Terrorism - An Essay

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“It is clear once again that terrorism is a global threat. Terrorism anywhere is a

threat to peace, freedom, human dignity and civilisation everywhere. Terrorism is

cowardice aimed at the innocent. It is fed on hatred and cynicism.”

- Prime Minister Dr. Manmohan Singh at Oxford in July 2005

Events over the last few years have made terrorism the focus of world attention. The

attacks across the world especially the appalling 9/11 attack and those following it has

made it indubitable that terrorism is a serious threat to global peace. As a result of

globalisation countries today are more interdependent than ever before, this in turn makes

for a domino effect when in comes to acts to terror anywhere. Whatever form it takes -

bombings, shootings, assassinations or hijackings, it must be kept in mind that terrorism

is never random, unplanned or blind. It is always a premeditated act of aggression against

society which is used to hurt its psyche of to achieve their ends – be they ideological,

religious or political. The problem today is that the effect these brutal acts are not

territorially limited but goes on to create ripples of fear and panic across the world as a

result of the revolutions in communications and information technology which have

shrunk the world into a global village. But the fact remains that even in the absence of

this increased connectivity across distances and boundaries this problem of terrorism is a

matter of concern to most nations and even those not a direct target are concerned for as

the famous metaphysical poet John Donne put it centuries ago:

“No man is an island; Entire of itself…Each man's death diminishes me, for I am

involved in mankind. Therefore, send not to know, for whom the bell tolls, It tolls for


Terrorism is defined by the US Department of Defence as "the unlawful use of or

threatened use of - force or violence against individuals or property to coerce or

intimidate governments or societies, often to achieve political, religious, or ideological

objectives." But this is just one of a multitude of definitions that seek to define the scope

of terror. In many cases these multifarious definitions are the ones that come in the way

of efficient co-ordinated global counter-terrorism measures since the very definition of

terrorism is so very controversial and subjective.

One more popular definition refers to terrorism as a “violent action targeting

civilians exclusively” and perhaps it is this definition that brings out the brutality

potential of terrorist attacks. It is a type of asymmetric warfare that seeks to subjugate a

society, a government or the entire world itself through manipulation, fear as well as by

breeding hatred and suspicion among people. Another reason why terrorism has become

such an immediate and pervasive threat to global peace is because of the extensive

networking between terrorist outfits across the world. The transnational nature of

terrorism – the manner in which a web of terror is suffocating the world we live in and

changing the very of quality of life as we know it – is a matter of grave concern and

needs to be addressed immediately if headway is to be made in the “War on Terror”.

Terrorism is by no way a new phenomenon – it is in fact nearly as old as civilization

itself and got its name from the French Reign of Terror in the 18th century – but it is the

growing reach terrorism has, since it emerge in form we recognise today following the

high jacking by the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine in July 1968, that is

making it such an important security concern to nation – states. The new generation of

terrorists have successfully managed to harness the innovations in technology and the

internet to serve their nefarious purpose of spreading mayhem. Also another matter of

concern is that many of the terrorist organisations are co-operating with each other across

borders to wreak havoc across the world putting aside ideological, political or religious

differences. Breeding grounds flourish across the globe where tens of thousands are

brainwashed and manipulated into laying down their life for a cause that is not even their

let alone rational. There is a sophisticated network in place aided by technology and

funded by enormous sums of black money that could if left unchecked inflict incalculable

damage to the world. The attack of the World Trade Centre; the Delhi, Bali, London and

Bangladesh bombings; the shootings in Bangalore; the developments in Sri Lanka,

Central Asia, Southern Thailand and Kashmir that have left such an indelible mark on life

as we know it all have the potential – if left unattended - to destroy irrevocably the

framework of civilization as it is today. There are countless terrorist outfits and some

well known terrorist sponsoring states and the number of terrorist attacks happening

across the world are increasing at unprecedented levels. There is a growing need for a

powerful network to fight their network.

Terrorist organisations with various objectives and modus operandi continue to

proliferate augmented by the ever-increasing divide between the ‘haves’ and the ‘have

nots’ and the growing desperation and frustration of millions who turn willing tools in the

hands of the terrorist master minds to escape the miseries of day-to-day living. It

flourishes, like a parasite on the anguish and frustrations of the downtrodden. Hence

while attempting to solve the puzzle that is terrorism it must be kept in mind that it is has

socio-economic as well as politico-religious sources and it is essential that these factors

are addressed in order to neutralise the threat posed by these non-state actors. It also pays

to bear in mind that nations are today engaged in a war against an amorphous enemy –

sometimes even enemies from within – who can strike anywhere at anytime, however

vigilant they government and people are using any vulnerability in the system ruthlessly

to inflict maximum damage.

Be it state sponsored version of terrorism faced by India in Kashmir, or the separatist

movements in India’s Northeast, Southern Thailand and Central Asia to name but a few;

Or indeed the Islamic terrorists led by the international Islamic Front and the Al Qaeda,

who are determined to perpetrate a “Clash of Civilizations” even as they continue to

dominate the security radar of the western world; Or the home-grown variety augmented

by international linkages as seen in Sri Lanka and Bangladesh; they all pose a significant

threat to the peace, stability and possibility of peaceful co-existence as long as such

movements continue to fester in the national and international arenas. With the increased

accessibility of funds, guns, bombs and even Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMDs) like

nuclear, biological and chemical weapons as well as step by step instructions that are

available at the click of a mouse to make ‘dirty bombs’ in one’s backyard or even to pilot

a plane terrorist strikes are becoming the most efficient means to an end. More and more

people will continue to adopt terrorism as their approach to achieve their objectives. The

only way to curb its growth is to make the “cost” of an act of terror too high to even be

considered. Retribution must be immediate, breeding grounds razed and immobilised and

the strike so aimed that it is excruciating - physically, economically and above all

psychologically for the master minds – so called “the messiahs of terror”.

Terrorism as an option must be perceived by these “prophets of doom” as too costly

an option if the world is ever to be protected from the pestilence of terrorism. In addition

to the above mentioned steps the socio-political and economic factors that pave the wave

for perpetrators to institute breeding grounds for terror must also be efficiently addressed.

Once poverty, corruption, exploitation and unequal distribution of and access to resources

are eliminated the ease with which terrorist are recruited will end. All this is easier said

than done and hence dismissed by many as a utopian day dream but the fact remains that

once the source is plugged the overload will automatically end ensuring that the problem

becomes manageable and eventually even conquerable. Such action is imperative for as

our Prime minister recently said, “We must fight terrorism wherever it exists, because

terrorism anywhere threatens democracy everywhere.” one can thus conclude that if

mankind is to progress and civilization flourish the scourge of terror must systematically

be rooted out from every facet of society.

- P. S. Raakhee


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