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Textbook of Medical Physiology, 11th Edition

Chapter 26:
Urine Formation by the Kidneys:
I. Glomerular Filtration, Renal Blood Flow, and Their Control
Slides by John E. Hall, Ph.D.


Copyright © 2006 by Elsevier, Inc.
Kidney Functions

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Excretion of
Metabolic Waste Products

• Urea (from protein metabolism)

• Uric acid (from nucleic acid metabolism)
• Creatinine (from muscle metabolism)
• Bilirubin (from hemoglobin metabolism)

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Excretion of Foreign Chemicals

• Pesticides
• Food additives
• Toxins
• Drugs

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Secretion, Metabolism,
and Excretion of Hormones
Hormones produced in the kidney
• Erythropoetin
• 1,25 dihydroxycholecalciferol (Vitamin D)
• Renin
• Urokinase
Hormones metabolized and excreted by the kidney
• Most peptide hormones (e.g., insulin,
angiotensin II, etc.)

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Regulation of
Erythrocyte Production

O2 Delivery Erythropoetin

Erythrocyte Production
in Bone Marrow

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Regulation of Vitamin D

• Kidney produces active form of vitamin D

(1,25 dihydroxy vitamin D3 )

• Vitamin D3 is important in calcium and

phosphate metabolism

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Regulation of Acid-Base Balance

• Excrete acids (kidneys are the only means

of excreting non-volatile acids)

• Regulate body fluid buffers

( e.g. Bicarbonate)

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Glucose Synthesis

Gluconeogenesis: kidneys synthesize glucose

from precursors (e.g., amino acids) during
prolonged fasting

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Regulation of Arterial Pressure

Endocrine Organ
• renin-angiotensin system
• prostaglandins
• kallikrein-kinin system

Control of Extracellular Fluid Volume

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Regulation of Water and
Electrolyte Balances

• Sodium and Water

• Potassium
• Hydrogen Ions
• Calcium, Phosphate, Magnesium

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Effect of Increasing Sodium Intake 10-fold on
Urinary Sodium Excretion and Extracellular
Fluid Volume

Figure 26-1;
Guyton and Hall
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Summary of Kidney Functions
• Excretion of metabolic waste products: urea,
creatinine, bilirubin, hydrogen
• Excretion of foreign chemicals: drugs, toxins,
pesticides, food additives
• Secretion, metabolism, and excretion of hormones
- renal erythropoetic factor
- 1,25 dihydroxycholecalciferol (Vitamin D)
- Renin
• Regulation of acid-base balance
• Gluconeogenesis: glucose synthesis from amino acids
• Control of arterial pressure
• Regulation of water & electrolyte excretion
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Kidneys and Urinary Tract System

Figure 26-2; Guyton and Hall

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functional unit of
the kidney

Figure 26-3;
Guyton and Hall
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Nephron Tubular Segments

Figure 26-4;
Guyton and Hall
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Cortical and Juxtamedullary
Nephron Segments

Figure 26-5;
Guyton and Hall
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Urinary Bladder and Its

Figure 26-6; Guyton and Hall

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Normal Cystogram

Figure 26-7;
Guyton and Hall
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Basic Mechanisms
of Urine Formation

Figure 26-8;
Guyton and Hall
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Excretion = Filtration –
Reabsorption + Secretion****AQUI
GRUPO No. 3*****
• Filtration: somewhat variable, not selective (except
for proteins), averages 20% of renal plasma flow

• Reabsorption: highly variable and selective, most

electrolytes (e.g. Na+, K+, Cl-) and nutritional
substances (e.g. glucose) are almost completely
reabsorbed; most waste products (e.g. urea) poorly
• Secretion: variable; important for rapidly excreting
some waste products (e.g. H+), foreign substances
(including drugs), and toxins
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Renal Handling of
Different Substances

Figure 26-9;
Guyton and Hall
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Renal Handling of Water
and Solutes

Filtration Reabsorption Excretion

Water (liters/day) 180 179 1

Sodium (mmol/day) 25,560 25,410 150
Glucose (gm/day) 180 180 0
Creatinine (gm/day) 1.8 0 1.8

