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September 23, 1940

:t i

Mr. '.lolsou_. __ ••••• ~ Mr. Clegg .~-- •••••••

Mr. E. ~. Tnmm •••• ,Mr. Fo=:;vorth ------Mr. Nathan __ eo_eo_e.' Ladd_. • _

Mr. EZ3.u •. ------------

. :Mr. Glavln --~--------

ll'!r_ N!.::hols _

l-.!r. lIendon----------

Mr. Roson - •• --------l'.k. Tracy -.----- -_.---

bliss G~~--------~-


DATE 09 17-201.0 BY 60322 UC/LP/STP/KM



.. ~ ... -~--.- ...... --;;.- ~- .. -.-- -_----_-




, TWo,{~USs;lflD-U.~"S. r;,ceived: :from 1;he New

York Field' eOf'f'ice today' fhave been' f'orWardedo on this d~:te _Fo ·1;.lje )ievr Yqrk _ C:L ty,.,d:f:t;.i.gei ;t>y~ ,air .exp~ess £<?r.

n~~~~~ation i~~cco~d~nce ~th y,our ~structions~

\'~'~1 ' Mr.. Sack';tt' o_:f :the New Yorl<; O:f:fiee was "

~ ",:~~y';~ed teJ.ephonica1ly t~~~ ~he~,e :i tems, were 1'e:ing {·~o~v~ded ·arid was requested to f'~~:is~ a trarisc~t

to the Bureau,immedi~tely. 1·


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J::no, 1.3, 1~40


~L;COnlJEn & 11\1Jt..~1:'O

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Drt J.M:;U' Y .. ..It!Jic,. ~'rQ3i~c~t ~ile6n-Zea~;CTB Colleca

rJ.Q"C:1t~l cd ~ .. Qv:n'd ~trcot3 !;.11. ';a;:;:;l.n:he!lt . D, Q~ .


DC3r~ .. l:iebi?l

I t:"...:l~ to. ex;;roo:s t'J y::u rq c1n~o~ tippr"dat1c~ £t;!! y':J"J::! iht::re,t 8,;';l t':.-')', ~tM,- ' ~C':;:l in, t·.:rn:i.l~3 ~or t., !;;..~ CICl::t9y~:Un t:3.ttor~ Yr;:f'J. ~eJ. to a.t¢'J03~

I GP:n-o~1ato V:Jr:! ~.!c!l tT:,~ ,1ni"-cr,';O' .... tiO!l .f~J.~hQd ~ ;)<'?<l, lr..! I o.\3Ci.:..."'"O y.:.~ ;tt ~s: , . ~-ceQ5;v:i~~ t'l"c:;?Or att.~nti:.-~(.. Yc-";;" k!-:te.::~=3· ~d ~~~~t1C~ ~ G'~~'Q~~tcd.

r~r:r tr-J.!:r y.;>ur;J,

~(;.b tdc~ ::~p""cr , nh;-cc;t~l;'

co j1ashingtion, 'D. 0 ..

AIr. ,,,lSon _'I""' _

~tr. ( .. A. Ta'(!tm , ~

IIr, CleJ!t __ ......;.

>;!r. 1.&<14 _--:--_

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.I :'

Mr. TO)SOR _

r .. Glayln,~~.

r~ .Htho ... ~~

r. Uen40Q _



t:CB:' .A6ir::l . ~t.l.tor ~.. l.l:.!cr=:n t'irc~t~r J !:iv~~ 11:tolli,,::::~cQ: tc.·~-.", 'i:o;ert~;::i.t

:.:c.~:±::;ton, :'.. c,

~'::~Uc~ rccoivtl !l':--!l ~"'1 ~r;:.l'q:ltly rolic.blo ~..,:lr,!q t", ~~'to ,die~l :'::C:!r t::o.t t!:O l)o.rl.:~o, t:Q dit:1r.:r r~o::a, t:.O· pc.:.'')tr.rl .z..! t::6 c:'rl'11.":.r~ :1' tr.~ l' U~~1~ f .. ::t- ..... ~t:y ~- tm~\l - nth cot:! t ~t.') cnly'_ :pJ.t!Cl t::ZCrO cots' \7CrO %:ot poocr:c,l ip. (!:l ·t~, y el~Ct~~,~:}* 'i';'CrQ ~ ... :·,-.rt~or-· ir.die3.t1:0:i th~~ t!:e;rc ~;:;t. bP tOvor~ l;~~¢d

"'iC:l $l~o;;!n:.: t::Ol'C.. 'i:b::r t;·':'.~=C3ttcn \,:t1O. :,:cil~

tHat t:.'1'-:'O- .=41~~in_.:: in 'fr~::t cf t:;.o r~c=d.c.p,

'f.' .. ,.. ......... v .~ .... t,_,o tv~-. .... ->~ ......... ' ,.. :;~"' ..... t~,...t .... '· ..... ,d...:

1_~_~""'lt"J~", ",~.rr ~... ..r .... 'l";' "_+ i~rl!.~_ Ii -~,....-.-~ .~J..~. ~"""'\.,\o -

q.'~t~r:J l~:;l\!e t. 9 b·dl~:!.;

M't..': e« .l'l"#"·-r:-'" .. i "" ....... fl'~"'" ,,-1 'l-,..j' ,i'\'li'\

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Mr. Tol •• " ~~~_,

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.... ',.. E. At Tamm .~ 'fr, Clen: _-;.".--_

'II., I.&dd _

,Ii. EC2" _~ __

r. Trail·. ~

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,C:'i~::'!icr .}e=-er::tl ~ tOr.-.::.:l, ~llc:s,t C!:ior Ot" cwr

In1"~=ti~::l~ r~~~~v:y' rr~ ,~"l. ~~~~~~tI:..

'r~liable ',~ca t::. e~to di~~:,:'''';:J t7"~t, tt'). "

r-1.:'!'C~3, t 0. .!iri!:: ;-:'::"l, ~~ o r~t:r-Js .t.:::l t::~ "'::'1-11:::;-3 ~f' tLQ r:~::;1t.:l <~"A:o~~ t::.i."'O ri,l1~

d.~l -C~,~;3. '.\ho.' cnl,. rleoo ~::,;;:o ~:'lt~ r.:~ r..ot o.k::or:-.;o4, 1a O!lt!:Q clovatc~~ 'r~:rc ~=.::s :!'.;U't!:~r i~d1~~Ucn t~4t t~C:-Q ~u~t to ccv:rt+ t:~..lr04 ~,::n 191cC;-1nZ t~o:-o ~ tha c~":;opti<::n .~~~ t".:.tO ~t c,;,.y ~~~r po.c:Jir.~ in tr.,;lt <:1' t~::z r~31cn r''::~Ol ec.:r the tYrO ct r::l, ~1;o cc.:;~, t:-.oir b:c.~~ q.·....:.rtc;.~ iu:;ido, t!:o build;.n.:1.

Th!~ ;r~~r~ti~~ ~~~ ~~vcn~od b7 ~~ it.';!1Vi~u~ d:? l:~ hQ tl¢o~t:t, to t~Q f.t::;::1en

't~bcitGY fAirly ~ocentl..v.. ~






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&~~~~".}\c.;.,. - FBI~ DECLASSIFICATIDH

o • DATE"~~ ,

1 ~. 31J<;:_1t

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I' '

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o Inf~r::n.ticn recoived frc::s. t.Il C:'~;:!ltly

~lt1~lo &~~ca ·to. dieclo;o~ t::o.t t~o' .

tcrlcl"~,' t::G dini!::! roo~.t t~ p:!;! J c_~ t!::.o ot 't~o 1:11:=1&:1!:;'z;r CX'O filled

Tiiiill cOt3. T~ c:lJ.;r ple.~o ll~ro eot:.l ~~ .nt'~ ¢~oe;i:Vc:i i~ en tto. Qlevc.~C'r:J. S:::.crq T:03 ft:.rt:::er

, 1nd:tC:ltiC:1 t!t~~ t!1oro r~t be c~vcri'-l- t;!..'1:;r6d cen :aloc:r:'!b3 th~r-v. . "i'l~\) ~.l:,"~ot1c:l l:"'....!'; =CQ t:'at ~~:~~ pec~lr.: l.n trc~t Qt tho t~ooi~ ~-:.'bc.e::;7 e:::7 t>.c typo c:t t:c."l J:!7:.0 t::~<:~ tb$ir te~" '9:t:4U'~:r;J 1t;::t~3 t:~a l:r.rl.l~1n~ •

, ruB ~ror.::!:\t1ctJ. r-3 ~'!v~""~od tv en

ir..uvJ.\!t;:ll r.~~:> hc.u l;(:d .tl~co=o t·) tto te:):;1sn. l:!:~t~.r tdr1r ;oe:J:'.~ly.'

. ,

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Cince;ooly. ::IO~IJJ

J..... ~C®ir Roovetc

TOI .... _

By Speci&! Messen~~~


* JUN lIt 194U - * - .. _

CI."~ __

Ladd _

(Pft ,

. ,.. M. I , fEgEAAL lIu«$ OF UIVESTIGAnoit., ,

~--. .U. S. OEf~THE/lT: Of JUSTICE.

'\ , "




'. ~

'. '

f lJ ~ #'l· ~.;:_ " Merlorahd.~1:or pX:~SideJi-«nigbie:

" S1ricp .yO,l! a~e golU~ to' sao ,~, ·Clegg, today,

please.give ~i'ith~ tollow~n~ lntormatlon~

I =i1:d lira. Gropp. th,' Chier, ~"",fner -~

. lat th~ ijusslan~Embassy. '~he

,"'" -=l .... · o-r-g-.-.~th:-e-d':"'I:-~-:i:-n-g~~o'oL'i. 'the ~ p'tlnCrt;-tne _. a~rrldors

are till~d 'W1~h .oot's. The only place l'lh:ere YQ,u doDt't

see them I8,cnthe'elev~tor. There must ba several llund7;~Cl,!l1~n...<sle_op,ins.. -there." ..,_,.' -. ~-.._:_- .---. '

~ - -

b b7C b7D

It ~oupaDs In tront ,of ~he nu~slaniEmbasay 10~ will see the type·Qr~en.who make their.headquartera Jhere. I t)J.e. Arnel'iQQn .authoritios: ~l,1QUl.d· w~~;oh them 4aretul~i.

,RJ3/gdm. .

, -There nrtl.:bQ~g trane~tto4-.he~civi~. lor ~hB),co;tplo~.iQn or· i6ur. rcc,~*, cOl?f~,:3 -, o~' ,n

! ~ \ ~ I 1 "

'iett'o~ £rbQ, the. UClt· Yorl:' otfiac to. tho Si.iroAU,

~' ..... , ...

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PE.~c:ttAt .. AIm n~~Al#



_Zpcciat .Azcnt. 'in Ch:lrgo · 'D~ ,C.,.,' .~

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nEt~ C01FILE - n

~onta4Wlz tho, '1;.~a..,.s;ltlt~on of- qt:;nfide~tiDl.. ~s31~.

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Johil r4c~; i16oyor ~cctQr

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,Mt: Lad!l';;..) ~,,;,._._-~

·~.t. c~_~_--:' Mto O~III ",'_,:,-_

., e , " ... ~~I ....... _ ...... _ !II" :tI!ado .. ~~ __ Mr. ROte~' '" .;...,: ..... .:..... ..

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t'. ~. ih"""tl!l.~~ f~ ~ ""I'~ _.

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, .

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,I Ii--
) IF.ellera1 flluriau of :J:ltuesti_gatiolt lttlitell states :i3.epartm.etlt of 1/ustir.e New York, New York


September 24, 1940


Federal Bureau of Investigation Washingt~n, D. C.

~~S~: ~

In accordance with a telephone'conversation betwe~n Mr. Nicho~ and myself, Special Agent George J. Starr~ of this Office, has endeavored to {ranscribe the conversations recorded on three Presto Records

received from t~.e' 'Bureau under Governme!lt Bili of ~ing "'

fllL J-147391. The recordings are v~ry ~distin~t ana likewise incomplete. ' As much as could be understood is recorded

by Agent Starr as £o:t.;l.ovis:' " '. \. -

. ,

RECORD :)C - ,1

1. I!ldistinct' ccnversatdon b9twsen a man and

a woman. The :important and distinguishable ~ is that the man tells the woman 'that he is not godng , The tone of the woman's voice indicates~ surprase , ,'ther conversation is indistinct, but something is said by the man' about the '\\'Oman coming in, to talk to him and she explains that

she -d.s alone., 'She asks some question, also indistinct, and he hangs up without answering •.

" '.









. ,

' .


. , , b' 1

- -

,... ~,--- .': ~ "'-

, f _'

,4. A man talks to a. ;wOm8.n, ahci: ,tells, her ~to unlock a room

• • to - .- ," tj. ~ •• _ f

upstai~s and bhen. teD:s her t~';ge~~th~ Keys to al;t the, rocas up-

stairs. ~e Yil?lI}8il's vo;ce is 'indistinct. "Get tliings ready and unlock tli:l:£ room so Yfe don't have to run. around' later' and look for. the keYs~ •• ,.And -have the keys to all the. rooms upstairs.1t . The man explains that someone' will.arrive, and then goes on to

say that,'he ~,rj.ll arriye, at 1:30 ,himself. All'eff' the 1Yoman1s conversatdcn 'and :pa~ of' the mant s. ccnvensatdon are notdisti~ct" bUt.

on tilO occasions the n:tan u~es th~ expr~ssion: "Everything is 'in order.1I •

5. - ~ conversataon between ,.a man and. a woman, the "man ap~ently calling. He says ,either that he vdll be occup'iedby something

f co~nc~g next week or that he will oc~upy something commenedng ,pe~ week. The, ,wqman inq¢res as to ,wllat: day, and he finally

determines that it, ,will be Tuesday.She then asks if he v4~ occupy it (or be occupied) from then on; and h~ answers in the affi~tiv (.Nothing definite· is underatan b1e·,. bt},t it seemed as if

t ymight be talkin~ about occup~ g a room~

, "How do yo~ 0; Colone~1 This is i{~J6r

(pllonetic)' l?~aking·fr2 'Russian Embassy."

, "Colonel got your let'ter about •••• pass-

,port of. ,Colone.l., ••• and ll.ajoSvdtzo. -I shalT send ;it to 'yOu now;"

"All, right~ II

lI~e~, Yeah.1t

"Thank you 'very much ,"

~I ••• ''11le' Oonsukwanted to .be stire,.1t

,"Thank you very much, Colonel.1I

,.';, "Al~right. 'If the messenger- ·waits, he

will take him back With him~lr

The conversation was in, .English and the'

Russian names given are in phonetic spelling. " .'

? '_

I Another c~nv,!3rsat ion iIi' ,English.

, :


, , , ,

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' .


, .


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l\ \ '

~~ i - '

,September 24, '19~O

B. A ~onie~sation .inEnglish about some business

concerning s6v~et citizens ·in Cub~ and Panama.

9. .Conversation in English 'between tW9 women.

10: Indistinct ronversation'in Russian 'betWeen 'an

adu+t and a:' child. '


11. Conversation between a girl and saneone about obtaining a.,visa for a moan "mo'is going to- ~av~ here in

't~e misldle o~ JJ?t1?er part of Ocbober' and ... ranba tne .. visa . arrange~ to,allow him a stop o:ve~ and also to allow' for· the ,necE?ss~y. travel tiIile consfderdng the time 'Yet to elapse when he ~iill ~e~t.

RECORD,! - 1

;1. Conversation between two women about ge.ttfug ads,

placed .f9r .the .Sunday ~~~3Ues ,of the' newspaper-a, Ment;ion is made 'of t~e IINew York Times. II'

2. Conversation first betvreen two women ana then be-

·tween a woman and a man concerning'placing an advertisement

in certain newspapers ,'apparently-the _ ilNew York Times, II the IIBrooklyn Eag~, II the ~~ladelphia Bu11et1I?-," 'IIBoston, II ·IIChi cago .D8.ily :Ne,~s," IIElizabeth .(Nm·t.Jersey)

Journal " IISan Francisco Chronicle' II IIClevel3.nd Pr. ss ,II IIYoungst6vm. (Ohio). Yfudicator;Teie~r~;1I' "Pit~sb 'gh 'Press," list. l.ouis Po~t Dispatch:, II "Los Angeles Heral I nd Expre~sll and the, IIDa;1-ly News. If. This is· a matter of an t dvertisement to contain·s~me_informatio~o.~~r~n people,such as L;i!!wa.I,lian~, .concerndng their_ oi ~izenship~- pre~bly Russian

,c~ tizenship'. . ~ " --

It i~,~oted that the telep,h9ne ~berof tpe agency called was MetroI;>Olitan 4638 •.

3. Conversation .dn Russian betvreen two women. ,They app~.rently are m~ilig' an .appcdritmenb to meet.' One asks the ~ther one to be s<?IJiewhere, to, ~ ther~ .. a bit earlier, before 4:06. Four, '0 'clock at thesquareds agreed upon and the. second .. v.oman exP~ns ~=i:t ~n\ oo,\fl'fu a· -c~.. There is then some conversati~~, .~reniely ind~stinct;.)5U:~ apPaxently with

some regard t9·a Ye}.loW' . .;dress,. . .. ,._~

, - . t ~ 1 I ~ ,

. -:" ~"j :, ' ~ ! ' ! \ ,..... ~

" .• , .. ' - 3,...:;. t ;

t ., f T ~' l' t, t

>! • "~ ,

I •

_ I ,


'" -




September 24, 1940

"- RECORD Y"-,-,2

1. A conversataon bety~en' tvro me~ ,partly indistinct.

The recording of this conversation is d~fac~d by a deep scratch made by the' needle crossing the ent~e -reccr ding'.

I ,

I I'

As the c6river~at~on 'b9comeslegible~ it 'appears

that it is in Russian and concerns: ~he matt~~ of someone being either sick or injured on board a 'vessel. ~e ~ who appears to be the one in authority inquires as to whether the man as been placed in the hospital. ·He is told'that he' has but hat the other man wants to' have, . him moved to Ics Angeles.. e first man then teils him to "do 'so and communicate dir tly with the Transport Department of Amtorg with Comrade asUyev (Phonetic) to arrange to have the expenses taken car of.

The man then goes on to ask if the person's life is in danger. The answer is not distinguishable,! The man then asks" if' there will be an operation, and the other man tells him there vlill. The first man then says, "Thereafter, ship h:im on the ,first available vessel."

The man toen asks whether the-vessel left. The answer is not distinguishable. The next question is, "HOl'T long vlill the ship remain?" The next questd.on, ''Vras it repaired'l" The answer finally indicates that it was not repaired. The man then asks if everything was in order, and is told that it ViaS.

There is then a conversation about another steamer.

The conversation is not distinct, but the man in authority seems surprised at something that is said. He wants to know if any , of "our people" left -dn it. Then he asks if any of "our peoplell ~~re there as passengers. The answer apparently is that there

were none of them there. '

The ~. authority then asks as t_o the most widely distributed news per in Los Angeles. The ansvrer is not distinct, but sounds like I Ics Angeles-T~esll and some other Los Angeles paper. The first man then inquires about the ":U:>S Angeles Herald Press." There is some indistinct conversation comparing the circulation of the various papers mentioned. The first man then explains that it is ~ connection with placing some a~vertisement. He seems to reach the conclusion to place it -in the "Times."


- .,-




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- '!-~-'


September 24" 1940

2. A convers tion between two men, ,one~of whom

speaks Russian Ydth very decided accent. Heapparently is not,a Russ~n, d in one instance it sounds as if his name- is given a ~ Pagell (Fhonetic). The man states tha~ he

i,s talldng abou ma tter of the firm of Walsh and something

about the unemployment matter. H~ then goes on to say tb?-:t he'has just been informeqof something, ,Put before, he 'completes t~ sentence, the man referred to~as Page breaks saYs

in substance, I~e received seve~al days ~go a note from Justice tjlat they had comnnmicated with tJle, Court at NewYork~ ••• 1I

The ot~er man here completes the sentence~ to ,say, " .• ' ••• inform them of tlie official, statas of 1I..r. ·Zaroubin. II'

Page answers, "Yes." Page goes on to explain tlia. -t th:ls was on the 17th. The' first man then says he ,nOYI has a letter from the supreme court', .State of Nevi York,.iDwhich: ~hey invite 'Mr. Zaroubin to'.~ppear and give test~onyon Sept~~ber. 23. Page .dnquf.res 'as to the date of the eoimnunication. :The man states i~ is dated' the 17th: ?age then ~ays they probab~y'had not reqeived the letyer ~r9mtfie AttorneY-Genera1. The man then says that he YTants to put Mr'. Page -on notice, that Mr. Zaroubin will.not respond to. any such subpoenas and is not. go~ng anyYmere) that he. ii3 .no~ying of thissi~p1y f,or pis own ~nforma..:.

tion at this time. '

He iBn asks Page, ~te~p~ing ·the l:att;_er'~' a:tt~pt to ,say sonething, tq. 'again io~c~te illth !I~s~tice and v~ri~ the matter. He' gges 9.n'to say: that the ':i:~."a:.~~ing h?Jn .to intervene in this matter~,_Page then saYs·tha~; · Understands it, ~. Z~oubin I'lill.'Il9t· ,~ppeB.F;. an9,,~~e. man .tell's.lrl.;m that he ,

will nob appear,. I_l:ot:"ey¢ilAf~:h~ ge~f?."t~~:·~~bpoe~s., He repeats tp_e pr~vious~,¥i~oz:mayiqn, nan,te1y:' t~~"'Mr..' Zaroub~ had r~ce,~veda, letter,lfrOm :~!le ·Suprenie.:Co~~ :~Yitipg h~ to' appear

on the 23d'!_ "" ~ - "

.... "~ i __ i..,.. ... .1'

-'.l ' "'" - ,. _ 1, ~,.~ ,'\,". ",f

-' The man '~g :00 P~g~;'ab,out ~g "tJie··niatter up

'again sayS that. the~~; is an V'~i taJii9n ,pf ~h:~' ne~~s, that is not necessary.' Page 's~ys ·~.e .w;tP:. :~pII¥I1l1nica~e_'vdth the Supreme

Court to this effect'. ~ . I J • '. !'

"':- ~ "

_ '" _... , ' ' _:\ r, "

The, man~.g~s .on to;.ej;pla:in, ths:,ttnis is a matter involving the questro'n of! sums',for:c"1lriemployment. Page mentions that someone else had" tolcibim\ about, it. The man ·then says that~a mellloranduni.had<been directed to Page on Septeinber'p' about

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I \

Sept~ber 24, 1940

i!he matter. Page then says that the matter s taken up with the New York authorities a couple of wee s: ago. The man gives the name of the New York authority as th ("vision of Placement and Unemployment Insurance of New Yoric..State. He wants 'Page

to -c'o~~e-m"th-tlli"soffrcea:rurPage explains that this has been done; and the. man says that he "d.ll iImnediately communicate 'iii th Yr. Zaroubin about the matter •

3. A conversation between a man and a child. From

what little of the conversation is intelligible, it is believed that they are father and. son.

4. This is first a conversation between a man and a woman, The woman apparently called,. and from mere' the recording commences, it would appear that she had called up to remind the other people of sonetbing; and the man tells her that they have not forgotten. She then ipdieates she w~ts to talk to someone else; the name sounds like ~arousia, who is upstairs and finally' comes down to the telePhone~

There is then a conversation between t' two women in Russian, apparently about going some"lhere, an ~ar6usia inquires about the parking facilities. There is some unintelligible,di.scus~ion about that. Finally the woman invites Mar> usia to come to her place and leave the car there, but llarousia decides that they will drive down to the place "mere

they are going.' ..

5.' L -~~. A man c¥ls and talks to another man who appears

~o be the man who speaks with a voice of authority who appears iri several of these conversations. He inquires ot: the man V{ho is calling as to the condition of some person,. possibly his ,wife, who has been operated on. There is some conversation about that~ The man thanks him for sending flo·wers. He

then asks the caller mat news he has and mentions to the man that "You disappear periodically from my horizon. You disappear like a' ~tar at daybreak, II He then asks the caller if he has any need to meet him, who indicates that he has not~

The man viho called then goes on to state something Ylhich is not very di stinct about some communication being received from the Iceland Consul, and wants to know whether he should or should not do something about it, just 'what is not intelligible. The man who speaks with the voice of authority

.~ 6 -

~l ,



September 24, 1940

speaking, so it would seem, both to the aller and to himself, says he thinks this Tall be difficult., He then, goes on to

make a more specific statement that 1 ie maintain relations nth

\ '

Iceland only through Denmark. Th anish Ambassador at YQ~QQ''1

represents (it).l1 ' ~ - -~-

RECORD ~ - 3

1. Conversation between an ad~lt and a c~ild. The

child explains that some man had called and offered him a

bag and a piece of paper ,but that his mother had already sent out the la~dry. The man, who is the father ,of the child, tells him he should. have taken the bag. The child explains that the man gave him a paper and said something; he took the paper but could not understand what the man was saying. The child explains the mother has gone out already. The father explains that the mother is occupied at the school. There

is further conversation in which the father tries to explain to the child vdlat he means by the word school. Then the

child asks the father to call him again and the latter promises to call, particularly promising to call on Friday. The child in response to a question explains tha~ his mother had just gone out.

2. Conversati in RUssian between two men which starts

off indistinctly'and then 'has some ,reference to the fact that

the apportioning~ 0 L celAnd to ~amstead:!n.g ,~snowhere re~ognized ,by them. '!he discussion .seems to be about • the acquisition of

a: school and that' the re¢.~rs :tl?eret~ :will, 'co~_t $5,000; however, it is ~tated' ,that this ,rna.y ~ !t;WS:t, ~n a.d:y.~,ce 'figure.

I # ',j, .

The", r~:rerence to' Iceland above is not clear, as

the recording v~tar1i~ af~r the conversatdon has commenced, but pos~ibly has ref~rence to a ~ention~~f ~he Ice~d Consul Which

is recorded on the record. , "

t '

, -

There is ,considerable more conversation about the school, bu~~~ is 'hard to 'understand ~t:~s being sai~, as the voices are not clear. There is some reference to a two month:J period; alsq to a three months t ,period; also to something to commence January 1. The ,JMUl who is referred to as speaking apparently wi'lih a vO=i:,ce or, authority is making the inquiries, and the caller is furnishing the information about the school. He is inforIlled by the first man that he wants to

- 7 -


4: A conversation between' a man and, a wpman pertaining

to. ,lunch and dinner!. The ~~ then ~nq~~es .about, :~he children, and a child gets OIi' the p~one'. In, :~e ~a~l't~, the woman telJ.~ some, amu§J'ing"inci~~nts' about;.the qlii'~q.'

~ , ~

s. _. 'A ~;ci~Yde!e6tiYe, re<?,ordi~. b~t;ag£#l:: i:t is a child

on the telep~o~e~apparent~Y'rec~~n~;p~:t ~~ ~s less9ns •

...,. ~ ; .j • • '.

~~ ; • ~1 f ~ ~~ _ l- $ A. I ~ I' _ , ...

6. A convei~atl.on ,between,.a .man- and a-woman; The woman f s

nam__g_apparen~iy ~'~: ~q~'~ ..,t'TI.tis ,coIiv.e~s~+frQn ,~s"e~tirely :tri English.

j -; I : ,r . >:...1 1, _ i ~ _ ... ," !J~

, - ~hese ,recoF~ng~, ,a:rer,l?~ing: ~etumed' to. the

Bureau, -uJ?,der s~~~'te ,c<?Ver; G~er~e~~,.Bip:!op" ~ding, J- 162606.

_. ,j:q'r ;"= \_

\' -Ai " ,,1

. " \ : f Very't'

.. , _:!' ., '1,.' ,


1 I

, .


notify him'.a:nd 8150 ·throu°l\ £ Andre~'~yev:iCh' and not only ltiIIi, -bub also Vas i1~;~ovic,h ,~~~: others; that

he- regz:et,s tha1? he, c . 011 get out before Uonday, but that on llonday he :will, be~;r; ,them., The other man,. wliose first name .Ls belieVed to be, Grishall, mentions tMt that is not very fa,r off, that only 'one' Saturday intervene;:;.

The f1lst man mentions that he has an enormous' amount of :~(ork .to atten,d to. Gr:i,sha asks . him' if he has' any news', and he says1h(), n~t~g much; l;lut there rilay be some news. S90n."

