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By Timur Abimanyu, SH.


The Washington Post

Cornyn: 'Two-cycle process' to retake Senate

National Republican Senatorial Committee Chairman John Cornyn (R-Tex.) said he is not
predicting a GOP takeover of the Senate in November. "It may be a two-cycle process,"
Cornyn said. The Texas senator said it is up to President Obama to determine whether there
will be more bipartisanship in the next congressional term. "If he's willing to work with us,
as Bill Clinton did after the 1994 elections to pass things like welfare reform, trade
agreements and the like, we'll certainly work with him," Cornyn said.

Sen. Claire McCaskill (D-Mo.) rejected the notion that Democrats have governed too
liberally, noting that approximately 40 percent of the economic stimulus package was tax
cuts. McCaskill said she is "open to compromise" on extending the Bush tax cuts for the
wealthiest Americans. "I will go to the mat for the middle class," the Missouri Democrat
said, but she noted only three percent of taxpayers fall under the top income tax bracket.
Despite host Chris Wallace's best efforts to nail her down on entitlement reform, California
GOP Senate candidate Carly Fiorina refused to get more specific about what programs she
would cut to find the $4 trillion needed to offset the cost of extending all of the Bush-era tax
cuts. "Those tax cuts are central to growing the economy," Fiorina said. "Indeed, I would
argue there are some additional tax cuts we need to make." She volunteered that Congress
should eliminate waste, fraud and inefficiencies before having a conversation about cutting

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