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November 21, 2006-Tuesday

7:15 am-
Arrived at Rikki’s school for her last volley ball game against the teachers…
She was happy to see me – Her eyes lit up when she saw her mom. Mom even caught the
ball… 

Sadly 8:15 am came.. and classes were to begin. Rikki looked so incredibly sad. As this is
her last day in school..then she is off for the thanksgiving day break. (not with mom).
I told her I loved her, head up and to watch for the package I sent her filled with al kinds
of goodies.

She went to class.

November 22, 2006- Wednesday

6:00 PM-
Rikki called me..  She had received her package  was happy…misses her mom.
Julie’s kids are with there dad for the holidays, Rikki is there with Julie, and her dad
when he is there.

I asked her, what her plans for thanksgiving day were… She stated that her dad was
going to have his friends come over and eat and drink. She and Julie were going to make
pies as dad was smoking a ham and a turkey. She misses her mom, and loves her. Mom
misses her and loves her too.

Then she had to go…after 10 minutes. Dad told her it was time. I said it has only been 10
minutes honey, she said … I know mom… 
I told her to try to call me on thanksgiving; she said she would see…? I said I would try
to call her as well.

November 23, 2006-Thursdaya-Thanksgiving Day

4:00 pm –Julie answered phone-saud Rikki was not there-Said that she was with Tiffany-
(I believe this to be untrue as I heard Rikki in the background.
I wished her a Happy thanksgiving told he I would call back later.

6:00 pm. I attempted to call again….This time the fax answered-odd considering theier
were to be 19 people at the house including Tiffany for the day per Rikki’s statement

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