He then· asks Gr:i:sha ,it' he has any in:te;-es'ting matters. The 4.tter wants 'tp, kn9Vf.' if he, .means. about the school, and he ·says no. Then there is.,some indisti~ct conversation, and the ~:teJ:ls Grisha thB. t he has a~eady told !mdrey Andreyevi~h not

to be carried away by it (presumably by ,some decision)., The man then goes on ,to say that 'he has-no occasion to b'lame Grisha, or, Andre,y Andreyevichor· anyone, l11?ut. we must do everything

in our pOrTer, everything in our power •••• We must not leave' anything undone •••• II,

The man then'. makes some comment~ ,which sound like lilt is a lonesome life," and he then, nentd.ona tha:t 'it is such

. - - ~allLilliputian sc400l.11 .. __ _.

A ,conversation in Eng1i~h abOut a dip10mat~c visa~


l ~ if ~

, , .

, ·B~~]!:. SA r:

S~cia~ 'Agent in Charge


• Mr. Tolson!_ ••••• _ .....

Mr. Clete!: ._.; •• _ •••••• _._. ~ ....

Mr. Eo A. Tamm •••• :

Mr. Fo%Worth •••••••

Mr. Nathan •••••••••• Mr. Udd •••••••• _ •••• _. ·z,Ir. Egan •••••••••••• e , Z,1r. Glavin ••••••• _ ••••

Mr. Nlchols ••••••••••

Mr. Hendon ••••••••••

l>Ir. Rosen .

?tlr. Tracy •••••••••••• Miss Gandy ••••••••••


.................. _ ... _ •• _. I

\ .' \

~ .

IDasl]iugfou, 13. at.


September, 24;. 1940


• l .~~
- .d.
J :B. Little
. ~
0 '~
On September 24, 1940, two items in Russian, No. X5-7 an~ No. Y6-S, received from the Washington Field Office. were ·forwarded via air exPress to the New York City Office for translation.

Mr. Guerin of the New York City Office was advised telephonically that this 'was being" forwarde~ and was- -re'quested~ to give- the DlB:tter expedi~ious attention •

~ '~o tQp.o~<~£ol't!a.~><m l1a.~ Qoo~, ie_ce~vOd .~~m ,tt.Jus~ ·.-cont~_~eh,t~4 ·sourC?:.

- ~" - - -

. .

2/5/.(5 .

1:5.~ pm. X~608-5

tD:pS I3R0D3:\Y' ·contcu,"sed ·with.T:L!!l!OSHAO (phf·Sho Will come tOIllO~OW' at

~l;bO. -a.J:l.~ tQ. do ~ .job~ortr~slat;ton;.;, 'etoO,. - __ -

_ _-


2/$/45 6:15.p.rn. X-26084

- 2/5/43 - _' -. '~o woc.e,n ;con"){cro~<J in P~ss~an.

8:00 p~lll.

X-2S0S.,4 -

.'"'A wccnn o.h<i a j:an .conversed. in-Russian.

- .. -. ~ ....

. Ii, ]3/5/A5: ~- Woman· and<.1i.-man-"conver~;e4: inllussial'h·

't -9':4o¢p.h~ - - .' - ,. _. _ ,.

"I Y- nSI"'lQ..;8, - _ _

JI..~ y_v. , ~

, .,; - \ 0 _ • • • _ • ,

~'_. \ *~~*~,**~*!B.~~~*'E**hl~3!-lSPJ.*,\HH(.),A})f

j :21~1~Q': .. ?-!l~~~ ~lTt~W accepted ·r~. ;i:9Kt.R,Di,a l~titation :'0 tet:_tomono\,! at

.: 1.0!.~O: ,a,:-~. 0.00! . '. , .

,;, : ~* --~ I~ ,~ ~ - ~ ,

:·.?/4/45. .~ .r.t±S,1 V-Q;r~,. j'QSErit·DAVIESt sec~etary_'askQa· i'EDQ10V :£{)t" DA~!t ~OV

>-~lO:55 a..m. said hfi· 'eouldse~ J:,IT,YINQV 'at. -l?:OO .noon ,ioday.> _ .,


_ , 2/4./45

11;10 a.m.

s ~2/4/4~

. ll:25,a..~ •.

; ~ ''I' ~ ~ ...

FEOOTOV int'orme4- URUGUAY L.EGATION:, J,lTVnIOV would 'see .GUAllr (PH) at

+~; 30 p .. m. io~orrow.. - ,


2/I.J:j43c 21:$5 a.D,.

. - _ - 2/4/4'Q'

).~': 5~ a.l:l!

2j4/4'{J _' 1;10 1?th·

2/4/45- S;10 f>'. rr,

.2/4/43 '3;55 p .. r1.;

~asliington D.C. February 4:? 1945

-:BAZyKiN llSkpq 3FEDU~rm t"coopora:te i~ tflo request ~9I:t WkKS!-

(in ,~s"an) . ;


'MIBS ALIOS BA.~..o:,:S , NlTIO:tAU ~m;G:tL ,'OF mm.,ruOAlI-UOVlET FlUElIDnh~, ·aclteq PsrROVA i£' 'sho .\v0l1l.d be "able to -see- LnVDii)V ~ ~E'l'ROVA sug-

ge~~ed> sha: .wprk with 'BAzrKIN .

, _. '. ,

lUTKA. .mado 're~brV{itiona i9r' two 1 !.¢.,f y!ashiilgton to'Lo13 Ahgoles_

Bese~atiops ~e '!io oo9onfirmed tOtto~o\'f at 1Q:OO, ~,.~.. .

Flmu (Fa) ~ ltUSSIAt! Ct)USUT.ATE, N:eY.O:. I ~tried tb contact 01 thor UlROUOV o~ SLIOUSAREU!Q" both "Wore out. ·Ho; talkod tQ :rZIMBOURSKAIA and asked l10r to ~elq the 1'oitlo~ itit'QmatioJ;l: 1m •. ~ HFl); ~QnA (PH}, S1;'.O in ~Qn.1I#roi OREGOn, scp1t A te1e~ a,s1d;pg i:pr ;~ll~~ 'pasopo~s and th~

'Paespo~s' ti'e n;~ the ~9assy'. (in Ruaai-niJ.): " . '.'

mA. SLOAll,. HElmY .)Iom .CO., bqok pub~she;", a~kegB~KIN if' hl.~ c6mparzy:·~ oould pUblish "\4e. threo: s~ori'es: ,sent t9 }.lARK 'VAN, PORtN .. · BAZIKIli aug",=" ,g~stod theY' .got .in. to'llch~th the~Ji-terary> ~epre,aentn.ti'ye" 1dI3S.· .

~ BLACK;:p. )'lest 42;1d Street,. ~~ow Yo~kCif.Y.. .

~ . ,

t' ,

. '.

. . . .X; & Y 5555

. ;

-t: ,\', ~.I

LP /:3TP /Kl'l:

2/~/4~ - '9:45, a..'ll ..


~14/4*6' .

~11:04: a .. ~'f

2/414'6 12~40 P!,I:l!,



, -

Jt ;::o..'l, and ,p:...r;Jtr3t.."Cn~~ ¢~nversoq in ~glan.

~.STo!~fo'J3E, a .nowspatiom~"'l, ,tol4 'QIJm'J!~V '~o~o.~at; ~~ ;re.t.:>,o~~ :£rpn -~ ~.on~o)l .l,n :the- 'Uow!or~ 'Titles' tll;i.S eo~g; e._ ~p~e~h W LORD, ~\VERl;3P.OOK cade i~ .the liouse ~~ .L.Q_rds in "bleh he ,de~cribe'Cl ·th~ ~i~l3hb~ric~:l . .cid t:l ;ihw.::ia $8 poor". no, 'ai#g'de:3cr!bed tho EaSto~ Front ns. ~e -Soft spot -ofilia /11ds. STO!reIiOUJe askQd, ,if' OR'E:l\lIJ.V,could giye hi:l $Octe "uno.f£lci4l. .r~ll~ti\ln tbAt1rl.'s.spqoCh" CP~<BO'l~~l- thQ ai't~el~ -t.l1<l e.iiR;s~ ,STO~,QUS::::. ~at9r. .•. ' _ - .: - . '

lijo;r.rnmr tcrld. l'ARKIlISOU, p'_RES&..:1lFmss, ,to 'qo;ne izy to' see ,bitl _ t04DY -.and, -theY"'WQul~ :tt$t lit!l1-s'" 6v~~ "!




~ o




, • Clegg .-_~. "vi' Mr •• A.Tanun ••••• ?orr. FOXlVonh ••• _ ••

1'>11'. Na(han_~ __ • __ •

lIfr. Lad4.~_ .

ltIr. I:g~ .•.•••• _._.

~r. (:~v!a ..... ~ •••• ,".~._"

Mr. Ni(lto s._ ••• ••


New York N6?1 Yorle·rr . .ECI'GOn_ •••••••••

, ..... _

Sep~r 25, 1940""1'· Jlosel1 ... __ •• __

lIfr. Tracy __ ._ •••••• _


Dii-ector_ RECORDEJ) I Federal ·Bureau 9f Investigatio~ '& t t

Washington, D .• C. tNDEXED. I -e

Dear Sir:


_4 ...... ' "~_~~,~: .. """- ~, ~

which were forwarded to this 'office from the Bureau .by air express, and these records' are novi be1Dg 'returned' ·.to .the' Bureau under Govern-

ment B'~ o~"~ .'n~l; J':'16?,6cna .' . '

'- ' ,,~

.. . ~

- ,

~: Con:versation ;n Russi~ b~t IY'imOI men, one of iihem;;p;obabl\r

the attorney by the name of GE (phonetic). '",", ""'i

~ I' r , 1 't.l ......

-' .lJ_

. PAGE· Speaks of th IZAROUBDl ma~ter;. t~t_ he ~Sl,-c*~~fied

it and states l.h ~ffec1! that, "y:qur emba.$.Sy· coUld advise ZAROUBIN that he coul.d c~~on the U.S. 'Attorney at NevI York." The other man inquires -rmat he is to advise' him of. - PAGE then' explains that he should app~ to the U.S. ~ttorney at New York to discuss the - - letter or request he received from the-Court, or ~~ he s~d do

.about the ,~tter. ~' ..

..... j QUestione'd: as to what matte s referred to, PAGE explained

that-"f~~s the matt·er~of the firm 'llSlt&,COlIPANY. P_,AGE states that it app_~~~ ,t,hat the Depart~nt 0 Justice commU¢cated Tdth

the U.~ .• ..:-~ttorney/'9_l?flthe. 13th of .this month" and that he ther~ore knoiTsr~t~~UBJN· an officiaJ. person, 8nd be/also knows .uy-our advice' f.o0ZARoUBm." It is possible that he -vdll advise ZAROUBIN

~ ... 1" ••

, I ._"


COPIES DESTROYEl) 1§} SfP., 6 1950




to appe~.


At this point'the' other, man iii the conversation interrupts PAGE with a ver;r 8.brup~ JtN~ln arid, this '~r~tes the conversatien without antth:ing further bedng said •.

, -, ...- ~ ~ f •

2: Conversation be~een man and ;woman ~ ~ussian (indist:inot).

It is -a conversation about: cailing up some compa,zzy- and it sounds like tne, man~ calls it the IIgas COmpany".

'I" , , '


3: Conversation. '~calling inquires of '\TOman anSW'ering if' some-

one, whose .name is 'no distinguishable, is home; and the woman answers in the affirma :ve and calls the man to the phone. Tn: the, conversation the man' . ing ~ays ~ha.t he. has called someone. (the first 'name might b "' pONSTANTmE), 'woo wimts to see the 'other man. They make an appointment for the'man to, .come over in ab9uj; 1iwenty

~ niiillites, as-eoon as' he gets,'dr~ss8d.' Theniari 1'fho is to go over inquires as to which car will come ·for him and is told that he will

seethe. C8.!J standiilg domistairs. /

4: con1iveatl.or!. iil R~s' between tWo men~lfflAlISKY ~.- °He

s as Whether individual (first name :NICHOI4S;'

eitm, TUSEVlqH or' ICij) had dep~ted. ,The speaker pro-

nounce the name 60 l..ast:, it is d.ii'ficult to dete~e t~e exact second name. He is, told that the man left the night before last by plan~ for Seattle. ,OUMANSKY then st.' that means he waS there

since yester~ mornin~. ,

OUMANSKY then :inqUires about~ ! :A1T()V. 'The other'man inter-

rupts him to say that 'they have gone tb meet IVANOV. -0' SKY asks

further if they ~ve retumed and, is"told that he (me . 'IVANOV) Was expected at 8 AM. OUUANSKY 'then s~s "I bave t following reqIlestto make •. ~ormIVANOV to gey in touch. witlil ,EIN '(phonetic) at the first opportunity and let KASEIN call me at Washington from there. It

- 2,.-




. Then -OUYANSKY asks the' man how things are tllere, whether the sky is blue. The man indicates that everything is all right and OUUANSKY asks him, to give his regards to everyone.

5: This conversatdon starts1mmecliately at the ender Number 4,

and' is a copversation in :EngJ.ish ~o,nc'erning the, matter of ZARQU13IN ,and, the .subpoena, ~ incidenifally. mentions ·that _Mr~ RECHT (CHARLES~~) is appe~g on 'behalf "of ~OUBIN. The second

party 9£l,the, who p~esuinably,is' O~S~, very' emphatic~ states ji)1a.t;ZAROUBIN does not need to appear. The name ... of DRUOKm (mvJIYA1RtX}_KE~,~~nley), is ~so ,mentioned as ~HT'S ass;stant.

• ... • _, ~ J

I ,

I .,....---

6: Oonversatio~ in' English. Woman inquiring' about diplomatic"- Visa

p;oesumabJ;i' for ,zARoUBm. ," , '

?t -Another' conversation in Eng1i'sh., -,Woman 'inquiring abOut diplomatic " ,visa presumab~ f,or ~,ZAROUBlN •

, ' '

\ t

, I


1: qo~ersa.~n, betwe,en two, men, in 'RUSSian, partly indistinct.

The man ,calling ,says, th~t he is tq:J.king on, instruCtions from the first sec~etary; _.who had been' i;Jl_er~, 'an~' he jranted to find out the time llhen"itcwould be convenient to visft the other man. .He wants to knOw if' it, would. be convenient for them to calf on him after

two 0 r,clOck'. The other man inquires 'if he intends to 'call tru;re

frequently. "NOli. - t '_','


, The man then goes on to inquire how late they work "and

is told they Work until 4:30., 'After furni~bing that :information -the same speaker goes on to sey that :that 'WOuld probab~ be the most

. ,~


I ,






convenient time. He then· goes on to s(13" that h~ is 'usuaJ.l:y absent at two o'clock and returns at 2:30. The first man also explains tbS.t on Saturdays they close at one 0 I clock; that later they may change th8.t and close at a laterbour, IIlB\1be in October, but dur:ing September,- th~ ,are closing' at one 0' cioek.

~-. ... .. -


,2: TriO women tai~:in Russian. ,One of theni 'is, addressed as

KOLlNKA. ' A conv:ersationqabout wanting to go .:00' a store to order 'an oVercoat, '1:)utJbaving to work until. foUr 0' clock, whl:ch would make it too late to go' to the store'. This wOman then inquires if the .other wOman is going' shoPPing and the latter states that she "WOnt g9 becauee her' leg hurts. They tentatively agree that it ~uld'bebette'r to go .on the following ~dq. ·One~'of them tells' t~ other one that if she goes out that.'eVen1ng to go :to the

cinema., - 'she Yli:t;L call. < ' •

3: conversa.1fi~n b tween two men in, R1:lssian, one 'of whOm is named' GEORGE" and 's second name ,~~, 'NIK9Ltcr.EVICH. He calls and Spparently is aving. -The other man states in effect:

, ,rt'

"GEOR(} NIKOLAYEVICH", all the 'boys 'ask that you remain."

·GN: "No" I must goU

"Listen" GEORGE NIKO~CH, we will send you by plane."

GN: tiNa, it is not convenient.~t

"There is nothing iiiconveiiient .aboub it; we havel a ticket 'Which we bought a long 'time 'ago and"wbich will become worthless.1t

~. '

IIl}on f~ ~ ·foolish."

GN: "No, I~Ca.nnot •. I'~s~ be ,there', tomorrow'morning. I have bidden"farewell -to 'OU1!ANSKY; :told llim. I was going awa:y-.

It wouJ.d,jus,t be, inconvenient.u .

_, >. ' 'I" 't • ' ,



\ '




, Then~ a is put on the phone, presumably the wife

of the o~er par~ , 'f the conversation. Her first' and seoond naznes sound like cuun ,IVANOVA. She speaks to GIDIDE NIKOLA.YEVICH

and says: 7

"GN, you know 'What, come on, let's sU\v'.tt

GN: "No, I must go."

"And "hat abou~ their' asking you to .staytl~

GN: ''What can I do, I must go". nON the airplane."

GN: uTo hell' with "it, I 'Will go on the train'.

"Go lat~r .in the evening on the train. tI,

GN: "What's the difference,it's ,just the same ,"

,UGo at midnight. tI


GN: UNo, 'What sense -is the~e riding all night."

'ttOr at 11 PM't.

GN: UNo, I 'Will go at ,four.

"All right, we. 'WiD. be right,

4: Conversation betvreen man and woman. Woman apparently inquires for someone, and man exPlains that he left a fEnT minutes before, and

states that he eft alone. .: .,

5, A woman d a man talking :in Russian. The man is refer tw

-as DREYEVICH. The woman identifies herself a~~A.

The man asks her to connect him vdth his wife, and then td ~coniiect him with someone else, the .naae being indistinct. The V{oman inquires

- ;-





----'''''~~ ,

- -~ - -:--------,---,-,-----.,


as to when he l1ill return and states tha~ they all miss him and he indicates tbit he will return soon. The woman asks 'him to return soon

and he m a rather i.mpatient tone says he~. '

6: ,This is a corwersatdon involving a lot of difficul.ty in getting

a long cl:?-stance ~6phone' call P':lt tough. 'Toe' name of the party'

callin'g sounds like, ,~IGRAldEIKOti. He 1's irig from' New-York. He is

referred' to by tb:e man ~dling ,the as .AND~ AND.REYEVIO_H~ The

'paN calling, apparently wanted to ~ 'to Mrs •. ~nG~IKOII. The .man at '

the board 'haridling the call is name ,~EREBRYAKOFF. GRAldEIKO cOIl'q)lains about the difficuJ.ty in gettiiig the'telephone Connection. SEREBRYAKOFF then engages in a lOng explanat:ton as to why he Tlill be unable i!O connect him through that switchboard to talk to'Mrs. GRAllEIKO. He

wanted to know hoW it was that MATVEYEVA, th~ Tioman previously mentioned, had been able :to get him a connection, and SEREBRYAKOFF explained that

she had an entirely,different Switchboard ar;'angement. ~

, 'GRAJAEJ;_KO' th~n,-says -toconnec~ him OONSTAN~ .,'UEx-,

ANDROVIOH~ A'iter the connection is made, GRAMEIKO asks toe ot er man,-pres~bly OUMAN~Iq:, if he ~ontempJ.ates arriving on !.rond~,

and the other man s~s yes, but"regardless of that to mmit one thing from, him, on-which he ",anted something before he left; that eVerything

. is possible" and it is possible that............. Then he uses the expression III propose, but other forces dispose. I, 'Will try to be there Monday wit~out fan, if notbirig unforeseen occurs. But I 'ask you again tomorrow,. without awaiting nw arriyal., do one thing about which •••••••••• today toriards evening •


The other manlS answer is not clear, but it is something about. Sunday. He is told nyou can do ,it confidentli. OK. Good By." He asks if there is ruzything new' and is "told there is not. The conversation ends by the one man Saying that he vlill remain over S~' and the other man sa;ring, that he Will expect to arrive on Mond~.

7: This is the connection with -Mrs. GR.At!EIKO (her name is~ ~IA DMITRO~ l?RAYEIKO phonetic). They: 'discuss the welfare of a. child who apparently haSbeen getting ~dl3rmic 1Djections' of some sort.

. L._






1, Conversation be~en man and woin§m in RusSian. (unintelligible)

.2: It· s impossib {distinguish the name of the person cl!, but i sounds ~(~m. 'He ;-eports that he has inforIrutt-ion. that the ELOMORE" passed the' cail.aJ. on the ~7th. He then corrects :l.t to ,the 18th• He is' asked when he learned of this. The date of the 18th

is again repeated.~.. . , . .

.... ., 'f

.,! ,t, " '

, The conv~rsEi:tron' of the person c~ ;s not 'loud enough

,to be ',understaridable. 'The man viho",waS called' asks if there are any ships the,;e and :,UpOn receiv:lllg - an al16\'1'er says that he kIlows there vdll ~e,,"b~t he i!~tec;. tO~ ~owii theY 'bad, a.;rlved! He aSKS that

he be called as' soon, as ;aily ,arriv~. "Thi's is, very necessary for u~,

so tliat 'we' c,OUld notil'y our ,people for servicing it." '

,.. • -.. -'" .. '" j v

~ .w...~~ \ ~ ~ 'J; ( -

,', There is~ then < some conversation apparentiy about, a ship hav:ing l~f,t. o~ the 19th, and:i?be ~ 'calling_mentj_~s,_ as near .as can .be ~st~gui~d, ~at someb~dy, bad-become ill on board, and the man ~o"is Call.irig,~ayS ,that he ~9irs all abo~t that.


" '

, .. 'Ther~ 'is some inctlstingm,sbS.ble conversation about a passen-

,ger v.e~~~, the·~. of- 'Which ~Und~: p~_e:t?-?a;qi llkeY\"BRAZlLtt,. The man"receiving, the c~l,_ !:liter eoae i\1rther ~stinguishable conver-sation asks if ev~ijthipg ~ all, right with t~e UBELO¥OREII. in ~e canal. Th~ answer is not distinguishable, but apparently is in the aff~:t;,. . Th~ man the~ states "the trouble is that they did -

not 'have the necessary 'documents to enter the port. ' Do you 'tmcm

.that?" The man at the other end of the conversatiOn explains

,something 1:.9 the effect that the ,ship is l.oB.d:illg and ieaying, and

that it is leaving on the folloWing dq. Inquiry is made as to

whether the crew is allowed ash?re" and the other ma.n (qERASru) s~s tbat he ~~ot know that they did" but that if they ~d not. he

wouldbav ~:: :t~:: do+bere?Q

9ER.A.Sm: liOur representat:i.V~OVIKOV went there."

l'VIlien did he leave?"


IIHe was iihere yesterdqtl.


roo .,.. - -- , , -- , o-
r "C '. •. ~
. ,> ,,'-- ...
! 19
" -,
I <. -
,. . '. L/Direc:tor

II It sails" you sa:y, tomorrow'llt

I •



G~lll "Yes, 'toDlOlTOW". - • ' \

In further conversation the man starts 'to~GERASIM to do something, and pre~~ notifY h:im 'of 8.rrival f ships and then changes to a statement about the ship ~ed thE}~ '\llRAIMASHIt, , being expected ,there, .and SJ:lother ship, fo~ of'~hem. There is then some fUrther conversation. about a ship. ~ving been expected on the 23;od and'llavmg ar~ved' ahead ,of t;une. '.

3: A i~g conversataon in English,about. eome .concerf tour.


i: 9onverBation,:in English: ~oout the Wo;t'ld I s Fair, matter (WAISH' & ,COMPANY) and: the ZAROUBIN sit~tion.

2: Conversation ~ English making reference to :!-he C record of_ September 20 and some matter about th'


3: ,C~~versa.tion ~ Russian" 'somebody at-tempting t,o make a long-distance ~~epholie c~ lri thout ,succ~ss •.


. - '- ".-

4. Conversation in, English 'Somebo9Y trying to .geb a phone call through.

,It sounds like th~ .naae of, t1i~~,person calling is given as SIB~.,

. ~

5: Conve~sation,betwe~ 'tWo wOmen, largely :indistinct. The 'WOman ex-

plains that he~ fathe~ is guif ~o~ a: walk; that he ,~ suffered an night l1?-tJl, his stomach and had gone out to buy some magnesia.

Some ;t_'Iirther converaatdon about fu.~re being j3luidy .spots to sit :in the park;. : ,A" ~scus¢.on as to ~bout what time in the morrting, the.

- 8 -;



two fam:ilies arose. Furtber conversatdon about feeding the f~

and putting one child asleep. .

End of Record Number J!7

1) r ·"~I~ "sho~ ~e~ noted :that a grea~ '}Jart of bhe r~co~gs

was indist~~t~ .. I

. '~+- ~ t ':

, .

. ,


B. .s, SACKETT ~

?peciaJ. 'Agent 4:i:n . C~ge.





' ..



:i: ••• ' DIRECT0Ft .

On septem:er 25. 1940. ,~r .. Sackett C~ll\d fro~

the New York City Office with. reference to the Russian items forwarded for'Agent'Starr. ,S~ advised tbatthese translations are very.difficult and

require a gre~~dea -. l .... ' of Agent Starr's, tim,e and tha' Agent Starr is suppose4-to pe giving preferred attention 0 a

198 page summary in' c()nn~ction wi t~ 'th~ Bridge!:lJ.Ifv s~igation. Mr'. Sacke,tt ,wished:, to be advised 'which shollld, be

given prefere~c.e ~~ '~tarr>~' ,_. ,

After taking the 'matter uR with you I call~d

the New York Off~ce ap.~ ~talked -", to ·Mr. Gue'rin ~~d- eXpiained tha~ the Bridges ~tt~r shou.l:-d be given pr~f~rence b~ Starr and that Starr should, endeavor to,effect the t~rslations of these Rus~ian., items dUring ,his, ,spare time. '{I:J.'.~"'/ However, M~ ~_ ,Gue'rin a~ v,isee! ' t~ t S~a:t"r '\'ias :~ing _ ~n _ . annual leave::begiimiIigon the even'ing, of Sept,ember 25. 1940, in vieW: of 'which none' of thes'a .Russianitems

wiJI:A be forward.~d t~' New York for' 'Starr' s 'a.~'ten'tion

untl1thef±rst <?~'.nextw:ek.~'" ~ '. ._:'~' ~,' , ' , •

, ,- ..



, '4 ?:ltt:lZ;----r-

• 6,

-- ... ~.". -~- .. ,





~ I






September 26, 1940



, ,

( ,



Ciasslfle y .s:t~""'""""'T"f;" D2Classify 0 •

Mr. Tplson •• ;;.;.::..:. •

;\ ,. ~

'Mr~. Clegg ~ •••••••••••

Mr. E. ~Tamm~~ ••• ,Mr. ~Fo%Worth ••••• !. \

Mr:NatTwl : -; , 'J

Mr. Lac!d. .

Mr. Egan ••••••••••••• '

,- ~

Mr. G!~vIn ••••• :._ ••

Mr. Nlcholli ••••• _ •• I .

1I1r. Hcndoc ••••••••••




{f' f


"~-1b . ~;'W . . ~;;;~~~ASSIFI~D -- .-

-=~;il.eral mur.ea;'Of :ll~u.cStigathl~" --& 9-17-:;:01" 603:::: UC/LP ,ISH /

...~~ .....

Bnit.eit §fat.cs13.eparfm.cnt of iJuSfic~

romll]ingtnn~ it. 4t.

. "", ...

~.'. ..,



September 2l~ 1940


" :t.


0,-- .

1 (, . ~. '- r~..r-,

Re : 6 con FII$

Three Russian items r.eceived from the Washington Field, O#-,fice today were on this date forwarded to N~I York City by Air Mail Express for tr~nslation~ per your i~struo-

tions. ~

Mr. ~·bJ.t::;::::: advised telephonicallY6' 'and requested to furnish transc,rlpt to Buroau inmediately.',


Rrll3M"'JJ "">

R. J. Brandt


, .

,~, -, ft

'I. __

, "

, ., .... , ...... , ... ~A".j.g,~l~~~~- ';-~C<""I'''' p.1rll:rloj,j~c·ON'rAlNEi';··-·},r"'~:v;-,,,,,,,,:, s r- •

... "~ ••• ~'.~ .. ~ v~ J\Jl~1.o;1~~·" ~1<~ .• .,)It- WF' I"~ i' c 0.' I

(,." '7%' GArfMoSVER"'a' .:,; . " ) f .... r. ' .J ,~ ,. _ r.· _

~":~/;'!~E~~R ]:--~-~.,_..;;.~~ f l_ GJ.~ATE 09-17-2010 BY 60322,.uc/lfPf' pel _-

", .~ - .: . t l~::~ntl tBur.eau of Illu.elltigatiri' 1':"~~~~._>7.~~~~.

