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Acta neurol. belg.

, 2006, 106, 149-156

Review articles

Stress, depression and fibromyalgia


Dept of Liaison Psychiatry, University Hospital Gasthuisberg, Leuven, Belgium ; 2Department of Psychology, K.U.Leuven, Leuven, Belgium


Abstract tive disorders that may also inform FM treatment ;

There is increasing evidence that stress and depres- and (6) new conceptual models, topics and strate-
sion may play a crucial role in the aetiology and patho- gies for future research in this domain.
physiology of fibromyalgia (FM). We first review recent
studies on the possible role of life stress, including child- Life stress and FM
hood trauma, in FM. Subsequently we focus on clinical
and aetio-pathogenetic links between stress, depression PRECIPITATING STRESSORS
and pain. We put forward the hypothesis that chronic
stress / depression may contribute to a dysregulation of Although clinical experience and retrospective
neuro-endocrine, immune and central pain mechanisms studies suggest that the onset of FM is frequently
in FM. Finally, we discuss some future directions, associated with various types of negative life events
including the use of new conceptual models, research
topics and strategies, as well as potential implications
(Anderberg et al. 2000 ; Poyhia et al. 2001) and
from recent studies in affective disorders for the treat- personally-relevant daily hassles (Van Houdenhove
ment of FM. et al. 2002), prospective studies could only partial-
ly confirm these findings (Raphael et al. 2002 ;
Key words : Depression ; childhood trauma ; chronic Willliams et al. 2003 ; Kivimäki et al. 2004).
fatigue syndrome ; fibromyalgia ; life events ; neuro- Whether traumatic stressors or posttraumatic
biology ; stress ; treatment.
stress disorder (PTSD) may precipitate FM still
remains a controversial issue, although evidence
for the frequent co-occurrence of PTSD and FM is
Introduction increasing, in adult patients (Sherman et al. 2000 ;
White et al. 2000 ; Cohen et al. 2002a ; Roy-Burne
Fibromyalgia (FM) is a syndrome characterized et al. 2004 ; Ciccone et al. 2005 ; Arguelles et al.
by medically unexplained, widespread muscu- 2006), as well as in children (Seng et al. 2005). The
loskeletal pain, hyperalgesia and/or allodynia, nature of the relationship remains unclear, but
physical and mental fatigue and effort intolerance, according to some authors, depression might be a
non-restorative sleep, mood disturbance as well as mediating factor (Raphael et al. 2004a).
other functional (e.g. gastrointestinal) complaints
(Mease et al. 2005). The syndrome shows substan- PREDISPOSING STRESSORS
tial symptomatic and diagnostic overlap with
chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) (Clauw and Numerous retrospective case-control studies
Chrousos 1997 ; Sullivan et al. 2002 ; Meeus et al. have shown that traumatic experiences (neglect,
in press) and other functional somatic syndromes maltreatment or abuse) during childhood are more
such as irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) (Wessely et frequently reported by FM patients than by med-
al. 1999 ; Aggarwal et al. 2006). ically ill or healthy controls (for a review see e.g.
In the following paragraphs, we discuss (1) the Imbierowicz and Egle 2003 ; Davis et al. 2005 ;
precipitating, predisposing and perpetuating role of Van Houdenhove et al. in press). Although these
physical and psychosocial stressors in FM ; (2) evi- findings suggest that early life stress may play a
dence concerning clinical and aetio-pathogenetic predisposing role in the aetio-pathogenesis of FM,
links between stress, depression and FM ; (3) a such studies should be interpreted with caution due
pathophysiological hypothesis on the role of chron- to confounding factors such as recall bias, response
ic stress and depression in dysregulating neuroen- bias and health-care seeking bias (Hardt et al.
docrine, immune and central pain mechanisms in 2004 ; Raphael 2005).
FM ; (4) important methodological issues with Traumatic experiences may augment vulnera-
regard to stress and depression research in FM ; bility to FM via multiple and interacting mecha-
(5) lessons from recent therapeutic studies in affec- nisms, notably psychophysiological mechanisms

