Window 7 Tips

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Window 7 tips


Connecting a Windows7 Workstation to a Windows2000 Server - Added 7/23/10

General File Cleanup - Added 10/21/09
Changing the Action Center Alerts - Added 10/19/09
Resource Monitor - Added 10/19/09
Problem Step Recorder - Added 10/19/09
Changing the Desktop Icon Size - Updated 10/16/09 
Automatically Logging On - Added 10/16/09
Installing Google Chrome - Added 10/16/09
Changing the Taskbar - Added 5/6/09Changing the Action Center Alerts
Windows Disk Image Burner - Added 5/6/09
Restoring Gadgets After Disabling User Account Control - Added 5/6/09
New Calculator Functionality - Added 5/6/09
Hide Empty Drives - Added 5/6/09
Sticky Notes - Added 5/6/09
Fixing Pin to Taskbar Disabled - Added 6/7/09
Changing the Control Panel Icon Size - Added 6/7/09
Windows Explorer Single Click - Added 6/7/09
Always Show Menus - Added 6/7/09
Using Check Box to Select Items - Added 6/7/09
Changing the User Account Control - Added 6/7/09
Changing Power Options - Added 6/7/09
Turn off Windows Animation - Added 6/7/09
Speed up Boot Time - Added 6/7/09
Turning off Hibernation - Added 6/7/09
External Projector Display - Added 6/7/09
Quick Ways to Show the Desktop - Added 6/7/09
Changing the Explorer from Libraries to Computer View - Added 6/7/09
Using Jump Lists to Access Files and Directories - Added 6/7/09
Minimizing All But One Window - Added 6/7/09
Maximizing, Restoring and Moving Windows - Added 6/7/09
Running a Program in Compatibility Mode - Added 6/8/09

Connecting a Windows7 Workstation to a Windows2000 Server

Added 7/23/10

To connect a Windows7 computer to a Windows2000 server, you will either need to

make a change using the Group Policy Editory (Win7 Pro) or the Registry (Win7

Windows7 Pro

1. Click on the Start icon

2. Enter gpedit.msc
3. Go to Computer Configuration / Windows Settings / Security Settings / Local
Policies / Security Options
4. Scroll down and double click on Network Security: LAN Manager
authentication level and you should be able to see the set level. Change this
to send LM & NTLM responses

Windows7 Home

1. Start the registry editor

2. Go to to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SYSTEM \ CurrentControlSet \ Control \
3. Create a new DWORD value with the name of LmCompatibilityLevel
4. Give it a value of 1
5. Restart the computer

General File Cleanup

Added 10/21/09

These are the following common locations I where like to delete unnecessary files.
This can speed up the operating system and help reduce the time it takes to run
virus scans as well as defrag the computer.

The TEMP directory

1. An easy way to get there is to click on Start the type in %temp%

2. Press Ctrl-A to highlight everything in the right hand panel and press Shift-
3. This deletes them permanently and doesn't send them to the Recycle Bin

The Software Distribution / Download Directory

1. This contains the files that are downloaded when you update the Microsoft
files. Once they are updated, you don't need the files any longer.
2. Start the Windows Explorer
3. Go to C:\Windows\SoftwareDistribution\Download
4. Press Ctrl-A to highlight everything in the right hand panel and press Shift-

Internet Cache Files

For IE 8

1. Tools
2. Internet Options
3. Under Browsing History - Delete  button
4. I typically only delete Temporary Internet files and History. I usually leave
Cookies since they often contain information for web sites I frequent that i
don't want to enter in every time.


1. Tools
2. Clear Recent History (Ctrl-Shift-Del)
3. Click on Details
4. Select the Time range to clear
5. Check only those items you want to clear
6. Click on the Clear Now button

Google Chrome

1. Click on the tools icon on the upper right hand corner

2. Select Clear Browsing Data (Ctrl-Shift-Del)
3. Check what you want to clear
4. Select the period of time you want to clear the data
5. Click on the Clear Browsing Data button

Windows TEMP Directory

1. Start the Windows Explorer

2. Go to C:\Windows\Temp
3. Press Ctrl-A to highlight everything in the right hand panel and press Shift-
4. This deletes them permanently and doesn't send them to the Recycle Bin

The Recycle Bin

1. Right click on the Recycle bin

2. Select Empty Recycle Bin

Other Program's Cache Directories

There are other programs like Adobe Photoshop and Lightroom which cache the
thumbnails of the graphic files you edit. This may speed up the program somewhat,
but over time I've seen it add gigs of extra files that you may want to clean on a
regular basis. See each individual program for the specifics on where those files are
kept and the easiest way to delete them.

Changing the Action Center Alerts

Added 10/16/09

Normally the Action Center will show message alerts for things like Windows Update,
Internet Security Settings, Network Firewall, User Account Control and Virus
If you want to turn these alerts off:

1. Start / Control Panel

2. Go to Action Center / Change Action Center settings
3. From here you can uncheck any item that you no longer want message alerts

Resource Monitor

Added 6/19/09

If you want to see where possible bottlenecks may be in your computer's

performance, the Windows Resource Monitor is a system tool that allows you to view
information about the use of hardware (CPU, memory, disk, and network) and
software (file handles and modules) resources in real time.