... ~--.~~ ~""""'"

'itllit.ell ~tat.ell1l.epartm.ellt of YUlltir.e

mU1l11ill~toll, 1l_ O!_

September 26, 1940

Sp~cial ~gent George J. Starr cal~ed~from ~he New York City Office at 11,:25 as m, on September 26, 1940, with reference, to the translation of items in Russian recently forwarded to him which were obtained from a.confidential sOurce. Agent Starr advised·that so

far ·there appeared to be' only two .items of possible i~terest.

, Agent Starr advised as a, result of the trans.lation that

- the Russian,s are appare.ntly expecting fou;- t'!hip~ .to arrive in

..... .' Seattle. -One is, apparently ~lready in; t~e. other ~hree are due :by

~... September 25, 1940. Someone ~Ias sent from ~Iashington to Seattle

) i-to handle the arriya1 of thesE;; :ships and, reports have been made to :r~ \i,;.s~ington frol!l Seattle i~ connection with w~ich appears to \;~ be ~?me'question as to the attitude of the authorities in 'Seattle

ft' s \ofell as' a question of fingerprinting. The men arriving on these

~ b~a~~ apparently ~ve only interna~v.RussianpassPo~ls which are

1\ _ not:'good_ for foreign travel and .con4).afiit was made to the ef,fect t~~ fingerprints of the~e men were ·being tSkenon ~ards, use4 for reporting·criminal .fingerpri,nts~. Arrangemen~s we:t;e_ ef~ected,how-. e~~r, to have the finger;P,rin~s .Q:( these ind~v.ia~ls p.l~ced upon their passports. This, o'f course. woul~ ~·~rve no .,use;-ul purpose ~s f~r as fingerprint records are'con~ern~d.


-;;; ,

l\Ir·1oIson •••• ~ •••• J Mr. 'Cleiift •••• , •••••• :.. Mr. E. A. Tainm •••• ~ Mr. Foxworth. •••••• '7

Mr. NathllD •••••••••• Mr. Ladd._ •••••••••••• Mr. Egnn ••••••• _ ...... ~. Glavin •••••••••••

Mr. Nlchols ••••••••••


;:.:ME==l~:'{O~RAND=~m=~--=-FO=R;.-.;MR==- • ...:;H=.",--=H~. ~~=LE=~



There has also been .consi~rable referenc'e'made in these Russian items to the positi9n of o.~e Zaroub~~. tIl~(R'Il:ssian \yorl!s Fair Commissioner in New Yg_:t_k-O;tY,., .e·.~s, appaten'tly a party in litigation with ·Wa.lsh and Company, :contr~'CtqrSt who. erected the RUssian Euilding at the Fair. In'view -of Zaroubin's official

];:osi tion he questio-ns whether he can rightfUliy be subpoenaed into

court. He is' apparently :t>eing:represented in·;som~ capacity by one Page -(phonetic) who is. ei'thei" American or English· and speaks Russian. Instructions were received .. forZaroub'in to contact ,the United States Attorney in Ne~l York C~ty. 'Effort's' a~e aiso being made to obtainvisas for Zaroubin in order to effect his departure from the country

·by OctoJler 4, 1940. RECO~D~l? _} I --

t ' ~'" .~_ (d5~3tJ,C111/-$ Rn~¥finly.'~~~~=;n·~iJ~~~'~:'~"~~~~-' . A? ,_ uuu. BUNEAU OF JNVESTiG.UID,'

/J./ t;, 3 1940

u. s. DE~Nmtl~T OF JUSTICE

,. . . -


r IIl.ell.eral lLlur.eau of ~"u.ellttgatiott

1!tttif.ell §faf.e1l11l.eparfm.ettt of YUllfir.e New York, N. Y.


oj 4




September 27, 194

!II'. Tolllon •• _ •••• _ •••••

Mr. ClcCg * .. J ••• _~._ •• Mr. E. A. Tanun._ •••• Mr. foxworth •••••••

Mr. Nathan ••••• _ ••• _ •• Mr. Ladd .... _ •••• _..... ' Mr. Egan __ .-_-_-_-_-._._.-_-

Mr. qlann __ ._._.- _ _,.._ ... Mr. Nlchola __ - •• -_ ... _-

Mr. nendon._-- •• - •• _... Mr. Rosen •••••• _ •• _.. Mr. Tr&t:Y ... _ •••••••••


Federal Bureau of Investigation Washington, D. C.

i ;~" f
- I Dear Sir: ~

There is submi tted belmv, as much as could under-

stood and translated of the ccnversatd.cns contained on,: _eS9!,gs #X5" Tl, 16_ and 18" received at this offi. ce from the Bures; on September "-25~ 1940:



No.1 - This is a conversation in Russ' between

a man and a woman. It is app ently a continuation of a conversation, om another record, between a man name ANDREVICH and his wife. The conversation is principally about the approximate time of his return to his home. H. also mentions tl' he had made some purcha es for his wife and also tells her that woman whom he identifies as Catherine Ivanovna, had an operation which apparent . - was'successful.


Conversation No.2 -

A conversation in Russian .between two '\'Iomen partly indistinct but in, the course of which the 'Woman notifies the other vroman that if

anyone calls she is not at home.i~ .- ~~


RECORDED & INDEXED I.::.....::;._~......_,f-;-___:~~~,

Conversation in Russian between a

woman in 10" tone of voice. The the man if he is upstairs and als what he was doing and he said tha reading Steinbeck. The farewells r:.:~~~~""""~~"':-==--I of the conversation seemed to be by an exchange of ,kisses.

Conversation No.3 -

.. ..



~ ~


Conversation No.4-

A long iist ce conversation ·be n a man Who

identifi himself as CONS~ _ llEXANDROVICH, possiblv OUMANS~, an~ so~eone t seattl~,Wa~h. The conv rsation is not, all entirely distinct but it is approXimately as follOffs:"

()U]!ANSKY - l'Diq the steamer arrive?"

,A. I eiyt1!~g was in, order. tI liThe crevl'. - they did not haye

{passports and ltwas necessary to, make the prints' on their passports. ' On the next day the crew was alloifed on .shore so everything was in order and the vessel is'now loading. II

O. "When will it l~ave'l"



\ A.
.o. ~
(A. -
A. _,
O. - uThe steamer arrived 'on the, evening of the 18th. "

about the formali ties? II

III think it will leave on1Uesday; that is the:latest date." (There is some discussion about loading; somebhfng about it being ~oaded llith what sounded like 1390 tons).,

"I undensband;

Is everythingl in 'order on .Qoard.?"

. .' ,

'''Everything in order. No disturbances.1I

. ,

If , ~

ilFine. Se,~ 't~at ,si~ilar ~2?~' serv±'~~s ,fr?ID the Consulate are- ... provfded. .for all the' "!ipre~ s,hips. tt,

~ .,., , ~, ~y ~ ./

IIShal'lb-.,I',wait for the .ship' that ,arriyes the 25th?"

~ ..f. • - - J 1" ,... • ... t. '<~, j ". .; • , ./

I ,( ,

II'roday j, ~ wl:ta t? II .; ~'

• ,.":' ,'_ ,', 4 {_

"T!l~ ~~.t~t .Iiy~s .: ,the' 21st; :Sa~urday:~;" 'M~~be i"t wil~ cane,

'",., earlier. - I' ~"" ," .. e,

~>'- , , 't ,_ • .,' '~,

, ',~ ; . ,

Ityes'.' j ~ t, .. .:" ',,", 1 ,e .~"

.. . i . I'''' .v I f

·f ~ '_, ~ _,) }

"I ':thou~ht', I-vlould,: ila:~i.l ~lie .?ther~. '~il' come later. II



"Right I " '

! > :t ... , ~ .. \ '* ~ ~t \ ,Jt ,

,(~ere via,S then som~ lc'Or{versationabo~t r~iriaining there and then a question by OUinansk-Y. '>

O. Irllhat about the authorities, citti tude?1l

-"Alright. ,I, had to convince the autl10rities.1l

(~e man explain~d tha~ .the a~thorities worked overtime on the fingerprinting of the crew and with ref~rence to




. .



, , •. 'C



. ,

! It ~

too fingerprintiilg' said tfut ,at fir~i· he wan ted the

• 1- '" ~ ..

fingerp~ts ma~e' not on ~ne passports buf .on s'eparate

paper',aild,:.t!tat ,t~~ authorities ,then .~r_0!:ight 'paper for that purpos~ ~hic~ was the same as'wa~.USed for fingerp'rinting criminru.s and he 'Ylould not4 alloW them to use that and, had th~ prints put on t~ passports. There

• t. .... _ It \:. _" .,_

!!as some '~s.cuss~~~"a:r~er tl_1at .as to ,:what :~hey did , about:those_who'had no passports;and' thelman exolained th~t~ they, ha~ s~~ca:q,e~"int~r~or ·P~sports. (The;e wou~ :l?e dane~~ic .. paf1,;')po~t~ !?f 't~e<, u.s.s,n. )'. .~he man likewise 'e~la:ihed th;at ~o( ~e~ crew of. ':t!ie .. ~sh.ip" only the. cap~ain C?~#~. a I'm.ari~e~!s b09kll~ ~"\"Tl!~: man explained that the .'s.~rvi~cll1g' of:'the ship ,,\Va;S_ yei-y· .goodj that

there had 'q~~n: a. change "a'.p.q too t,:ships', had fonnerly been s&rviq~d ~~ :the Gen~r<H: ;sfs\do. (which' is 'as near as

tpe name could be dts~inguished ~n the record) and 'that ,~01I th~ work was bedng -done by the-(t~e name of this conpany was not distinguishable). OUJAANSKY then stat~d tl].at he had no instructi~ns and the other man a.sked if they might nob come in the neXt few days. 'OUMANSKY said that they might. The man .then asked the questicn "It will be interesting to k~ow £f - - -(indistinguishable) '-- arrived today. II (The name couJ.O. not be dis'tinguished). OUMANSIq rep-lied thi t he had :arri ved. but made 'no mention ,ot too .

name "of the person ,of whom he .was/ speaking. ' ,

It is noted that whereas the man ~t one point said that no one on the ship b~t t.he captain had a. mar~ner' s book, at an~ther point he s~a~~d that no one on the ship has a mariner's book. ~so with refer-

ence to the p~ssports. It is not qUite clear in the ·beginning of the

. conversation. where he says that· no one had a passpcr-t - an interior passport, or whe~her he means that no one had-a. passport, meanmg- a. for~igri passport and ~ha~ they l!lerely had the ~terior pasSport. It is b~lieved, however, f:ran the text tha~ what he meant to, say "wa~ that the men 'had interipr or domestic passports and nO'forei~ passports, and that- the fingerprints 'v~~e placed on those' paasporbs ,



Conversation No.5 - Is a yery brll.if convaraatdon between a man and a' , .woman which is .almost entirely indistinguishable. It sounded as .£f the woman: was trYirig to keep her vo~ce as

f • lovr as possible and the man is very abrupt in his comments. '~e woman made some refere~ce tQ OUVANSKY, also about somebody .bemg questioned about sbtrething~


t •



Conversation No.6 ~ Is' a conve~sation between two'~omen in Russian, concermng some of .determining the number of . beds necessary ,to accoaodabe some children. One woman· .finally.makes an appodntmerrt, to have the other vroman come over' to ·call gn her the, folloWing .. day • She liad asked' her to cane over then but the wanan said' she wouldn't lmow whe to go and thEm sal.d- she would' come over the

f owing day' ana have the chauffeur drive her over. .The, oman who is. inviting the other 'Woman 'over,:is LYDIA

; {DMITROVNA. . . ;.'

Conversati No.7 - Is :in 'Russian· between toilO women ,ab9utthe same matt~r, namely th.e question C!! acconodatd.ons for' children. ~e one woman who had figured in the previous' co'nv.ersation ·explained that"she had talked to', the head of the school for children and wanted to .know 'hovI

many children' th'ere would be 'so he ~ould arrange' for

r~Oms· and beds, etc. < ,


Conversatio!l, o.l,~·Convers,ation ~nEnglish '~tVleen·.a '"NEIL and a', ~ IIJOHNNYII. which is ex:tremelyindistinguishab e.

, .

Conversaticn No.,2 - A conversation iIi Russian between two women. The 'conversatiori is',"_:inctl:stinguishable out does 'make mentd.on C?f,'c~ging 'tjle, d~te qfsome '~ven~ out:it. is not possible to dist~nguisni,what they a:r:~ ,t.alk~*g,'~bou~.

~ ~ I ,*~ .~ to-

,Conversation No.3 - 'ConV:ersaticin in ,~g~i~h. This-~s6unds like a con-

- versatio"n' m;tij 8:.' groce~' s·to~e. ::. _. 'j,

\ " . ; .'

Oonversatdcn No.A- ' ... ~nversa~~6~ :bet~~e~ ~\;o'-wo~'an'l:i:n~ RU~sian. one of ~them speaks', good RUssian and', d.s apparently connected with a . school •. " ,mle.,'oiher';s~aks '' slight' accent and

j, ,appa::ren~lT'is' th~ *~;e.i:t~ '.0f·,a;;.:ciliid ~~t; t,l1.e school, and the is" abouti ;the' school and-about, the child~ The

• • ..- • ,. '1 ¥-.. - -r> "I - ,

two women'make a ,date to'get together'on the-following day

a few minutes ahead: 'or' Briother contemp~ted meeting, to discuss 'some matter, the -nature ,-of mich· is not revealed

in the pr~sent·. cQnY~r"s?-tiql·. :' '

j '., -


.. ,



--,- -~ ------~----~~--~----~

, .

," Q9'



~ ~ '"- t r I ~

Conversation No.1 - Gonversation1n English between two men.

• -''Co' ~~ ~ > Ii'

"I know what you told me yesterday,and I .• \ • • • it was

not 1'- ;t was ,our leg~l branch the Department 'of Justice. ~d' Isubmitt~d to the Departmen~ of Justice what I have said to 'YOl,l.

ANS. .II!-'will deliver that to MR. OUMANSKY ~ • " II


~AGE: -


, ,
ANS. .;..
AN~· - -




. ~- -~ ... _;"..

No.2.,', COI}v:ersation in, ssian *b~twe.n two men, one of

th o-e¥'1g:ail a~;t~~e whose name fs (:lven, phol1etically, a " A~j~ c:epcepdI}g- ' 'e,.niat~er, of .the.' appearance or non-

ap earance of a 1m OUBIN in .coui-b,

1:_ ("'?

'!I~ will bEf bet:t~r 'if ZaroUi>i~ ,appears; 9therwise the ' c~urt mgll1?, be, ;Les.~ "s~p<;the-t;;ic ~to', the" ·~ase.

''''_ - .. 1 11 ,-. "-' ,

, -' ~"! .,_ t ~.,.... "} <

'JII ca.n oi1J.y repe~t,:niy; 's£a::t~ine'nt' o:r-<· - that

,nob~y ,.9ahc~sueMr. {~8;rP~b.~ii. H~~ vt.i;'tl :~C?t go bo. any

court. . "-, t, ~."'" .

.r. ,'" I ./

"I can onl:y,,,reneat· ;what r said • • • ; Ii

1 r '.""~\~ .

< 'it t 1 *' '

II •• ,. you kn~ what the situation is.-'.'

"I know that, he is t,he Cpmmissioher General 'and not 8.,

. diploma.t.1I .' .

"He is a representative of the SovietGov~rnmen~.n

"That m~y be. He is a private person • .II

·"He i,s not. a;private Person, but he is ~ government- repr,esel1t~ti ve. II

" •••• all that you said.1I

"50 it may be better '£:01" Zaroubin if he appeals to the attorney,at New York., II·

lillie questio~ here is not of Zaroubin but of the Soviet Commissione.r of the Soviet Pavillion.!1

"I understandu,


----:-- ----__,..,..---:-:---::-------:,---,---, '. ,'" " ."c-.;;o-_ c;-, ""_----------,.,-_'

c-o '~



,iI 'doubt very much if any Court cruld bring. - to trial a repr~sentative pf the Soviet ~ernment.


"I under-sbandn •

. IIThat is ,the situation. That is 'why I don tf understand, your presenf communication, that, the Depar-tmenb of Justice ?dvi~es ~he Embassy to sugges~ to 'Zaroubin that he, appeal to the attorney. I,do not understand this. '

'. . " - .. ,

"7'h~ ~partnien:t, of Ju~t~ceadYisel? that it nligli~ be' better' for Zaroubin tp appeal to the +awyer. ~~at he can do tQis informally.

, ,Dur~g this part of, t1.le ccnversation bobhcmen :were talking

at, the same time and whiae Page wa~ .maklng the statement abOVE! the other in.substance:



"I understand tha ~:yO\1 suggest; that this be, done, unofflcial.:!..y' but here is the situation. Mr., Zaroubin is the Commissioner of the Soviet PaViliion~ ,The SOViet Goverrimen~~articip~tes in the Exposition at the invitation of the President. II

. ~ .... ~ - :.

PAGE at this time says he lqlOiis the hi!3~tory.,


"If, the Presiden~ of the United'States invites a.foreign government to participate in this e~osition and', then the thou'ghtiess acbs: o{'local. autho,riiiies undertake varioUS things ~a.bout the, acts of', this ·Comnu.ssioner i: it is not

understandable: -,0 a' ~ •

. -" . l,

-ft I .

, ,The ''s- sta.'tiement simply ~pe_r~.,gf! here, ~oth men are'

agatn .talkingat the, aaae. time. The- ~ssian s~~tes in .substance, that they, presiunbaly the .United states slioUld ,protect',.our Ccmmissioner from

the illegal acbaor looB:L>?atithori~ies. ':.,~': ... " . ..

, of ..... ~ ;;. ~T 1 .. ~ •

, '\ ' If :;iI' • _ _ • J -e- L

PAGE :_ "We ;ihfq!'ffied, tne·,pepartme~'!:i of ,Jus,~ice ,of the, status of.

,pf Zar~~biIj. ~u~ you know- the~ 'are J.;~w~ ~ New York and < • '~here:'is nothi~ll lye. c~'-'ao. :We~,canrio~(l.pterf~re.

-_ . ,-',. t J' -' \

ANS. j'IDriglitl I'B. trahsrritthis to OUMlu'lSkY. Thank You_. "

\ ' - :, " '. 'f - -,

- ",,' - i'... f ! ' - .... - • -

CqNYERSATION NO~.3. - 'Pi"copv:~rsa:tion iIi .Eriglis~, .. beivieen a woman and presuma~+y: J~pim~~e, about a;'Diplomatic visa for Mr. Zaroubin.

~I I) \. I

! • \ •


rv-. ~


,Conversat~on No.4~ A conv~rsation p~rtly in English and partly in Russian between a man .and a woman and ·later a child;;;'," The -yianan was apparently the child's mother.

~ ,,_ - " ~

~ ,

Oonversatd.on N~.5' - Conversation :In ~glish"b~tw~en two men coocerrlirig, the matter 'of Zarotibin ,arid"the conversation

had' ~~ }.ffi..~AGE, the 'a~to'~~r: ~ , • .

- .

, i


! \ I ,


RECORD' YS':, . ~ ": i. _ "', "

, "I"j_.~t..~",li:

~ - _~k ¥ ~ I If r .. tl -

Conversation 'No.t -, A coiivers<i£l:onin RUssian. bet{veen two WOOlen

, " lat~~l~' ~cllS~~~,~~sha~~e. . ":4\ '. '

, , ,~ -.

C~nversation N<?2 ~.~·.A>~onveFs'at~on'in Ru~f;j':~ 'l?etween' two men. A

man c.alled ':to,~ke ~9.u:i!y ~ut it ~ is i!J?:possio+e to ,distingUish what h~f is iri'qUirYi~ about. The answ~r was

a negatd, ve one.



No.3 - A conversation in RUssian between two men. A man calling to inqUire about 'a personal ma~ter, nameiy about, proper settings for 'a photographic' camera, The m~states that he has se~,the'a~justment to'16 for speed and is told that that is alright. He then ,inquires as to the light and has adjusted it. to ''';Light to cloudy';. ,He is told that that is wrong and it shoUld. be se,t to "light ",. Then .haeebs it: a.t 25 ,for -. distance.


Conversation No.4 - A .converaatdon in Russian:l between two women.

. i'he woman who .08J.18, is attempting to make an appointment .with the othe~ woman to get together on the ,following day ,but the latter, tells her they have an American

dinner for the following day and does not .see ho~v she can make the appointment. The 'conv r tiori concerns the matter o'f' making .. &l. appointmen' nd r gett~g together.

Conversation No.5 - A voice says -'~MI STEPANOVICH wishes to talk , with you~1I There is 'some d;,' ay, finally, the connectd.on is made. Two me~ carry on the ·onversation. The First states, "Have you anything or me?U T'lle ,SecondUan

.. says, ''No.,,,, 't~n ,t?ays he < something to ask the First

Man,. ''Did y~, know- Comrad nUN?"

~t'Y~n - ;2nd"Man -

'''Cert~lyrr •

I~t do you mean - certa


I" ' •


1st yan
2nd Man
1st Man
2ndYan ...
1st llan
2nd Man
1st :Man
1st Man n+ know him very well."

nver~ well even?"

11+ o~y saw him once.-II

l~e11 - he wants to see yo~ tn~ second time tomorrow, 'what do y()u think of that1"


-. '

I \' '

I '

i . .H

"I would like very much to see him."

Irwhat time 'Will you be hone - not at hone - here?" III will probably be in a~ 10 .. "

ttihen he will be with you at 10. IIIIAnd I can tell him SO?';

stYes. "

The· conv~rsatiori then is of a perso~a1 nature as to how-he had slept and 'a woman's voice comes into the conversation in a purely personal statement about -the noise made by the children!

The two records are being returned ,to the BUreau under Government ~ll of Lading.No. J-162610.





Charge •

. '

I '



, '

,.~-,. ~~~~-------'7". ---:-.~.- I_..··_· ,. 0'" t-

.-~ ,;.;.;; ,·"!",N,, FOro'rATION CONTAH-IED ~ .n. I,

J~J:lN EDGAR HOOVER \O:~~~J 1(3.{) I.

,~! D'~f.CToR ~ . ,:.~~ 09-17-2010 BY 60322 UC/LP/5\ . -. '1 .~

~" .• : " . 'I! _~("

..,...._ ,,!'!ellkral mureau of Jlll\tcstigad~:~ :.l

ltllitell states :aepartmellt of Yustic..e masqillgtoll, 13. e.

On this date there were received from the Washington Fie1d Office five Russian items and, in accordance with l&r. Carson's instructions 'and previous advice received from Mr. L1tt1e, these five items are being forwarded by Air Express, Personal and Confidentia1, to

Mr. Sackett in NeVI York City. /


At 10:15 a. m. on this date the New York Office was telephonically contacted by the Bureau in connection with another matter

, ~\) and the writer at that time conversed with Assistant Special Agent in

"~ Charge Guerin, informing him that the five Russian items would on this

i '\:" ~ ')..,',-¢ date be sent to the New York Office via Air Express. Mr. Guerin stated

. ~ , he has been previously adYised that ~en Rus~ian items are being for-

~ ~~ warded for translation by Special Agent George Starr and, in view of

~ ~ previous Bureau .instructions, Agent Starr is spending.most of his time

~ on the Harry Bridges case interviewing informants', and that he is only

able to spend approximately one hour each day on the trans1ation of these items. Mr. Guerin stated he did not believe, therefore, it would /' be possible to handke :these items promptly. Mr. Guerin was informed,

however, that this is the on1y arrangement th~ Bureau has been able to make for the translation of these it~ms and ·that un1ess he was advised to the contrary, the :f'ive items would be forwarded to the New York Office. He was advised also that Agent. Starr should comply with previous Bureau instructions, giving the Bridges case preference and handling these items in his spare time, returning the translations to the Bureau as soon as possible under the circumstances.


r I: 1t'.

f ...




October 1, 1940

,<K' .

:: ~~\18~:::::::::

ltIr. 'Tamm ••••• "

Mr. Fo orth •••••••

ltIr • .NathaD ••••• ,;. ••• lrJr • .Ladd ••• _ ••••••••. Mr. Egan ••••••••••••• Mr. Glavin ••••••••••• Mr. Nichols •••••••••• Mr. HendC?D •••••••••• Mr. Rosen ••••••.••••• Mr. TrGc:y ••••••••••.•• Mia. Gandy ••••••••••

. ,J.JJ\~


~- - _ .. _-_ -.-.~.




This matter was later discussed with Mr. Carson and he approved ·the instructions given the New York Office. These five Russian items are, therefore, being forwa~ded to the New York Office on this date.


.MCefDIfJ_' : 0{" - 3 610 7-:;J../ -

~~' "'WfiiAl Bt'RE~u Cf h;. ~1IlATf{} R. J. Brand

2 OCT 3 1940



" .,






. October 2, 1940



On September 29, 1940, I called L~. Sackett

of the New York City Office on the telephone and advised him tbat we were forwarding ten Russian items for translation by Agent Starr.

ldr. Sackett again brought up the question

of dividing Agent Starr's time between the Bridges case and these translations. He was advised that the Bridges case should be given preference, and Agent Starr should endeavor to effect these translations by devoting an hour or tVTO a day to them. Mr. Sackett advised that this would be done.


In accordance with the, above, items X6-8~ X9-ll, XlO-12, Xl3-15, X14-l6, Y9~11, YlO-12, Yl3-l5, Y14-l6, and Yl7-l9 are being forwarded to the New York Office by air express on the morning, of September 30, 1940.


Respe tfully,


- .~

Mr. TOlso~<._.~ •. ., •. ~ ••• l\lr. Clogg ••••.• ,. '."... I' Mr. E. A.1'amm •••.•• Mr. Foxworth~., •.•••.• lIIr. Nathan ., ••••••••.•

Z,Ir. Ladd •••••••••••.•• l\Ir. Egan." •••••••••••

l\Ir. Glavin , ••••

¥r. Nichols ••••••••••

Mr. Hcndon ••••••••.•• 11k. Rosen ••••••••••• !lIr. Tracy ••••••••••••

MIss Glin'ely ••••••••••

"'" , .,; .. ,. .. , •.•.....


.- - >,~-:'''7iiA-''' """,~~. )"':"'.~'-'~ _', ··~;'i~~·o~llrt}gii~?.fjNTAi~i> " " '''~ :~. ; ':- :--;;.., ;O~;';t;GA~ '~06VEti to ~A m;H.irlJ~i~ -rMetkS'5-TFmr~'~ i.·" S1~\. j'

o. • DIRECTOR' !~~:DATE 09-17-2010 BY 60322 UC/.p~~.-

. I ". .

I . • ••

~. , -._-,."......IH~lt~ral m~r~au of Inu~Btigatiitu;j

1!tuitelt §ta~~1li 13epartm~nt of YU5tir~ mtt5qington, ~ .: Qt.


October 10, 1940

Mr. To18on._ ••• Mr. O!eKg ••.• ~ Mr. E. A. Tamm. Mr. Foxworth •.•• _

]dr. NathllO -."""

• Mr. Ladd •.•• _",., ••.•• Mr. Epn ••• ~._ •••••

Mr. Glavin •• ~ ••••. , Mr. Nlcho}., ., ••••••.•

Mr. Hcndon ..

1t1'r. ReSOD ••••••••• ~

I l>Ir. Tracy ._ •••• _ ••••••.

