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3, 2009
ayurveda has several methods for yuvan pidika with the promise of long-lasting results.
ayurveda attacks the root causes of disease

--- applying jamun seeds rubbed with water on pimples will reduces the growth of pimples
-- a paste of lodhra, dhania and vach also promises within seven days.
-- extract the milk of sharp thorns of the semal tree. apply this milk directly on pimples
and got results in just 3 days.
-- apply the paste of jayaphal and chandan
-- apply aloe vera
-- take rakhat shodhna vatti

in this case following treatment can be given:

1. Arogyaverdhini wati 1 tid
2. kashor guggul 1 tid
3.sarivadhya rist & maha manjisthaadya rist 2 tsf each bd with equal water after meal bd
4. dashang lape in naini fof local application or clarina skin cream for local application.

**vata and kapha,two main doshas,that are responsible for this problem.In a healthy
human body increased vata with the combination of kapha affects ‘rakt dhaatu’, which in its
turn leads to impurification of blood later on and creates this problem.
1. A paste of ‘multani mitti’ with curd and lemon juice is an effective therapy for this
2. Juice of wheat grass.
3. Paste prepared with powder of turmeric mix it with honey or water is also very effective
and useful home remedy.
4. Coconut oil help to get relief in itching problem.
5. Paste prepared with ‘chiroji’, ‘masoor’& ‘sarso’ is also works effectively on acne.
6. Drinking Aloe Vera juice works as blood purifier to get relief in acne by internal healing.

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