Self Portrait Brief #2 GUn

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Year 12 Art Brief for GUn.

Self Portraits
Task Aims Outcome Time
Investigate • Develop further confidence with facial proportions. 1 complete A3 self portrait 2
skin tones • Develop further confidence drawing portraits from primary using oil pastels on sugar hours
with oil source. paper.
pastels. • Develop confidence blending oil pastels and using them to get
skin tones.
Investigate • Develop clear and consistent understanding of facial 2 A3 self portraits using 4
colour and proportions. colouring pencils using colour hours
mood • Develop clear and consistent ability to draw portraits from to represent 2 different
associations. primary source. moods.
• Develop knowledge of colour and mood associations.
Investigate • Develop a high level of confidence with facial proportions. 1 A3 tonal or colour self 2
facial • Develop a fluent approach to drawing portraits from primary portrait with an extreme hours
expressions. source. facial expression.

Investigate • Develop paint mixing and handling skills. 1 complete acrylic self 6
skin tones • Development of painting techniques. portrait on canvass board. hours
with acrylic • Introduction to skin tone mixing with paint.
These tasks are a minimum requirement so if you want to do some extra work here is a list of suggested tasks; Colour self
portrait using chalk pastels, more tonal self portraits, self portraits from ¾ viewpoint or profile, self portrait in the style of one
of the artists that you have studied, self portrait using biro, etc.
You will need to have completed all the tasks on this list before the end of school on Friday
Lessons will be predominantly focused towards demonstrating tasks and troubleshooting problems so you must display a

good attitude towards independent work in order to complete ALL tasks to an acceptable

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