My Lord and My Hope

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Prayer before food:

My Lord and My Hope.

Praise be to Thee that Thou has sent
down upon us this spiritual table, this Divine
bounty, this heavenly blessing.
O our Lord, enable us to eat of the food
of the kingdom that it's subtle essences may
pervade the corners of our spiritual being and
that there may be produced from that
heavenly strength for the service of Thy cause,
the spread of Thy revelation, and the
adorning of Thy garden by lofty trees,
bearing branches near at the hand, perfumed
with fresh breezes.
Thou, verily, are the All-Generous.
Thou art the possessor of Mighty Grace.
Thou art the Merciful, the

Prayer after food:

My Lord My Hope.
Thanks be to Thee for these bestowals and
Lord, Lord, raise us unto Thy
Kingdom and seat us at the tables of Thy
realm on High.
Give us to eat of the food of Thy presence
and give us to eat of the sweetness of beholding
Thy beauty- this in truth is our highest wish,
Thy greatest bestowal and most mighty
Lord, Lord make this easy for us.
Thou art the Generous, the Bountiful, and
Thou art the giver and the Mighty, the
Upon thee be the greetings and praise.

Prayer to be said
Morning and evening
Praise be to Thee, O my God! I beseech Thee by
Thy Most Great Name, whereby the Sun of Thy
command shone forth above the horizon of Thine inspiration, not
to deprive us of the breezes that have wafted from the direction of
Thy bountiful grace.
Make us, then, O my God, utterly devoted unto Thy
face and detached from all save Thee. Cause us, then to be
raised up among Thy servants, who have not been kept by
human tokens from turning in the direction of manifestation s of
Thy oneness.
O Lord cause us to enter below the shadow of Thy most
great mercy and protect us from Thy servants who have
disbelieved in Thy Most glorious name.
Give us to drink from the wine of Thy bounty and the
cup of Thy great favors. Thou verily are powerful to do as
Thy willest and Thou art the Forgiving, the most
Cause us to arise in thy Love amidst Thy creation for
this, verily is, Thy greatest bestowal on Thy servants.
Thou verily art the Most Merciful of merciful.
Zia Ul Allah

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