Computer Organisation COSC 2400

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College of Science, Engineering and Health

School of Life and Physical Sciences

Associate Degree in Information Technology

(System Administration)

Computer Organisation
COSC 2400

Practice Examination Paper

(Section A)



Student ID:

Student Name:

Instructions for candidates:

1. Check that your mobile phone is switched off.

2. The exam requires a passing score of 50%.
3. Answer all questions in Section A direct in this booklet.
Submit program codes for Section B.
4. You have 15 minutes reading time and
Section A (Closed Book) – 1.5 hours writing time.
Section B (Open Book) – 1.5 hours writing time.
5. This paper consists of 29 numbered questions.
Section A – 25 questions.
Section B – 4 questions.
6. The total mark for the exam is 70 points.
Section A – 40 points.
Section B – 30 points.
7. This test contributes 50% to the final mark.
8. No calculator is allowed for the examination.
Computer Organisation – COSC 2400
Practice Examination Paper 2010
9. Electronic dictionaries are not permitted.
10. This examination paper is not to be taken out of the examination room.

Written by:

Approved by:

Section A

Questions 1 to 20 - Multiple Choice Questions

Please read through the questions below, and circle the correct answer.
There is only one correct answer. Each question is worth 1 mark.

1) The octal number for binary 110101111110 is

a) 3454
b) 6576
c) D7E
d) 1101

2) The sum of 00011101 + 00110111 equals

a) 10101100
b) 01010101
c) 01010100
d) 00110001

3) The 8-bit 2’s complement of the binary number 10011001 is

a) 10011001
b) 01100110
c) 01100111
d) 10011010

4) The mask ROM is

a) Its storage permanently programmed during the manufacturing
b) Volatile
c) Easy to reprogram
d) Extremely expensive

5) Dynamic memory cells store data bit in a

a) Diode
b) Resistor
c) Capacitor
d) Flip-flop

Semester 1 2010
Computer Organisation – COSC 2400
Practice Examination Paper 2010
6) How many address bits are required for a 4096-bit memory organized as a
512 X 8 memory?
a) 512
b) 8
c) 9
d) 4096

7) Signals A and B are inputs to a gate. The output of the gate is signal C.
Which type of gate is it?


8) The binary numbers A=1010 and B=1011 are applied to the inputs of a
comparator. The outputs are:
A. A>B=1, A<B=0, A=B=0
B. A>B=0, A<B=1, A=B=1
C. A>B=0, A<B=0, A=B=1
D. A>B=0, A<B=1, A=B=0

9) Add the hexadecimal numbers 1A+4

a) 1E
b) 114
c) E
d) None of the above.

10)The inputs to a full-adder are A=1, B=1 and Cin=1. The outputs are
A. ∑=0, Cout=0
B. ∑=0, Cout=1
C. ∑=1, Cout=0
D. ∑=1, Cout=1

11)The Boolean expression for the circuit shown below is:

Semester 1 2010
Computer Organisation – COSC 2400
Practice Examination Paper 2010

a) F=A
b) F = A’
c) F = A+B’
d) F = A’+B’

12) A 8-bit parallel adder can add

a) Two 8-bit binary numbers
b) Eight 2-bit binary numbers
c) Four 2-bit binary numbers
d) Two 4-bit binary numbers

13) A gate that could be used to compare two logic levels and provide a HIGH
output if they are equal in a(n)
a) XOR gate
b) XNOR gate
c) NAND gate
d) NOR gate

14) Which of the following rules states that if one input of an AND gate is always
1, the output is equal to the other input?
A. A+1=1
B. A+A=A
C. A*A=A
D. A*1=A

15)To implement A’BC+AB’C+ABC’, it takes one OR gate and

A. One AND gate
B. Three AND gates
C. Three AND gates and four invertors (NOT gates)
D. Three AND gates and three invertors (NOT gates)

16) Which of the following codes exhibit even parity?

A. 10011000
B. 01111000
C. 11111111
D. 11010101
E. All
F. Both answers (B) and (C)

17)The BCD number for decimal 473 is

a) 111011010
b) 110001110011
c) 010001110011
Semester 1 2010
Computer Organisation – COSC 2400
Practice Examination Paper 2010
d) 010011110011

18)The decimal number -34 is expressed in the 2’s complement system as

a) 01011110
b) 10100010
c) 11011110
d) 01011101

19)Derive the Boolean expression for the logic circuit shown below:

B. C(A+B)D’
C. C(A+B)+D

20)The binary number 1101011000111010 can be written in hexadecimal as

A. D63A16
B. D63A16
C. D33A16
D. D63116

Semester 1 2010
Computer Organisation – COSC 2400
Practice Examination Paper 2010

Questions 21 to 25

Write your answers under each question in the space provided.


a) Give two benefits derived from writing programs in assembly language

instead of a high-level language.



b) What errors are present in the following assembly language instructions:

move.b #$1A1, d0


move.b d1, #$75


c) Briefly describe each of the following instructions:

move.b #25, $4002


mulu.w d3,d4


Semester 1 2010
Computer Organisation – COSC 2400
Practice Examination Paper 2010

d) Explain what is wrong with the structure of the following loop?

MOVE.B #2, D2
MOVE.B #0, D3


CMP #2, D3

MOVE.B #9,D0
TRAP #15





e) If the content of register D1 is 0, what will be the content of D2 after the

following instructions execute?

MOVE.B #0, D1

CMP D2, D1

MOVE.B #1, D1
MOVE.B #0, D2
ADD.B #1, D2
ADD.B D1, D2

Semester 1 2010
Computer Organisation – COSC 2400
Practice Examination Paper 2010
MOVE.B #9,D0
TRAP #15

D2 _________________________

(2+2+2+2+2=10 marks)


a) For the NOR gate determine the output waveform in relation to the

b) The input waveforms applied to a 3-input AND gate are as indicated

in the following Figure. Show the output waveform in proper relation
to the inputs with a timing diagram.

Semester 1 2010
Computer Organisation – COSC 2400
Practice Examination Paper 2010

(1+1=2 marks)

23)Using Boolean algebra techniques, simplify the following Boolean expression:


24) Apply DeMorgan’s theorems:


Semester 1 2010
Computer Organisation – COSC 2400
Practice Examination Paper 2010

(2+2=4 marks)

a) For the parallel adder determine the complete sum by analysis of the logical
operation of the circuit. Verify your result by longhand addition of the two input

b) What is the difference between a half adder and a full adder? Draw a diagram
for each.

Semester 1 2010
Computer Organisation – COSC 2400
Practice Examination Paper 2010

(2+2 = 4 marks)


Laws of Boolean Algebra

Name Form
L1 A A = A
Idempotent Laws
L2 A+A=A
Involution Law L3 (A’)’ = A
L4 A  A’ = 0
Complement Laws
L5 A + A’ = 1
L6 A0=0
L7 A1=A
Identity Laws
L8 A+0=A
L9 A+1=1
L10 A+AB=A
Absorption Laws
L11 A + A’ B = A + B
Commutative Laws
L13 A+B=B+A
L14 (A B) C = A (B C) = A B C
Associative Laws
L15 A+(B+C)=A+(B+C)=A+B+C
L16 A(B + C) = A B + A C
Distributive Laws
L17 A + B C = (A + B)(A +C)

DeMorgan’s Theorems

DeMorgan’s First Theorem

 Formula (for two variables)

(X Y)’ = X’ + Y’

DeMorgan’s Second Theorem

 Formula (for two variables)

(X + Y)’ = X’  Y’

Semester 1 2010

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