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Hang Tuah Jaya,

76100, Durian Tunggal, Melaka Malaysia
Tel : 06-5552111 Faks : 06-5552112
Email :


Our Reference : UTeM 22/10.21/2 (36)

Your Reference :

14 October 2010
To Whom It May Concern
Dear Sir,
With reference to the above matter,
2. Faculty of Electronic and Computer Engineering (FKEKK) is currently conducting a
programme called Bachelor of Electronic Engineering (Industrial Electronics) With Honours at
Universiti Teknikal Malaysia Melaka (UTeM). The main objective of the programme is to
produce engineers who posses an in-depth electronics knowledge as well as competence in
their skills.
3. In order to evaluate the suitability and the marketability of such graduates in electronic
engineering sector, a market survey is circulated to all relevant stackholders. I am glad that your
company has been selected to convey your highly regarded opinion in our market survey on the
conducted electronic engineering programme.
4. It is my pleasure to invite you to give your sincere opinion on this programme. Your
response would be kept to the utmost confidential. In such a case, I would humbly ask your
kindness to return the survey form either by:
(i) fax to number 06 – 555 2112
(ii) email to Head of Department
(iii) express post to the above mentioned address
(iv) hand in during the visit of our representative to your company
5. I look forward to receiving your views and with that I would like to wish you and your
company a triumphant success in the future.
Thank you.

Yours faithfully,


Faculty of Electronic and Computer Engineering
Universiti Teknikal Malaysia Melaka
On Behalf – Vice Chancellor

c.c Deputy Vice Chancellor (Academic & International)

Deputy Dean (Academics), FKEKK

Kompetensi Teras Kegemilangan
Universiti Teknikal Malaysia Melaka (UTeM) p1/6
Ayer Keroh, Melaka


Bachelor of Electronic Engineering (Industrial Electronics)

Faculty of Electronics & Computer Engineering (FKEKK)



[Please tick () where applicable]

State the type of organization/industry:

i. Locally owned organization/industry

ii. Foreign owned organization/industry

a. Fulfillment of Theory and Concept

1. Does the programme fulfill the basic theories required in the related discipline in
your organization?

2. Are the theories used relevant to the current situation?


3. Do the subjects contribute to the strength of the programme?


4. Does the proposed programme cover all relevant subjects?

Universiti Teknikal Malaysia Melaka (UTeM) p2/6
Ayer Keroh, Melaka

If no, please indicate other additional areas that need to be covered by the

5. Is there any subject that is not relevant in the programme?


If yes, what are the subjects that need to be omitted/deleted?

6. State whether the programme fulfills these criteria:

Fully Partially None Remark

(if any)
a. Basic Theory
b. Current Concept
c. Legal
d. Use of ICT
e. Use of Quantitive
f. Market/Industry

7. Is this programme sufficient in term of:

a. Length of study Yes


If no, please suggest the appropriate length of study duration. Please explain your
Universiti Teknikal Malaysia Melaka (UTeM) p3/6
Ayer Keroh, Melaka

b. Duration of practical training Yes


If no, please suggest the appropriate Duration of practical training. Please explain
your suggestion.


1. Do you think that graduates of this programme are suitable to work in your
organization? If yes, please indicate the areas.

e.g. i. Finance
ii. Personnel Management
iii. Health
iii. Others (Please specify)





2. Please indicate relevant jobs for the graduate of this programme in your

e.g. i. Marketing Executive

ii. Company Secretary
iii. Management Executive




Universiti Teknikal Malaysia Melaka (UTeM) p4/6
Ayer Keroh, Melaka

3. State the number of posts in your organization that can be filled by graduates of
this programme.

1 - 3 posts
4 - 6 posts
7 - 9 posts
Others. Please specify:

4. What is the appropriate income for the graduate of this programme.

Less than RM 1,000.00

RM 1,001.00 - 1,500.00
RM 1,501.00 - 2,000.00
RM 2,001.00 - 2,500.00
Others. Please specify:

5. Is this programme suitable to be enhanced to a higher level?


If yes, please tick the appropriate level (s)

First Degree level

Master Degree level
Doctorate level
Universiti Teknikal Malaysia Melaka (UTeM) p5/6
Ayer Keroh, Melaka


1. Sponsorship

a. Has your organization sponsored any students in this field/area?


b. Would you encourage your staff to undergo this course?