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Glomerular Filtration

• GFR = 125 ml/min = 180 liters/day

• Plasma volume is filtered 60 times per day
• Glomerular filtrate composition is about the
same as plasma, except for large proteins
• Filtration fraction (GFR/Renal Plasma
Flow) = 0.2 (i.e., 20% of plasma is filtered)

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Capillary Filtration

Figure 26-10;
Guyton and Hall
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Glomerular Capillary
Membrane Filtration Barrier

• Endothelium (fenestrated, 160-180 A pores)

• Basement Membrane (70-80 A pores),
negative charged proteoglycans, restriction
site for proteins
• Epithelial Cells (podocytes, 80-80 A pores)
restriction site for proteins

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The Ability of a Solute to Penetrate the
Glomerular Membrane Depends on:

• Molecular size ( small molecules > filterability)

• Ionic charge (cations > filterability)

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Effects of Size and Electrical Charge of
Dextran on Filterability by Glomerular

Figure 26-11;
Guyton and Hall
Copyright © 2006 by Elsevier, Inc.
Clinical Significance of
• Early detection of renal disease in at-risk patients
- hypertension: hypertensive renal disease
- diabetes: diabetic nephropathy
- pregnancy: gestational proteinuric hypertension (pre-eclampsia)
- annual “check-up”: renal disease can be silent

• Assessment and monitoring of known renal disease

• “Is the dipstick OK?”: dipstick protein tests are not very sensitive and not
accurate: “trace” results can be normal & positives must be confirmed by
quantitative laboratory test.

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• Definition: urine excretion of > 25-30 but
< 150mg albumin per day

• Causes: early diabetes, hypertension,

glomerular hyperfiltration

• Prognostic Value: diabetic patients with

microalbuminuria are 10-20 fold more
likely to develop persistent proteinuria

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Determinants of Glomerular
Filtration Rate

GFR = Filtration Coefficient x Net Filtration


GFR = Kf x NFP

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Figure 26-12;
Guyton and Hall
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Determinants of Glomerular
Filtration Rate

Normal Values:
GFR = 125 ml/min

Net Filtration Pressure = 10 mmHg

Kf = 12.5 ml/min per mmHg, or
4.2 ml/min per mmHg/ 100gm
(400 x greater than in
tissues such a muscle)

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Glomerular Capillary Filtration
Coefficient (Kf)

• Kf = hydraulic conductivity x surface area

• Normally not highly variable
• Disease that can reduce Kf and GFR
- chronic hypertension
- obesity / diabetes mellitus
- glomerulonephritis

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Obesity Causes Glomerular
Basement Membrane Thickening

Lean Obese
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Bowman’s Capsule Hydrostatic
Pressure (PB)

• Normally changes as a function of GFR, not

a physiological regulator of GFR
• Tubular Obstruction
- kidney stones
- tubular necrosis
• Urinary tract obstruction
- Prostate hypertrophy/cancer

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Factors Influencing Glomerular
Capillary Oncotic Pressure ( G)

• Arterial Plasma Oncotic Pressure (A)

A G

• Filtration Fraction (FF)


FF= GFR / Renal plasma flow

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Net Filtration Pressure Decreases Along
the Glomerulus because of Increasing
Glomerular Colloid Osmotic Pressure

Net Filtration Pressure

PG = 60 14 6 PG = 60
G = 28 G = 36

PB = 18

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Increase in Colloid Osmotic Pressure
in Plasma Flowing through Glomerular

Figure 26-13; Guyton and Hall

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Factors Influencing Glomerular
Capillary Oncotic Pressure ( G)

• Plasma Protein Concentration

Arterial Plasma Oncotic Pressure (A)
A G
• Filtration Fraction (FF)

FF= GFR / Renal plasma flow

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Glomerular Hydrostatic
Pressure (PG)

• Is the determinant of GFR most subject

to physiological control

• Factors that influence PG

- arterial pressure (effect is buffered by autoregulation)
- afferent arteriolar resistance
- efferent arteriolar resistance

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Autoregulation of Glomerular
Hydrostatic Pressure

Normal kidney
Glomerular 60
Pressure Kidney disease
(mmHg) 40

0 50 100 150 200
Arterial Pressure (mmHg)
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Renal Blood Flow and GFR

Figure 26-16;
Guyton and Hall
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Glomerular Hydrostatic
Pressure (PG)

• Is the determinant of GFR most subject to

physiological control?