associated with pathological arousal, such as mus- In FM patients, lifetime depression has been
cle hypertension, hyperventilation and sleep prob- found to be much higher than in medical control
lems ; hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA-axis) groups and, moreover, to co-aggregate with mood
dysfunction ; and inadequate stress coping result- disorders in family members (Arnold et al. 2004 ;
ing from negative affectivity, low self-esteem, Raphael et al. 2004b). Likewise, parents of children
proneness to depression and abuse-related person- with primary juvenile FM reported higher levels of
ality disorders (Van Houdenhove et al. 2001a ; anxiety and depression than parents of healthy chil-
McLean et al. 2005 ; Weissbecker et al. 2006). dren or children with arthritis (Conte et al., 2003).
Furthermore, many FM patients appear to have Thus, pain sensitivity, stress vulnerability and
created their own lifestyle stress – often since their mood regulation may share common familial-
early youth – by physically or mentally overexert- genetic factors and FM may be categorized among
ing themselves, being too perfectionistic or over- the, genetically related, ‘affective spectrum disor-
committed at work, or engaging in disproportionate ders’ (Hudson et al. 2003, 2004).
self-sacrificing behaviour (Van Houdenhove et al. More specifically, several recent studies have
1995, 2001b ; Smith et al. 2006). revealed genetic polymorphisms, i.e. in the sero-
tonin transporter (Offenbaecher et al. 1999 ; Cohen
PERPETUATING STRESSORS et al. 2002b), the dopamine receptor (Buskila et al.
2004), the nordrenaline system (Gursoy et al.
Not accepting their condition and failing to 2003) and the substance P receptor gene regulatory
adjust to their functional limitations (Viane et al. region (Ablin et al. 2005). However, it can be
2003), low positive affect (Davis et al. 2001), high assumed that no single gene will be identified as
negative affect (Geenen & Middendorp 2006), ill- the sole cause of FM. Much more likely, a combi-
ness uncertainty (Reich et al. 2006), perceptual nation of genetic traits coupled with a chain of
biases such as somatic hypervigilance (Crombez et environmental (physical and/or psychosocial)
al. 2004 ; Carillo-de-la-Pena et al. 2006) and dys- events will gradually emerge as an explanation
functional cognitive coping such as catastrophizing (Ablin and Buskila 2006 ; Buskila and Sarzi 2006).
(Edwards et al. 2006) undoubtedly enhances the
patients’ stress level and may lead to amplification Stress, depression and
and further persistence of FM symptoms. the pathophysiology of FM
Finally, not being accepted by significant others
as suffering from a real and legitimate illness (lack STRESS-SYSTEM DYSFUNCTION
of social support) can also be considered an impor-
tant stress-generating factor that decreases quality The available evidence suggests that in FM the
of life and makes recovery from FM less probable stress response system – notably the hypothalamic-
(Schoofs et al. 2004). pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis and the sympathetic
nervous system – is dysregulated (Okifuji and Turk
2002 ; Gupta and Silman 2004 ; Crofford et al.
Stress, depression and pain : 2004 ; Gur et al. 2004 ; Adler and Geenen 2005 ;
what is the evidence ? McBeth et al. 2005). Clinical observation and care-
ful listening to patients’ history, suggests that this
The clinical and aetio-pathogenetic relations abnormal functioning seems to occur mostly in the
between pain and depression have since long been aftermath of a long period of overburdening by
recognized, but recently this issue has received physical and / or emotional stressors, often associ-
renewed attention (Schatzberg 2004 ; Peveler et al. ated with one or more depressive episodes.
2006 ; Kennedy et al. 2006). Assuming that mood Eventually, the illness seems to be precipitated by
disorders and FM are both stress-related conditions an additional trigger in the shape of an acute phys-
(Van Houdenhove and Egle, 2004 ; Hammen ical or emotional event (Wentz et al. 2004 ; Van
2005), it is hardly surprising that there is high co- Houdenhove and Egle 2004 ; McLean et al. 2005).
morbidity between both (White et al. 2002 ; We and others have proposed that this might
Thieme et al. 2004, Kassam et al. 2006 ; Tennen et imply a neurobiological ‘switch’ from hyper(re)-
al. 2006 ; Michielsen et al. 2006). activity to hypo(re)activity of the HPA-axis, based
Studies have found comorbidity rates from 30 to on functional or even structural receptor changes,
80 percent, depending on variations in definition and followed by a cascade of disturbances in neu-
and measurement of depression (Henningsen et al. rotransmitter functions, immunological and central
2003). A particular case is atypical depression, pain processing mechanisms (Van Houdenhove and
which is characterized by profound lethargia, day- Egle 2004 ; Fries et al. 2005). In line with this,
time sleepiness and overeating, but also frequently HPA-axis hypo-function following chronic stress
involves diffuse somatic pain complaints and has has been found to lead to an inadequate neurohor-
been linked to stress-system underactivity (Gold monal stress response and impaired habituation to
and Chrousos 2002). subsequent physical or psychosocial challenges

