How Does It Feel To Be Eliminated?: Prianca

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How does it feel to be eliminated?

Well nobody likes to lose hence naturally I am a little
disappointed…but if I think about d larger picture then I guess m
glad that i got out coz i didn’t feel any kinda connection with either
of d boys…I was trying really hard throughout d show to find some
damn similarity or something to attract me to them but it was all in
vain…I guess I have gained as much as I could from d show n i
have absolutely no regrets.
Reason for elimination?
I wish i knew why Varun wrote Shradha’s name instead of
Heena…. According to d circumstances it was obvious on Varun’s
part to put Heena in d safe zone which would have led to me
winning d show according to d twist…but i really don’t know why he
chose Shradha who he knew will never ever choose him in d
I guess he just started thinking too much bout d game n lost out
on simple logic….it was a big shock to not only me but everyone on
d show that how could Varun choose Shradha knowing that she will
never let him win n specially considering d fact that Varun was
merely there to win d game.
Your pick from the two boys? Any special comments for
either of them?
Well i honestly didn’t connect with either of the boys on any
level… Varun was d kinda guy who I would like to b friends with…I
can never imagine him as d man in my life…he is fun to b with…
quite witty n I liked his over d top attitude but all that is gud
enough for a friend for me…
When it comes to Vishal…..what can I say…he really amazes me
with every episode. I guess he was one of d most clever person on
d show… at least Varun was transparent n didn’t pretend anything…
he accepted from day one that he was there to win d show…I
appreciated his honesty..Rather than Vishal was acting through
out d damn show…if anyone who was pretending n faking it then it
was Vishal… he faked more than any girl….he played in such a way
that he wins n gets out with a goody two shoe kinda image.
He was d most manipulative over there…all he did was use n
manipulate d girl n situations according to him. He faked it so well
with Ritu…even I thought that he liked Ritu n felt something for her
but man o man….he is GOD when it comes to faking it…
Must say wt a brilliant actor..
I can never imagine myself with a guy like Vishal….he can not
speak to save his life…his heavy Punjabi accent is such a put off….to
top it all his lack of general knowledge n communication skills…gosh
I thought he would b able to hold up a conversation since he was a
pilot but I wonder hw much of that is true…i didn’t feel any
connection with any of d boys as I can not imagine myself endlessly
talking to either of them.
For me its d utter most important quality in a man to b able to
speak well n some kinda wisdom….n as it is evident that was one
thing lacking in both of them. Varun is a great guy to hang out with
n b friends with but I can’t even b friends with a hypocrite like
Your friends in Splitsvilla?
Without a doubt it has to b Hannah n Ritu…not forgetting Yamini…
Yamini n I became friends towards d later half of d show….she was
d little kid on d show who had all d energy in d world to speak non-
stop… she added d innocence factor to d show…I think she is very
naive n d kinda person who is very gullible…its surprising how our
opinion bout each other changed drastically once we started
interacting… Hannah n I had developed a friendship even before d
show began during d auditions…when I met hr for d first time I
knew that I will get along well with her…she is a sweetheart n one
of d prettiest looking girls on d show… at a young age she is so
focused n intelligent that she amazes me. When it comes to Ritu
words won’t do justice to what I share with her… I have never
shared this kinda friendship with anyone in past 22yrs of my life…
for me she was d only saving grace in Splitsvilla… after Hannah left
we both were each other’s backbone.. it was quite a task to survive
around so much negativity… after Ritu left I completely lost it… I
couldn’t even breathe in that kinda environment. it was more like a
boot camp for me….I just wanted to run away with Ritu…lol.. But on
a serious note I have found two of d most special friends in
The girl you dint like at all?
Hmmm….I can answer that in a jiffy…hands down d title goes to
BOXY….oooops I mean bosky….lol… she is d most ill mannered,
brash, indecent girl I have ever come across.
I have absolutely no regrets for beating d shit outta her…coz she
deserved every bit of it…if fighting for your dignity n self respect
means being ruthless with a girl like her then I will do it again at
any given point of time. She didn’t have anything in her to grab
attention hence she used to use my name n bitch bout me to b in d
spotlight. She is d kinda person that I loathe…..I couldn’t stand hr
even for a damn minute…her scary laughter was so annoying. It still
haunts me…..she has no etiquettes n social manners….
she need to go to a finishing school n learn some basics about
living in a society n she needs to grow…..literally from
everywhere….lol… don’t know bout myself but she surely needs to
get silicon to gain some kinda attention on hr own… forget her
behaviour she didn’t even know how to speak properly.. All that
came outta hr mouth was foul word n cuss language. I guess no
matter how much I write bout hr it won’t b enough….. she was d
only girl that I hated on d show…rest I didn’t have any major reason
to dislike…..a lil bit of friction was there but I guess it was all in
good spirit.
Your experience at Splitsvilla?
wwwwwooooooofffff!!!!!!!!!!!! it was a heck of a experience….it
was d toughest for me I guess coz as its evident not many girls
were fond of me there hence it was a question of survival for every
single day. I guess all d girls just formed an opinion about me based
on my persona n even I didn’t go outta my way to clear their
misconception….. d girls who I got to know personally became
friends with including Yamini who as everyone else has a wrong
perception about me but then later on became good friends with
me. as spoken by a lot of the girls about being manipulative all I
have to say is that I really wish I was manipulative then at least I
would have manipulated everyone in my favour n become friends
with all….. I did anything but manipulate d circumstances….. I really
didn’t give a damn bout anyone’s opinion hence I ended up being
titled with wonderful titles….
It still doesn’t bother me but it’s kinda funny how these girls have
their facts n diction wrong….
again as popularly known for playing games….d only two times I
played game n schemed was 1 to save Yamini from getting dumped
hence I asked her to bitch about me n become friends with Bosky…n
2nd when I threatened Varun not to dump Ritu…..both d times it
was to safeguard my friends not for myself…. my experience in
Splitsvilla has taught me a lot n surely made me more stronger…I
have learnt hw to deal with people with diff backgrounds n survive
under d same roof….. No matter how many difficulties I faced
whether is was about fighting for my self respect or my
friendship…..I enjoyed every bit of my journey.
Would you come back if given a chance?
Definitely yes but this time I would like to play differently n live
up to d titles I was endowed with.

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