If no, please state the reason(s)

2. Outcome of the Programme

a. In your opinion, will this programme be able to produce the right

graduates for the labour market?


If yes, please elaborate

If no, please elaborate

Universiti Teknikal Malaysia Melaka (UTeM) p6/6
Ayer Keroh, Melaka

3. Suggestion
Please suggest how to improve skills among electronic graduates?




*** THANK YOU ***

Tahun 1 Tahun 2 Tahun 3 Tahun 4 Jumlah
Jenis Kursus
Sem 1 Sem 2 Sem 3 Sem 4 SEM KHAS Sem 5 Sem 6 Sem Khas Sem 7 Sem 8 Kredit

BENU 2002
BENH 1243 BENH 1253 BENM 2123 BENU 3006
BENH 2262 BENE 2323 Amalan BENU 4972 BENU 4984
Matematik 3 Persamaan 3 2 3 2 Teknologi 3 BENH 2112 Statistik 2 Latihan 6 2 4
Kaedah Berangka Prinsip Kawalan Kejuruteraan PSM I PSM II
Kejuruteraan Pembezaan Mikropemproses Industri

BENU 2012
BENC 1133 BENT 1123 BENT 3113
BENM 2133 BENE 2413 Laporan Amalan BENT 3133 BENU 4583
Pengaturcaraan 3 Analisis Litar 3 3 3 2 Prinsip 3 3 3
Sistem Digit Teknologi Elektrik Kejuruteraan Elektromagnetik Etika Kejuruteraan
Komputer Elektrik Perhubungan
Teras Program (P)

BENC 3173 BENC 4173

BENE 1133 BENM 1143 BENE 2153 BENE 2163
3 3 3 3 Sistem & Rangkaian 3 Teknologi dan 3
Prinsip Elektrik Litar Logik Elektronik Analog Sistem Elektronik
Komputer Applikasi Multimedia

BENE 1183 BLHC 4052

BENE 1123
Instrumentasi 3 3 Keusahawanan 2
Asas Kej. Elektronik
Elektronik Teknologi

Jam Kredit
12 12 8 9 4 11 8 6 5 4 79

BENC 2513 Asas BENE 4153

BENT 2123 BENE 3113 BLHC 4062
3 Pemprosesan 3 3 2 Instrumentasi 3
Isyarat & Sistem Kawalan Industri Pengurusan Projek
Isyarat Digital Proses

BENE 3313 BENE 4143

BENE 4113
Sistem Kej 3 3 Automasi 3
Robotik Industri
Embedded Pembuatan
Teras Kursus (K)
& Elektif (E)
BENM 3133
BENE 4013
Rekabentuk &
Elektronik Kuasa 3 3
Proses Litar
dan Pemacu

BENE 3751 BENE 3761 BENE 4771 BENE 4781

BENE 1711 BENE 1721 BENE 2731 BENE 2741
Makmal Makmal Makmal Makmal
Makmal Asas 1 Makmal Asas 1 Makmal Kej. 1 Makmal Kej. 1 1 1 1 1
Elektronik Elektronik Elektronik Elektronik
Elektronik 1 Elektronik 2 Elektronik 1 Elektronik 2
Industri 1 Industri 2 Industri 3 Industri 4

Jam Kredit
1 1 4 1 4 7 0 9 10 37

BLHW 1012 BLHW 1702 BKKX xxxx BLHW 2712 BKKX xxxx BLHL xxxx
2 2 1 2 1 2
Foundation English TITAS Ko-Kurikulum I Hubungan Etnik Ko-kurikulum 2 Bahasa Ketiga

BLHW 1722 BLHW 2402 BLHW 3402

Wajib Universiti
Falsafah Sains & 2 Komunikasi Teknikal 2 Komunikasi Teknikal 2
Teknologi I II

