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btw(by the way):Õâ¸ö´ó¶àÊýÈ˶¼»áÓÃ,¾ÍÊÇ¡°Ë³±ãÔÙ˵һ¾ä¡±µÄÒâ˼¡£

g2g(got to go):Òª×ßÁË¡£Ô¾äÊÇI've got to go¡£
ttyl(talk to you later):Ï´ÎÔÙ˵¡£
brb(be right back):ºÜ¿ì»ØÀ´¡£Ò²¾ÍÊÇI'll be right back »òI'm gonna be right backµÄ¼òд¡£
jk(just kidding):¿ªÍæЦ,±ðµ±Õæ¡£
omg(oh my god):ÎÒµÄÌì°¡!ÓÐʱΪÁ˱í´ï¸üÇ¿ÁÒµÄÇé¸Ð,ÓÐÈË»á´ò:OMGGGGGGG!
lol(laugh out loud):´óÉùµØЦ¡£Õâ¸öËõдÒѾ¿ì±»ÓÃÀÃÁË¡£
Imao(laughing my arse/ass off):ЦËÀÎÒÁË¡£Óöµ½ÕæÕý¸ãЦµÄÊÂ,¿ÉÒÔÕâô˵,²»¹ýÓеã´ÖËס£
rofl(rolling on the floor laughing):Цµ½Ë¤µ½µØÉÏ¡£
roflmao(rolling on the floor laughing my ass of):Ç°Á½¸öµÄ½áºÏ°æ,Ò²¾ÍÊdz¬¼¶¸ãЦµÄÒâ˼¡£
plz(please):Çë¡£please ×ÖβÊÇz Òô,ËùÒÔ°´ÕÕ¶ÁÒôËõдΪplz¡£
idk(I don't know):ÎÒ²»ÖªµÀ¡£
imho, imo(in my humble opinion, in my opinion):ÔÚÎÒ¿´À´,³£¼ûÓÚÂÛ̳¡£

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