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Milestone 2-Due Thursday, October 21, 2010

 Notes from all resources

 It should be in outline format
 Each outline must contain at least 3 main topics and at least three sub-topics. An
example has been provided below:

I. Habitat:
A. Describe the habitat in detail: What is your habitat called?--
Savannah/grasslands/prairies, or Deciduous forest, or Wetland areas/marshes
(you must be able to define unfamiliar words). What are the weather
Note: You must locate the habitat(s) on a map. See Milestone 3 for
information on visual aid.

B. Food: What types of vegetation (if a plant eater) or pray (if a meat eater) can
be found in this habitat?

C. Predators and Threats: Are there any predators in this habitat that are a
threat to your animal? Describe some of the predators and explain how they
pose a threat. Are there any other dangers for your animal? (not a lot of water,
habitat destruction, hunting, etc.)

2. Physical Traits
A. Appearance. What does your animal look like?

B. Unique traits (You may have a number of traits). What are the physical
characteristics that help your animal survive? Ex. The tiger shark has two to
three rows of teeth with 20 to 30 teeth in each row. The Tiger Shark sheds old
teeth throughout its lifetime, and new ones are rotated into place.

C. Locomotion: How does your animal move from place to place? At what rate
of speed does your animal move, or how fast can it move?

3. Behavioral Traits (Sub-topics will be a better fit for some animals)

A. Reproduction: Describe the way your animal reproduces (lays eggs, live
babies, etc.). How does your animal care for its young. How does your animal
find a mate?

B. Hunting/Foraging: How does your animal find food (Does it hunt in packs
with other animals and stalk its pray? Does it travel great distances to find

C. Diet: Is your animal an omnivore, herbivore, carnivore?

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