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Faculty : Prof. (Dr.) Paresh Shah

To, Subject related Group Project, (Weight 20%)

Dear Student,

The objective of this project is to give to you practice in using course prescribed
material and understand the strategically financial issues involved in Industry and in
specific firms in the context of the environment they operate in.

For this project, make a group of 4 /5 students. For this purpose, also refer to other
contemporary articles on this subject in various business magazines and on the
internet publication on Financial Management and Corporate Finance available.

Your project must be within 2000 to 3000 words in font size of 12 and numerical in
proper table format. Each project supported by numerical of real company study or
based on hypothetical data base.

The hard copy of the project and also the word report and PPTs in soft form needed
to be submitted for making evaluation work easy. The front page of the hard copy
of report should be as under:

Subject Name:

Submission date:

Title of the project:

Section Roll no. Name of Signature

name student of student

The soft copy should include the report in word format along with planned PPTs.

Please make a point to mention the references and sources in your project.


Prof. (Dr.) Paresh Shah

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