BLHC 4032
Pemikiran Kritis & 2

Jam Kredit
4 2 3 6 0 1 0 2 0 18
Jumlah Jam
17 15 15 16 4 15 16 6 16 14 134
Kredit Semester


1 BENE1183 Electronic Function and characteristics of instrument, measurement errors, accuracy, DC and AC
Instrumentation Ammeter, DC and AC voltmeter, Multimeter, Wheatstone and Kelvin bridge,
Bridge-controlled circuit, Oscilloscope, Transducers and applications: resistance
temperature detectors, semiconductor photo diodes, phototransistors; Signal
generators and analyzers: Function generator, pulse generator, sweep frequency
generator; Instrument calibration and troubleshooting.
1 BENE1133 Electric Principles This course will cover:
Electrical Principles: Introduction to Static and Dynamic Electricity, Electrical Charge,
Charge Unit, Flux and Density, Electrostatic Field, Coulomb's Law, Ampere's Law.
Magnetic and Electromagnetism: Introduction to Magnetism, Magnetic Field, Poles of
Magnet, Flux and Forces, Faraday's Law, Lenz's Law, Fleming Rule.
Voltage, Current and Resistance: Voltage, Current, Resistance, Voltage and Current
Sources, Resistors, Ohm's Law , Kirchoff's Law, Superposition, Thevenin and Norton
Theorems, Loop and Node Analysis
Energy and Power: Introduction, Units, Work of Energy, Power in Circuit, Resistor
Power Ratings, Energy Conversion and Voltage Drop in Resistance.
Capacitors: Introduction, Capacitance and Coulomb's Law, Dielectric Strength,
Charging and Discharging Phase, Capacitor Voltage and Current, Series and Parallel
Capacitors, Energy Stored.
Inductors: Introduction, Inductance, Induced Voltage, Storage and Release Phase,
Average Induced Voltage, Series and Parallel Inductors, Energy Stored.
1 BENC1133 Computer Programming Topics covered: basic programming principles such as syntax, variables, basic data
type, operator, rules/condition, looping, function, array, sequences, file, structure and
1 BENH1243 Engineering This course covers the following topics:
Mathematics Functions, Limits and Continuity: Functions & inverse, step & pulse function,
polynomial and rational functions. Exponential, logarithmic and Hyperbolic functions:
exponential functions, logarithmic functions, hyperbolic functions & inverse hyperbolic
functions. Irrational functions: Algebraic functions, implicit functions, piecewise defined
Numerical evaluation of functions: tabulated functions and interpolation. Finding
zero by the method of Bisections.
Sequences and Series: Definition of sequences and series, arithmetical sequences and
series. Geometric sequences and series. Recurrence relations, limits of a sequences,
infinite series and power series.
Differentiation: Techniques of differentiation, Chain rule, differentiation of exponential
and related functions, parametric and implicit differentiation. Higher derivatives,
applications to optimization problems, curvature and plane curves. Taylor polynomials
and Taylor's theorem. Taylor and Maclaurin Series.
Integration: Techniques of integration: integration by part, integration by substitution.
Improper integrals, integrand with an infinite discontinuity, infinite integrals. Application
of integration: area, volume, mean value, arc length and surface area, numerical
evaluation of integrals: trapezium rule, Simpson's rule.
Complex numbers: Definition, Argand diagram, The arithmetic of complex numbers,
complex conjugate, modulus & argument, polar form of complex numbers, Euler's
formula, relationship between circular and hyperbolic functions, logarithm of complex
number, De Moivre Theorem, power of a complex number & multiple angles and loci in
the complex numbers.
Matrix Algebra: Definitions, determinants, the inverse matrix, Cramer rule, Gauss
elimination and iterative methods, Rank, eigenvalue and eigenvector, Symmetric
1 BENE1711 Electronic Fundamental This course cover topics in BENE 1133 Principle of Electricity
Laboratory 1 and BENE 1183 Electronic Instrumentation with the following items:
(i) Laboratory safety procedure, laboratory report writing (ii) Use of laboratory power
supply and multimeter (iii) Introduction to Multisim Software (iv) Use of oscilloscope
and function generator (v) Applications of passive components and basic circuit laws
(vi) Measurement Error (vii) Loading Effects and Insertion Effects (viii) Oscilloscope
phase and frequency measurement (ix) Bridge Controlled Circuits.
1 BLHW1012 Foundation English The course is designed to help students improve their proficiency in English and be
able to communicate effectively in the spoken and written form. It is also to prepare
them for the Malaysian University University English Test, a national level examination
for undergraduate students. The five main aspects: grammar, listening, speaking,
reading and writing are taught in an integrated approach so as to build confidence in
the learners to become efficient speakers of English in their tertiary education and
workplace environment.


