Low Calorie Recipes N Other

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Low Calorie Recipes

When you want to lose weight, the absolute bottom line to success is keeping track of the total
number of calories you take in each day.

Let's say you've got a low calorie recipe which consists of a selection of fruits in a cup. Boring
dishes make it less likely you'll stick with your menu. That dull fruit cup can be dressed up with
a couple of tablespoons of non-dairy whipped topping or plain yogurt. Mix in a sprinkling of
shredded dry coconut and you've got happy tastebuds. The additional calories are few, but now
you have a low calorie recipe you look forward to eating!

There are an abundance of calorie counter books available. Look through a few and choose one
with extensive lists that include brand name products. Should you choose not to cook from
scratch, those brand name product lists tell you the calorie count of say, a slice of processed
American cheese. A good calorie counter book allows you to modify or substitute ingredients
while knowing the exact calorie count of your modified creation.

Browse the cooking section of any magazine rack. You'll find many magazines dedicated to low
calorie recipes. Leaf through a few until you find one or two that have recipes that appeal to your
personal taste. Pass on those that seem too spartan or stingy to your palate.

Check out ethnic cookbooks. Mediterranean cuisines, especially the Italian and French coastal
dishes, are famous for mouthwatering and healthy low calorie recipes. Other tempting examples
are found in Middle Eastern and Indian dishes, replete with vegetables and fragrant seasonings
that pack a delightful punch of savory goodness.

Low calorie recipes with imaginative seasonings can turn plain green beans into gourmet fare.
Take that can of green beans - sorrowfully plain on its own - add a teaspoon of garlic, a 1/2
teaspoon of thyme and a light dousing of pine nuts mixed in before steaming. The result - a
flavorful side dish fit for company. As a nutritional bonus, know that garlic lowers cholesterol,
while thyme fights infection naturally.

We all know that salt causes water retention. Salting food can have a discouraging effect on your
outlook and results. Get a good seasoning book and consult the index for herbal salt substitutes.

So, you can see that low calorie recipes needn't be dull or taste like hospital food! Do count your
calories. Make use of seasonings in your menus. Watch the pounds melt away!
Healthy Breakfast
Taking the time to eat healthy in the morning is something that most Americans don’t do. If you
want to eat healthier, then use a breakfast to begin a routine of life long health. As your mother
always said that breakfast is the most important meal of the day and medical science has proved
her right. If you’re on the go, and need to eat a cereal then its okay to do so, but know what type
you need for a healthy breakfast.

You might not realize that eating after waking up means that you’re replenishing your body from
the previous night’s fast. You’re literally breaking the fast, and you don’t need unhealthy foods
shoved into a body that’s already depleted. Besides if you eat a healthy breakfast you’ll maintain
your weight and your mental functioning throughout the day will be chipper too. Eating a healthy
breakfast just makes common sense, and your body will love you for choosing one.

Many people eat breakfast cereal to start their day off, but most breakfasts of this type are not a
healthy breakfast at all. Most grain based cereals don’t have the correct amount of complex
carbohydrates that the body needs. Fiber has a lot of these types of carbohydrates, but most
cereals on have fine grain in them without the other bulkier substance that makes you healthy.
For a healthy breakfast you need over 30 grams of fiber, and it should consist of soluble and
insoluble fiber.

By eating something that includes insoluble fiber it eases gastro intestinal problems. Your
stomach and bowels will empty easier, and studies have shown that it reduces intestinal and
colon cancers. Insoluble fiber works by sucking water into the intestines, and it eases passing
stools. Soluble fiber in a healthy breakfast plays an important role too because the stomach
contents won’t empty too fast. Other studies have shown that this cuts down on the incident of
diabetes, and clogged arteries of heart disease.

Processed cereals don’t help you because they are loaded with sugar, and often don’t contain the
right amounts of potassium. Doctors recommend supplementing your healthy breakfast with a
fruit like a banana that’s high in this necessary vitamin. If you’re a man you need to be
concerned with having a good proportion of the mineral selenium in your healthy breakfast
because this too cuts down on the risk of colon cancer.

Eating well in the morning is the way to go. It starts off your day right by cutting out
unnecessary eating binges at lunch, and lots of snacking in between meals. It provides a way for
your body to digest easily, and improves mental functioning too. Eating a healthy breakfast
inspires others that you love to do the same, and you’ll be around a long time to enjoy your time
Healthy Desserts
Is there such a thing as a good tasting healthy dessert? Or is that just a myth? If you are dieting
and exercising, and you think of the idea of a healthy dessert, do you immediately think of yucky
oat cakes that will never sateify your dessert craving? You might think: "Yuck! Oat cakes!
Gimme a snickers any day instead!"

