RPP On Structure

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Rinda Hanum H.



Satuan pendidikan : SMK

Mata pelajaran : English

Kelas / semester : XI / Ganjil

Alokasi waktu : 2 x 45

I. Standar Kompetensi “Speaking”

Berkomunikasi dengan bahasa inggris setara level Elementary.

II. Kompetensi Dasar

Menceritakan pekerjaan di masa lalu.

III. Indikator
 Mengidentifikasi pola simple past tense
 Mengidentifikasi signal yang menunjukkan simple past tense
 Menggunakan pola simple past tense dalam bentuk kalimat dan teks dialog

IV. Tujuan
 Siswa mampu mengidentifikasi pola simple past tense
 Siswa mampu mengidentifikasi signal yang menunjukkan simple past tense
 Siswa mampu menggunakan pola simple past tense dalam bentuk kalimat dan
teks dialog

V. Materi Pembelajaran
 Contoh – contoh kalimat “simple past tense”
 Dialog yang berkaitan dengan penggunaan “simple past tense”
VI. Metode Pembelajaran
 Dialog
 Tanya jawab

VII. Kegiatan Pembelajaran

 Kegiatan Awal
Guru mengawali dengan greeting.
Teacher : good morning students, How are you?
Students : I’m fine, thanks. How about you?
Teacher : I’m fine, too.

Guru melakukan brainstorming : guru bertanya pada siswa tentang suatu hal
yang berhubungan dengan topik yang akan diajarkan.

1. Where did you go last week?

2. Were you at the school yesterday?
Guru menulis salah satu jawaban dari siswa, kemudian guru bertanya
apakah yang dimaksud dengan simple past tense?

 Kegiatan Inti
Setelah guru memberikan beberapa pertanyaan, guru memberikan pola
“simple past tense”.
# Pattern 1

(+) S + V2 + O

(-) S + did + not + V1 + O

(?) Did + S + V1 + O?

# Pattern 2

(+) S + was/were + O

(-) S + was/were + not + O

(?) was/were + S + O?
 Untuk indikator pertama
- Guru menyuruh siswa menggaris bawahi pola kalimat simple past
tense yang ada dalam dialog.
Nina : “Hallo, Nina here.”
Rosy : “Hi, Nina. I am Rosy. I must to say thank to you.”
Nina : “What’s it for?”
Rosy : “Maybe it is a usual event for you. Helping someone
without hoping the reward. But, for me it is a real
helping. You have saved my sister Ann, because you
sent her to hospital after that accident. I heard it from
Nina : “Oh, is Ann your sister?”
Rosy : “Yes, she is.”
Nina : “I just helped her because I saw her when she was
sprawling beside her motorcycle on the street and there
is nobody arround her. Maybe it was hat and run.
Coincidentally I passed through there by my car. So, I
brought her to the nearer hospital.”
Rosy : “yeach! Maulana has told about it.”
Nina : “Right. He met me a moment and recognized the
patient. He was in a hurry, maybe he had something
importance at that hospital. He just said thank for me.
Then I went home.”
Rosy : “well, you have helped us. Maulana is my cousin and
Ann is my sister.” We say thank you very much for
Nina : “You are welcome.”
Rosy : “Well, Nina. See you next time.”
Nina : “See you.”

 Untuk Indikator Kedua

- Guru menyuruh siswa untuuk mencari signal yang digunakan

dalam pola kalimat simple past tense dengan cara menggaris
Nia : “What is it?”
Desy : “Oh. It is. It is a handycraft. I bought it at Bali.”
Nia : “When did you go to Bali?”
Desy : “Last month.”
Nia : “Hi! The detail is antique. What do you think about it?
Desy : “I agree with you. Because of it, I bought this handycraft.”
Nia : “How much is it?”
Desy : “It is twenty five thousand rupiahs.”
Nia : “It is not expensive for a nice thing as this souvenir.”

 Untuk Indikator Ketiga

- Guru memberikan contoh penggunaan simple past tense dalam

bentuk kalimat.

(+) They went to the hospital yesterday.

(-) They did not go to the hospital yesterday.

(?) Did they go to the hospital yesterday?

- Kemudian guru menjelaskan dan memberikan contoh dialog

tentang kegiatan masa lampau.

Jill : “Hello Katie. How are you?”

Katie : “I’m fine. Thanks, How about you?

jill : “fine, too. By the way what did you do last week?”

Katie : “I cleaned my house with my brother.”

Jill : “Oh. It was busy, is it right?”

Katie : “yeach, but I was happy because my house became

clean. Where did you go last week?

Jill : “just stayed at home. I helped my mother to make a

cake for my brother’s birthday.

Katie : “that sounds good. Jill, sorry I have something to do so

I must go on.see you next time.”

Jill : “All right. See you.”

- Kemudian guru menyuruh siswa untuk membuat dialog seperti
contoh dengan topic yang berbeda tetapi dengan pola simple past

 Kegiatan Akhir

- Guru mereview tentang pelajaran hari ini

- Guru menutup pelajaran


# Tekhnik : tes Lisan

# Instrumen : performance

IX. Sumber / alat

Buku LKS semester ganjil dan buku-buku lainnya yang relevan.

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