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TITLE: Development of Payroll Management System

Aim: The aim of this project is to develop a Payroll management system to assist and ease
the works of the retail outlet of any type of company, it would take care of the day to
day attendance of all employees, employer's details and also generate their payslip by
their name as well as id's.

 To ensure proper monitoring of the employee by the supervisor

 To ensure that staff are paid there salary on time
 To Generate Accurate Year-to-Date Reports for Employee Income
 To Generate Paychecks
 To generate employee payment slips
 Manage the daily attendace of the employee of the company
 Easily maintainable and updateable database
 Easy to handle and manage employee record

In most Companies, correct and timely payroll is a key component to keeping employees and
reducing turnover. While some companies choose to outsource payroll to companies
specializing in the service, many choose to keep payroll management in house, giving
employees the opportunity to talk to someone immediately if there is a problem. Using
payroll management systems allows companies to keep their payroll procedures in house, and
cuts down on the amount of time and staff dedicated to processing payroll.

Facilities required: (Programming language)

Access (Database)
Supervisor requested:

Problem Statement

Listed below is the summary of the problems that have been identified in the manual payroll

 Processing payrolls is slow because it is done by hand.

 The manual system is prone to mathematical errors that could consume time
than it should take and could cause financial or legal trouble.
 Using the manual system it is difficult and time consuming in keeping up – to
date in taxes and other deductions
 Storage of files is susceptible to be damaged as well as lost of data.
 Tallying of time card is done manually
 Files and papers have been the only way to store and manage records and the
destruction rate are very high hence a better storage system is required

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