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Dark backgroud Mysterious Depth of field

Title: silver text on a black background, creates a mysterious feeling amongst the audience making them anxious to know more

‡ Sound and mise en scene play a big part due to the fact that there¶s no dialogue in teasers, unlike trailers ‡ mysterious music

Again the text over the background creates a creates a mysterious vibe and allows the audience to be drawn in, this is a good technique for such a film as µinception; as it is a thriller and mysteriousness is one of the common coventions.

This idea is enhance by writing, it draws the audience in a creates a sense of confusion as the audience will then be thinking, how can your mind be the scene of crime?, adding suspense to the trailer and makes the audience more and more excited to go and see the film when it is released.

the closing shot are also key to the trailers because it tells the audience what the film is called and when it is released helping to build suspense and anxiety, the effectiveness of film teasers are that unlike trailers it goes really little insight as to what the film is actually about and creates anticipation among the audience as they are now eager to know what the film is about and indeed if it is good, however some may argue that by not showing too much it may put people off because they do not know what to expect.

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