1. Click on the Start button

2. Type in RESMON and press the Enter key

Problem Step Recorder

Added 10/19/09

You can use Problem Steps Recorder to automatically capture the steps you take on
a computer, including a text description of where you clicked and a picture of the
screen during each click (called a screen shot). Once you capture these steps, you
can save them to a file that can be used by a support professional or someone else
helping you with a computer problem.

1. To start the Problem Steps Recorder, click on the Start button and type in
PSR then press the Enter key
2. Click Start Record
3. Go through all the steps to reproduce the problem
4. Click on Stop Record
5. The program will then create a zip file.
6. Save and send this file to your support person so they can view the steps
taken. Screenshots along with the description of the steps will be included.

Changing the Desktop Icon Size

Updated 10/16/09
Windows 7 now supports browser-style resizing control of text and icons on the
Desktop too?! Just hold CTRL, and scroll the mouse wheel

The updated tip was submitted by Chris Mack

Added 6/7/09

1. By default, the icons on the desktop are a little large

2. Right click on an open area of the desktop
3. Select View
4. Select Small Icons

Automatically Logging On

Added 10/16/09

If you are the only user on the computer and are not worried about someone else
having access to it, you can configure Windows7 to automatically log you on.

1. Click on the Start button

2. Type in netplwiz and press the Enter key
3. Uncheck User must enter a user name and password to use this computer
4. Click on the Apply button at the lower right corner
5. You will then be shown a dialog box where you can enter in the name and
password of the account you want to have automatically log on.
6. Simply fill it with the correct information
7. Click on the OK button

Installing Google Chrome

Added 10/16/09

If you are getting an error message when trying to install Google Chrome with
Windows7, a simple Registry edit may solve the problem

1. Start Regedit
2. Go to
3. Rename the key ImageState to ImageState1 ( I prefer to rename a key rather
than delete it when possible just in case you may want it back again at some

Running a Program in Compatibility Mode

Added 6/8/09

If you have a program that doesn't run in native Windows 7, try:

1. Right click on the icon

2. Select Properties
3. Click on the Compatibility tab
4. Check Run this program in compatibility mode for:
5. Select one of the options such as Windows XP (Service Pack 3). Right now
there are ten different options you can choose ranging from Window95 to
Vista (Service Pack 2).

Maximizing, Restoring and Moving Windows

Added 6/7/09

You can quickly maximize a window by simply dragging it to the top of the screen or
double clicking on it's border at the top.

Double clicking on the window will restore it to the original size

To move a window to a different monitor, even if maximized, you can simply drag it
to the other monitor. You don't need to make it smaller first.

Minimizing All But One Window

Added 6/7/09

If you want to minimize all the one particular window, have that be the active window
and just shake  it with the mouse. Your other windows will be minimized. Shake it
again and they will return to the size and location they were before

Using Jump Lists to Access Files and Directories

Added 6/7/09

From the Taskbar, Windows 7 has a quick way to access files you have recently
used in a program. Simply right click on the program's icon in the taskbar. A list of
recently used files will be shown.

You can do the same for web sites you have visted. Right click on the IE icon and a
list of recent sites will be shown.

The Windows Explorer will show recent folders you have accessed
Changing the Explorer from Libraries to Computer View

Added 6/7/09

Normally when you click on a shortcut to the Windows Explorer, the default view is to
show the Libraries view.
If you want to change that to show the Computer view, simply change the target to:

%windir%\explorer.exe ::{20D04FE0-3AEA-1069-A2D8-08002B30309D}

To change it to open up to My Documents, change the targe to:

%windir%\explorer.exe ::{450D8FBA-AD25-11D0-98A8-0800361B1103}

If you have the Windows Explorer pinned to the Taskbar, and want to change it's

1. Right click on the icon

2. Right click on Windows Explorer
3. Select Properties
4. Paste in whichever target you want to use

Quick Ways to Show the Desktop

Added 6/7/09

There are several ways to quickly show and access the desktop.

1. Press the Win+Spacebar keys. Let up on the spacebar but hold the Windows key
down. When you let up on the Windows key, you will return to the previous open

2. Next to where the time and date are shown on the system tray, there is a small
rectangular box. Clicking on this once will show the desktop. Clicking on it again will
return you to your previous open application

External Projector Display

Added 6/7/09

On a laptop, normally you need to remember the special keys necessary to change
your display to an external projector, or to have both the laptop and projector at the
same time.