1 BLHW1722 Science & Technology The subject discusses the concept of knowledge, concept of philosophy, science and
Philosophy technology based on Islam, and the West, methodology in Islamic science, concept
and Islamic civilization achievements in the field of mathematic, astronomy, physics,
chemistry, pharmacy, medicine, concept of nature’s creations and cosmology in Islam,
achievements in the latest field of telecommunication and current scientific issues. This
is due to the fact that science and technology are phenomenon that expand in tandem
with the development of the community and the surroundings.
2 BENE1123 Fundamental of This course will discuss:
Electronics Engineering (1) Bohr Atomic Model: valency, period table of elements, trivalent, tetravalent and
pentavalent elements, movement electrons in solid: conductor, insulator and
semiconductor, bands theory: energy band, conduction band and forbidden band.
Doping, p and n materials, pn junction (2) Silicon Semiconductor Diodes:
characteristics and measurement of forward & reverse biased, composite
characteristics and load line analysis, clipping and simple rectifier (half & full) circuits,
zener diodes characteristics, and simple shunt regulators (3) Bipolar Junction
Transistor: construction and operation of BJT, BJT characteristics and measurement
technique, limits of operation, dc and dc, DC biasing - DC Load Lines. Amplification of
signal. Transistor as a switch (4) Field Effect Transistor: construction and operation of
FET, FET characteristics & diagram, Shockley's equation, DC biasing - DC Load
Lines-Graphical and mathematical approach.
2 BENM1143 Logic Circuit This subject aims to provide the students with a thorough understanding of the
principles and practical aspects of modern digital circuits and systems. It will cover the
following topics: number systems and codes, logic gates and Boolean algebra,
combinational logic circuits, MSI logic circuits and flip flops, and integrated circuit logic
2 BENH1253 Differential Equations This course covers the following topics:
Functions of several variables: Partial derivatives, directional derivatives, chain rule,
total differential and small errors, exact differentials. Taylor's theorem for functions of
two variables, optimization. The Classification of Differential Equations, first order ODE,
solution of separable differential equations, solution of exact and linear differential
equations. Numerical Solution of first order ODE, Euler and Range-Kutta methods.
Differential operator, Independent and Dependent Variables, Linear and Nonlinear
Differential Equation, Solving Homogeneous Equations with Constant Coefficients,
Solving Nonhomogeneous constant-coefficient equations. Numerical solution of 2nd
order ODE by using Euler and Range-Kutta Methods.
The Laplace Transform: Properties of the Laplace Transform, The Unit Step Function,
Inverse Laplace Transform, Properties of Inverse Laplace Transform, Solution of Initial
Value Problem, Solution of ODE and Simultaneous differential equations.
Partial Differential Equations: Wave equation, Heat-conduction, Laplace equation
and other related equation.
Solution of the wave equation: D'Alembert solution and characteristics, separated
solutions, Laplace transform solution.
Numerical solution of wave equations, heat-connection and Laplace equation.
2 BLHW1702 Islamic Civilization & The subject is one that discusses on knowledge in the various civilizations that covers
Asia Civilization introduction on civilizations, interaction between the various civilizations (Malay, Chines
and Indian) Islam in Malay civilization as well as their roles in building the Malaysia
civilization; contemporary issues in Islamic civilization and Asian civilization; Islamic
Hadhari and the process in the development of the nation.
2 BENE1721 Electronic Fundamental This course cover topics in BENT 1123 Circuit Analysis, BENM 1143 Logic Circuit and
Laboratory 2 BENE 1123 Electronic Engineering Fundamentals with the following items:
(i) Laboratory safety procedure, laboratory report writing (ii) Fundamental of AC Circuit
(iii) Transient RLC circuit (iv) Filter circuit (frequency response) (v) Logic Gates (vi)
Arithmetic circuit (vii) Counters (viii) Diode Application (ix) BJT Characteristic and DC
Biasing (x) FET Characteristic and DC Biasing.
2 BENT1123 Electric Circuit Analysis Time Varying Signals: sinusoid, amplitude, phase, frequency, response of R, L and C
to AC, phase relationships.
AC Circuit & Power Analysis: phasor representation, complex number notation,
analysis of AC circuits by using laws and theorems, power in RC and RL circuits,
power factor.
Transient Response: first order RL and RC response, second order RLC response,
stored energy, time constants.
Frequency Response: filters, amplitude and phase response, Bode plots, resonance, Q
factor, bandwidth.
Two-port Network: Introduction, Impedance Parameter, Admittance Parameter and
Hybrid Parameter, Transmission Parameters, Interconnection of Networks and


