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Homework 2

Wireless Networks (10/11/2010)

Sandhya Jognipalli

1. A wireless receiver with an effective diameter of 250 cm is receiving signals

at 20 GHz from a transmitter that transmits at a power of 30 mW and a gain
of 30 dB.
(a) What is the gain of the receiver antenna?

Diameter D=250 cm=2.5 m , f =20GHz , pt =30 mW

G t =30 dB=10 log 10 x , x=1000(antenna gain)

c 3∗105 km 3
λ= = = =0.015 m
f 20GHz 200

Area A = πr2, r = D/2 = 1.25

A=π r 2 =4.91 m2

Ae =0.55 A = 0.55 * 4.91 = 2.7

4 π Ae
Antenna gain G=

4∗3.14∗2.7 33.912
G= = =150720 mW =51.78 dB
( 0.015 ) 2

(b) What is the received power if the receiver is 5 km away from the
d=5 km = 5000 m

A e G t pt
pr =
4 π d2

2.7∗1000∗30 81000
pr = =
4∗3.14∗( 5000 ) 314000000

pr = =2.57∗10−4 mW =−35.88 dBm
2. The transmission power is 40 W, under a free-space propagation model,
(a) What is the transmission power in unit of dBm?

40 w=40∗1000=40000mW

pt =10 log 40000=¿ 46.02 dBm ¿

(b) The receiver is in a distance of 1000 m; what is the received power,

assuming that the carrier frequency fc = 900 MHz and Gt = Gr = 1 dB?

pt =40 W , d=1000 m , f c =900 MHz ,G t =G r =1 dBm=1.25 mW

c 3∗108 1
λ= = 6
= m=0.33 m
f 900∗10 3

pt Gt Gr λ 2
pr =
( 4 πd )2

40000∗1∗1∗( 0.33 )2 4356

pr = 2 2
( 4∗3.14 ) ∗( 1000 ) 157753600

pr =2.76∗10−5 mW =−45.58 dBm

(c) Express the free space path loss in dB.

Free space path loss ( pl ) =10 log
pl=10 log
( 2.76∗10 )=9 1 .6 1dBm

3. A BS has a 900 MHz transmitter and a vehicle is moving at the speed of 50

mph. Compute the received carrier frequency if the vehicle is moving
(a) Directly toward the BS.

m c 1
f c =900 MHz , υ=50 mph=22.4 , λ= = m=0.33 m
s f 3
f d = cosθ

θ=180 ,cos 180=−1

50 mph s
f d= (−1 )= =−67.87
0.33 m 0.33 m

f r=f c −f d =f c + f d

f r=( 9∗10 8 ) +67.87=900000067.87 Hz

f =900.00006787 MHz

(b) Directly away from the BS.

θ=0 , cos 0=1

f d =67.87 , f c =9∗108

f =f c −f d

f r=( 9∗10 8 )−67.87=899999932.13 Hz

f =899.9999321 MHz

(c) In a direction which is 60 degree to the direction of arrival of the

transmitted signal.

θ=60=cos 60= =0.5
Doppler Shift Frequency ( f d )= cos θ

f d= ( 22.4
0.33 )
( 0.5 )=67.87∗0.5=33.935 Hz

f r=f c −f d

f r=900∗106 −33.935=899999966.1 Hz=899.9999661 MHz

Note: c = 3 * 108 m/s

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