Mfa!, Gandy ". __ ••••••

1iI ••• _ •••• _.~ .. _ ••••• ~ •• __ .... .-

Re: CON FILE; Washington Field O£fice

·During the wri I s absence .£rom Mr. J;.i ttle l s office, several..Russian items were received'from the Washington Field

O££ice Bnd~ 1 has advised the writer that three items

numbered 2 X, 28X, 33Y, 35Y, ~6xy, 38XY, were rece~ved £rom the l{ashing~n Fielq,. Office on October 7-, 1940, and upon lJr. Carsonls authorization £orwarded these items to the Nerr ~

Of-fice on that same date . .for translation. /

-I 19J_~9 Cl:dvis~d the l7!'i te~ that fou~ ~ssian

items, numbered 37XY, 39XY, 40XY, 41XY" A.2XY, 43XY, 44XY, 46XY were 'r~ceived' from the Washington Field Office on -Ocbobez 8, 1940, and ~n cOI!1pl._i~ce w.i. th 1!r. Carson's instructions were forwarded

to the .tIer, Xo~rk Field O£i'ice £or translation on October 8, 1940. -'niese i. tems were all ti'ansmi tted to the NeTI York Office v;ia

,Air ~ress, and under Personal' and Confidential cover for Mr. Sackett's attention.

b b7C


i' I ;

;.r-_" ..... ~- "", 'r.; ;-

,,~ ",~:

t ~'" - ALLl niFOIlHA TI m.r conr AIMED ., f~~~ . ~- .: ~-J~-:-' -=-- ---:---:-:;---"-----,,--~--,,...--.:-= .. ~, .:--L.

, • J

i I'J IS· '\I: .. e:

1 ~ AUr. TolsOD •.•.• ~ .

-.~ _ .... '_<' 09-17-2010 BY 60322 UC/LP/~, 7\.~. . f,{r. Clcglt ..... ~ •. : .•• : ~

oJ. • j' lrlr: E:-A. Tamm .•.

"i • ';"~' __ ""

, ........ _ ....... 1Jj.e~.eral iaur..eau of Intt..e.stigation-- . llir. ¥oxworth" .... ,:-. r.!r.· Nathan •• ; •••••

Nnit.e~ §tate.s i1.epartm..ent of 9u.stir..e !Ir~ Ladd., •• .;- ••••••

'"in q. t :;j (!t lolr. Egan •••••••••••

:_ u.s tug on, of. • :Mr. ~ln~ •••••••• ~

:Mr. Nicho18. __ •

:Mr. HendOll. __ •••••

- . _"

JO..t;r:i!EOGAR -HOOVER - t, 3,pIR~CTOR

!"'~ '., C;

... "! '


~ctober l?, 1940

1I1r. Rosen _ ••• ' •• _

Mr~eY""-' __ "

. ~

and,y ••• _ ••••

.. ...... ....


.•.. _.. • ~:. l'

_,. '\r., -'~.-

.BE:. P CON FILE;. .'


o (RUssian Items)

Whi'le - COnyer.s~I'lg ·wi th Ur ~ _Guerin Qt 'ih~ New York Off~ce<on October-15" 1940 concerning. another matter, he stated that- Age_nt StalIVis 'V(o~king on the 'more recent Rus,sian -ite~s wl)ich have -been the Bureau t9 the Nevi· York bffice for translation. He stated that Agent Starr was of the' opantori, t.l;lat iihe more re~ent 'ma~erial -Vl<?u1d be of more, value to the:.. Bureau ,than ~hat. which i_s now: several 'days old and that unl.eas ad-dsed ~ th~ contrary" Mr. - Sta.Jl\.",ill cont~riue this procedure translating the older·r.ecords as soon

as.p~.has sufficieht time. .



R. J. Bran4t



mAl E!l3E.\U ~F.lNtSTIGA1ID: . 1 OCT ·24 1940

us DEPABTr.~t;H OF Jl.Sll~


i I



1 ~I,


__ ,


. ;- -_ -¥-:-; -- - , a ~'_" -.- .... --~

,~. . L IDFOPllATION CONT.,IlED I 0;0 •

"f'._ HEn! " , ;

'1) TE 09-17-2010 BY 60322 UC/LP/~~~~'~~_:_

.. , ... J.ell.eral mur.eau of Jfttuestigatiotl Utlit.ell § 1ll.epartmetlt of Yustir.e masqittgtotl, 1ll. Qr.


October 12, 1.940

Mr. ToIson •••••••••• :

Mr. Clegg ._ ••••• _...... _~'.,

l>h-. E. A. TaDim •••••

Mr, Foxworth •• _ ••••• Mr. Nathan ._ •••••••••

Mr. Ladd .... ~........ ;

(ltlr. Egan •• __ •••• _ ••

Mr. Glavulw ••• _ •• _..... ",

Mr. NiehoJs ••••• __ •

Mr. Hendon •••••• _ ••••


.=m='O::.::RAN=D~m:::..!~FO=R...::MR= • ..;.H= • .....:H=.:-=CLE=rT 0

Re: °CONFILE; Washington, D. C.

On October 10, 1940, there were received from the Washington Field Office Russian ;tem.~ XY56-XY58; XY52-XY54 and XY59-XY61.. These items were on that date forwarded to the New York Office via air express, personal and confidential,- for Mr. Sackett's attention.



R. J. Brandt

bS ~ ~ () a (r '1 _,.

FEDERAi. BP'1ff.1J l'l}': mVf~l'G~tro,'

4 1940

LL s. A~ Rit~ l lIr Jus·tm .



~< . \~ "AI:L ItForu,rATloN C ONT AIJ.JED . , i ;~' .. :, ~- r--


f'!"'.~ 09-17-2010 60322 UC/Li/STP l -_.

t ~w __ ~' .. " , ,,~j~ '~ ;

1J1.ell~rul mur~uu of I:"U~.sti!l~tio"

llt1it~ll stute.s 13~purtm~"t of ilit.stit~·...J tnn.sqitlgtotl, ~L at.


October 10, 1940


Mr. Tollon •••••• '" •••• ~Ir. OIeCg •.••••••••••.•

1I1r. E. A Tamm..... , 1I1r. Foxworth •••••••

Mr. Nathan ••••••••••

loir. Ladd .

1I1r. ECIUl •.••••••••••••

lItr. GIa.viD .• _ •••• _ ••

Mr. Nlchols._ •••••••

Mr. Hcndon ••••••• ! ••

llr. RoSCIl .

... ~;r. TrnCy :-...... .

. ; .l'>llslI GlIl1dy •.•••••••• ~

;0 ._._ ••• a, •• ~ __ .




o 0

Re: CON FILE (Russian)

Washington Field Office

~On Qctober 4, 1940, confidenti~ ite~'#32~ was received from the Washington Field Office and on that same date; forwarded to the 'New Yorknffice-for translation. 'lJr .• 9Uei'in~ waIf t~lephonic8lly ,advi'sed

at 6:05 p, m •.. cri October 1+" ~940.. . _

Respectfully, ,

, ~r.< .

, loJ;t,~

.1. Brandt ~

I', \ -,

. I

« \ --

...• , , ... i - -, , - . t," .,~. ""':1- .

~ NFOPl'rATION CmITAHIEDI ," ~'.-, ,17

J ; ~ . I

,19-17-2010 BY 60322 UC/LP/5TP l~

.. ~ . - ,." ~

_ ... _._IF.rlirrnl tl3urcnu of ftlucstign!hltl .. -~~-i




October 10" 1940·

fill'. Tolson._ •••••••• •• lilr. Clc:g ._ •••• _ •••••••

flir. E. A. Tamm.~ ••• Mr. Foxworth •••••••

I.Ir. NllthlUl •••••••••• Mr. Ladd ••••••••.• _ •••• Mr. Egan ••••••••.••••.• Mr. Glam ••••••••••• Mr. Nichols ••••••••••

Mr: Hcndon._ •••••••••

lotI'. Roscn ••••••••••• Itlr. Trill:,. ••••••••••••

Miss Gc.ndy ••••••••••


l1tlitcil stntc1l1llcpnrtmctlt of YU5tir~

r .


.:::m=,{Q~RAN=D~m=!II:....:F~O:::;R:...;MR=.~H=-. ~H~ • ...:C~LE=~

~-"'- -.- - : .- .

Re: °CONFILE O(Russian)

Washington Field Office



On October ,5, 1940, there we~~~9.~.iy~~the Bureau- two Russian· _items;- iiumbe~s -29=31Y and 25-27X:-~, These items were forwarded to the New York Office via air express for, translation; ,and Mr •. Gue~in of the

'New Yo~k Off~ce was advised telephoni¢ally at 11 a. m. on October 5, 1940.



R. J. Brandt

\ e
_,II>C'" it"
t I'
~ rr< .~~-.- ---~ . .--.-....,-::--=-1· ~." .. _¥.-, ~FO~;'ON ~OlITAINED _. r··~·§l·

. ;o~!;' ~~:::;',~OOVER ,o· v ·:__ ~9-17-2010 BY 60322 UC/LP/stOO -.

,~ : r ~ ~ • :

~",Y,l!h.erul mur~uu of Illu.estigatiott"

ltniteb §tutesIDepurtlllellf of YUlltie.e

- ..

rtlr. To~n •••.••••• ;\ Mr. OIecg ••.•• 1}.:'-.!.\.: : •

.. • ,Mr. E. A. Tamm •••• ~ ~

Mr. Fo:worth •.••• ~. • l>!r. Nllthan •••••••••• lIIr. L:1dd ••••••••••• ,. Mr. E~IID ••.••••••••••• Mr. GI:lvin •••••••••••

Mr. Nlchols._ •••• _ •••

Mr. Hcndon •••••••••• Mr. lto.CD. •• _ •••.•• _ •••• ltIr. Tracy •.••••••••.•• :

rlfiss GAndy ••••••••••

. _._ _ .

mn~qittgfon~ ID. <!t.


Octobe~ 10, 1940

.:::Mru=I{O~Rl\ND=:;.:m.:::. .. i-=FO=R...:.M=R. -=H:..:.~H::::.:.:....:C==LE=GG=~

I s "

o "Q. ,

IRe: CONFILE (l\u6sian) .'

.' Washington Field Office

On O~tober 8, 19~0, th~re were received from the Washington Fi~ld Office two ~~s~ian~~t~m,~, .~ump~r~,~~7-~49 .~d ~48-XY50.

These items were fO!"W?rded via' air eXpress' on o~tooor 9, U.940, to --

the New York.Office for translation •.

, j I Ii • I ~ " I - J> "'t. II I ' , c-

• , ._ I . , ...

, .' ~ '0.ctobe,r',9,. 1940,,' ~h~re were receiveq'>fr6~ the Washington

Fiel:d Office R~S~i~. ;i;,t·em~,h~l?ers'~51;-XY53 'and ~55-~57. These

i t~ms were for~arde:dYia. a:i~,exp.ress/ to, the40li~w'York Office on

October 10, 1940, fOJ; ~~~anslat~on. . j" '

I I --

On Oct~ber 10; ,19;4Q:,' ,lire G~,erip. ~s' advised t~lephonically

that these items were being"~tan.s,~itted :to th~! New York Office

for translation. '~', '. '



R~ J. 'Brandt


~.....-. -_-


'} , BImfi.U Cf f:riEmGAW,

OCT 241940




- ,it '"


- .

, , .

nr.Z 'COnFILP: ... g

, ;

I ~

Thcr() nro, 'QO~ t~ttod boX'O" for):~' ~rO~1~Q1l: ~"1Cl. ~ho' c?=liUoMon,'ot yoUr ~~S" two '9op1oo of -.n .. ~ottt'Jr .J:ra:l -'tho 1l~ York Jnold ' ~:q1a1oil. ,tq thQ' 'BtlIt~ -@t~ q~tobo~ 161 '1940,,· ·cont.tdti~G :ti;.nalAtiOn!3 'o~ .nj.1¢aicii <it¢tIs, n 'Wj,

-:J4 62) on. ,6;4, XI '~" ~ 63~ ~ n:,65.. ' _ '

Very' t~T)~~~Pi. -

, -

y ,,' ,

., .


< , ... <\

, "

·f ,


• IItr. Tol ...... _....;:......;.. , Mr.:ci.tu __ ........ ,_.

, ::'M'~ E: A~~T •• ~ ~ 1


, ~r,\ 'oxw.ort~\ '". . ,~ r

.. Mr, Ha~D • • •• /

'Mr,~~ ·,air. icarl~ {~t. GlaYt.. '\-.- '.

: '~r. ".~~ t "?ilK \ .

; I4r. ~oftdon '-, ,..-

, Mr. R~'" \- :-- ~"

·tir. TrIIC7'.~, ......... _;.,;

~:;:' ..


.* ,~N0Y; 29'.19~49 *;.

.- P. M. .

fEOE~Al'8.U6£~U OF fNV£&TlGA1ION' U. S. 'QEPAlitNEllT-,Or !.t!$TICE

_t, ' I

, ;.

- .,

. .

.. ' ... ~

. -


. ,.

Mr. TrAc:y .... ~._ ••.

Director Miss Gr ~iLES".

Federal Bureau of Investigation - " . ., _-

L _?Vashington, D. C. PERSONAL AND CO~ENTIAL \ ;

< :.~

Lt~ Dear Sir: . ,

There are submitted below summarization or d


~, of conversation in the Rpssian language as translated b.Y Special Agent George J. Starr, of this office. The various conversations are

identified b.r designating s.y.mbol~ set out. above each group of

conversation. In view of recent developments as indicated by the

dai~ press, the most recent conversations are being given first

attention •

Conversation in Russian between a man and a boy,

presumably a fa~er and his son. The man is assuring the l0Y-that lji s

~other vd.ll be home shor.tly. .. ~,,.,.TDEX·?;'ID ~ I. ,.... ~ 1' . ....-' /' l' ,; -

.RECORD-,:!,v ~ JJ.~ • n, # 00' ".' V'" - 'v

1 . 'Conversation in English ·between a man and a::W6~JT~AU OF INVESTI A1 hI

the woman apparently called to~quire about getting some aVJ.atJ.on Ina.,ps. I

I 6 OCI 21 194h

Conversation' Russian between a man and a;vq . ~A~' .

The woman apparently is a Mis s :Anderson or some siniilar so'Jlll~~ r OF _ STJ

I The conversatipn pertains to t e ~ gi nng instructions to the woman ~~. '

to have an automobile at the airport to meet Qumansky, lmol:Ls arriving ~ . at 10:30. Aft~'~~~t they, the ,man an~ the wo~.~~c~ge personal gree~

"/t;Y\ . ~ f/ ~.

. CI - ~".:.r/J." l:: . COPIES DESTROYED' ~~'~', ~~. {\

:j ~ tl.. .cJlf ,til" !.@;l SEP .... 6 3~Vi \' ,!I~

" / ~ 11 /11" ' I v·

, \ """'\ ~ v~ . " t •

. \" . .

~ \ --

.._ • ' I










-, ";. tl,

!I~. Toll<on •.••••• _._ •••. - ,

l\lr. Clegg .. _ .. _ .. _.~._"'_._._.A- ~

r.l~. E:. A. Tamm •••• _.

Mr. l"orwOtth ._ •••••• Mr. ~QthQJ1 •••.•• _. '_ •. n

l':r • .LAdd ••• _ ..

Mr. E:tnl1 •.••••• _ •••• ,

Mr. <xh .. l1'~ •••••••••••

October 16, '1940 :Mr. Nich()~s ..

\ )lz:. Bondon •••••••••• \ ~rr. ROlen ••••••••••.



TE 09-17-2010 . ~'.

- .


IIfeberal illureau nf, Jrnuestigatinn

. ..

Uniteb.§taielf13epartment nf Yustfre

Nel,( York, N. Y.


XY 60

A conversation in Russian between two women, presumably a mother and her daugh~er. The mother is telling the daughter what she is to do in ,the absence of her parents. Apparently the father and possibly the inother are contemPlating going to New York

but do not seem quite cert'!in about it. '.

A c~nversation in Russian between a man and a woman.

The conversation pertains to some item that is to be fixed for. the .

woman, ·possibly a garme~t and she and the IJ).an agree that they will call Saturday and see if it is what'she Wants. other conversation of a pUrely person~l nature.



I ~.


. . .



~~ - '

Leiter to. Bureau

and transmit &reetin~s to vll,r~ous peopl.e.

co~versation in Russian between ,two in~' one o:f whom

,apP?-l'.ent.l.y is. a Mr.; untermeyer" and :tlle' other is Major. ayev. The'

conve~sation is abo t some c~tal.ogUes' ,~ch' were shipp d to Barayev

bi Untermeyer apparently from ,Cleveland. The Major got the cataJ.ogiles apPC1:I'entl.y ~.rrom Unterineyer and :from ~ man. named B9l.ton. B8rayev suggests he may go to" Olevel.anda:!ter .: two weeks. Uiitermeyer expecbs to be in VTashington during ·the next week. ,unterril~yer ~ts to,kIlo~i IT Barayev

,had taJ.ked· to thE3l Oc)nune!rcia~ Attache about something. '~ayev said' he had arid then Untermey,~~ lmnted to ~oyt 'i:f.,'they were ~tere~ted and Barayev said that he did not know. All ()f this is in English.

. _

Oonversation· ;inRussian between a man and a .iioman.

Conyersatio~.~b()ut purely p~rsonar affairs. 'Di~c~ssion 9£ p.¥t~~

domestic. aff~s. ,_


, , '.' - ,A-.conve~sa~ioJl.; in.'English and' theh"in'Ru:s's~k" .f~st between' tYro 'Vromen .and 'thEm 'between a: ,woman and, a· man. The 'man is ,Mi-. ,R9S~Jl.b~Um .(p~o~,~:i;§)'~ ~he,.~nlan iilqUi~esab9ut::1Ji.s~ Ros~nb~Um. ~ct. _. then talks ,to"Yr. Rosenblum about hi's .. ealth' •. He apparently is 'ill~

• - - • .",' .. ~~* ~ ,-.,.. .~' :''' - "" .. ~ •

, ,

Conversation~in'Ru ian 'between a;man, and llis daughter

'and likewise etwee'ri.: the :mothet .the.'daughter. ' The', man later tills

'to "a: pe~so _, d~ntili~d; as .vasSfli [van<?vic~. Th~· 'ot~er maD. is_ Co~stantin 'lleXandroV1.,ch· (Oun$risq). T~e man tells .00000,sky th~t t¥ngs

, are moVing,. ~s~ 'as~B lJiin ~f h~ has, f;inished. and ~l?-e ,map says, tliat he has not; :~~1:i., t!W:m<Wi:p,~ had jUst le~. ~sky, .seeme. somewhat surp;,~sed ~d t!1e,.Im8.n .repeabs ·thB:~ ,~t had' ju~t :te~. Ouniansky then

expresses disap~po tment ·that ~tts·that '~!. .

, , . oonversation 'in ~lish between. tvio men. Apparently one ()f ~hem is . rome:1ko" who .. c~ls . the obhenmanwho presumably is a ,ne",spaper'~, ~though thi~ ;s ,~ot c,le~ly shovlIi ,by any sbabement , Gro~e~~ says' he got iil touch wi:th .. him ~o tell him about tonp.age,! Tlie·

c~pver~ation' shows that ther~ was 5,OOO:tons" one ship; in September; -

no ·to~e in August and in . October" '!illere were '7 ships 9~ 46,200 tons. ~he man ~ts tokhow how ~any of,them were tankers and Gromeiko .says he does not know how many ,were tankers. After some fUrther discussion Gromeiko .saya th8.t . this m£ormation Tlill not be so .very Useful. B4d

he. stat~s :f-urther that he emphasizes tp.e word "v,ery".






Letter to Bureau

XY 64

I •

Conversation in Russian between two men. One 01> the meti

is Constantine rgnatoV:1ch. The name of the other man is no~ gj.ven.

The voice of the second man might be that of OUmansky. The 'second man says that he is inWashihgton and that it is very ,vell i;hat he is' in wasP1ngton; that he had just received some interesting additional, informatib~ in a conversation 'With the, state DePartment. This is "along'a questions which interests Constantine 19natovich.

. The man says that on the following ~ay, early-in the

morning, he' will go from. the airpOrt direct to him; that is; to Constantine, Ignatovich, 'Who will be .hereafter ~eferred to as c.r. which 'means' that he woUld be with him a few minutes before eleven o'clock in ,the.m6rnirig.

With: fresh infoimation, so' to speak. C.l. says that the other'mail/IieWgd very· much that day but, there was noth;ing he could do about it. ~he man says'tl_1at he had been called in the morning. This presumably woUld mean that he had been.calledb,y the state Department in· the morning; that he wanted to go over'in the morning but they were not ready. "He then sadd, t~~t what he has is more or less preliminar,y.C.l. says that he has one complicated queatdon here. 'The other man says that it wilJ." wait- until eleven o'clock the next. morning. The man does not, seem· so sUre of , this

and says that he will have to ~e.a decision. ,The man t~eri'asks 'if' it,

is 'a matter connected with the memorandum', which he had received on the, previous day. c.r. says, i'No, it is Ln connectdcn with the sl? ..

The .~ then says" that it is exactly wliat he is talking about and~he asks c.r. if he has a copy .of the memorandum befor-e him and "he r_efers' to

Point 7 of the memorandum. TheJIian sayS that, he knows :tihe substance of it 'but ',"lhat is needed generally is money; The man explains'that if 'it was on Point 9 on one of the questions in doubt himself' 'but as to Point 7 he does .nof know whether· c.r, may' have some other replies but he himself would pay. The man then says; some:t,hing in reply vthi9h is not very intelligible but sounds like pe"says that they will support it. The man .says that he should :u~doubte5ilY do eo ~thervdse

the ,devil only knows .wha~ Will happen, C.):. then eXplains that hellad postponed a meeting with the'lav~ers until seven o'clock hoping that the other man wo~d -be there •. The man explains to' G.I. tl¥1t 'he has read the docUment, vffiich incident~ is referred to as the document; of october 5,

in detail, and has made numerous notes on the margin and on the given point, namely Point 7, he has no ted "TlUs should be entered". This statement

can very proper~ be translit~d as "This should be paid.!'




Let~er to Bureau

Conversati'on' in ,English 'betWeen a man and a woman -

aboub a ·truck Which was 'tolled aYmy. . . '. •

Conversai!:i.on:in Russian, be~ween' a man and ,a wOman, 'purelY peraoria'L; Conversation 'in Russian betYie~n ~ 'Yfo~ and ~ girl, presumablY a school,teacher reminding ~he.girl that sne had forgotten .ahistorybook after school. and arrang~ to deliver'it ,to. her later.

'. - - _ e ". _ " • ._ _.J" -.

Gonversatiqn, ,part in ~ussian, p,~t ·i:ri.·EngJJ.s!l

~etwJe~ a man and-a wo~-! p~eli ·per~onal. : -'

Conversati6~ in:,RuSsian b.etvieen 'a man .~Ci, /3. woman' .and then. be~ween another' man . anq the s~e woman; 'apparen~:iy -i_naking . an

app~intment· to ni~et somevmere. '" ' , . ,_ ~~

Conve~sation in Russian between tw~ women Who have , some cttfficulty 'in, g~tt~g 'together... one of tlie vromeri"is: apparentlY ' somewhere' With·a groiro, of people. reading o'ver~ some, piays ,and-·the ~o:~her woman want.s her to yi~itat her .home yr.ttli' her an~ tliey *,inalli· decide: that theycann6t.get together •

. - . ... .... . -

, .,


. Conversation/'in, Russian between a man :arid:.8. woman. 'The cO~\7'e,rs·at~.on is',~ot iinderst~dable.· ApparentlY the'. II!8.n . .is ':!iryipg. to'get· ,th~ womari'"!io:go, som~where but, :i:'!'. ,is hot. clear just wijat he Yrants

;~E!r: .to do. L" . .

Conversation. in Russian betweeri two men,· one of whom isq6nstantin . ~atovich. T~e,other' s name is; no~ .known, ~t is>not Qumansky because ·:the second man mentioned to C.I. tl}at ()umim~ky·'viJ4. b~. _ at his p'lace- that day. Tlie man makes a r¢quest of C.I'e that if' he "'bannot tell hdm then to ring him later and tell bini liQw. things sband With I freight and ·to bring' out for him, if 'po,ssible, two' figures. The number of vesse1:s cha~ered during ,the PaSt>two·~nths, AugUst an~'Septemberand p~ of October or just. August and SePi!embe~ ~~ if possible bo. separate j.he t~er>f?

,And also,the tonnage of the vessels. The man then ~sk~d C.I •. how.he,would look upon an ii!em appearing. i~ the' newspapers saying thcit> vd th the char.ters everything- is O.K. if that 'is so. The other man: says he will send in his thOughts' -on the matter. The f1rst'ma'l then asked C.I •. to teiephone, him" and- C.I. says i.t ·wo~d be. inco~verrl,ent to do so. The ~ther man says'tl_1ere ,lould. be nothing bo i.t. The .man says he will notp~ C.~. th~t day

and that· the. latter will have to di-ink te.a l'iithout lrl:m. .

~c-c---,---"-------:-----,,,.---~. '.' ._._ .... -~>O • ,--c",-, ----,-=---,.-,-""'"~,,,-. ----:-;;;, ---c , __ '.~ ,


.. '


, ... ~ .

• •

" '

~, ..


Letter to Bureau

Conversation. in ,Russian between two women, Convers~tion of a'persci'nal nat~e ab'out,gettiIlg'tl?e,deliyery of a coat from a store and' other conversation' of a .purely domestic or =0

personal nature. .

, A 'man named Smirnoy ,talk # '. tfi. a lJ!8.Il named ,Gerasimov.

S~nov apparentlY had been i,~ tOuch witH erasimov to ask him bo rurnis~ atariff.and_states tha~ they no urgently need the info~t;~n

. concerning German tariffs. The other man inqUires if he means the -transit tariffs and is·:told that :tha~t ' : 'What it is;~ It i"s stated to e ,two 'roubl~s ~or e. !ch person, Th~' con ersation ~ppears ~'b.~ betweenl . man named. Gromeiko andjr.maned name Zoubakov (LOuka~h9V?), thi~ l.::!.tte~

n~e,beingentirely~p~onetic. '

- ~ . . "


. Z~ubakov: "You· 8.!'e calling about charters?"

Gronieiko: "T~t ' s quite ~ight."

Zo~bakov: siyou' are interested in the purpose o! our l,o~ding'

• 0 wprotected by c~ers?1I '

.'arorile:i:ko:IIYes, yes.' T:iro. ,,figures I want. The. 'hwnber of vesseis 8.ndtoo. t,onnage 'for- the past . two months. A~ust. _ and September. You' Understand?"


Zoubakov: "For the past two months?" Gro~eiKo: i1les• Or just the tonnage. ,I


Zoubakov:!l\bt do you need that for?I~.

9romeiko:HIt,became necessar.y to_~;~ it today. The'figures were needed in connection with certain' circumstances.

- - ---:._ ~ • • ~ ., ,~.... ¥ '



. 'GromEdko t~n goes on to· s,ay 'that. !~~e figure ;s needed

very tirgently and Zou~?-kov says lie wilLinake, a nobe as t,O vrhat is - desi;-ed in .the way of information. ;Gromeiko~ells Zoubakov ·to' l¢t~. 'it d9wI_l

and 1£ he does not nave. time to get. the inforniation. ready' to 'have '

comrade VassiJiev get ~1!e information fo~ him and it is explained" i~ further conyersation that what is Wanted is t~e ~rican to~age for August and

.",' .September.ZoupakoV asks "if he means the ~rican flag ~lS; and Gr6meiko says. yes. Gromeiko, then wants to know hOw conditions are vdth the Ame:dcan ch~ters and:Zo:ubSkov say~ ',it is not" bad!, - aromeiko then wants

:to know if it Would: be ~ut of pla~e~ ~o, say tha.t ,efelj:thing wa~ ali right' and ~oub~ov say~' that· they' are able. to get aJJ.: :the vessels they: need.


, )


Letter to Bureau

Zoubakov then says as soon as Vassilyev returns he will get-all the references and furnish. theiI)fon,nation tQ- G~omeiko by- -telephone. Zoubakovihen tells Gromeiko that he has a question and their fUrther

, coriversatdon is very eniglnatic . .- - 'J?hey,do not state aDythillg defMte.

Zoubakov-refers to a certain-conversation,and Gromeiko says that he

can gUess what it is but it' pertains to some di.scussdon of some -work that has not been completed and is to be complet~~iri a broader way. They then discuss seeing one another some titlle in ·the near .future when-

ever circumst?nce~,m3ke it neces~ary to se~ one another. -


Conversation in Russianbetli'een tl'ro women. One o.f them

is inviting the other otie to, a dinner and' they have a long ~scussion about what the should wear and in the course of the-conversation it is explained that there will, be two Americans at the dinner. - There

is considerable background noise~ apparently a bUnch of children at

school. This is a conversation in Russian .between two men,' one of vdiorn

is LoUkashov ,and the other one is believed to be,Gromeik_o although no

name is .gdven, The inquiry is about the charters. Loukas~ov eXplains

that there ~ere no vessels in'August and in September there ~~ one vessel~

5,000 tons. In October seven vessels o.f a total of 46,200 tons. , -

l~ukashov ~ffers to give t~e names o£ the vessels ,but the ot~er,man states

it is not necessary. --

Conversation in Russian between. a' man and a vroman; apparently the -woman called m~rely' to say that_"everything ~s-- ap. right.