Healthy Desserts

I can understand that feeling, as I have been there many times before. It is true, there are plenty
of yucky and unsatisfying oat cakes around! However, there are other healthy alternatives you
may not know about, and, in addition to these healthy alternatives, what is equally important to
realize is that there is an alternative mental attitude you can develop to actually make healthy
desserts more fulfilling.

But first off, let us look at some of the altenarives: Did you know that patially milled rice could
create a wonderful sweetener? It can be turned into a syrup which they call,
appropriatelyenough: rice syrup. Rice syrup is great and great for you. It goes well on waffles or
toast or mixed with yogurt. Frozen desserts made from milled rice are also perfect alternatives to
ice cream. Look for them next to the Ben and Jerry's. Did you know that there is a good tasting
alternative to chocolate? It is called carob. Carob is a very good tasting alternative to chocolate,
and it comes in several varieties. Stevia extract is another good-for-you sweetener that many
people add to their coffee.

For anyone who is dieting and exercising, there really is a whole world of healthy, good-tasting
deserts out there you may not be aware of. Go to your local healthfuood store and ask someone

Now, once you know the healthy alternatives are out there, you have to cultivate the right
attitude toward them. "Yuck! Oat cakes!" is NOT the right attitude. I am not suggesting you
pretend to like something that you do not like. I am just saying that there is a reason you do not
like it. It is not just physical. It is emotional.

If you are normal, you are looking for "sweetness" in the metaphorical sense of the word. You
are looking for something to fill the void. You are looking for the feeling of 'sweet" that sugar
seems to give you. It is a high. That is ok, most everyone else is looking for a similar high also,
and not just those focused on dieting and exercise. We all want the light headed euphoria that can
come from eating unhealthy desserts.

You can get it from the alternative desserts, if you are patient enough to practice giving it to
yourself. Desserts do not really give you the sweet feeling. You do. If you are eating a so-called
unhealthy dessert, and it "makes" you feel better, take a closer look. Your attitude, your need for
it made you feel better.
With practice, you can capture that attitude and transfer onto the alternative sweeteners. This
makes diets and exercise much easier. Eventually, the Oatcakes may even become more
appealing. Give it a try!

Healthy Eating Plans

Please don't tell me you had McDonalds for lunch. This is the prime reason our nation is in the
bad shape they currently complain about. Fast food, fast food, fast food! We've got to learn to
avoid all that fast food. Don't buy into the commercials that act like you will have a wonderful
and healthy day if you scarf down a value meal. In reality this is completely bogus.

Healthy Eating Plans

The truth is in the fat and calories. When you consume that Big Mac and large fries, your body is
overwhelmed with fat and cholesterol. Not only does this clog your arteries and cause you to
pack on the pounds, but it also makes you fatigued. Have you noticed your lack of energy?
Meals that are high in fat will have that effect on you. They basically weigh you down, and make
you tired. This is not a good thing. What you want is to feel energetic and ready to go do
anything. You want to tackle your life properly, but need healthy eating plans to do so.

Have you adopted healthy eating plans for you and your family? When I say healthy eating
plans, I mean meals that lack fats, salts, sugars, and cholesterol, but thrive with water, vitamins,
and minerals. These are nutrients you can acquire from fresh organic fruits, vegetables, and
meats. You need all of these for truly healthy eating plans. In addition, you need to avoid
processed foods such as chips, cookies, and crackers. All of which commonly contain
preservatives, and additives harmful to our bodies. I will admit that it took my family quite a
while to really look into healthy eating plans. We all loved junk food just like anyone else. Now,
it's not that you can't enjoy and ice cream cone, or chocolate brownie once in a while, but you
really have to consume in moderation. For example, those fatty, sugar infused foods will hurt
you if gobbled down on a daily basis.

Are you currently researching healthy eating plans? I will give you the heads-up that the World-
Wide-Web is a wonderful place to start. You can get nutrition advice regarding virtually
anything and everything you wish. Check out the value of a carrot, or get the scoop on what all is
in a Whopper. It's truly all at your fingertips. This is the age of knowledge, folks. Don't get
duped by ads. Investigate on your own. It's high-time to acquire those healthy eating plans and
appreciate the body and life you've been given.
One of the most overlooked aspects of life concerns our health. Millions of Americans make
New Year's resolutions that they don't keep. Not only do they fail to keep them each year, but
they generally end up adding on a few more pounds before the next January 1st rolls around.
This is a terrible habit. It's a complacent rut that everyone needs to get out of. Whether you like it
or not, a major part of living well and feeling great is personal fitness. What kind of shape are
you currently in? I'm going to take a wild guess and assume you could be in better shape. Hey, it
all starts with a little motivation.

