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Different processes that We are able to identify in the film.

The Person: Existential Process

‡ Person is aware of social reality ‡ His relationships with others

The Interperson: Empathic Process

‡ One individual reaching out to another ‡ Establishing relationship

Kabir Khan supported and empathize with Vidya Sarma When her husband and father in law want her to return home.

The Role: Coping Process

‡Various roles that impinge on various roles ‡ How effectively they cope with these

Coach has the task to organize the group as a team to Play for common goal, i.e., World cup Rigorous training Unwilling management for supporting the womens¶ team

The Group: Building Process

‡ Formation and building up of the group as a team

Step by step progress from a bunch of disjointed, Selfish and individuals without a common purpose To a world class team.

Tne Intergroup: Collaborative Processes

‡ Positive and Negative Competion ‡ Positive and Negative Cooperation ‡ Problem Solving

The Organization: Growth Processes

‡ Evolving and growing in terms of its mission ‡ Continuously learning

The Organization - Environmental Interface: Influence Process

‡ Transactional process with the environment ‡ Proactively attempts to change the environment ‡ Keeping itself open to healthy influences

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