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NAME: ________________________ COLOR: _______ DATE: _________________


(~2000 BCE to ~1400 CE)

Essential question: How do social and political institutions in ancient China work to create a
more unified culture within a vast empire?

By the end of the unit, you will be able to:

• Define dynasty, dynastic cycle, Mandate of Heaven, feudalism, centralized government,
civil service and autocracy
• Describe the role geography plays in the way leaders rule
• Analyze the ways in which political upheavals and stability impact intellectual growth
• Evaluate the effectiveness of Shi Huang Di’s rule
• Analyze the reign of the Mongol leaders during the Yuan dynasty

• Describe the principles of Confucianism, Legalism and Taosim
• Compare and contrast the ethical systems of Confucianism, Legalism and Taoism
• Trace the impact of these ethical systems in the social and political realms
• Analyze the evolution of the role of women in Chinese society

• Identify the innovations created during the Tang and Song dynasties

• Map the Silk Road trade route
• Analyze the role trade played in the spread of religion and ideas

• Take notes using the Cornell style (!)
• Compose a multi-paragraph essay by writing an argumentative thesis statement and
backing up your assertions with strong evidence and clear analysis

Textbook material for this unit can be found in:

Chapter 2, Section 4
Chapter 4, Section 4
Chapter 7, Section 3
Chapter 12, Sections 1-3

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