Weekly News Sep 27-Oct 1

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Reading – House
Repair & The Surprise
Second Grade Weekly
News III. Math – Test Weds & Fri
Miss Miller
Sep 27-Oct 1 IV. Social Studies – Unit 1
– We Belong to Many
Contact Info: Groups
408-578-4800 ext 214 V. Science – Animals
Grow & Change

VI. Book Reports – The

Memory Treasures
Tuesda (22) Psalm 119:105 – next one is due Oct.
Sep 28
You word is a lamp to
my feet and a light for
22 (Friday), 2010.
Remember there is an
my path.
art project due with it!
Thursda (26) 1 Peter 5:8 – Your No 8 ½ x 11 papers for
y enemy the devil prowls art please. If you would
Sep 30 around like a roaring rather have your child
lion looking for type out their book
someone to devour. report, please feel free
Friday Hymn 182 – Holy Spirit, to do so. Please
Oct 1 ever dwelling In the encourage your child to
holiest realms of light, be creative with their
project as this is the last
Holy Spirit, ever
book report they are
brooding O’er a world of doing for the year.
gloom and night, Holy
Spirit, ever raising VII. Scholastic – If you did
Those on earth to not receive a letter with
thrones on high, Living, the new information on
it please let me know.
life imparting Spirit, You Thanks! The activation
we praise and magnify. code is GLZR9.

What’s going on this VIII. Field Trip – Thursday.

week? Children’s Discovery
Museum. 9:00am –
I. Spelling – jumped, 1:30pm (tentatively)
pulled, pushed, crossed, Chaperones please be
wished, picked, house, here by 8:45am.
never, candy, shiny Thanks! Remember to
have your child wear
their field trip (or
Apostles) shirt.

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