(Ostrander et al. 2006 ; Kudielka et al. 2006). are not always aware of major methodological
Deficient HPA-axis functioning might foster patho- advances in the area of modern life stress studies.
logical immune activation with release of pro- One example is the use of sophisticated interview-
inflammatory cytokines, provoking the so-called based strategies that may reveal not only external
sickness response (lethargia and malaise, social but also internal stressors associated with personal-
withdrawal, flu-like symptoms, concentration diffi- ity features and life history, and that focus on con-
culties, mood lowering and pain threshold lower- textual features (and not only on stressors as such).
ing), all of which characterize the symptom picture Another example is the use of ecological momen-
of FM (Wallace et al. 2001 ; Raison and Miller tary assessment methods and multivariate time
2003). series analyses that allow a detailed longitudinal
Alternatively, stress system hypo-function might view on the impact of daily life stressors on symp-
be considered a preceding ‘trait’ factor in some FM toms (Luyten and Van Houdenhove 2005).
patients (Glass et al. 2004), possibly related to Researchers should further recognize that causal
early adversities (Gunnar and Vazquez 2001). relationships between FM and stress / depression
Interestingly, in this respect, recent population- are not linear, but recursive – so that patients often
based prospective investigations showed that HPA- become trapped in a vicious cycle. Hence, future
axis hypo-function helped to predict the develop- research should move away from simple linear
ment of new chronic widespread pain in a group of etio-pathogenetic models but instead use ‘multi-
psychologically ‘at risk’ subjects (Gupta et al. in wave’ studies to investigate recursive interactions
press ; McBeth et al. in press). between (pre- and post-morbid) stressors, coping
Taken together, however, the exact significance styles / personality factors, and affective disorders
of neuroendocrine dysfunction for the pathophysi- in FM (Luyten and Van Houdenhove 2005).
ology of FM remains to be elucidated (Cleare Finally, FM researchers should study the rela-
2004). tionship between stress, pain symptoms and HPA-
axis functioning using objective stress measures
ABNORMAL PAIN PROCESSING and controlling for associated depression. By
focusing on both biologic and psychosocial media-
Several recent studies strongly suggest that cen- tors and moderators, the complex interactions
tral pain processing is disturbed in FM. Indeed, between these factors in the aetio-pathogenesis of
‘generalized pain hypersensitivity’ is now consid- FM may be unravelled (McLean et al. 2005b ;
ered an important hallmark of the syndrome and Luyten and Van Houdenhove 2006).
has recently been confirmed by brain imaging stud-
ies (Gracely et al. 2002, 2004). Stress-related, Treating FM : lessons from depression
cytokine-mediated activation of the inflammatory treatment research
system may contribute to this central sensitization
(Maier 2003 ; Khasar et al. 2005), but other factors Recent therapeutic guidelines for affective
such as inadequate descending pain inhibition disorders emphasize the benefits of long-term
(Mense 2000), including disturbed endogenous maintenance / continuation treatment in preventing
opioid system functioning (Kennedy et al. 2006), relapse, and recommend that therapists should
and low corticotropin releasing factor (CRF) aim at enduring changes in personality functioning
(Larivière and Melzack 2000 ; Vit et al. 2006), may and life style, as well as customize treatment to
also play a role. the patient’s individual needs (Luyten et al. 2006).
Furthermore, increasing evidence points towards These guidelines are congruent with recent recom-
peripheral tissues as relevant contributors to central mendations regarding the treatment of stress-
sensitization, via neuroplastic changes in the spinal related somatic syndromes such as CFS (Van
cord and brain. After central sensitization has been Houdenhove, 2006) and FM (Dabadhoy & Clauw,
established, only minimal nociceptive input is 2006 ; Morley & Williams, 2006).
required for the maintenance of the chronic pain Moreover, depression treatment research has
state. Additional emotional and behavioural fac- provided a compelling case for the importance of
tors, such as pain-related negative affect and poor non-specific factors (such as the therapeutic
sleep may also play a role in pain threshold lower- alliance, and patient and therapist factors) in
ing (Price and Staud, 2005 ; Chiu et al. 2005 ; explaining outcome, beyond specific psychothera-
Staud 2006 ; Vierck 2006). peutic techniques and biological agents (Luyten et
al. 2006). Treatment studies in FM should therefore
Studying the role of stress / depression in FM consider these factors as well.
Finally, on a more general level, it may be
The stress concept is rather vaguely defined and expected that the growing interface between funda-
difficult to operationalize, which undoubtedly ham- mental and treatment research in the study of affec-
pers its application in research (Van Praag 2004). tive disorders may inform a similar interface in FM
Moreover, investigators on chronic pain disorders research.

Future directions On the other hand, it has become clear that FM

treatment could benefit from lessons learned by
Several new conceptual models may advance our recent research in depression, suggesting that
understanding of the aetio-pathogenesis of various therapeutic strategies in these patients should be
stress-related somatic syndromes, such as FM. personalized and maintained in the long run.
Excellent examples are the concepts of ‘stress sys- All these issues should be further investigated,
tem disorders’ (Chrousos and Gold 1992), and based on new methodologies and theoretical
‘allostasis / allostatic load’ (McEwen 1998 ) that concepts, and hopefully leading to more effective
have recently been formulated within the ‘bridging’ psychological and psychopharmacological thera-
sciences of psychoneuro-endocrinology and psy- pies for those who suffer from FM.
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