3 BENM2133 Digital System This subject provides students solid theoretical to the sequential logic circuits. It also
covers the introduction to memory, programmable logic devices and microcomputer
systems. Students will learn topics on Latches and Flip-Flops, Counters, Shift
Registers, Sequential Logic Design, Memory Devices, Programmable Logic Devices
and Introduction to Microprocessors, Computers and Buses.
3 BENT2123 Signals & System Continuous-Time Signals and Systems: Fundamental Concept, Transformations of
Continuous-Time Signals, Signal Characteristics, Common Signals, Continuous-Time
Systems and Its Properties, Convolution for Continuous-Time LTI Systems, Properties
of Convolution, Properties of LTI Systems
Fourier Series: Introduction of Fourier Series and Its Coefficients, Frequency Spectra,
Fourier Series Properties, System Analysis.
Fourier Transform: Definition, Properties of Fourier Transform, Application of Fourier
Transform, Energy and Power Density Spectra.
Laplace Transform: Definition, Properties of Laplace Transform, Response of LTI
Systems: Initial Condition, Transfer Functions, Convolution, Transforms with Complex
and Repeated Poles
Discrete-Time Signals and Systems: Transformation of Discrete-Time Signals,
Characteristics of Discrete-Time Signals, Discrete-Time Systems and Its Properties,
Convolution for Discrete Time Systems, Properties of Discrete-Time LTI System.
3 BENE2153 Analog Electronics This course will discuss:
BJT Transistor modeling, CE, CC and CB configuration, BJT small signal analysis,
Feedback configuration, FET small-signal analysis, Frequency response, Bode plot,
Bandwidth, Special amplifier: cascade, cascode, Darlington, multistage, differential
amplifier circuit, Operational amplifiers: inverting, non-inverting, summing and buffer.
3 BENE2731 Electronic Engineering This course covers topics in BENM2133 Digital System, BENE 2153 Analog
Laboratory 1 Electronics and BENT2123 Signal & System.
This course covers this following topics:
(i) Counter And Shift Register (ii) Finite State Machine (iii) Programmable Logic
Devices (iv) BJT small signal amplifier (v) FET Small signal amplifier (vi) Operational
Amplifiers. (vii) Fourier Series Representation (viii) Fourier Transform (ix) Laplace
Transform & Circuit Applications.
3 BENH2262 Numerical Methods This course covers the following topics:
Functions of Complex variable and its applications: Complex functions and
mapping, Linear mappings, bilinear mappings, the mapping w = z2. Complex
differentiation, Cauchy-Riemann equations, conjugates and harmonic functions,
mapping revisited.
Complex series: Power series, Taylor series, Laurent series. Singularities, zeros and
Contour integration: Contour Integrals, Cauchy's Theorem and residue theorem,
evaluation of definite real integrals.
Vector Calculus: Basic concept, transformations, total differential. Derivative of a
scalar point function: the gradient of a scalar point function. Derivative of a vector point
function: divergence of a vector field, Curl of a vector field, further properties of the
vector operator. Integration: Line integrals, double integrals, Green's theorem, surface
integrals, volume integrals, Gauss's divergence theorem, Stokes' theorem
Fourier Series: Even and Odd Functions, Periodic Functions, Fourier's theorem, The
Fourier Coefficients, function of period 2. Convergence of Fourier series, function of
period T. Applications of Fourier Series.
3 BLHW2402 Technical This course is content-based in nature and it aims to equip students with the necessary
Communication I language skills required to write a technical research report. As this course prepares
students for the mechanics of the different types of report writing, the emphasis is more
on writing skills, generally and report writing specifically. It also reintroduces students
to the basics of presentation skills. This course is designed to provide students with the
necessary report writing skills in order to meet the demands of the industry.
3 BKKxxxxx Co-Curriculum I This subject is to produce students who are active and righteous in terms of physical,
emotional, mental and intellectual, to instill in them the spirit of perseverance and inner
strength, to promote the spirit of cooperativeness, good management and implement
activities as well as to build leadership qualities among the students.
4 BENE2323 Control Principles Topics covered in this course are , introduction to control system, frequency domain
modeling, Laplace transform, transfer function, electric network transfer function,
translational mechanical system, rotational mechanical system transfer function, time
domain modeling, general state space representation, transfer function and state
space conversion, time response, poles, zeros and system response, First and Second
order systems, under-damped system, reduction of multiple subsystems, blocks
diagrams, feedback systems, signal flow graphs, Mason's rule, Routh- Hurwitz criterion
and Gain Adjustment compensator design.