A long, conver'satdon in Russian betwee1'l. a man ... and a - . ,woman ooncernang the education of a child.

The woman is apparently alone as they discuss the fact that she must be Lcnesoze, and finally th~' man makes a date to go to the moving pictures with ~er._ In the course of the conversat':i:i?n he fUrnishes her an address of 1119·16th Street and the woman ,states that she knows that address and ~he .man states that he- is very glad',she ·knows it.

A -conversation in Russian 'Qatween a man and a )'Toman. The ~oman inquires £or a party named Leonov'and is informed that he has gone

home. - - -

Conversatl:9n in Russi~ bet1Yeen two vromen, partic~ly about an overcoat and similar matters.

The cost of a coat that is admired is given as nine hundred but it is not made clear whether they are talking ~ doD.ars or not.



.. '.'

.' .... , ....

tetter to Bureau

Conve~sation in Russian betlTeen two women about the name

of a book.

. .

Co~ver~ation in Russian,between a ~ an~ a'woman~ purely


Conversation in Russian between a: man and a woman, some' discussion about' a child. The 'woman cOzDplaiils qf a ~light - cold. The woman -asks if the man has any news ancihe says he hcis"nothing in the way of news. The 'wonian says she has been. in her rooin ail day

and has not been, out -for a walk and finally says she does not like to.

go out on foot. The conversatiop ~ lik~, a riirtation. The man

asks the woman What she proposes' to do during the day and sh~ ~ays ~he does not know what to do-and the man' offers to help her think of something, to do, She seems anxious to go .for an automobile ride'. The

man finally promises to stop in for her.

, .'

Gonv~!"sation ~ ~sian betvreen, two ,,'omen. 'They are- :~rying to. agree to go .for, a walk together. They decide to ~et at one 'of ~he. houses, and go ~ the motion pictures or somewhere ~~se.

,From the Gromeiko convezsatdona ~t wo-q.ld seem that he may be obtaining information ostensibly .for official purposes and using it to

.furnish news to some writer (who talks with him in English). .

Very truly YO/JI



Special Agent in Cl!arge.

Covernment Bill of Lading J#l626~







Qctober .,3i, 1940.

-.fho. £ol+owing 1nto~a:t~on,'w~s 'o~~~~d tllrq:UgQ a. s1ir~otly

oonfide~tial:- 'source'. , . '

, ~"~ co*rer~n~e 'Detweeil ,oo;tB.St,~in~..!.i:(Qwn~llski' Russian .

;Amba~sador in 1rash1ngton, and C6ns,tan~ 'Alexandrov!ch, di~cus'sion ~as had ~:t~ r~terence to t~~ m!var"'o. a~steamar at. ~attle, 'W'ashi_JigtCiti. Alexandrovioh . .repo'rlied, that there was nc dlf£i~ulW

in' connection with the arrival ot th~ boat s~ve the ~equired £+Ogerprinting or 'the crew meI:1bers~ ~e tlhip iIi. question was. appar~JltlY'

a Russian ship and. in view of the, fact that strong pbjections "ere, ,made; apparently py Alexandrovich" against h~v1ng 'these,~rew m~mber~ ,f'~garp~~ntqd. on the' ,seme ~1Pe ,,~r 9o!U-~~ ",uped~ te')r f~gerprinting. '9r~als"; ,the f'ingerprints 0.£ thab~ ih,dl~du~s were plac~d on

tneir ~assports~ .


, 'l{~jor~arayev; Assistant Mp.i:tary At~che a.t the Riissiiln

:'/"\' ~b~eeY'" arranged' an appointment,'with ~edel ot: the '~~!Jl~ ~~~sY'

,~ ~J at ,the Ar!rsY an<;l·Navy Clubt A:tlbassade')r, and 'MrJ:l~ ~~ky" att¢ndeg. !~ ):~" ditil;ter a~, ,t~e J\ome, or' ,Dr. Hans: 'Thoms~n; C0V:n8~lor ot .f,~e, German

, .: 1 ,,' Embassy, priol;' to 'which. ,O~sky ~q, Th9msen,'h~ ~ ,conf~ren~e {1t,

~ ,,, 1 ii40 ~rman Embassy" ~~ tilo. following ,, O,w;l~ski ~~ged.,,£or ~,

~, k.~, ... ,conro:r;enc~:n~h, tp,e- Fro~9h.,.AmbaBBadC?r. ., '-,

.'OJ;, '\~: ~ ,:

\ I '3,

. '

> to- _.'\:.

t, ~, -,

, I '

, "


, "

t - i \ .



. _ ;",' ~ ",

. . ~


. ".

. ~.


Ootober 31, 1940




.aJor 'General ld.Jfin I •• at6on. , Secretar,y to' th~:Pr8si~.nv

Tho ~1te UOU:J8.

l1ashingtop, D. '0,.

" '

\ '.

, \

\ I

, '

J)ea:r General WataoIU

AD of p1)tlslble .·in~I,'t)Bt 'to. th~ Prosident 'and you, thers i& tranr.altted herotrlth a E1o~OrL~dU::l dated October 31, 1940,. containing 1ntqrc&~lon 01>~~tained ~rou&b' a 8trict~ co~ld.ntlal source recard" __J ing aotivities at the Rus91an E2bassy.

With assur&!lces- ot· JPq highe'st re&ards!




Eno),OS"JrO BY S~r.(lLu ... n'.n.sE.IG~R

.r. Tel ..... _

.• ,. CI," _

.r. I. A. Tlmm ~ M •• Foxwortl1 __

Mr. Hatllll" .-- __ M •• lM~ ,__--...._

M.,lEcan _


, .



.. '


Boveaber .1, 1940

p~r~tAL rm CO~~TIAL'


fho Ho~orable .

1'4e a.~~otal7 or the Treas.Ul7

l'Iasl;1h.gionj D.O., -


J:1 t!~tU:" ilr. Seereia'¥1t-

As ot posslble int~rest to you, thero ~g transaltted herewith ~ copt of ~ ~~rapd~ dated October 31. 1~40, oQnt~i intor=ation obta1nGd tl".roueh a striotly con1.'ide:lt1al source r:esarding ~Qt1ntie5 at t.~e ·natJB1~ l:=~8SY'.

~incerel·7 1Cur~,

, ,

! ..

Enolosure BY t2FOIAt

Mf. CI.,e _';"';'_":Mr'"rOxworth ~-

Mr. Lac14 _._. ,"!

\lr. Hat,.." _


Mt. Cleee _."...._

Mt •• roxworth _

Mr. Hat ..... -

Mr. La<Id .... - _

Mt.rPII _

"'t. ClaY'" --oft Itt. nlCJ,oIa -~M-

------- -.~- -....::-"'~:;;r----;----::----:--~

- ';.jl~



r~~ Accnt in ct::.rk~ r.;.:;!11l:...t-tOOj D;. C'.

~cro oro bo1r!::;. ~::!ttcd l:crc::1th b-:

f,t.o -ex,l~ti~ of YO"lr £UC!J <»;nf;:J ot tho tl"~!!l:;.t:t~ or ite::3 1'-1.3, r-1S, Y';'1.7, y-~?.t %-17,~ I-l?,Y. X-10 ..

% ...... "0', 't-;U3', r-eo, i-21, C'!a %-22.

~c=o itc;::} UQ ll$cyl :L."'l tz!o o.-e.~ j".~ ~'!l t.!::;j ·n;·;x:;r ~ t!:.~ t1""'~c.tiCQ.

Jo:::x. td~ 1::)Ovcr iliroe~


C·~MMl!NIGATHiNf. t.t:GH;N •


* NOV 20 1940 *

~,tv"-'-' '

. i-P

Conversation in Russian between a man and a woman: A

\ man has asked- a woman to make - a translation and. the woman expiains

. tr that she is unable to do so because she has to .prepare lessons and

~ is otherwise too busy. Sl!e finally. suggests that i.1;' -he will come

:~ , ,up some e~~n:irig they can translate it together. ~

Y Conversation'in Russian between·a man woman: ,The

~ woman calls an4. apparently wants - to taJ)c to a Mrs' S .. OV, 'and,

~ ~ . :!-nstead . apparently gets.a man, possibly her husb • Th .man-ex-

'0 ~. plains that they have ·left aJ.ready. The woman theii as u. ~':ii'

~ "",' he has a telephone at his home andhe. states he bas he gives'

. .s ~ the number as No. 67, and the woman then inquires" \. LARA' will

. ~ .be at home, and the man says yes, and she t en says' that'r s~· h~e==:-' '..:wi1:l:.:'~' ~_~ I

~ 11T~ call them the~. . . .~. ~COlmED '& lNDEJ<;ED~. k C -: 30!O"i :l... -It;

i~~ ,,~ . Conversatl.on an betv!e two men: The' POOEffi\tnSURfAU OF I NVESTIGAT ;

o ~ . quires of the other .one whether PAU VANOVICH had to d him any- -.~

(j thing, 'and the' other man then refers . 0 thi~ individual s (¥AJO~OT 14 ,1940 '.' ~

. <0 ARAYEV.. The other man then, explains ,that he had heard ~om the '. .:

MAJCR but could. no:t unders1;iand him over the t_elephone, U·tlu!)EI'ARTME T.O,' Cf'

first man then goes on .to explain to him that'they have new uni:'; '"tci' . " .' , forms and, they .are to have a 'ce~n design or emblem 0 the sl ~<. .. ' ': " He has a of the· emblem, and from that 'descr p . , .. ,'.: .. . ~_ . wants to liave this man make the emblem for the sleeve and is ·calling. :: '.' to inquire as to how'he can get the costumes or uniforms to him f9r that pUrpose. The man reads from a newspaper article' the descrip:tion of the emblem which is to be placed on the sleeve.' They-ar-

range to JOOet on the fo11~g day to diS~~'. ~~e matter. ~ 'J

. .~¥ Y'~~}~l /'

COPIES ,DESTROYED ll~.- tl\.\ . --~~ - - -- ~ .... ~,-~

tlil. SEP 6 1980 ,,' I '/\y;~\ ~ 4.

" \\' '1.~.J4~ , '\_ _~



_' ,

Ilielleral m~reau of ftluestigation

lttlitell §trite.s ~epadmetlt of Yu.stire Neli York, New York


October 11, 1940 ~



~ederal Bureau 'of Investigation Washingto~, D. ,0.

Dear Sir:

There are set out below extracts. from, or descriptive data on, conversations in the Russian .Language 'which have been reviewed by Special Agent George J. Starr of this office.



f 1 .B, "
- ,~
•• . " ~
J .. •
" • 16
• , .,



October 11, 1940

Conversation" in Russian between two women who are endeavoring to make an appointment ~o get together at some future time.

The one woman is the woman who is involved in the first conversation on Yl3,in connection with the ,matter of the translation" as

she explains at this point to, the second woman that she has promised to heip make a translation for soaeone, and it is then explained that l'Inat she is translating are the automobile traffic rules. The matter is left undecided as to when they will get together"but they are to communicate 'by telephone and make some further appointment.

Conversation .in English between a man and a woman. The man apparently i endeavoring to make an appointment to~e ' the ambassador or s eone in authot±ty to discuss further th situatio~n' tlreen sia and the Baltic countries. The man~ name is FRED ~SLEY 0 ~ e!1 York News. The woman explains that); UMANSKY is t of t • The man says that what he wants to get is the information on the Latvian Esthonian ship yarn. Apparently OUMANSKY was to furnish him wi th stories of the capted.ns who were glad ;that their ships were being taken oyer. PASmY' is informed that the ambassador is in New York and that he will have to call back on the following day t9 reach the ambassador at Washington, and the conversation ends with that.

Conversation between a ,man and a woman in Russian. The woman says she is sick and wants to return ,to her family and wonders if there isn't 'some way of eXpediting her departure. The man says he vdll <try to find gut, and the woman asks him to notify her.

The woman also 'asks about registration.

, The long-distance telephone operator apparently notifying

someone that a party does not answer.


Conversation in Russian between a man and a woman con-

cerning the health of another person whom they are interested in. There is a long ~iscussion concerning 'this man's health and the methods being .adopted to cure him. He also transmi iis greetings

to, the woman from some mutual acquaintances from whom he has received a letter. other.people are 'mentioned - ~tua1 acquaint~nces - and with reference to each one the man enters ~to ~,long dispussion about, his physical condition. The woman furnishes her addresp as 2331 - 15th Street, Apartment 32,'telephone Columbia 6455. \




." • •• I' ..


' .. }.,. 'l· .e ••



't, ,',



,october l:J:" 194Q

Conve satioh, in EnglisJ? between two men making an, ap-·

pointmen~ for. :ve ,0 I clock. . - ,

~ , n ersat~on between ,~o men; o~e o~ ~omis ident~ied

as mCRAE , VICH" la'st name not mentioned", }md the' other as CONSTANTI \ ~ROVICH; who is presUmably ouMANsicr! The first individual, who W:1:11 be identified ~~-M.A." states: IICON~TANTlNE ALEXANDROVICH, those two comrades have nov( come to see me. What

i~ particular ,are your questions? II. ' " {

OU¥ANSKY: First, 'WhEm d~d it happen?

-It occurred on ;th~_2:3rd, D~t_ween·]p; and 11 o'clock.

Not· the 22riq_.. i ~ > ~

'. i._ '\ "~.'..,.- ,_".

- , ...

OUMANSKYf VlhY;:~d:,y~u~writ~ ,the 22nd? ~,The!9< w_r:ote .. the ~~na, •

..6.f, j. ,~~-.. ... -<.: ;. , ... : ... _.... .

Y.A.: They wr~t~"~t~; 2~n~?; The~' ~pat' .i~ a': !llist~e. It"was on a'

;}Jonday.· ~ ':, , , .."

I ,

-., + .....

OUMANSKY: I ,unaerstand.Th~t;,~ the'-~first ·4ue~tion.' The second '~uestipnC W!th'~lj~t, ~p~e_4. ~re they ,t~~~~ling?

, t " • r f , t • ~ , " •

. ~~iy were'~f£otilg '~t 1 ;4~,ed~rot, 2;',t<?' qO '4ies, on Route No.- ,1, ~x:a,~~he, .S~~~ei~f:t~~yr ,York, ·th~ri;~~l'CRoute No.7; they .t~ed off~ l?y."II1l.s.take ~ !lla~ 'r~~e'. ( ,

'If" •• - ,J • if ...

OUYANSKY: 41" then/7t " ,.r 1

1 *' f:!i 'ft,_.J. .:t ,

• ... ,I·t,~ ,

They turned off.,·bY'ii1istake on R9ut~ 7. ~t's. riear a

little place called Aston - 'A-s-' (OUMANSKY cuts .in here· to say that, he Will find it, 'and he interrup~s ,:t;he ' spelling of the name so toot, it is' not either. spelled or prono~ced an~ more definitely than as can be heard in the p;honetic ve,rsion giv,en .above - Jist¢n.).



OUMANSKY: I'll find it.

. "

M.A.:. 'In. the State of Ney, York.

OUMANSKY: I understand second ql e~tion.


,The'pplicema~ on stC?Ppirig them sciid that they had gone

past some --. -

OUMANSKY: A· red light.


'~ • _.. I ..

.. '

, "


Octpber 11, 1940


Whereupon they aearched the car and then searched t,hem.

omfANSKY~ I underatand .• 'H,ow, ~ong was t~e, ear follow:ing them?

One minute. ,(~.A. here apparently conrers with the men who'are being discussed, and then an~er~ OUMANSKY.) About,thirty'minutes~

OUUA~KY: About thirty minutes?



, ..

The other car'fg;UOwed them, 1ih.en it wen~ ~ead of. them, pulled in, and waved wit~ their hands and st9Pped their

car ;' .

OUUANSKY: All r~ght. What-,~her?' Did they pay the f:6e1


·They. pai~ ,a fine 9f $5.

OtJl.fAk"SKY: Why ~d they pay the fine ,if they had not v:tolated t;lie

law? .


They say that_that was,afpolish thing to,¢o on~heir part.

OuMANS~: Do tpeyunderstapd thatJ ~

~ ',l '

* 1,

I think th~y' d~',r;ar, ,of,' co,*se." - J ".,

- ' :,< <, ~. . ,+1 r

(The"last part of M.A. fs,.answer here is not intelligible. The next question 'oy' otJMAN~,!<;i:~~~ '~o,!ngt,~tei.lig~b1;e'~~ ,'~

, l·"'_-

".~ ! v : I..,!'" ' •

They took froiD>them ;,-~ .( upirite11igibl'e t"'~d insp~cted

- ~ ~.' -

.the car'. "~, I I. ,~_' • "'_ ,~,

-~ ~... ~~. .. .-~ . "

• - J "', -) " •• 1 '1"" I, k'

OUYANSKY: Did t;hey, re_tu~ ·t!t9~.~,to ,.:the~? . • !~.' "\

. .~, " ~~

~ ... d'. '_~ , ,1 ,t. t J. ;f ~ " ~ -, ' ~ '''''' ... '''''''

After a~ time" they, returned ~the '~~?- to'them.;but;the film

J- . & ~. "I" ~.' I • ~ ~...,..

whigh :they' ij~d, t;~~~ kept, • .'. 1 ~ ~ ; ""_ .' "

OUMANSKY: 'What had :thei"t~Em?' (ph~togra'.phs)- 1";'''' ! ~:.

, . \'. " ' \

It was like tliis,' v4th '~rie*:t~ 'tll~m part of them' .~Tere, films, of the ~,osition, and iYith the others the balance were pictUres .~f Niagara •. Th,~ pcsbards ,which they -had bought th,ere w~ch are sold iIi ordinary sale. were also taken away from. them.,






~'r' --.

\;\ I-



, .



• ~. l.


O~tober 1l.J 1940

OQYANSKY: I underatand,

-1t.f!,. All. sorts , of .maps which you get at gas stations.

OV1!ANSKY: Road ~ps?_

M.A. Yes.

OUJJAR3KYf Without which it is· ~p~ssibie to ~ive?

M~A~ Without wh~ch you cannot ·drive~' _ $

f ". ~ ~ -" ~#"

. Th;is conversation"does not appe~,.~~q"be complet!3d at the'

end .0£.' this notationand·:.-it ends ·up as 1{-;A.·. issayirig that some~~g.:¥'~ been :~~~~~~:these,~men ,but ~e 'does ,not 'g~t. to th~ point

o~ t~lli~g what wa~: f?al.d.. " : ,:- ¥

..... ' ~ I It ;;0 ",.

'-."fI" ~\ ~-1 ':4~£'"

" .... ~ .. t ~ ".n7 I r _

- ~ ,'! J ,'\---: 1 ~

..... t I. • _ "" 1 _ I." "

Conversation in 'RuSSian betvle'en, 'tWo men:' The one man

iriforms the Qth~r\ohe':~ruit;,h~,.ha~. some,,'sjlp~l:efnental ~niB.teJ:iai and that the othe'r Jllan, can' fami.liarize~himself...:,With \the"matter not

_ 'oilly from what ;ii~ t~ld li,ini })ut .. ~rpm·t?th~r 'i~'ofm?:1:4.§n 'he gave ·h¥t.

The conversabfen. is. :~ot ,entir"ely, =41telligib;Le J; '~~:t .there is some refe~enc~ to sbnie',~t~ei·'w.h:i:ch!(h~d·.b'e·e.n disc~~sed~,thr~e days age, The on~ man fi~lY:.~ell!3"the, oth~r one ·t1!a-e he' ,,111 see hini th~

following week. I '", r "/' , • , 1

, -s I I' " ,@-'

.v ....

Conversation in· Russian: betl'1een, a' man, and a woman. The <woman is t-rYing' to ,ririd out·:ti ~he man~' t~lephpned J?er, during the ~orning. The woman e~~a;~ to th:e man about' having, overslept but 'finally got up in t;, ~·o go to· ,the dcctor , ~d the man. il?' to her qonditi~n and they ha~e further conversation reg*rding pei-sonal, doaestdc affairs. The man ~hen talks to I,a child •

. Very brief conversation b.etvieen a man, .and a, 'woman in Russian in"which_,-phe man -sayS to the woman. that he wili berlght

in and for. her to.get ~~~y. ". .


,Conversation in 'Russian 'between a man and a woman about buying somethiDg which,is not descrdbedy ,ippareritly the price was too highJ and the ~ explains that he bought gold and has ordered five of thes~ itemS made. He said h~ paid ,$5.70 for the gold and that it will cost about $1.50 more ·to have the item niade up. 'It is believed that this .may have rEll:erence to uniforms inasmuch as there is some further conversation about having gabardine cloth,

-"5 -:


f .

r e

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., •• til


. October 11., 1940

.and there' is reference ,to military overcoats. The woman apparently is not satisfied with the .,arrangement the man made to Jiave the' items made.

i n9 ,

I _ ." """:; ;j,_~ \.

V~ry; brief' conv~rsation ,bet?! tyro rromen in ,Russian •.

One asks the:.other one' to .ring someoneon .the .telephone; 'the name

.~ , ' - • ' '. ~ " .' -"'t,~ ,.,.,~.

is not distih~f~~ble~'l' . 1"'':'" "

l 4'" -, '" . :J - w ~

Persoha~;~converBation .betJe'tm, two ,women in Russian.

• ..." ,,,. ." ~~, j ~# ~ ~

~ I !! ~

" • \ \ ~ j ~

Convei'-~ation between 'two . men ,:tn:Russian". - something in· ,

, -"1_ - v '. -....... ,",' - , .,. , • ",.~ - , -, f> ~...t -

connection', ~t~ c~11~qtirg money or: dues, 9.£:' some" ~o~t 'f;1.m1ivarious

,people. , "It is st~t~4Ltqa~,;,i~:.h~~ ,?~~? cgp,ect:d4from everyon: except·o~e'~'!~~~~S~mep~i9P~;tand ~~~~ tp~~?~ted that he ~s v(ithholding .pa~ent, at .~lrl;~ ~~~,J, ~o!.a:.s to ,st~a~'ghten, out "some IIl8.tte~ . about', 'ho~pi;ta.~ ,fees. ~o~ ,s~me~~ng,.,9~ '~~~, s?rt. Ther~ ,is cOnSi~erable backgrgu!!4 nois_e, ail~ ii? is ye,rfr ,difficult t~ dis-

tinguish imat tis' ,peirig said! .; l ' r

, " , , , i j ,I ~ i.. "

.. ~ , I • I' ~ t ~ ot....~,

Brie.f conve'rsation' in, Russian 'between a man and ia woman,

of'rio ~rticular Significance.

Conversation iil English ,between two mens .One ,of them'

pr¢s~bly is MAJOR.BARAYEV, making, an appomttnentto go:to .

br~~kfast at one-O'clock. ~h~y ~re to 'meet at the~Embassr.

, ,., conver~a:tion in Russian 'between two women, wh~ch' is

pr~ctically ~disti~shable.

,Conversation. in Russian between·two~en about some personal matter. The one vroman complains'that she cannot. hear '\vhat :tlie othe~ one is sa~g,. Much of the conversation is not ·understandB:b~e. 'The inatter apparently has something to do With




Co~versatio~ which is entirely unintelligible.


, Conversa~ion in ,English pet,veen two, ,men,,;. one. P~' th~

apparently,~epresen~~g the Asso~iated Press pr.·some ~r ne~s

.service. '

- 6 -





1 I

. . .~


Director Octobel/.ll, 1940

Conversation iIi Russian, difficult to tell definitely whether it is between two men or a man and a woman. The conversation has to do with an appointment apparently to discuss the details of some proposition or contract.

Conversation between two women in Russia. First one tells the other one about someone having forgotten something and then there's some discussion about getting together. They are apparent~ supposed to get together at eight o'clock that evening, but ,it' is not explained what,·for.

Conyersation in Russi~ betweeq two· men about someone who is e~tiQn that day_


po~versation in RUssian 'between a man.and a woman, the man apparently being named R9SENBLOOM (phonetic). It concerns a bill or the Standar~, Oil Company of'New jersey and other matters of no particu+,Br signi~~c~ce., Th~-~-appar~~tfY had Tailed to pay the bill vihe~ it" was first sent to '~m:, and tlii~ is a second b~ll which he 'has recei,ved. l .

, " t

.~ 1 ',"i-,f;

~ JO.9' '\.\

, !" »

A bri~f c9nv~rsationwhich is entirely indist±nguishable. that can .be distinguished. is that someone should write dorm

t ,IIShe ¢r.i!ved in New Yo.rK~ on ,January 'l2 this Year on the S. S •

. "' ~ '.



Conversatio~ in Russian between two men. It is impos-

sible to make out anyt¥ng intelligent from the conversation.

Conversation in Russian between a man and a woman which cannot be understood except toot the woman is leaving a message to

be delivered by the man., ~

Long-distance ,~e ep ne call with New York. The name

one of the men sounds " kJ : N. One of t.he p.~ie.s. to

e. c~n_''{~r~~tion is ~ I '. TJW~9H~ and~·the other .one is' GEORGE KOLAYEVICH, thos ·be1ng.~he~st~and second names of the two 1ndividuals; the st names do not appear during the course of the conversation. One. balls the other one. to .telL.him .. thathe had forwarded, a rentiy to the latter'~ wife;, .s>om~ 'copi~~, ,of the publication, ;~ lAir, and he Wished to .. ge't back one-o!' the cop:i:es which ha an article by the Academician KOMAROV, the President of the Academy of Science. The man apparently lvanted


r ~ ." ~;
. ': ~ ~.
5- ~. ,
, "
. 1l. Director

October 1:1, ~940

this particular issUe of the periodical forwarded to-him urgently .. The, arti'cle is supposed to be headed :IIProplems of the Academy of' Sciencell ,or some such thing. They .bhen have some conversation about getting together before one of them leave~ viho apparently anticipates leaving. There is also reference made to a matte~ whereiil there' is a $500 .deposit involved, in a ¥tte~ much is hanging ~ire and no action b~ing taken'. ,The man ~ts to pave

the mat~er eJCpedite~, if poss~ble. He also ~en:tions the tpatte;- of CHALIAPIN, who apparently is complaining that his money ~s still ;llying ih the current account of the ~eople fs Commissariat of Foreign Af'fa.1rs and that his familY'is not receiving any' of the m~mey. Reference is also made to. the matter of LARIN, which:

ma~ter it. ~s stated has been straightened ~t. '

Per~o~a+ conversation between two women. Convers,at~oh in, Russian :between: a wo~ 'and a chij4 •.

Convers~tiori in·Russian betwe~twq meri,con~erriing mak-

ing an appointmen~ to meet with a woman toirispe~t and ~§~uss ~

the matter, of"some prope~y. ,It is} men:tiioned that ~h,e taxes "~e

$10,000. It is arranged,to.:make an' appoiritment for,· the next day.

The','are stat~d: t"o"be ,iri j;he, 7Qis:~in: Neyr.'York Yi:ty. The

one man s'tates. that'~e~,h~~~t"at,es 'to say exactfy,'·which ~treetf

The. other inan then'states that it is on 7lstStreet, ,that 'it's

one 'of the buildings. tliat 'th:Ls'jroman had discussed with~thein,pre-

vio~IY •. It'is then mentione{ de.d.niteiy ~nat it -. ,~s NC5'. 22-24

~ast, betyl~en Fi.fth and :l¥di~o,n' ~ve~)les. .This ;w;ould._'ap¢ently

fiX it d~finitely as be;tng ;n ·pe~. York .City, and' ~he .pr~vious .'

referen~e =. ?lst .S~r~8t" w9):1~d:' iil<V-cate that it f~~ht' be., ~~~24

East ?lst Street,N~"lork ,qity •. (,- " ~

, . 'l ( " , ,_,

'Ponversati~n be~e'e4 a ~~ :,~ ~.,IwomB.n c9ncermng adjust~g of, paYments.due,t:'orLa.p'apar:tIl!e~t., ;Also fo;-~paYments for furniture. The ,man ',ment~ons,c8' to th~,/~\irnft~e 'that a' school is 'uSing part 'oft~e '~~rni~~e' anq, he tlierefore does. not propose to continue 'pay.ili'g for 'it;, .Thel.weiman ,tlien puts another man' on the telephone ~ and thei two men Jr~~ch a very amicab'le agree'menb to handle the matter ,~t p~ying for part of the 'furniture.

