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Economic ● Bedouin Cultures on the fringes of society were generally self-

● Major cities like Mecca were involved in major trading from the
Mediterranean to Asia.

Social ● 3 Distinct Classes

- Shaykhs, the leaders
- Free warrior families
- Slave families
● Women were respected, but clearly subordinate
● Men practiced polygamy

Political ● Bedouin families lived in clans.

● Clans were parts of tribes. These tribes however, were not often
brought together.
● Clans fought over many things, from water to land.

Interactions ● People from large cities, interacted with many other advanced
● Bedouin clans often fought with one another.

Religious ● Religion for most Bedouin tribes was a blend of animism and
● Not very involved or dedicated to their respective religions.
● Described as “lukewarm” adherence.

Intellectual ● The most important form of art was poetry, which was performed
orally as there was no written alphabet set up.

Technological ● Not much technological development, probably due to the constant

warring Bedouin tribes.

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