4 BLHW3402 Technical This course is designed to complement the skills taught in Technical Communication I.
Communication II It is designed to give value-added communication skills to equip the students with
necessary communication skills in working sphere. The elements of grammar will also
be taught implicitly. Students will employ effective strategies for seeking employment,
and write effective resume and job application letters. Besides, students will gain
exposure on collecting information from relevant industries in order to develop a profile
of a particular company.
4 BENE2413 Electrical Technology This course will discuss:
Introduction: sources of energy, power transmission and distribution via overhead lines
and underground cables.
Single-phase AC circuits: Single-phase EMF generation, average and effective values
of sinusoidal, the j operator, complex representation of impedances, phasor diagram,
power factor, power in complex notation.
Three-phase AC circuits: Star delta conversion, three-phase EMF generation, delta and
wye connection, line and phase quantities, solution of three-phase circuit, balanced
and unbalanced, phasor diagram, measurement of power in three-phase circuits,
balanced and unbalanced, three-phase four wire circuits.
Magnetic Circuits: Ampere's circuit law, B-H curve, solution of magnetic circuits,
Faraday's law, self and mutual inductance, energy stored in magnetic field, hysteresis
and eddy current losses, magnetic force of attraction and its application.
Transformers: Construction, EMF equation, ratings, phasor diagram on no load and full
load, equivalent circuit, regulation and efficiency calculations, open and short circuit
tests, ideal auto-transformer.
Induction Motors: The revolving magnetic field, principle of orientation, ratings,
equivalent circuit, Torque-speed characteristics, starters for cage and wound motor
type induction motors.
DC Motors: Expression of induced voltage and torque. Starting and speed control of
separately excited dc motors.
Basic Principles of Power System: electrical transmission model using ABCD
parameters, basic concept of electrical power protection in term of zone of protection
and elements of protection.
4 BENE2741 Electronic Engineering This course covers topics in BENE2323 Control Principle, BENE 2413 Electrical
Laboratory 2 Technology and BENE 2163 Electronic System. This course covers this following
topics: (i) Modeling in Frequency Domain (ii) Transfer Function And State Space
Representation (iii) Reduction Of Multiple Subsystem (iv) DC motor (v) AC motor (vi)
Power Factor Correction (vii) Voltage Regulator (viii) Power Amplifier (ix) Oscillator And
4 BLHC4032 Critical & Creative This subject is to help the students in acquiring the skill of thinking critically in problem
Thinking solving and produce technical design. The students are given exposure to knowledge
on the usage of the right and left brain to train them to think optimally and creatively.
Fundamental concepts related to creation of ideas, innovations and technology are
also discussed. The students will then apply the knowledge acquired in problem
solving discussion sessions and get involved in problem oriented projects.
4 BENE2163 Electronic Systems This course will covered regulated power supply, filter voltage regulation and ripple
voltage, discrete transistor voltage regulation, integrated circuit regulator, amplifier
class A, AB, B and C, crossover distortion, special electronic devices, RC phase shift
oscillator, wien bridge oscillator, tuned oscillator, crystal oscillator, 555 timers, voltage
controlled oscillator, phase locked loop, active filters , filter design criteria, higher order
butterworth and switch capacitor filters, ADC and DAC ciruitry.
4 BLHW2712 Ethnic Relations This subject focuses on the discussions of basic concepts of the cultures and ethnic
relations. It also provides the exposure and look into the development of ethnic
relations in Malaysia to bring about a Malaysian society based on a Malaysian Model
and relationship between ASEAN regions. Besides that, this subject can provide an
understanding in overcoming global challenges related to cultural and ethnic
relationship in Malaysia and Asia. It further introduces the students to ethnic
relationship due to Islamic perspectives.
4.5 BENU2012 Electronic Engineering (refer to BENU2002)
Practice Report
4.5 BENU2002 Electronic Engineering This subject will be offered during the special semester at the end of second year. The
Practice topics covered are standard industrial practice, industrial safety and health regulation
(OSHA), printed circuit board design and fabrication. Students will also involve in the
industrial visit and hearing industrial talk as part of the industrial exposure. Besides
that, for the first 4 weeks of the course, students will undergo multi engineering courses
offered by mechanical, manufacturing and electrical engineering faculty


