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ARNOLD SCHOENBERG HOTEL ANSONIA, BROADWAY 13RD Streev NEW YORK City lr Walter E,Koons Music Supervisor National Broadcasting Company RCA Building 30 Rocketeller Plaza flew York City Dear Mr. Koons; Musicis a simulteneousness and a succesiven ness of tones and toncombinations,which are so organizeg that its impression on the ear is agreable,end its im& pression on the intelligence 1s comprehensible,and so that this impressions have the power to influence occult parts of our soul end of mmm oub sentimental devartments and that this influence make(life"ws) 1m a dreamland or fallfilled desires,or in a dreamed hell of.....etc,etc.. Whate iswater? why BB ana we can drink itj;ana can wash us tjand it is transparen&jand hes nio Color;and we can useit to swim and to shipjend it drives mills..ctc.ete... I kmow @ nice and touching story: A blind man asked ee gaide: "How (Look: The guide answered: Milk looks Wrthey The Blind Mens “What's that “white"?" Mention a thing, fthemttmbeiem whieh is white!" The Guide: "A gwanszhe is perfect white,and he has a long white and bent neck", The Blind Man: ..e0008 bent neck?iow is thet?" The Guid imitating with his arm the form of a swan-neck,let the blind mean teel the form of his arm) The Blind Man: (flowing softly with his hand along the arm of the guide) "ow I mow now Goomd\mtyt Yours very sincerely

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