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20 Ways to annoy Jacob Black

20.Tell him that dogs make good pets-,not good partners.

19.Follow him around singing Who Let the Dogs Out.
18.Tell him that he runs at a toasty 108.9 that Bella still doesn't find him hot.
17.Inquire as to how Leah is┘ and if he dreams about Sam the way Leah dreams about
16.Ask him if he likes to do things┘ doggy style.
15.Never use English around him- instead bark!
14.Call him a space heater.
13.Mock his pedigree
12.Call him a pedophile and threaten to call the police on him
11.Give him a leash for Christmas
10.When he does something say “Good boy, that’s a good dog”
9.Use a dog whistle next to him
8.When he’s sleeping cover him with make up and send the photo to Edward
7. Bring him to a puppy farm and point to a dog saying “meet your long lost brother”
6.Ask him if all dogs go to heven
5.Spray him with a squirt bottle every time he swears.
4.Push him the lake, when he yells just say you wanted to see if he knew how to doggie-
3.Then yell at him for smelling like wet dog.
2 1/2.Start brushing his hair, then when he glares tell him he's shedding.
2.Ask him how he lost Bella to an old man.
And the Number One way to annoy Jacob Black?
1.Show him the honeymoon scene in Breaking Dawn.

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