To make that much easier, with Windows7, simply press the Windows key + P.
This will bring up a display where you can select Computer only, Duplicate, or
Projector Only

Turning off Hibernation

Added 6/7/09

1. If you have something like a desktop and don't need hibernation enabled, you can
turn this off
2. Start / CMD
3. This will open a command prompt
4. Type in powercfg -h off

Speed up Boot Time

1. By default, Windows7 waits 30 seconds before it starts to load the operating

2. To decrease this time, Right click on My Computer
3. Click on Advance System Settings
5. Under Startup and Recovery, click on the Settings button
6. Decrease the time from 30 seconds to something like 3
7. You can also change the settings for what happens in case of a System failure

Turn off Windows Animation

Added 6/7/09

1. Normally I don't really care to have the windows animate when they are opened or
closed. It seems to make things slower.
2. To turn this off, right click on My Computer
3. Select Properties
4. On the left side, click on Advanced system settings
5. In the performance section, click on the Settings button
6. Uncheck Animate windows when minimizing or maximizing

Changing Power Options

Added 6/7/09

1. By default, Windows7 is configured to turn off the display after 10 minutes and put
the computer to sleep after 30 minutes
2. To change that, go to Control Panel / Power Options
3. Click on Change plan settings
4. From here you can change them to whatever you like

Changing the User Account Control

Added 6/7/09

If you want to change the User Account Control setting for when to be notified about
changes to your computer:

1. Go to the Control Panel / Action Center

2. On the left side, click on Change User Account Control settings
3. The default setting for User Account Control is to Notify me only when programs
try to make changes to my computer
4. If you are careful with what you do with your computer in regards to virus and
spyware risks, and want to lower this so you are not prompted so often when
changes are made to the computer, you can disable these warnings
5. Simply slide the bar to the bottom - Never notify
6. Click on the OK button
7. Reboot the computer

Using Check Box to Select Items

Added 6/709

Sometimes it can be difficult to determine what files are selected in the Explorer
when you want to copy, move or delete files. To make the selection more obvious:

1. Open the Control Panel

2. Go to Folder Options
3. Check Scroll doown and check Use check boxes to select items
4. Click Apply and OK

Always Show Menus

Added 6/709

When using programs like the Windows Explorer, the top menu is not displayed by
default. To change that:

1. Open the Control Panel

2. Go to Folder Options
3. Check Always show menus
4. Click Apply and OK
Windows Explorer Single Click

Added 6/709

1. Open the Control Panel

2. Go to Folder Options
3. Check Single-click to open an item
4. Check Underline icon titles only when I point at them
5. Click Apply and OK

Changing the Control Panel Icon Size

Added 6/7/09

1. By default, the icons on the desktop are shown by Category. My preference is to

View by Large or Small icons. This way you can more easily see all the options
2. Open the Control Panel
3. On the top right, click on View by: Category
4. Change it to Large or Small icons
5. Now all the options show up for you.

Fixing Pin to Taskbar Disabled

Added 6/7/09

If the option to pin to the taskbar does now show up when you right click on an icon,
perhaps you also have the shortcut arrow display turned off. To enable it again

1. Run Regedit
2. Go to HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT \ lnkfile
3. Createt a new String Value with the name IsShortcut
4. Reboot the computer

Changing the Taskbar

Added 5/6/09

If you want to change some of those options:

1. Right click on an open area of the taskbar

2. Select Properties
3. From here you have options to:
Lock the Taskbar
Auto-hide the taskbar
Use small icons
Whether you want the taskbar on the Bottom, Left, Right or Top of the screen
Several options for the buttons

Windows Disk Image Burner

Added 5/6/09

With Windows 7, you can now directly burn ISO images

Using the Windows Explorer, double click on the ISO file

If you have another software program that lets you view the contents of an ISO file
(like WinZip), right click on the file and select Open with Windows Disk Image Burner

Restoring Gadgets After Disabling User Account Control

Added 5/6/09

If you have changed your User Account Control settings to Never notify, by default
Gadgets will not be displayed on the desktop.
Fortunately a simple registry change will solve the problem

1. Start Regedit
2. Go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE \ Microsoft \ Windows \
CurrentVersion \ Sidebar \ Settings
3. Right-click on the right panel and create a new DWORD (32-Bit) Value named
4. Double click on this and give it a value of 1

New Calculator Functionality

Added 5/6/09

The new Windows Calculator, while it has a much nicer interface, also has greater

There are now 4 options for:

 Standard
 Scientific
 Programmer
 Statistics
 Unit Conversions
 Date Calculation
 Mortgage
 Vehicle Leasing
 Fuel Economy 

Hide Empty Drives

Added 5/6/09

If you want to have empty drives (like empty multiple-card reader drives), show up
grayed out in the Windows Explorer

1. Go Tools / Folder Options / View tab

2. Check Hide empty drives in the Computer folder
Now you  can more easily determine which drives actually have something on them.

Sticky Notes

Added 5/6/09

You can now leave sticky notes as reminders directly on your desktop.

1. Click on the Start logo

2. Start typing in stick and you will likely see Sticky Notes showing.
3. When it is highlighted, press the Enter key
4. You will now have a sticky note on the desktop and you can type in whatever
you like
5. Right click and you can change the color
6. Click on the + to create a new note
7. Click on the X to delete the note (this won't show again when the program is
8. Press Alt-F4 to close a note you want to keep
9. There is no need to save the note. Even after you close it, when you open the
program again, the same note will be there.

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