~he 1'10~ 'reads off an ~entory·of i'urniture, and. the man indicates which or the items he has.

, '



, . .

.' .


~ b-'


October 11, 1940


Conversation in ssdanbetareen two men, one 9£ ',them apParent+ybeing the~ ~E (phonetic),who has. appeared previously iIi .conversatd.ons , 'PA1iJE· informs the ,other 'man that. he, is . 'going to return to'him a'memorandum,concerniDg the matter of the Soviet Pavilion. t'PAGE stated.: that" ·a.letter .Td11 be sent to the

New York 'Attorn~,y a~ Neyr 'Yo:rk}jle'- mat~~;-. PAGE aUg;;.. gesbs that, it :is 'barely~possible that he might"aro!> in to see the party this· da~~:a,nd ,:L'lJ.~ui'r~s. as; ;l;P"wh'~th~,~'or p:o:t~the party Will

be there at the',·Embassy, until one,\o,',clock. - ·The,'·other party then

:inciuire~ of PAmr:conbe~Iih.]~ ~he "~tter';' .?£~.~ .!f¥s. ~LONiN, iVh<?se husband is a' bookkeeperf or ,the:Eml?assy:~ _I~' appe?-rs that he 'was employed at '~~E! So!iet .PaV:I+iOn'1~t :t?h~' New· Yor~':WC?rldrsFair '1940, arid when, she'arnved' in 'the' United States'·she,was required to post

a bond of '$5qO~ :'Nmt .~pat ~'~'!hus~aild· is~ re~a¥~t employed in the Embassy th~f.fee~ ,that r~',sn~ld:'~O~ ge p,ege~~.arY~ to 'continue ;the, . bond and the .man ·wants. PAnE ,to 'endeavor to ~secure,.the release of the

~ '1': l .'~ V" .... Ji"";" # "\ - • ~ •

-bond , ''\.'''''' • "1,,. ,

• . • j

-~~ 1r

,'~ ~ 1 '. ' , ,~'~ X20' ,

-. ' ' 4,"'f. '., f

I . " ~, of '

Conv~rsation:ih RuSs~an-between a~~ and ~'ch~ld.

Conversation in'Russin.between man'and a.woman about

when they wID be, able to meet. '

~ _. ~ "

Conversation _ in. RUssian be een -a man and a .,woman. The' wOman sta~es she waht;s ,to t-aik Wit ".~iNY.ASEv. ~ll~ "~atte<~.apparent1y ,i~ not in at the tinie.

Con:v-ersation between a woman and a.aan in Russian, the man b~ingAFANY.ASEV. ~e c,onversation i~ .with .rererence to Whether or -not a chil~ can' 40 Jli~ lessons :in view of. the condition 01' ,his eyes.

Conversation iil Russian between two women. One woman ~lains to ~he ot~er' .0I_1e ~er' inability to be present at some "af-.fa~, .. i~ too course. of whi9h_'she. mentions ~hat she has a servant unti1.only thr'ee .0'c:J.0,ck that'd~y. -There '~s, alsosome·d:i.scri~si.~n

about some l~s~o~.

. Very. ,bri~f. cD~~ersatioh in Russian. A man appa;-ent1y

making an appointment, or a date to meet a 'Woman. _

- 9- -


. .



. .


October 11, 1940

Conversation in Russian between a man and a woman. The woman apparently has just finished some examination of some sort or a test, and the man inquired concerning it and they had a brief discussion about it. The conversation was of no particular sig~icance - purely personal.

Woman speaking in Russian 'says, "Al].; right, I thought so .. "

. .

Conversation or a very fewwg~q~ between a man and a woman. in Russian, ve~y disconnected.

Conversation in Russian between two men. One of these men speaks with a strong accent', It'is ,believed, that this may pos~ibly be p~ (phonetic), tlie attorney re~~~red to elsewhere. In the conversation, the man ~thout the accent te~ls the other man that he has discusse~ with t~e, ~ass~or a pre~ous conversation and that the ambassador was just as ~tirpri~ed'as the man relating the incident'. Th~ .man goe, on to state that, "If your department is so helpless, we Wi send yOu a memorandum." The man Tlith the accent thEm Sf!,Y6 that his will be bett~r, and he states that they are tr,yiDg to. help ese people .(the Russians) in the Zaroubin matter. The name 0 SANDIFER is mentioned as be' ng an attorney ·for· the same intere ' ',;:' as is the man with the cent.

SANDI is supposed to knOl( a great deal about how th New York

courts unction. The .man with the accent mentions th in the sprln of 1937 a telegram was received possibly from. TVINOFF, acce I.ting an invitation to participate in the exposdl ion. The

n • th the accent mentions also that they are trying to help llr \ZAROUBIN. He speaks about the possibility of getting some vtri t:ten evidence. The telegram from LITVINOFF which the man refers to was in substance to the effect apparently that the Soviet Embassy had decided to participate in the exposition. In the course of the conversation the man without the accent mentions that ne is sorry that they have no .. files for those years. Apparently what the man with the accent wants and is promised by the other man is a statement that ZAROu.sIN was appointed to be the.representative at the Fair.

. pos~bly

Conversation an Russian betvTeen t'WQ men. This maYI De

vlith reference to the insignia which .were to be made for the new uniforms. The one man, who speaks good Russian, explains to the other man who has a decided accen~ that the work which they are having done here is expensive and apN.rently will not be accurate or satisfactory, and reference is made to t~e purchase of gold braid. The two men in the conversation agree that it would be

- 10 -

{J :
,~ ~
. .
, . Director

October 11, 1940

better to order the items from Soviet Russi~;, where they could be bought for a very low price and would be much better made than the items 'whi'ch are being made here.

Conversation in Russian ~et,.{een a man and wife, and they are niakingsome plans about getting dinner.

qonversation in Russian betv{een two women about thehealth of a child.

ConVersation between two wen, one inquiring of the other as to the date on which anot r woman, called, IRA, left the United States and the name of :the teamer. It is e~lained that, she left on a' Danish vessel, th i argaret Janson (phonetic), from

E.os Angeles. ..

Conversation in English betvleen tilO women.

Conversation in Russian between two of whom is

PAGE, the attorney. The other man states tha he has sent to him a memorandum ,lIhich he has just rec.eived fr \ZAROUBIN which Outlines an analogous case involving the Brazi ian PaVilion. -The man undertakes to send th~ -'entire case with all the supplements and everything to PAGE for hi'S examination",with the understanding that it is to be ~eturned the s~e day or the,~ollowin~ day.

Conversation in RUssian between two m~n 'Qoricerning the ,arrival of some pe()ple .and expla~ng that the. tra;n connections . had been unsatisfactory 'but "the people had, however, arrived+.q!fely. From the conversation, it woUld appear that, the peopl~JmHeiotJ on

a train, possibly Of the B ~ 0 which t~inates its trip at Jersey City. '~hey state tha,t ·the men were :llIl?ble :toget to New Y:ork on

the tr¢.n on which they !yere, traveling, arid the train hac! terminated its run, as this man states, in, NeVi Jersey.- The other man assures him that he/mows of no· trains >'lhich do not ~o ~o, Nevt York.

j \ f t '

Conversation in English be~leen' two men concerning the imposition of an embargo.

Brief conversation in the Russian language, between a map. and ~ woman, in which the wOman inquires if he is ieaving and the man says that he is leaving.

- 11-,






C' ,




Director .pctober 11; ,1940


ConVersation :ih Rus;tan betw~kn. a man and a woman,

~ -, "f.._ " ':I <. ~ .. "\ ' ~# I' .... 1

,princip~;t:ly conger~g 'tl1e wO~~ls,healtht -:- . _.

.... ~, ~ -... # '-.!Ir"

,~G(~)llVe~s~tion' ~",Epgl:i~A~ b~tWe~n }wo. men, about, a chi14 •

..; -< • .." j' -

't. ~ ~. -4 t .. ~ l'

Conversation, iii Russian between' a man and a woman. con-.

,c~rmng, the. inari~1 ~ '~ni~?;~ ~ ~'/ t 1;- ~ • ~-: ,: . ,

, .• i I (- !:.i- -*?' ""' .;;: - .;:. ~ I - .. :- "",' I ,

, . : "" \i;._'.... ", ... -t X21 't ". " I " ,I

__ ~ v t I 4. - ~ .. - - ..... ~ ~ ~'j .,. . 1- "" It. ~ ~ , .!

:' ~".t ~ -t J-o;f~,,,.:.-:; ~ b .... j I .,. "t-

. ,1'>~~C~~!~~,s~t~~!\ ~ , ~~si~,~pe·tir~en ... ~~.~:a'nd~.a ·,,,o~,.

prl.nCi~/,~:o~cerne~'Wit ~) ,:i~~e:;~~c~\ t1!a~ :~~~. '!'oman:l.s not well:.

I - • ,'l',;' "' ..

-Conversation" n .EngliSh' J)e:ti;een .:two men, concermng tWo

peopie by'tlie' ~~e; 0', )iNt~:~ are':~t;'p~e (nt_;~,t.-~" 'in Latvia. , \' l' r ~ l' \ l ,t,; f ,I !;;. ~

A long 'converS'a:t~Jn,-ih EngH "b~tlieen-:t-W. men co ~errrl:ng an article appearing in' the fI~tar~1 b' \: .~R ~d~..9.Pf conce~$.lg.

tp_e Soyiet ~bassador. . '.. ~ ,

I ,

9c)Ilversa'!iion in Russi,an'between two wo en .. of: " ,si~i-


ConVersation in 'Russian between a. man 'and.,woman. The'

.. >~ • " , • ~ ~,

lToman, -wants to: ,fini o1:lt if her husband has left already.!.

\Convefsation, in '~ssian betvre'i:m. a,"~ ~d< a woman, ,p~relj personal.

Coriver~atioil in Russian '~etween 'two .nen con~erning pay~:

ment for.children, presU~bly iri ~ scho~l. ~

. -

_ One of the perscne. in the coriversation i's a man' named:

USEV~· The, riane. of :the otlier is' not' revealed. There is' some. , conversation about .the' weather conditions. GUSEV.says truit he

h~, spok~n:to' CONSTANTINE· :/¢ExAm?ROVICH (pr6bal:?ly otlMA$KY)' with refe~ence ,to the yaLKINS' ~~rp~ane. This was ;n c~~-c~ion 'ivith, th;~ANEVSKY '(~honetic): expeqition. He states that there w~s "s~d:i:rficulty',~ th some reserve part 'of the. p~e. 'This r~ers to spare parts' apparently ~or th~ plane. He ~:tates thatth-ey

we~e not permitt~~ to 'get ~h~§~,~pare parts, that they ~9~d no~ get a license. GUSEV eXpll!¥is tb?-t he has made a regues:t that th_i~ 'be" ,considered in the light of this bei~ a 'conmi~rcial pJ4ne and"connected,wit~ 'such an :outstanding eJq>edition. 'The othe~ man



. . ,,'

. ,




October 11,1940

here interrupts to say that he saw a letter about the matter. GUSEV wants to know if he has heard anything about the matter,

and the other man states that he hasnft heard anything but that

he will try to find out right amy and .that he will notify him either that day or the next day. GUSEV explains that he is in a difficult poJition in connection with this matte,r~ GUSEV tlien says'~at h~ has ,a second,~t~er to 'take up, and he asks whether there have been, any chang~~:. 'ii_1,'the lic~nsing regulations recently and states, that .he bad some difficulty on that score. GUSEV wants to know if the:re are any qba!ig~~ Ifwi:t1!~'re;er~nce to the' armament

of our ••••• II." It, is, impo_ssipl~. ~o distingUis~"'$at he has reference to in connection With this 'arma.memt.The-'maii e~lains to GUSEV

that CONSTANl'INE ALEXANriIioVrCH 'had recentlY: 'been- at the state De-, ~rtm~!- and had '.4i~C?)lSs~c!.' t~~,,;m8.t~e~, ,~u~ he dip. not 'knO!i w,ith 'Whom. The niBn e,xpressed as his own,~opinion t¥tthere had been

no changesj..,the, ma~i,saYs -he will find o~t,.:wpat' 'ff~s ,learned at the state Departm!3ri~', .and then' he' mentions 1!hat unti'l recently there certainly have been no ',changes .• , > 'GQS~ s~ys"l!e has the following diffic1:1lty: : Nan;ely,' that,~ a, f~i'Jn ,¥dreC?,e~;;~d "a license f~r their ~mament and lha,S ,now s~t, th~ a ,telegr~ ask,ing to return the license iluismuch as the'State nepartn:ent had requested that the, license be reicalled.· GUSEVmentions- that -bhe license had -been

sent to them/ wei,s' 'then', 'in,. their possessaon, The man' makes s,OOie ref,~rence to ,a transport~ organizat;1on, ·but: the first wore of the name is no~ d?-stinguishable; and ,how he states that there is a demand that this license be ~eturned. In ansser to a questa-on,

he explains to the other man tha,t, the license had been received

from the' firm, and now tne firm is demanding the return' of the license. GUSEV says he dces not UIXlerstand just what the situa-' tion is, and that the firm is demanding the return of the license

so that'it can :return i:t to the State Dep~rtment. :rhe mal} says

he ~ll straighten out these two matt~rs and OUMANSKY Wil1- take

it up. GUSEV then says be has another quesi;.ion to t~e up. It

is impossible to understand the work defining the subject:to

whi9h, the t!rl:l-d questio!1: pe;:tains. The man tells ,GUSEV that . LOUKASHOV knoWs about it.· The question possibly pertains to some const~ction matter. T~ ne~rest phonetic reproduction of the

work' is Kressingolosoustroy. The ending of the word is that

'Which is ordinarP.y used in making up these combination words

with reference t<i construction matters. GUSEV states that the question is ~ an ec.onomic one. The man tells· GUSEV that he b~lieves that' !Lci~HOV krl~s about the matter. The man then, c~nges to s y that LOU~HOV does knFW - that OUMANSKY had told him about it. GUSEV says that he has again received a telegram from a client and the client is again interested. It ,might be

- 13 -




. . e ,



. ' .


, '.

. ,

~ .

" .


October ri, l.94O

noted here that this man GUSEV maybe connected with some business or industry and ,that, whe;-e ~ note is made above that he referred to some aviati~ri:organiiation" 'lie may have actually stated" ''lV'e are an aviation org~nizationtt or so~ething tc? '~hat effect.

This iS,made in view of ~s referenc~ .here to "clients". The man asks,GUSEVif'p~ had a1re~dy, ~eceived a't~legram from the client_, and GUSEV· says he has ~eceiveq not one teleg~am but on th~e previous day had ,reC?eived ;rive tel.egram,s fr~~ ~he client. At this, point a woman's vo~ce comes in to say that 'Yr. Ov,MANSKY wants to talk to Yr. GUSEV., The name 6f the man who had been heretofore holding the conversation wi,th GUSEV would app~ar~to be GROMEIKO

(phonetic) • . .

I •


OUMANSKY then gets into the conversation", and the man

tells him that he has some J.ocal. troubles, one. of them being in connection with the LEVANEVSKY airpla~e", to whic~ OUMANSKY replies that he is informed o~ 'the mat-tar and has, been promised that it will be looked into. He tells GUSEV that he had been promised that the matter would be looked into and nothing has been done, but that he will look into the matter on the following day. The man had mentioned that he had written to OUUANSKY about this matter. 'The man' theri OUMANSKY he ~s a second problem and explains that' he had received a lette,r from one firm that the license which had been issued for armament for their client and which they, meaning GUSEV, have in their possession, is recalled. GUSEV says he does not understand this business.

OU1iANSKY asks that GUSEV write him a letter about the matter, the name of the firm, the designation of the license, and ruil. the

details, so that he would receive the letter on he folloWing day" inasmuch as on the following day bn 'the day the atter he will be at

the State Department. GUSEV then in answer a question says

that he has nothing more 1;0 take up, and.p KY then gives him

a message. He said to inform CONSTANTI GNATOVICH that "I -had submitted to him one question to which I expect a very quick answer inasmuch as I am being bothered about it". 'That ends the conversa-

tion. F

The town referred to in the discussion of the traffic violation is Afton, Ch~n~go County, New York.

These,c9nversations are designated as Yl3, Yl5, Y17, Y19, YlS, Y20, X18, 120, xut, Xl9, 121, and X22.



Special Agent in Charge

Government Bill of Lading No. J-l626l?


,) i



. "

... ?"-; ... ~

, ;: ~~ f._i,;,;.;:,..~

I ' .~::' ,""' i~

l ,-;; '.i..l • . " IL

_ \m., fG!USSiNJ; i(pho~eticf il,d~~~s' M~S$ ~$Wut+11~t ,h,~ has t_~,,;,~ .~ book. sett._~g, out; the ,new :Finn~sli-:-.t~ul?g~, b~un~ri-es,_ : ~ an~ unde~'st~ds, the' £R\I~~i!ID ui;?yernam~nf hM just, pu!l out, b __ ~

a: book on ·the' ,new ~un1anian~~sSian bounda.riE~8. -Mis' ,-'"

·ll~itaanwill. +ook_ it 'uPruJd ·a,d"ri~e~.. ./_ .: _ ' I' , " v:~ ..

p.HriX.~:'i~DD" 'T~~~R!~,/&t~~'~~" J ~~i.G~~f3~}t\F~J~·

~4vi,sed :tJ;la~ G):,BSON came w~th t'h~ ,Gan ' ,.£ '~a the, Gener~ L

'~s on, __ 'the~ *ac~t..'. ~~y~ses ~UFtl !fw"t ·~&tlt,r~.Ft}~~ canta(r~ (b.'9son ~ ~a t~iq§.d ~~, h~v:e- t<?, f; a.v~ ~~. ~~t~?!t~nw~":"~~ number. He Leaves h:i.~' home nUl'llbe~, .no ;th'$i ~tms~ n,!1~?~

:REF~CE: M,UD)) adv±s~s.his v.'i;'e that GIB~ON: ;fJ· tQ~; 'that the' ~ 1:. ,

9-?-'J~49 GEU~ has m~ yacht in -the' NavY Yard; ~~.~. f

1Q:48 A.M.. ~J:';ingements to 'pi{!k :1rl.mJ?), up, and inVite'hlit to· iunch

I: "t- . Sunday. B9thih\ldq, and, his wife 'E}=9ress: ear~e$t .de$ir,e t<;>

I ~sit ."rth~t Y;lp4t.)l' Jle atates ,that. he' could. not r~a.~~

f :, Gibson because or re~ula.,t~Ol!S,~: ~d: that -th~' oJ?~t?:tor )V.dl\1.:t.4- .nob cqnn~c.~

r 4~~c~1Y'. ,He. also. advisEWAba.~ .he )'iiU 'Pt9.t :Qe home tOl!lorr-ow. i;lhe, ad-e .

\' l ~s 110 call yet fl:"OCl t~r~'FE)lSOI'S, llEFEi<E1!CE i. made to I,QC;lf>X

. 9-20-.4,,0, 2.:00 l' .M •. ,,_ X-- , whic:p sets out .ru~~er ;infoI:l,ud.on •.

~ { ...

corms nES'.ritOYED 'y. '1 tlEtl SEP 6 1eaG~ .--:


REFERENCE': 9-20-40 . 9:43: A-~M. Y-l-l


REFEf.ENCE: 9~20;:_40'

. 19:00 A.M~


-REF~~dE=- 9-20':'40' .

10.:59 A.M.· Y .... 1.~2

~EREijC~: 9,:,,~O~49 11:08' A.M. &':"2':'+ . .

,- REFERENCE:, .\ 9~20-:-4v

'.' ":,_ 1.1:26 A.M. '(" ~~i-:-2 -


, ,



. ,

:REFERE~'CE: 9':'20:"4'0 .

;1.1:50 .,A.M~ s: '

J ..


',I 9-~-~O' ;'0:46, ·A.M~. n

. y~

" '


~~S~.~.T~GrE~,.SoViet Vic~ qQnsulate, LoiAng~l~s;f~'~

, q~J,~t;p~),p.a ¥l R~ss.~~. ' " _ "tl r

, "

lIlUV,.wrIN t.5..$" .P4GE ~tl;>tata' L.ep"",t'l9n{i.n ~,,~i,an,

. ,

I ' ,

~S' .HEn~ sp'~~ :to. i3EN'~.~US'f 9-£ t4eT-hetltr,e· 9uppiy ,00.'1 ' t~Pitirs t9 a: 1Doving pict~re nacbtne , It appears .

as th<;>ugh, 'the ~b?-ssY' is very anxi.oys to get, this machine

- ~n p,eJ;£e·ct rt.Uln~g order for tom6rr.o\V,,. Sept 21, 1940. They hav~ mentiQned that they have,~ot~~ed i~ f9r ~om~~i$e" bu.t .fntghd

t~ '~~e ~t; tomor,row. "., j , ,,'

, I

UIi~q:enti.t';1e~man tO~J;!$PIU$itIVE '9~ Ney! Yor~,. ~g~n~ 4~-3490:~ ~'

In Russian. .

11 "

REFErtEi~OE; 9 ... 2.:>-40 1.,:55 P.M' •. ~-?-l

REFERENOE~ .. 9-20~46 ..

2:4$ P.Y. Y..;..2-3


m:FEHENO~: 9-40-41,1 .

. 3; 35- --p ~71. ':r..._,.

JmFEfiENOE·: 9-20-49

. 4:20P~M.

1 ... 2-4

REF.EmCE:· :9~~O-40' .

4-:43 ·P.M. l'l''' - -

, , ,

'REFERE.NCE~ ·9-20-4Q '4=-45: r .M-! Y-~-5- t-3-2


J1ashington, s.c. September 20, 1940

Jrlan ~o boy at ,DUpont 4438 in l\~ssian.

~.EDOTOV' ':r~serves S~cti-on 1,- car :L?8, £o~ 2 p~r~o~~ o~ ~r4~ #.108 t9mQr!,o\,/ morn~g ,to l!ev! Y9~ ~itt.,· .. Septe.'ll\>er 21, 1940 •

fcoma.I:l to man in Ru~sian.





, ,

REFERENCE: '9':"20~40 iQ:::25 . ~;¥. ~-l:-l

ltEFERENCE: 9-20-40 11:01 A.M. ~:()S P~M~ '3:;J P,.M.

~ ;.p.-?i!1,,4_

REF.ERE.t~CE: 9~20~40 .

i9:50 A.M •. Xl-.;2

~a$hing.t6li)· ',11.'9. - ?eptember, .20;, 1940'

.An un~den't!i:f.';~d mt;U>, con~er~ed l'iith an 'unidentified V{oman in

Ap~tm~nt. 304 of ThEr .Be~ved~~e, in Rilssi~., ..


~()UBIN {phQnetic). RussiaI1_e¢s~~y: a.t the' Neil~ot~t$ Wprld ~~d~, i~ be~g granted ~. vi:sa by 1?he .Japanese 'embassy t.o~?-Y. He will leave, the Uuitea States either in the middle of last of' .oct,Oper· and ,!"~qu~st was. made, tor· a .~ong -enough vis~ ',<fio:r a

t$~ day stop~ovei~ _

. ,

An·u~~denti£~~d man ,conversed ~ith an un~qentif1ed wom~in .Ap~tlnent )0'4, of' the. Be~veder~.

, '

_' t

'" ,

~F~~C~: ; ~L~N~E,CK~ .6807,. O?Jc_ ta~m!. CheVy C~a~:r,. M51.·,. ·tete,plip~~, Wl--6.4lJ:.

9~QO-40 ~1~ an !icq:ual.lf.tanc~ of ·lihss ~EAT'~Y.w Jlli,J:l~,; oft).ce ass~,st~t.,

Lh3:)' P .. l&,. at tb,e ~'llba~sr. .

x~ /

\. RBl'Jl!lENGE~ ,,An uniderl#f.led l"!U) .,a~.iS.d BEt.TJiICE"~MAII. . that C@tiln .

9-20-40 '1FARrlJl:LL(p}:ione1lic) ~lho has. en :apartm~n.t in Ne\t York· Oity nt;S-

I 11:43 If·Ah a 16~ke~1 ~tQre-:podm .(eV';i,d l?-i{lt a.t ::~~asa~) '~4 \'io~ld l,~e, to' , .

x... , get m aDo,~t 2: QQ' ._l), .. ~i,~; ,t .;.c1~y,.FAR'rIELL dJ.dn,t:t, .know many peQple. ,at

. ',' the ' sue! he w .~. c~efl' t~t tl1ey, "l.ouldn.f ~ let :p~: ~., . .

BEATRXGJ5 advised lP-m *-b,a.:t mJ,Q~ '~AP . .u,'. ARA~EV would· 'be ~~ tl}~ $mbas;;y at 2:00 P ~"f. and would let.lgm in,\.

.REf'~CE:· "9'-20 .. 40 .1:h:45 'A.rd'.

'~-4 ~ n~~

'REFERENGE: 9_'20~40 1:03 P .1.1.


1W$tmNCE: 9-20~40 ' 1;47 P.M. x~

4n'~~ideptified m~ converped· wit~ an unidentifi~d wom~in ~~s:i:ap.Tb~, ~onve~sati9n 'was, cu~ off and t~ii:nut9¢ Ut¢!·

ihe cc?~ye~~~~ion 'Was .:t.e$~m~d ~ ·nussi~, .

. ,

11 'e- and 1Ir~. ·BENJ.AMlNrosc~ 3543 Ho~ead B,1:ace,: Co-8366, ai!e ?-cqu"a~:ted Vl.l:~~ .an unident.J.'f~ed inC;livi9.ual ~t th~ embassy.

, ,

:,A. ;r.eque,s~ was. wl~d~ ... t;q. tfl~: .Bureau ·ot P4.~t'e~,. JJ:.~·.Pf?J?tq-·~~, ; me:i:lt ~if Agr'icultur~ t4 furnislithe ··s~cr·e·t~y··.q~ ~he~'.RUs$.iaq :

, .embasf}y. .aP- li.t-~rature poss;kbl~ ,0n1{b¢ cpi'ttv'atJ,o~p~ 'l?~~~ts. <

-3 ... ~-l.

-. , .... - ... '


REFERENCE: 9,..20-40 Z:l;.P.M.

xi-s . - _' - j< .' . .' I •

m:FERENGE: ~tl}ICE HEIMAN l~.ft word .~or"'G)1ASS~N:t (ph~ile.t;c) .that. they

9-20-40 ,- f,iia not, poasess at l>rese~t .~~. map which showeq, the l>refJ~nt

3:20 P.M. '~o~~?~ian-Ru~sian ~o~n~aryy but t~~t t4~y P9s~~s§ed seve~a1.

X.., pamplilets wh:i;ch showed whi~h 4~str:i,ct~ by wllat name $.ad gone to. th~ vardous countri~s". and. that she was aenddng. these by

·m-sssenger to,GRA:satNI_. ' .

. " '



I ~.-20-40,

~I ~:OO P ~M. i x-


, I

,~FErtENCE:' '9.,..20-40 '

3:30,P.M .. xi-l1 .

REFERENCEt '9~20-40 .

1~:,23 .P'~M ..


" ,

'Vias~~ton.,.. ,p~C.- ~ Se.ptembe~ 20,_ +94Q

-~' man, :'(PHIuzy' iroD]), '.1) endeavor-ed tp t~l~phonic~~ conta~t ,,:rr.i~nd ot'IU;s~ ~ Mr. ~GJ;~9N,. on th~_yacht oi: ~~,ERAL . ~;T~UJAl4Q,~ pres~de!lt' Q£ th~ po~li~c{Ut Repu1?~tc-. :The Qpel;a~or ,wQul'an,_.t advise' Ylhetller or ~ot, th~re_ was such a te.1ephgn~, - and re'ferred tb~call~r itQ -toe J)o~ican eml;>assy"~

. ' ~

~r. CLARIEN (ph<;>netic) conver-sed With MIl\HAlt j;1~SIM9V in RU$sian from New ,¥ork. city.


