we can’t come to a conclusion.
I hope that people would open their eyes and realize what abortion really is.
I hope people would take the consequences of their actions, and we should all
know that two wrongs don’t make a right. We could be role models, and build a
better future for the kids of today.

Lauren Huynh
Abortion Research Project
Language Arts
Seventh Period

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