5 BENT3113 Communication Introduction to Telecommunication: Model, Communication Modes, Need for
Principles Modulation and Demodulation, Electromagnetic Frequency Spectrum.
Linear Modulation: Amplitude Modulation (AM) Principles, AM Modulation and
Transmission, AM Reception and Demodulation
Single Sideband (SSB) Communication Systems: Principles, SSB Generation and
Transmission, SSB Reception.
Angle Modulation: Frequency Modulation (FM), Phase Modulation (PM), FM/PM
Modulation and Transmission, FM/PM Reception and Demodulation, FM Stereo
Noise: Source and Representation, Noise Parameters, Noise Analysis in Linear and
Angle Modulation
Introduction to Digital Communication: Information Capacity, Hartley and Shannon
Limit, Digital Modulation: Amplitude, Frequency and Phase Shift Keying (ASK, FSK,
PSK), Digital Transmission: Pulse Modulation, Pulse Amplitude Modulation (PAM),
Pulse Width Modulation (PWM), Pulse Code Modulation (PCM): Sampling,
Quantization, Encoding.
5 BLHC4052 Technology This subject will assist the students by getting motivated in entrepreneurship
Entrepreneurship technology and the skills, as well as obtain the principle and training required to form,
improve and expand their business. The subject covers theory and training that can aid
the students to acquire and build expertise required before plunging into any business
project. This subject is done to assist students in making and inventing new business
areas, starting a business or for the students who hope to be familirised with the
concepts, issues and techniques forming a business and technology entrepreneur. It
can help the students in the understanding of the job related to marketing and
management strategy, risks and uncertainty, business stability and to look for
development opportunities towards international level. The students will be equipped
with the methods required to prepare cash flow statement and the fundamentals in
formin business plans.
5 BENC2513 Basic Digital Signal This course covers introduction to DSP, discrete-time signals and systems, spectrum of
Processing representation of discrete-time signals, discrete Fourier transform, types of difference
equations and discrete-time systems, introduction to z-transform and its applications.
5 BENC3173 Computer Network & This course will introduce the concept of Computer Communication, Computer
System Networking. Network: Models, Components, Topology, Technology And Applications.
Data Communications, Analogue and Digital Signals, Coding Schemes, Transmission,
Bandwidth, Digital Signal Encoding, Error Detection Methods, Switching, Multiplexing.
Interconnection, Standard Organizations And OSI Model, Error And Flow Control,
Networking Equipments: Repeaters, Bridges, Routers, Gateway, Transmission
medium, Networked services, Network Structures, Local Area Network (LAN), IEEE
802 Standard Committee Standards, LAN operation, technology, Wide Area Network
(WAN), Private and public networks, architecture, Packet switching networks,
Internetworking, Internet Protocol: IP Services, Addresses, IPv4, IPv6. Transport
Protocols TCP, UDP, Application protocol, Network Security And Integrity.
5 BENE3751 Industrial Electronics This course covers topics in BENT 3113 Communication Principle, BENC 2513
Laboratory 1 Fundamental of Digital Signal Processing and BENC 3173 System & Computer
This course covers this following topics; Local Area Network Modeling, Wireless
Network Design, AM modulator and demodulator, FM modulator and demodulator,
Digital Communication, Data Movement and Arithmetic Operations Program Control
5 BENM2123 Microprocessor Topics covered: Practical introduction to microprocessors, assembly language
Technology programming, hardware interfacing design and microprocessor system design
considerations. This course is essentially divided into three sections. The first part
covers on Microprocessor-based Systems and Introduction to 68000 Microprocessor.
The second part deals with the topic The 68000 Assembly Language Programming that
briefly explain the microprocessor instruction set. The last segment examines topics on
The 68000 Hardware Architecture, Memory System Design and Input/Output System
6 BENT3133 Electromagnetic Vector analysis: Vector algebra, coordinate system and transformation, vector calculus;
Electrostatics: Electrostatic fields, Gauss Law, Poisson's equation, electric fields in
material space, electrostatic boundary;
Magnetostatics: Magnetostatic fields, Stokes Theorem, Biot-Savart Law, Gauss Law,
magnetic forces, material and devices and magnetostatic boundary; Waves: Maxwell's
equations, Faraday's Law, time-varying electromagnetic field, induced emf,
displacement current.
Electromagnetic wave propagation: free space, lossy and lossless dielectric, good
conductors, power and Pyonting vector, incident, reflected and refracted wave.