,M~'jor PAUL, ~~V, advise.d, 991. ~AD 0+' .thfAj.ti~~ embassy allElt ,he ~r i:~c;eiy~d ~~. l~t'ter ~bo1:1.t CO~'1SCHL.AU (:phoneticJ and Ma~or{.sW~TZOFJ.i.' ,<:p~o4~.tic) "and ~e; woyld\ seI)d; It~t'" to ,l)im.:

noo. I

, ,



. y

L - Washingtpn, p.o •

• / ~ Se?,tember ,22, 1940

~~.s_:!1.!@l C'4.i~OT;A (ph~n"tic), J"p~e •• ""'as.Y', reg!¢qiiig ~sa Lssued, :t~plUU!9JJVll~ (phonetic)" Sov;i.'et C01IlIJis~ to l~~w 'Y<?rlc Wo~ld Fa~~ H~ ,has b~~n-~ssued a x~gUl~Y~$~ 9nhis d~pl~mat~¢ passp~~t, ~d. phs pelieves'tt shou~ be 4iplom~tiQ vi~~~ She'~s ~dvise4 by Y~9taf~ seeret~y that the ~apanese do nQt consid~r

bi~ ~ dmplomat ~y~n though h& carri~~ ~iplo~atiG passport; to the~-he is only So~et l'e)resentq:tiv~to ifPl',J.d f ~ fair.. ?:he regular visa. permi.'ts him .14 <lay

sto~-ov.e~ in J~~an., -


, "


, ,Alan :to, ,woroal'l ~ Ru~s~~,

~~ .


L ' • •

T.W9 young o,oys, speak in R\l.ssitm .•

, ,


-~~1fg!L& c!41s and identi.£i~s. -herself' as a:'£riend of'SEbATOR I

, ,I~ ,;md_ that ~he pttep.cQm~s 1;.0 tA9 Eml?as~y- ,wi vh her al,1I}~ '- /'

, .( .' aBpI? ~ ), :who. .speaks ~~~~~~.~. ~he' '{iujise~ . ,the~ '~¢:i1_e in ',rna.. /""."

! E,RA~It40Vt S o~rip¢ \t}:le· oth~r ,d~y; and now ,to know tpe. "

, name .of the Ainbo'ttssador. Is. advised -th~t the ambassador' is Mr. /'

anq 'that 'Qera~imov- is' ih~, Consul..' '- ,.' j'"


, .'

r II"

ri, 'P ! ,'~{_--,~




REFER?NCEt" ISS '~~ ,calls ,MR. 'pARSON~ to do some corp entry ?lork for Johl.

9-23;.-4Q '; :,~ ._i'E~N. Pl:" S hR lyiU send 14~ brother Qvcr. farpons i~._J~M·

9:.45 A.M~ t. Paraons , Jr~· ,off'~c$t Jiolller Blgg., NA'tiqI!~.L ~909; :resid~l1c~,

!.,.... ~.2 '. '<1 ,~an~, ~y:y ·:Ch~se .. , WI~qopsi~, 349.2. . ,

\ ,

~F~~(}E::-' ',I' . uob to ALEX'V~., . . LauI)a.r;r 'ah4 ,D~y lJie~ers ~ I.'~ clean~g,

9'-21-49 yelveh"prape~, etq~.

l:U.:42 A.,M... tl t

::'J5llENC~: ~3S~Oitit~SKY tQ KENNETH!iJURAlIT,. CIrl"g 5~564Q, New ~ork

9-~!~40, p;ty. ~~ ... ·~k.Y' ~dV±.ses ,tngt since j;l,1~Y'dis.cussed' ~4~ adv.e~tislllg,

l,'H'5" A~l1'.matt~~ ,Dtir~t fur,nished 't~e lif}t of new~l'~p;):r,s," 1!h~ adv,e~~ise-

~"'·5, ... 3 ,m~nt. h~ ',been, ~s~t~d through. an, 4~~ncy., ,Ollm8hs~ t"el).~ '~r~:b

l-:-.6,-:-l 'of >tile:, ,STOKPJYS~ concer-t ?-n '\\as~ingt<m" ,B·.G. l~stnlght;· the iif',st .~}

\ since tile '?~lUtl; Amer can tQUl!';· that ..5TOKQI(SK-I's' tour was 9.u;~e a p,ql:iticaI,. ~vent,;;

,., l·;: ..... (.: ~dh~ ·was enthusiastically ~eceive~;_ played p:tpqh ;Rus,si~ and. So,:vi~t, ·music in

i~;7 \ ~outh Ame;r.ica:" -and ;" ..g<?p~h Ame~ica, t9urbacrun~' a. vel:Y 'pro-R,us!:dan m~sj,c thWg. If

: (J .. ": ~,\ '~h:i,-s. i'm.S, very nice, of' .~tokQ.w~ki to do. t4~s. 01l1!1a.ns~y asks' ~ap.t ;f ,he. \\'at;lt~:tio m~~e a.stor~ 6f it ~4 ~t so.hewoulq ppt ~m;ha~sx on t4~ 1act·tpat S~okoWs~± " on ~ha.t t~ui': .f?op~l~iz~a modern ~4.?sian li1us:tc.~01;IJll<4lsky esks. if any nesa and is

. toJ.a 1I4e I~do,-Ghua. ~f~ :i:!? ,>ac~ and £91,'i!h... OUf]l,an~~1 <?9min9flfi~ thElt_ ,

I i1; looks. ver:;' .. ~ar1e", ~~' tl,.~t. of le,ourse, ve'IJ:Y ~po~tgnt,., .llilr@t ~~s, ~ewp f.~om ~

j f~9scow~but a~d r~ce~v.a a ~~e. not~· ( mon~y 1 ) £~ora Ou~sky ~ y~ster~~ ._ 'which is 'Veryu~eful.~ , OulIllmSkY :tn, r~p'ly ?~I?' that, JI ~ can tel4- you~ 'L x;aiseq

of ~'. ' ~~).i with, .. your b.O?$.-n· ~o" Durant, ~eplied, !' H~ alsQ said h~ is se'n~,ing -me " ~ SOlO1e, at, .least 4000,. but it will not- be. enough 'ta· repay- ~(:>u;. and I,.~f;idi:at+.ey

r I .. '- ,~',cablesi back e.nd 'Said. what 1;1e wa~ sen~~g is ;insuff.icient fot current needs ," e -s, {

, ,I' ~~man'sky s·t~tecl that It is a bad. Vi~y to. ~dle ~i;. { ~h~ wa~ they ~e p:resent~~

" dojJlg 1 and 't4at At· ;is; .~ questi.oiiof .rese~.v.~s· h'eJ;~.

REF&.tiENCEi ~-~~-'40 8:44, A.M.


ltEFERENGE: 9+2,1-40 8:56 A.M. 1:-5-1

REF~CE: 9-?J.-4Q . '9m3 A.M ... y~ .

,l\. ''\J.



Inor4ere;n~ groceries £~o~ t~e ~e~Ye4e~9 ~ark~t, th~ ~oo~)~1DY' ,r~Ii;~keci that, they w~r.e ha,.Vip~ a .P~t~ toda~_" Se~tenib~r 2~;t~40.

, '

Man tq \'l0~$n ,in Russi~ £...t. ,at i)II ot NO ''1909 (1) •

~id jn .or<!.e~~ing grocel'il's 'S,dV:is~s tha~lAYKO bas. been o~t 1>1:

tow~ 'and ~~y: no1; pe 1?~c~ fo:r' 10 days~ , ,'. -




< ,- • ~ ~ - - .. ~ ~ - ... ,,'" -.. •

" ';

. I

,~tas~IJtt;on~ D~ o,

, > /", " September' 221 1940

REFEREljCE: DURAllT :xplEQnS ctllaJ(ASI; j.n Uo~cow is buyilll' :theJ!l an ""to; that

continued tbr~~ weeks ago' Afa;rQJm,'~e~eived ~ message tp, ,gg~. an euto .. for th~ ~AS?:

y-;-) & BURE~U in .N~~ "Y9rk AA<;i. :tc? .,co!l~ut"!i ~ra~t, abo~'t ~t;_ t~a _ :~~' 4o~a, >

Y~6-1 not, .KnOW ~'t. ~t is: to. pe' an,. 9~, c~ tqr til ollel}iii'Ve,

, QI'" ;wha.,t. i't l.S, but. t~t hel 5~9Uld ge·t a lette:r from BQ!\ASHOV; (i?J1o~e.1;icJ tQ yer,ift i'h Dut~t 's~ys h~: ,do~{> ~Qt need. itl' but, tAat his Ru$siap QOYs

cpol,d. ~st. use ,i;t for tt~:v~l:!ng., .

s OOrna;tpky;i.:s goirlg to. New Xor~~·on fA~)1iday, SeiJt"'mber',?3~ +<;J40i and

~r~~ wants to ta~ yrith him'. ,. ,-7

-'OuJ!1~f?~~r ss.,ys" tl .o~~ !rienal ~G+N~'!;S." 6rrhAM,Ag~&EV' (p,~on.e~~c)

, ' l}~s ·~~f£1.¢vlity wi'~h 'l).is ,!IliJ.iJ; ~d j!~~t~ll> UW:Ol+:.":· ,Dur~t r~'plies) II 1.'he 4if.f~ct;l1.ty i,s, t~~ he qQesnf',t. _c~m~ her.~ ~d get: ~$ I;lail..~, ;r '~' it, fiXE!d~ up. :fot lrlJ;l-

9redit car~"':' bu.~ he '~iQJ.lrt cone arid get ~t, an~w~ hay~ P9, ,\'lay, 9f teacldng Pim

~$, h~"w6nlt &~v~ ua lq"s .addresa, '

REFERENCE: 9.;.U-40· .

1l.i05 A.M.


,REFERENCE:· ~:-2.l-40; .

il:l2. Adf. :£.,.6:-3 '

J,ji ~" - I '

~F~~C~:. MISS H!:c~~:italksl ~O:?'~Bots s~cr~tat~ ~.>i? ·t~e ~ap~~~~ J!.}nb{tssr.

I 9-41~40.· ~(f ;t¢'bS .;tapane~e u~ter~e~t ~~6 give,J ~Ul}l:N. (plipile:yic, ') .~ . .'

~l:i, A.M. ' .41.:p+-'9ma~ic v~~,a~ J{lpane~e :~ii~ do no~ ,th~ ~hat, hi'l3

'~~-:-4 as ,'Oo!fun,i~s~,to· ,t~~ N~w York: 'IloX-:.Ld,t's f-air .mak~s¥.l!l '~ di:ploli:lai?~,

. . '~IMAN· J;~que~t~~ ~q talk -to t}),9-, ~;:rst ~9c~eU!rY:, bu~h~ i~ busY',.

b~t will .,?~, ths. ,~SI3:j.~- ~b ,s'l- ,


~rE~CE: liom~ asks; foz: . ORT! (phonetie). ~ RussiW!.

9-21'!"40 f " ,

i~t~· ~.1&.. 'I ' ,: . ",

'REF~CE:- 'OVbl1';N~KI:to r~D~?O~ 6_f the ~~t~ t!p#.tme~t ·4Qnc~rid.~~· ' .

9.;.2l~4o.'· :ciVil pu~~ 1:lrought Pl' New ~2rk ~gainsD ZJ!jRUB~ ,(phonetic). ~?llsky ~J.:25 A.M~ . s-tates, th~t because general. ,feeling ~ ,U ~S~ ;iSl;lgain~t the Sov;

l;..6~q; it encouragea peo~e to br~g ¢'uit~ ~ Zer~bin are.

~-7-1 Ditte~ ,~bQu~ ;i.t as. tp~ Sovi~t.lla.~ spenf 4 XIJilliqil doLlars, on, ~h~

. i~ir, and' hi3.v~ ¥d tj:-O\lp~e-, ~ea,e~d on tr-£?ubj.e.. , It h~sb?el\ .su.g~'

, .ge!?ted ~hatl ~etu~ t&l,k ·to. th,$' l,l,S. 1\.t,torney iJl·New ~9l"k iptorT,4al1y-,and. ex~ plain· ~$' po~li~on.' . Z9t'ubili, W~~s t~ +iay~ ()A:~~tdber ·4~ Qut cannob go ~f t~~ su:i;t

.~~ contdnued , liende~son..,w:i:11 -libok. ;into, ,the: -!hatte~ f\lrthet~.

I,.... • ~ _ _ • _~ _",

-~~~~~~~ ~ ~

. ~ ,-,. ~". --:"'V'

.... " ~


.;:=~ '. . • '::- ,.r~.


" .




'" '

, '

.. \V~sllir.gt9Xl, J;J .(1..

Se,Ptagber ~2 ~ 19~O


:REFEfiEiiCE: i)~identified nan tells .~CI!~En~nJi ·that th.: :A!nba?"sador akk~~

9~21-46' h~ to ,get t~e t~~ 9*'~h~ p~w.~C0~STRUC1IO~ ~ILL, #~~Q. 193q~)-

lido r·.M. 'which has to do >'lith th~ EXPOR'j!."..:tAfKQR'r 13:~K. ?i~c.h J:l_as been. .giv~

'1,-7;2' oIl.e.+haJ.f bll).:i.on dqllars·, He .~~Qt get· :t;;he ~oll1~lete text untii

. the' Fl'e$id~p:t. sign~ ~t and i~~s, printeq; can only,- g~t that which .i$ in the:"Congre~S~Q~l'~ 1\ec?.r.d f9I: Sep~~9t' 20:, 1940 on page 18769'.

~:\ t!!+.s§ .. ~WLa~ks fot ¥R~~:r~~i of:··t~e. 'NeVl 'Y<;>rk J.;iJnea.. Is advised

9 ... 2J,.-49> tha.t -!i~" ~.s 'not in, but ptobab17 up at the Uap;itoJ...

~~: 5{). P.M. " -

1- . ? V' .

llllfE.1l>!ICll. JoII.§.S~Sk~Ilj:;l;ed, l'resij. J:or JARlOOli'loL" {phopetl,q' ):.I. .t.ot if!.

9-21;-40. .~:QQ, .f..U:'. 1.-

J.!ru\ tor ~~'ftTQ~QFr ! .p!>onet~ol. i\Iad""~Jl"t~.,

t~e~ \7i.t~f_.QlaO~NQR; ,

,iloiallI!- 'to. 'Womaj1< Ca;J;J,~a adyi~ed ~h~t lIll!;~!TH9ilJf ( ,Pllon.tic ) was ~om~ to 4~e~ ~oh4ay and ph~ wop14 ~ik~ ~~ler t~ Q6ne

. w~th h3~ hu~~and. Cali~r ~dvi~e~ t~~~ sh~ W9~ld ~ve~6 ~~l p.~r busbend 001-i$'fM~n .( J?~OlfE?tic ), ~ Calle,f' al~o; 'lfequ~st~d, her

, iit;> a~k Mr·, and ,Mrs.l;G~OiUKb:. ~vi~ed; tha.t 11,9' is ~ New X<?l:kbut

mig}~:t ~ back it}: jiime:,.' .

• ' - I

ItEF&ENC1S:. 9 .... ~ .. 40 2.:02 P~M. y.,..


. 91ij2~-46, 2~04 P.M. !,... .

HEF,~~ENCR:' 9 .. 2_L...4° ~;~'l' £ .• 1\J.~


REEERENCE: '9-21-:,40.' j :-17 :P,St., Y-7.-4

lmf1"L!!~i~(m:: '9-2~.;.4Q .

. 4':.29 1'·.M. ~~

.REFK1ENGE: 9-2i-40 8:;)g P.M

: ' ... .


- . - ---'-----'--

m.x ., milS !lilI1!iJl ~&ks ;C~ o~ tho" !'ou.l.& FPst ,pispatclH :w~s to" sEmd.av~r presi release r~g~d¥1g Litpl!an:i.~.s ~

etc~ "gett~g ,t'I.tlssi~ ci:~~~ep,sl:U¥. Ad reg4.rq~g t~~. la P-J?P9.a,rJilg

i~. '~h? P.ost-plspatch. .'" .

~~.W!i.~o. '.' .pr~p~~~cIJl. M':!boW'

( ,

ILFEltENC$: 9-21-40 8:18 P..J4 •.

;¥~ - ..


.. ~

, .


I , .

'lr~sJl:i:ngton, 1) .. 0.

1- ,September 2~, 1940

Iro""" od";'ses AlllS.~Tpt:!' Or~DTT, PlJ'sPouotln .360:1:-9, tlu,t sh~

An!! COllST,ulrir,« wo~J,d bS de4ghtea t" come ~b dinner "t 1<7.;)-5. P';l>!. Sna ,will. llot <1sk; ~s·qrqnyko 1l!lt4 att~ )ta. husl>il1ld l"atuZ'Q.

from firm Xo.rk.~

,::..._ ,

~~:mr~CE; '9~~O':'4a, 5.:,,0 l".~:. X-: '

'REFEfIDtGE: -9':.;2:b;·46· .

, ' ~:.55 A.M • . l ... · - .

REfBREi~CE ; 9-1l:.:':40 • 11:04 . A.I~·,

. ~i'-l, I"


RE~~G1S.: 9"~1-:40 ~+:P7 A.M. ' X2-~

,J1EF~~c,tJ; 9.:..21-40 . ,11;i5 A.M~


REFEREN,OE: '9-:2~":"40 , ", 11:33 A.M.

',:i ... : " ,,' , ..

, ' .

.REFEl\$N,CE ~ 2-2i-4Q._ ll~:.39 A~M. 12-4

, I

~ ..... (jE ~t 1ihe Q~a~~' :pepar~~m$,n,t '~'onver~,~d~th',P-M:(r¥~,

1 S ,C1iUV~!N ~~ ~OJ1BIrt, !:ehCnl~t1Q) ~~RlJ~,¢i~ -(:~}'." .

l,t ~ - -,-----------:



"Ap uniq~nt#'i~4- ~8:U C9~V~:r:S.~a ~ Jl~l?~:i.ap: t'4 'ah UrlideAtl::t;'ea, ~':~~ ,'lip~tment '504, ()~ t;~?' J3elv.~der,e.

. ~.nioV,. I\tl ""'plo:y.~ at tho ~~.W, >1~$~d~s at 13~ 15th ..St~~~t ~g ~:ha.~ j~us't reqe:Lved. ,e:; g4~~5~ t1:i?;o'U~h 1h~' PQs:t "

. oftice~ ,

!" I

Am~,,"!1~ OullMlSJ(Y t?r 'I Ml';;4Hlla ... (~h~et.iC;at ~n!--

I .nut 9240, ~ Sal.l:, ~anel.,sclj, .cJ;;!l.gAS' ,J;,\to.1.S'Qut. ,~~ Op"'" ,~~ns.}cy, coll;v:~~:?Elcl' in Russian *,i~h ,11ISllLUK '('Phop,e'!ij,'C)~ ( J;t is n5>t\3d that an ~dividu!\l. wl1Q' iQ.$'n'tife.ed hil!l~~ AS ,CAS_IN tal).t~d ~-a, the ~mb~s~y: +ater mt in tbe' day trqz:!i, "

, Q~c.~gQ, '-;r11.) , ! - -

'/ ~ l'

it Mrl? 'MtLI;E~ ~tSh~i'ha-d i674' ~r~~eq.tii t~-e~ ,~~r ,of i{~~' l?Q}l; '~f ~.. $lj:2Ef$tt, (phoire1iiQ) ',I' ;4Id $eve~~l of tfl~. Cbilcll'9tn ·of' othe;- -empl9y~~~at th~ emba's.~;r.,


An upidel\t~f~ed' wom~'ccinv~rpeCl,with.l!<.\jor .BARAYEV Pl

Jru~$i1ll1! '

, ,.

~CE: ' ·J!EtiD~N ,of the Si?ate' ;Depl¢tm4t advised '1!mbas~'~lJ.d~r OPMNISKt

9'"'21-4'~ - ,1HA'I' $. had, 'tal.k'3~ with. " 9'l:Jr~s~'i~e ::>~opl,~:1t .arid :the sit~~

" -!-2:·?~ P .I~~ at;l'OIl: ~C!~'ad. in t}· (PAone tic) 1" t~e' 4ttorlJ.~Y'

_ I ~'~ X? ... 4 for $AlUIO~.B ij (-Pb9n.eti~)", had: ;(i+eq. 'aD:' '<wsVl:er' t9. th~ ,$Ui.t1,

t, . _ ,~a th;l,r~~o e_ ~09B~!i w$.~ a p~,ty to ~lia ~c4'On. .. ,~' ~l1~ula

I ~~J?el\i' , apd' plea~ inpn~n~l:. [, Tl\~ Justice- pe9P].tf; dl.~.1:1i p~li~v~· that ~ARij~~BIN

I: '\ h.ll.ns~~ I?Aoliid. a..>?pear •. Mr' ~RUKER (.flhQ~tiq), ru.'X.'S spsl,s~ant, w~s to ~l.sct'!s.S

'; the 'ii:ta'tter with th9' Uili.;t~d Stl).tel? ~ttorp.~~ ill New York ~onda?, an~ this

l ,ah6uld '~' brought to lrl,s att.$nt-ion. {'

, . ~! # ~-X.

~ •• _~~__ "-A\,, ...


, ~.


- J- -

, '~CE:;, ~ wom;.ui tB~~I!~~2') adv~s'ed, r~. COULTER 6t the Stat'e

9.;.2.1-I.Q pepartment that ZARlI09BI~ WaS ~eaYing in .a few w~eks ~4- ,

12:32~.M. his giplomatiq v~sa ossued QY tli~ Ame~ican~mbassy in UOSC9~

X2-, " ~xp~ed i:n Apri,l., and she wantecl to know if ~~OUBIN wOl,1].d

encounter ~y troubi~ 'lJl l;eaving the COL!xttg"y~ c~U;r,TEa, a,4"V1sed that h~';fould en~~~n;t.e~ uo aiffj.c~l;ty as the, ga,t'e ~f :the vj;'S{3. ~eI'~ly re.str~cite~l t!l~ yim~' J?f' el!t:r~:, and ·th~t £49' ~i~~: of d~p~tu+.e was to o~, gQver%l!Bc;l' ,by b~~

c.o;$ tile 1.qrld's Fllil:. - . . ., /. .....,

REFER&"tCE: The sarae. wonan en'i11.i:r.ed, gf ''jdt .JI01iATO (phoneti:c~ of the cTapan-

9-~1~40 ' ~se e~bassywh9th~~ ZARH9UBIN ~o~ld. be i~sued a ~iplomatiq~

~~:42; R.M. "Visa. YOMATO ':a4vfs~4, ill the negative" saying :tha,t s~ch ¢ottld,

,~~6' ' E~ ~ssl,\~d only' t9 a 'l!lember- ot t~e, em~~:.;y ,~taft" pu~ ·r~lat~,Q,' ,

~QUf)IN W0\11d; have no- trOl,lble ~ that he, .~6,SSe$f;~d a .ill::

ter,Passe. ~ > .. ' ,

.REFEREIiCE: '. Callgl,' "sk~d, 'fPi: ~ p':'tl' named '~UD~OFF (phonetic). No such

9':::gi.,.4J . ind~vidual ~~re, ~ (~his, ,call..P obably to .R~munian legatio~

12:48 P.M. a't {aietr9:pQlttan 37:)7.J, 'Then man ',convel!sed w1, ~ Rus sian .. ,


F ~ !',

REFEREUE(h ' 9-2i~40' "

i2: ~9' P:.l!1o 1:0,2 p .fi.

Xw.-' '


... ,

~F-'C.Et ' ~-2;L.,,4P ,

'];;4$ :r'~Ui 'X..,..

~!:NCE: 9~~1-:-4v 1;;41 P.M. X4-2


REFERENCE: 9':'21~.b ,'"

J,.:57 ?].1. 2;00 P'.M, 2,:06 p .'M~. 2:;1.3 P .a. ,2.:15 P.:.JJ.> " X-,


~ ,uflid~nt.if4:ed 'lJia,n enq~~4 9'f,,·tq$' ·~~mania4 l~gat~Qrith~, pam~ '9ft tl;le l1!i}:Ji~J;er qt; tor~~gn ,~~E,l:i;~6., ,The ,Rumanian e~p~ssy waS~fiable tP adVi~e of s~ch~, st~t~~ that t~dr ~ern't SU~~ th~~ /~he ,p~ty 4:Pp~;>illte(i last -W~9k wa.s $ti;L1. ;41, t?ffi~9. ) f'4~ ' 'th~~ '¢~~$~ ~,~~r!:;;~~per pr,pice (The' Stat ~} and W~$ ~c;lviaed 1 tha~ P,R~N9E! ·CO~'l',I~r'fT{iU~ t~~ most '):9qe,llt appoillt~a to ,this-

Mi~s .~~ 9Pdered Q~~PO~~q ,pr .carbon,~etr~a·chloride .t'~q!n.·>'the:'Fre$.!hd9nt"ia1! pharmacY"..-t4e, sa~e. to, b? char'gea. ,to the, .

emb~$SY account ~ - .


l)o~ 'to wonan or c)liJ.4, in ;~~s,s:i:.afi!

Jt~~E~~.trM1i a~Vi.!3ed. aMr~ Payslel,of i;l~~ .N~\'( tor~ News;. ~~e Phi'laaE}lph;~ Bu+le~~, tlle Cleve+~d: i~esa;.the Beaton Herald ..Adv~r~s_er; and C};ligago N~VlS that th~ ltuss;~' had a. ,p~e$~ releas~' r~ acquisl. t~oJ? of'- Russian. JJi:4ze~sh~ppy f:.~tts"

,~~vian.$" $tc... ;n connectaon Jiith J?dvertis,em~nt i;'~ich i~ , . ,apl'l;)ating ovaX." -the weeJc:..enli' 'in t~~ ,~bQY'e. ~i_sted. ,ns.\i,rspaI??rs'.








) .

f r

~, ,


. .


J'iashihgton; 1>.0.

,S~pteJ:lbsl:' _~2:t 1940.,

REFERENCE: '9:"a-40 2:25 ,l?~l~. X4-~

An unidentified man conversgd first ~ith another amn.and then with -a uomru\. in Ap~tment. .504 ot ,the '13el.vede~e :hi R,ussi-an.~·




At 3:00 ?'.Af., toe operator' ~r~~~l ,to . .get i~ touch ~\,l,i.~l;l the embas.Sy. Appar~ntly the night phone system had peen ,tIlugg,ed in., and PJ.u:gg,~!i ~. m:ong! Af-teI" 'f~f'tef?n minut'~s otC 'CQUt1iiUQllS ring~g~g on lines. Nationa:l7550, 755~, and, '7552 connectdon was' ~ip~ -m,ac,ie \\lith an indmv~d\la.L ;.ho undenatood liiit.l,e -ozno Englisli. The c~il\& party"i~ .• GRO~YKO. in N:ew. York ·OJ:ty Vias t~yin.g to- get ~~ w~e~ He j:irst, conver-aed .\\j,'th: an un .... '.

~d~qt~.~~ec,i _\roIn~ ~'l;luss.i,~(~-5) wl\o l.e~t; the .J,'..eceive~ .,dc;>wn· but, di~ tij g~j; . ldrs. URQ~~O· •. ·¥ro¢ .3.q.~' ~o?·:2.3 tP.9 New ~()rk ·~,p.eratQr k~pt' .rl:q.ging aJ,..J. 'thr~~, ,phones and at J':~3 -.She .. gQ~' the. ope',t'ator ~t th~ embassy, The -pa.rty' 'i!l New.

10rk tl}en.,c9nversed to Mill ¥i ,Ru~E?i~, (X4-6)·. ,But;, ev:identiy 'h~ ,didn't

~n6~1 AQlY, :tQ d.£>erate the, ,sw:~:tchbo~& and, hung' tIP~ The new 'York; op~ratoJ;. kept,~~ging all ~hree phones( 'Wi~~ t4ehe~p of two Washington op~ra,tors)

and 'at 3:.39 a; party- evi~eJ1'tly a negro pan 4Dsi"{e;req the. phone., Th~n :foJ..lp'I'Ied

a conver-satdcn ,petween t;he neg~o;, th~ l.d. I?pera~or, an~ a. 'nussian~ 'The

p"ro;-ty d:nNew York .want~4 t\fr.s~ ~ROM¥KO:. ~:t ~11 ended, 'by the. ,P~tl.ies a:t 1Ihe

, ~jIIbFlssy 'p~ging ~p t~e. ;Phone~· "l;h~ 9pera't'or got mad and ,kept.' 'r}.ngi~g. an ,thr~~ phonea .• ,At ~::;']. t~ •. · a;t the ~mbas.~y· ~derii<;le~, ,tg an,swer ~£ai~.~d ~h~ par~y~n Ne~ ~6~~ co~ver,se~.w~~4h~ m9m~~tarily'. U~Q~~g up.: The operat9r kep~ ;ringing ,~ll thr,e~ ;ines and at 4:.07 got a woman on

. th~ phone who finally connected ~~. $OMYKO' l(lio ,then. c9nv~~.a.ed witn. her

.husband .• X4-7 '~-X5-1/-- •. I '

~ERENCE; J MJ:'~Ul!4AII ,()f ~,,?,!~~On~P<!$t. .JDa!le'l"ap1)0ilitinent.