Personal Fitness

Everyone knows that working out and eating healthy leads to a healthier body. The better your
diet is and the leaner your body, the more energy you are likely to have. I can't stress enough
how good being in shape can make you feel. It's a physical and emotional surge. Because when
your personal fitness levels are up-to-par, you not only have more strength and energy, but you
also have more confidence. You know that you look great and that you can do things like head
down to the beach in a swimsuit or wear less clothing in public. But when you're overweight,
you feel the need to cover up and hide from the world.

This can often lead to depression and feelings of regret. NO MORE! It's time to put more time
and effort into your personal fitness schedule. Okay, this is where you can begin. Pull out a sheet
of paper and label it with each day of the week. Choose five of these days to exercise on. Many
people choose to have the weekends off, but it's up to you. Now, to get started you may want to
try three days of cardio and two days of weight training, alternating days. This regular personal
fitness regimen with get your body in shape the way it's supposed to be year-round. Always
remember, being in great shape is NOT just a summer thing.

Eating right is imperative. You need a balance of good carbs, proteins and vitamins. Typically
you can consume as many vegetables as you please. We need like 8 a day, so go for it. As far as
proteins go, try lean poultry and fish. Then with good carbs, shoot for brown rice, whole grain
breads and low-fat granola. With personal fitness so much relies on your diet. Without a
nutritious one, you're doomed.




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By Susan Hall

Staying slim doesn't have to be a major undertaking. We found 20 easy ways to burn calories
that don't require a trip to fitness boot camp.

Cut a rug

Invite some pals over, turn on some tunes, and have a 37-minute dance party. You know you
haven't forgotten the Macarena.

Work out, then make out

Hit the gym with your mate for a healthy dose of exercise—you burn about 100 calories in 30
minutes of weightlifting—then dive between the sheets and torch another 100 with an hour of
foreplay and vigorous sex.

Move things around

Liven up the layout of your favorite room with 30 minutes of furniture rearranging.

Hit the bull's-eye

Spend 1 hour and 10 minutes at your favorite watering hole playing a fun game of darts with

Make over your casa

Give your living room a fresh hue. Rolling on a new coat of paint burns 204 calories an hour.


Throw a barbecue, but first vacuum, sweep the patio, and straighten up.

Health.com: How the pros curb food cravings

Hit the market

Buy groceries for your fete (45 minutes of cart-pushing burns 117 calories), carry them inside (5
minutes of schlepping them up stairs burns 43), and put them away (40 calories in 14 minutes).

Bat a birdie around

Challenge partygoers to a friendly game of badminton and burn about 200 calories in 40 minutes.

Act out

Help your guests burn off even more of that barbecue fare by leading them in an hour of

Sing, laugh, repeat

Settle in for an hour of Glee and participate by belting out those lyrics; you'll burn more if you
do it standing, chorus style. When it's your turn to rest your chops, laugh. Singing zaps 136
calories an hour, and 20 minutes of giggling torches another 67.

Bypass the boob tube

A 2-hour game of Scrabble will make you smarter and 200 calories thinner.

Hit the mini links

When's the last time you played putt-putt? All it takes is about an hour to slash 200 calories.

Health.com: Slim at any age

Weed and seed

Make your yard happy by uprooting those pesky weeds for 25 minutes (127 calories) and
planting some new seedlings (77 calories for 15 minutes).

Relive recess days

Join the kids in a 20-minute game of hopscotch (113 calories) followed by 22 minutes on the
trampoline (87 calories).

Strike out

Meet your pals at the local bowling alley for an hour's worth of friendly competition. Give extra
style points to the person whose outfit clashes most with the rental shoes.

Shop it off
Hit the end-of-summer sales—you'll torch 11 calories for every outfit you try on.

Get your om on

Unwind with some Vinyasa yoga. Flowing from Sun Salutations to standing poses like Triangle
will burn 200 calories in about 25 minutes.

Health.com: The wet way to lose weight

Clean your machine

Wash and wax your ride, and you'll burn 204 calories in 40 minutes. Straighten up the inside of
your car, too, and you'll melt those cals even faster.

Tap your toes

Fidget throughout the day and you could burn an extra 200 calories before dinnertime.
Researchers say people who fidget burn 350 calories a day more than non-fidgeters.

Say ahh

Give your honey an end-of-the-day massage for 42 minutes and you'll

burn around 200 calories. http://shine.yahoo.com/channel/health/20-
ways-to-get-in-shape-without-working-out-2393067/Just make sure you
get one in return.

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