• Factors that influence PG:

- arterial pressure (effect is buffered by autoregulation)
- afferent arteriolar resistance
- efferent arteriolar resistance

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Effect of Afferent and Efferent Arteriolar
Constriction on Glomerular Pressure

Ra Re
Blood Flow Blood Flow

Ra GFR + Renal Re GFR + Renal

Blood Flow Blood Flow

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Effect of changes
in afferent
arteriolar or
efferent arteriolar

Figure 26-14;
Guyton and Hall
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determined by : FF = GFR / RPF


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Summary of
Determinants of GFR

A G
(as long as Re < 3-4 x normal)
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Control of Glomerular Filtration

• Neurohumoral

• Local (Intrinsic)

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Control of Glomerular Filtration

1. Sympathetic Nervous System

Ra + Re GFR + RBF

2. Catecholamines ( norepinephrine)
Ra + R e GFR + RBF
3. Angiotensin II
(prevents a decrease in GFR)

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Control of Glomerular Filtration

4. Prostaglandins
Ra + R e GFR + RBF
5. Endothelial-Derived Nitric Oxide (EDRF)
Ra + R e GFR + RBF
6. Endothelin
Ra + R e GFR + RBF

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Control of Glomerular Filtration

7. Autoregulation of GFR and Renal Blood Flow

• Myogenic Mechanism
• Macula Densa Feedback
(tubuloglomerular feedback)
• Angiotensin II ( contributes to GFR but
not RBF autoregulation)

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Renal Autoregulation
Renal Artery 100
Pressure (mmHg) 80

Filtration Rate

Renal Blood

0 1 2 3 4 5
Copyright © 2006 by Elsevier, Inc. Time (min)
Renal Blood Flow and GFR

Figure 26-16;
Guyton and Hall
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Myogenic Mechanism

Arterial Stretch of Cell Ca++

Pressure Blood Vessel Permeability

Blood Flow Vascular Intracell. Ca++


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Control of Glomerular Filtration

7. Autoregulation of GFR and Renal Blood Flow

• Myogenic Mechanism
• Macula Densa Feedback
(tubuloglomerular feedback)
• Angiotensin II ( contributes to GFR but
not RBF autoregulation)

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Structure of
the juxtaglomerular
apparatus: macula

Figure 26-17;
Guyton and Hall
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Macula Densa Feedback

Distal NaCl

Macula Densa NaCl Reabsorption

(macula densa feedback)
Afferent Arteriolar Resistance

GFR (return toward normal)

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Control of Glomerular Filtration

7. Autoregulation of GFR and Renal Blood Flow

• Myogenic Mechanism
• Macula Densa Feedback
(tubuloglomerular feedback)
• Angiotensin II (contributes to autoregulation
of GFR but not RBF)

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Regulation of GFR by Ang II

Macula Renin
Densa NaCl

Blood AngII

Efferent Arteriolar

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Ang II Blockade Impairs GFR

Renal 1200
Blood Flow 800
( ml/min)
400 Ang II Blockade

Filtration 80
Rate (ml/min) 40

0 50 100 150 200
Arterial Pressure (mmHg)
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Macula densa
for GFR

Figure 26-18;
Guyton and Hall
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Other Factors That
Influence GFR
• Prostaglandins: increase GFR; non-steroidal
anti-inflammatory agents can decrease GFR,
especially in volume depleted states
• Fever, pyrogens: increase GFR
• Glucorticoids: increase GFR
• Aging: decreases GFR ~10%/decade after 40 yrs
• Dietary protein: high protein increases GFR
low protein decreases GFR
• Hyperglycemia: increases GFR (diabetes mellitus)

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The Stages of Diabetes Induced
Poor control of blood pressure
and /or blood glucose

Onset of
diabetes Optimal Control
Antihypertensive Therapy
GFR 80


Days – Weeks – Years 5 15 25 35 45

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Determinants of
Renal BloodFlow (RBF)

RBF = P / R

P = difference between renal artery pressure

and renal vein pressure
R = total renal vascular resistance
= Ra + Re + Rv
= sum of all resistances in kidney

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Functions of Renal Blood Flow

• To deliver enough plasma to kidneys for

glomerular filtration

• To deliver nutrients to kidney so that the

renal cells can perform their functions (only
about 20% of renal blood flow needed for
this function)

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