9;..2~-1+/~ ,t9' sse Ql1.e of iip.e, ,secr~.f~~e~ ~t -the e1'!lb~ssr '11;1 ab!)~~ 10

5 :10 r·.r4~ lllinutes ~e.1:at:j.'9'? i;o: :Press. ·h.elo~~e. -

;REFERENCE.:· 9-_2l~4&,' - .

xt;5,6j'7. X5 ... ~

3-:QO P,.M • .To $~12 P ,1l. --

x ....

,REFEHENCEt' 9 ... ~:i~4(i .. '

6:.10 .p'!'!. ~5-2

REf~C~: 9..<.21-40 -

. $;.35 P.'M. 'X5-3

REFERENCE:: 9~4i-4Q" 8:-52 F.M'. X5,..4 ~ - -

REfERENCE: 9-~1-4(f 2:';0' ~ .~'. X4.;.4

An,' ,~:i;' man, ,vop,Yei:'s~.d· v;it~. ,ail 'uI!;de~tifi~d womcw

in.$ - " .

JA!l .\lJ:.l:i:del:lt~i'~ed, JliruLcQ~v_f3rsed w~t~ a wofu~ ~n Ap~rtmeh t ' '6'03' 9£ .1.314 14assac4uI;1etts :;tlRussiliri." ' '-

. ..

A ~~. '6tJ3H$I~t( .{p~on~ti~O in 'Ch~c~gg ,~pnver;3ed wi:th an u~~entit~~¢ man ~ RO.SSIAfl (prQ,bably OUWUtSKY) ~

. .

~-#~ j. =t.: '8



I' I:


I •


I ,

} f'

e._,. ,

i" -: ., .","'

,!WF~RErlCE :

, 9-~~-40 ' ,1Z:24 A.M. :\5-.5




9;45 A.M. t5.,.6

REF£RErlCE: '9":22..;40" 9:48 ~.M. '/...,5-,7


U~i4entif'ie,d man to man ill ~USs-rAN.


''fiashington,D .:9. SeptemQar 22" 1940


n.l;5IDan to man in RUs,sinn. Then, tl~Q women s)oke .f.ussi,ani


c7 9 .... ~ -


, I


, I


" , c



, ' ,

1 '

'~C~;: '9~~3-40 7:3,2 'P,.M.

~~;J' '~'~{'" .' 'tolw<?map.l a.t ;t-?14,':14a~~uCh~~e~t~ Av¢~lfe'f ,~p~~m~nt~3, ' 9-23-40 ", "tri/J£itail 3477, in R\lssirut\~ lie Jl!~;n;t:i~ed, ,the nama, .8*05. ? _:.t,. , ,,' : ~Q'4! Gie.i1~t,h" ,,_:;'ho ;8. ~ttache\i 'to the' ae:i:mall ~bassy.

, Y-Jl-8 4 .," ~,,,...:t ... ,~-, . " , ..

_, j. \

~CE: rro~ ,t9 ?loman ·ai; 13elv~dere Apartln9ilts. in ~usf.)ian.


~:21P.Y •.



9-23':'40 .

3:50.P.M. Y-11-5 ,-

REFERENCE: 9-2,3':'40 );.52 ~;.M •.


ltEFERENGE: 9-zi-40' 6:52 ;P .. M., Y-ll:~.Q

~CE:, 9~23-4Q 7:24,~"U, ,.


, \

REFERENCE: 9-23-4Q . 9:57 p.M.,




I Z"" -

Vtowan ~dvi~e$ ~J~?S, :or~trict !7186" t~t the' pUQlication to ~r.i.6hshe ref~rr9d in the Jllorning is in Russian.. He, sta'tes

thav.~~ . can. inter,Pl'ei( :it. . '


A MR,.tSKA:J:~V ("honetiC) piac ... tioc.~y ordeZ',.




. ,

fl ... 1_ ~.~


r .

, .

-~ftENC,E: 9-24-40- 9:,157 A.fl. ,I-

J~~iit.Ef~C$ : -2-24-40 lQ~lO.n..M.. X-IZ':Z -

REfEREN.OE; -9"':24-4"0 - iO:50 A.r.l.,

'Y-12-~ -

REFEBENCE: -9-24-49 ' 10: 52 A.i.f. Y-12.-4

Man to ~SPdOV in lWssian:".

, '

b~ta_s she i~ not


, 9-~4-4O- . l2;:P3 ~.M. y;. -

J1EFEl.E;NQS; 9-24.,.4°- _ 12:32 p.M e, ~ ...

Wo~~asks Ra;~~~y ~~r~sg Qffica ~~efr t~~~two ~~un~~ wi~~ ,g~t tq qQ~sula:te O£.fi~e; J.~ew x'O'l-k-. '~;i'P ~~1T6 Jt~i'i' 19rk a.t 5:QO A:'-Jii~, tOlllorpQ?, , V-Z5~401.. ' -

-Jdim advi.s·e~ A:J1S LONG that J:il:s wi£e wants to- -visit her at

az ~oon~:Xhqrsday. - __ -, -- _. - -- _.- -

·1 j

. , "

~lashingt9n,- ,D~C.; , September 24~ 19!.O

JmFERENC~: -9;"24-40. 12:45P.At.


REFERENCE: ,M~l towo!n@ in, Jlus~lap,,!


i~~~f~U. t. ,

jA3.:i "~' ,

t/~.:EUCE:~EAtm;qE 1HEI~ :Is p~~g dt~Sl?lnak. ' ~.~do~e by' ~1R._,& j!RP'.,

9-24-,4Q JdoMI~ , fiN~. ;HOb~t ~91" " _,' - . .

1~()7 p ~J4'i ' , ,

. :-.:'1tOlllllIl .~k8 !:or!lRll: .tllImlANOY" Put ~s to, a IIJ!!i> in llus.ian:.

'9-24~40 ~SE ,

1':15 .P .ll. L

;t.;.l.3-i " '" ~

IlEFEl<ENCI1, ~' e4i1,s.s J>lR~':.,~ ~~ ,,~ , 14c~ii!lf ~ G.9)l1P'<!l!l bba~

~":'24'_40' ~vlii.s, of 'N~vr Russd.~, V.olum~ l..,., ,q~ be .PU'~·~h4se4<~~ Co~t'iiie~tt4

i;4~ f~~. 1399k Shop., 255 F:i:fth, Men 1o~k Qity. '

~CE' ilOCTOlt~G _aSk" t¢ QU!>WlS!(Y, oll~$!>Y >tiJ;1 b. baCl;

9-4+--4fj' . toritotrow ~f-eellnOQPf 9.-:-?~-40 . .;

.2:~2 P.M.

~_Cl';: ' ~T~ ~ho*~,;1C ) j;Q QVllllIllN~QV in "V"Bi~. f>:oba~

9 ... .24-40 .apoU'fj. a suit of clothes.

2:36 2',fd. . . ..


lU1FE~fCE: ~:-'~4-40 . ):57 J>',.M. 8:-

d~€FERENOE: 9-24,,:40.· 4:55 P.M. ~~13-4


I '

YlOlIlo,rt. tt? wonmn ~. Russi~~

" 1


~: ' -'

., t!:-

'Washj)lgtml, 11.0" beptenb~r 2~, 1940

.RlSFERENCE: FRED1;ASLEY, S~ev.· York New~ .r.e':iues~·p -conver-aatdon. ~ .with .

'''9-24-4Q, O~MJillS~. kdvise~ that Ouroansky bad Ainner- with his. l:ublisher

~\.):X 5:09 r .'111. and, ~ey d,i~~usse~ c41osa.l' re~~tionship th.e· '?'Qvi~t; theI).

. Ii! .; ~,;-l Y-1J..,.5" ,'he, ~d; an 'hoUJ:s con.versati?rl with Oumansky r~ .t..i th~anian ,

n J: I' :ships in,U~S~ l1<4'bors" and Jle Was ."t;Q g~t a press :releasfi. H~

i/, ~ow has a w~r.e t'DOl;1. hl,J~. boss asJdt!g, II, P9¥fa1,?ou1? tl,lat Li th~onian ship ~arn ?" -"..: ~ A~ OU£l.E.nsky is in New Ior~ asks if he -can conf~denti~lly wire lUf? Q:i£ic-~

i -that DunqIlsky if? Iri N~w~ork looking over 'the l)la"t;te~ of the ships. I~ an~lV1~i.·.ed, "No.,1! They cannot, advise Pasuey wher~ ~m1?~ssadt:>r pan' be neached.

JD N.Y; .aifd yd~ .hav~ to call, bc.clC tom9~row •. Pasley. was 1!o get ,~ta:b~m.e.nt~

, ;-~o.m Oum~skY; of vardous h-j:tJ,luani£.n captaifif,J whq t'a.v9;r~d, the t,r~s~e:r: to .

~s~i.t!.·, .

i '


_. .,. , ' . ' ~ '" - ~-

'r-\' .~{

'-~ .. ~/


5:14 P.M.
5:.35 ~,.M.
9~2.3~40: ..
5;43' f·~M.
<j:'2~ ... 40 .
9:50 P'.M.
X-8","6 ~¢
,... ...
~O:44 p,_.M.
9:Q2 A,!M.
, ,- ....
9:22 .A'.M.~
X-lO-4 "
10 -18 ,A '~\'
. _., -, ..
~O.;,50 A., 14 ,
~, t!- ,

·Was.hJ:~gtoIi" n. G,~ Sept~mber 21+" 1940,



-,/1 _

Wo~ contacted ~~'BAZEKIA& an~ conv~rsed in ~uss~an~

j)U~SKY +,r~ on: ,the ,9:00 A.!t. Eastern ~ !lines- l?laneo!"

, 9-24:-40~'Ur 'N~w' ~orlt: ,?i. it. E4st¢rp. Air Line$ ~a~, ~dyj.sed . th,at !t1i' i>~~N.IN, C~e.f /1c.cQuntant at t:tle Embassy" i~ 'the pr.9'per .party to :CQntact in tlle f\1ture r.~ aj;rpla~~ rese~-

v§lt-ioIl§'~ paymg~t~ ~~. tl,ckets, ~tc·. .

Wo~ .tQ ll).@ in Russ~an!


~oirt~~ql):~~c;te9.' .aIiQt~er 'Womc$ Pl ,apa;r~nt ,#30'4:of tbe,.

~J)"lvider7 ,~oni(e.,,~ed. in RUSSlBil.:, ' ,', .' ,

I, "/ '( t x

, JJ.~ITJU, 's?\9H9VAKHI~ conbacbed a J,h-! ..... ,fIDlJCJ;1Jl ,. phone ic'l

.~t Rege~t ~-3490, "liew .Yo~~. =: " 'qonver~ed:_ i~ ·Rus~iap·,!

" ,


, ,"

\vo~ conversed. with l&,IK,HAIL JJ"~E.MSIMOV inRu~si~,f{

, I I ~ I t

~~o~m{ CfQllta~ted ~ w<?man ~ ;Apt ... #j.Q4 91: th~ B~;t.~de:r;:e.t . 'sp,o}c¢' l¥ £e,v ",}'i6t9~ in 'IW~si#l"al,ld, :hupg up,,! .( placed "a:~ the ~~ ·o~ c\it .#'4 ~ any.tll:m~ reC9I:ded1''_

T~~RailwayExpress Ag~ncywas r.e~~¢ste4 '~o pi~k'UKtWQ tr~ks ~Q~ immediat~ $Pipment to ,New York P~~~. ~t w~s mentj,:onecl ~at 1;hey W~~~t;l.o:t gbiilg on ti'Ck~:1;s put a~ a :separp;te; .shipl!lent. put 1).0 det&fls cO;lc~riling the~9~t~tl) or. '~ forw~rdiA~ a~«4'es$: v:~~e giv~. I


" ,



W~~hingt·on, ~.~ '0'. Septe1n~r 24, 1.940

MFERENCE;. ' 9-24""'40" ll:04A.M. '


Soviet E¢ba_s:;IY .ac;lti~e4 Se;-ge1mt FtEtD$ ~t. National, 9~25

that t~ey krte~ of no individuals ~·th~ Di$trict ot Co~~mbi~ capAbl~ at, ·t~~¢~ tq~ Russ;an J.~tigua:~E}·"

REF~CE:, M~jor 13ARAYEV (1) the telephone' op9ra~oi' ",t

9-24~40 t4e EmbaSSY ~Miss-~e~~son-phonetic) and, r~quested t~t he

il:la A.M. be g:i,v~~e tenf!ions 45 and 65...__--0n 9.xWnsion. 65. he i(a1ked.

X-IO-5 _ with an u 01In ~ffil in· Russ~~ and '~~m was tr8.nsf~rred to

, . extens.i:-· 45 ~here he ta1k~cl with Miss· HEIMAN_in. the ab-

sence .from the 9ff'ice. :Q£ "NENA" (phonetic)'. A niess.~e ha,d 15eeJj.: J.~~t l?y ,t.h;s ;4l~iy.!9.ual ,t:.-or th~ tIajQ~. t'9 ·t1!e ef,:£ect ,.th~t five. t~ckets. t.or ~~ ~o~n~r sto~~. +a'.yjJ:lg had, been: sent ,to the ~~3.,s~y". He· remarkeq: ,l1ti4~ "and '\V~ll, ¢.~1r~ 'QU~S!q

'apput ~t •. n (Probaply has ~e:fer.ence to cereaonaes .a',t. ne11 t:'a,shingto,n A~:rp07;ZYJ:~ .

~ ~, . ~ ~

. '-

"REF~lGE': 9-24-40 ~h45 A.}ltl X-~O":6.

.REFERENCE!' 9 ... ~40 .

11;~7: ~,M. ~li-l

l;tEFEftENCE:. 9~24-4Q .

. 12:45'P..M. x'~J,l;~2 .

REFERe~CE: 9"~-40 2:U ?l&.

1;:-11-:3. and l:-.,.lZ .... l

rlQman: con1;act.~d {mother woaan in .Apa:.rtln9nt, ;#3.04 of t~9 .Belvm-ere and. conver-sed- ~ RusSian.

- 41.. ... ,

.QHOV4KijI~ con¥~rqed. ~it~ Air, ~~ -A~q~ (~+ieY~4 'to ~ Of,

the ·St~t9. D.epf!.I'trnsnt1' in: Rul?si~ • _ _


,REFEruWGS: 9;..24':'49" .' 2:34 . .t' .. ·M't :~- '

W9ril~. asked: fot' e~ensidl;l 1852 0:;- 21~7 .ahdj:~'iu~,l?t~'d to ~O~{ -Yih~tLJ~r·: tickat~· we,!,~ st:i~ a-yai~~1?~~ 'i;or MAJOR ' OVCHINNIKO,V' ·who is .des,irous 13£ ai;tenct;fig' ~h~' ~ve~t ·s~li9-e jle will pe. ill ~OJm. .Embapsy }Va.s ~g.vised th?ot 'f;icket~

had been tor.!i~a~d ~oi; tha M~jor an~~~s

}1~Il~ enq~avo~ed ':to get ~-'~u~~ 1~i~ , ~Il ~d ~ias"advised tp.~t- .she. wa.~ :still • :'~ and '"~~ O:Ill9., An .~£fQ~~:Yfa$ ·then. lll~de. to ~~t. .~, ,tone v'J:,t~ MrsifOUlMNSK¥ .YipO was .out and 'wAll ,nqt _'retul;'n, un: ... (>:99 P .'114. :p.e.r.s9h c~ was _ establi~lieq to Qe t~s 'i~SEN~LOM ahd $h~ spo~e with another v/oman t;td~ti;i!T unknown) ~ Russian e.

REFERENOE:. 9-24-40 .3:1; F .. M.

. X-12-Z'

I' ' •

. '

. "

" '


REFERENCE: 9-'24":..40' ,

:3 :40·.i""iM.;x-

REFERENC~: 9-24~40 4;5$' ,P.M. x-i2.,..,J.

REFERENCE; 9~24~40 ':>,

505 P.M. X-l~:"'4'

,~ ~.

V1as\1iIloaton" ,Jjt :9', •. > Se,Pte~ber 24, ~940

.. Miss II£AT!u~" 'Clerk, J.$fj; *,day no). tram· for .~ 'llIlkiloWl;\ d~s~inq.x.i()~ on an i)idefirtite I?t<;iY~

_ ,

Woman to ~ man ~ Russian an4 ~en a .chAd spoke tq

the sane. man calling him. "P,APA.!' .

,~an£onv~~s~a ~rierly.·~ith ~ woman· in apartment 364· -of tl1e j3e~v~de:f~ in RuS5:i,~.


, , t'


'~ _

, .

~FERENGE; 9-24-4Q 10:23 .A.U. X ... 14-~· .

, I

, .

, t


~. ~o' ope~atq~ .~ .aus'$~an and t.hen l.n ~l,lssi~~,


Vt~shingtoil,b.C~ S~.t?temPer 2.~', ].940 _. _'

to, "9m.n ( ~$~~&~'t J

Man, to opera,to7; in. Russi~ ~q th~n to woman ( MRS. 'OUMAN~Y ~, ) ~, Rl,l~si~.

I '

I ~ , J

'" ltEOQ~PE:O& WPX:sP

, J .. ,' ~


, ,

/K1,[ ,.:

I <~

l J


" \

, l


, '

.... ~ ., -

' .... , ~' ~

_ I

Wasliirigton, i,l ... O!" Se~tetnb9~ 25,,, ;1.940

REF.EERENC~;,·,Ma~ , <?pe,zzator' 1.n ~Ssi~.:

9~25·4Q· .

- J.2,;~j' A.M~,


~FERENCE: 9-25-40' ~4:)2 A.M. Y-l4-4



.E1i$~CE_: -9 ... 25.;;49 9::3:5 A.-ALa, i;-J4"!'"~

Rl!.""'FEREfWE; 9-~~-4Q' 9,:22 ~.i.{,., y-

ltEF$I\ENCE:, 9"'25,~O ' 9:1+8 A:.Lf. 1,:"

Aran .brj,efly to operator' in .nussian •. -( .\lossibly: q:;tll )Vi thin >£h~

EIabassy-,.) . -_

J' ,_ . -' " ,

'Man. ~i?'. MRJl1PDNIGK- t phopet~~. J r J~AtionJ~).gr Mn~o"l?1!: Q52~:r ;,

:i;n, Russirui.,l~~ntiol1" Ii~e'. of one MAURICE~KO~~E{\T 9r·/~9~fSERG.

f ~ ~ I

i,oman ca,l.1~qlJ>l!i\lRICE"CQ. for ttrs.iinmVJ<KOVA to .r.epnir 9~1 blll.'ni.

, to

~o~;v 'il.'l-ve 'a check: to' 1'1"1100$, :REAh~~ 'fol:" tB!\t; ",hiol! was,

returned because ,o~ no ru~ds.. ",' '

~EIWtC~~ 9-25-4Q Y:"J.4-9 ' :r;,~,15-1

, \

..REF~iO{): eJ-25-.4Q l:OO't>",M.


yn~de~ti£~a ~~ brought, t~ vel,£tvian ~ri±1ors 1:;0. the Russian l::lllbassy from .e41tlkoJ;'e~. ""nd if' t~.ex went. tQ returIl vdth lUm they shoutd com~ to 1127 14th St. t li,V/., 'by 3~OQ ?~~.,






REfOO;ijOE~ fJOHU, 9.,."25-40,

~ 1:09 P.M ..


l~ashi:ngt9n, . D ~Q •. , S~?tcmbe~ zs, ',l94Q

, '





I \ I l

REFERENCE:' 9':~-49 ' 7:25 P·.M.

" X .... i4~6

.}mF.ER.l;tNOE: 9".25-4Q 10:00 A.M. X~1.3-1· .

{iE.t~CE; 9.,.25,-4Q· 10:'$7 ,A.M.

x- I'

if be so de~~ed.

• . _ '.' I _~"

A:mpa.ssadC?r OUlMNSKY deaire4, ~o !Jl~u{~ ap'p6~tmeni! ' wl:;th .sec~e.t~y of :the 'ITensu:ry.~MkT.H4U tor today ~~wa~ aAvi~ed t4at he would pe ngtified if thi~ Were

'1Jr,:~ .~tc~~ Qf Sec~~~y-MORg~~~Qt·s .off4.ce aqv;is§'ld

.that th~ Secr~i!~Y' ;would be del;igb'tea to- ,see, AmQ~.ssa4dr OUMAN,SKY,~ his'ce, ROQm '2SQ, a,t 4:0(}.P.M •. 'today. \'tQr4 wa$ le~t 'tb~t i;.h~ Am1>assado~ C6ul~1 use the ·PJ;j.-vate e~traI,\ce .at the .so,u.thw~st ccrner- of'the' buildipg

t ...

,I I," .\,>-

Ri:r'£RENO~: '9-25~4b 1l;1'2, :A .. }4~, x- "

BO~(ER; Cu:n:ar~' Yvhi~e' :St~ Line xa.Ptes~~~a.( . v~,

,that :tpe ,sb?-p won t ~ 's,ail '~t~ Fr.i~ d ~ .pa~sellgeI:·

. JJ)).ist: be Q~ ,ho~~a ~~rly. ,fr.tAar-Jllor. " . ~.' He ~ ,,- . I

'vised, that the' check .given ·by 'Maj '~IEV:, #. ~ il_l'

tl:l~, amount, of ~~OO r Md. bounced, '~~IAROV an" ' HV~SOV'1 th~, 'tw9- ~misstP.:ies 'sailing to' .L()nci,c>rl" should COll~a.ct tna' Gu~arA Q~fice in. ,N~i'i York Qy' l'O~09 !.U~ tomgrr9vl. This' i.n£Qrmatio~ wa~ g~ven. ,:t:,9',a wonan 'who. ,explaineq: 'that ~MiAYEV d~dn"·t spe~ En'~l1"sb Vf··~+~ enough. ~o' "talk on t):1~ phone .and ·.c.oul~t.~ b$ ~OGat,ed 'at. the· Eriipassy u:t t~e present, ·time,; 'he'l;><fbly h~v~ +e~~ £o~ ~~w York!, '§be 'pro¢~ied t~)' .. see about, the ehec~ aJl~'

·w:i.l;l.nQt~fi '.:BQW~ ~td)istr~c'\i 7!/.7,!).f I, •• ' .' - "

t ,

REVEftENct; 9-25-40' ll:40 .A.M~ f{-

.Ik.'"'FEREN CE: 9-G5,"'40 ll::2~ A.~ .•


REF$ENCE: 9-Z5-4b l..:I;:4Q :A.M; •.

X-' ,

BO~· ~t t4~ CU!lard Wh5;te 's_t~ Line .offfc~~ :waf} ad~ .. vised to -Send BARAYEV'·:s. rubber 'check 'O'\Terto the ;E;1Jlbaasy' so 'that. "this ii~m can be t~,eri care 9.f. imme~}; ~.

Pe~~c~tiQn exerc~s~~ of th~~en a~pptt were can~ c~+~ed. 'l;lptil 3;QO'·:t> ~M~., Sat~day. <!.lJ.d' n'?w ,.ti,ckets wiJ..~

pee sent-"tQ. 'tlie'rr' '

BQW~ or the, C~nard L~es ~dVit~d that tpe bick~ts wer~ ~i,l,i:t~, in the l~ew Yor]c offic_e of the Cunarq. lPle~~d co'iJ:l;.d, b~. Qbtained f) 'the posseasd.on, Q.fl

Mr., MqCQIl)le~ of that alfiee, '.

, -


• I::;


. (

. ,

~ -_ - .. ,.' ~ ....

.REF$REN.GE: 9-25-40 'U:4? ft..M~ X.,.l".;.~

-, REF~tWE:- 9':'25":$ ~2t2l: . P:.M. ~-'1.3-;3

:RWmNC~; ·9":25,..40 12~2, f,.M.~ X-t3~4 '

· ,


9.,.2, ... 40· _I

:~:~.l.9 f'!l!l.


,w, ... ~.' - ".~ , •

'(2~ ,._"

, .

,.. ~ t -

_ --' ...

I ,


£Oi\EN ,pf 1;h~ Cunarq :vib~te ~t!;U't -L,~ne ot~~ce contacted th~ Emb~ssy and ~~~ ~sked if b~ C9u~dc9methe+~ today on- ~oth~rl ma.tte~! He ~swe~ed in ,the nf£irma:td.V's. -and this ~e~uest ~aS.: s\lb~eq~en:tly canc~llec1 when .an unknown.

1 man a~vised,_ ·ltiJn tb~t they had i;YIO .mor~ pa~~'9ngera ~9~ .

t~~ ~ex1' -trip, to ~g~and, ~d n~~p, A ~qtfigr poq.~ woulq ,b~ 4-eartn~,.. . BOi'lENpta'f,ea;. ,t~i.s \yo\lid bs on :4~.QUt- tf)e, 5~b' 'q"fi ',09-t~P,~~. M~ ~t, ~p.e, Jfdnq~~~i '~$lIl8l',ke~ 1-hat h9th . .of t~ese_" ixt~V:;~\l~~ ,had '$ll_p.l<?mat1;c, ,~:ta,tU$ ang. _PllssPQl':t-s -th~t ,hag:. 'B~en, ,:visa~a ':01' t!ie. '~I'~\.iSh ~()n.$\ll.. 'Th~:iJ.'~ naiIie'S wiJ.l p~, :r.\)l1~ishe_d 1 prQQ~bl'i 'today l?Q J,'E!se~vations can b~ made a~ aow~ l,aughingl-y ~emar_1cea that thef~-would:be ~~ ~ue~t;on ~f rese~vation~ as t~~y.w~~~ not car+r;n~, ' ':t9' cap~Cl.ty. th~s:e d~ys. 1:3Qit~ ~so. stat~<;tvbatthel'e 'b9 a 25.% ,:redU(~- 1;iQn ~n their 'far¢a. j,n 1T.i,ew at dJ,pA-0lp.a;tic ~tDrtu's, ,and: t~e, man at ~p._~ .Emb«s~y _ .

· a~<:\. ~e, w~U :ftlI1,\~$h <?ol!lp).~te ~e.ta4s: 'S9 t~i's rtran.sact~:on 'c~ ~. cqh~l1miria.;t_ea,

, :wi:f1~ ·th¢ ~~ :4a,r or t~IO"" ~

Ji,EFERENCE: 9~~-46 . h27 :P .• M\', X"'14-1,

·,fiEr~N9~: ' 9~2~";4'Q - - l.;4~ ,p .• M.

"~~ .


.REFERENCE: 9:-~5~40 .

· +; 5tl PiAft 1.- '



, .

,SEDQ91I:rN, 0;' 1?PUC~tN· from "~ew 'Y9i"k ,C~ty <;9Pv~rsed ~,n

n~~~i8ll,w:i:t~ OU~~SK~·... " " .

~ba~~~vi.ed ~~. ~~ .c: Q~ Amer~~~' .that ,it rem-ets be:i:~g \ip~~~$!'W. make a. cQn.~~~~i'!)n :thi.s_,-

:1e!Jr'~ " . , '. - ,,' , '

, ..

:rn~uii'Y mad¢ .~t ~he I~or~tion Desk oj; t.!le.l)e~sylv~i? ~hoad. concerning the -J'Overland ~imitedll .from Qbicago to Was1xlJlg~on- 81ld retw:'n. and, /3. l;'e~1fe~t i,or time~b~e~' .t'~om04i9ago. ·tq $ah ·t~anoif!cQ, ,Wtl,S' made. ·lC:il.i. b~ ,§en1i.tQ . ~9t;~.~Y ... :

, .

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