6 BENC4173 Multimedia Application This subject prepares the students with the basic concept of multimedia, technology
& Technology and the importance of multimedia application. It covers the introduction to multimedia
technology, multimedia graphic implementation, 2D/3D graphics and animation, video,
audio, authoring, multimedia integration and application development.
6 BENE3761 Industrial Electronics This course covers topics in BENE 3113 Industrial Control, BENE 3313 Embedded
Laboratory 2 System Engineering and BENC 4173 Multimedia Technology and Application.
This course covers this following topics:
(i) Relay Combinational Control Logic (ii) Industrial Application in PLC Programming
(iii) Comparison of Direct Command and Indirect Command of Pneumatic Actuator (iv)
C Programming, Simulation and Hardware (v) Real Time System Design (vi)
Embedded System Communication (vii) Image Editing (viii) Multimedia and Video
Editing (ix) Creating a Website.
6 BENE3313 Embedded System Topics covered in this course are overview of Embedded System, characteristics &
Engineering application areas, introduction to computer systems & architectures, introduction to
assembler-level software and high level language programming for Embedded
Systems, introduction to Embedded System hardware, application-level embedded
system design concepts in industrial electronics.
6 BENH2112 Statistics This course covers the following topics:
Data Description and Numerical Measures: Definition of Statistics, Types of
variables, Graphical and numerical methods for describing qualitative data, Graphical
and numerical methods for describing quantitative data, Measures of central tendency:
mean, mode and median. Measures of Dispersion: range, variance and standard
deviation. Measures of Dispersion: range, variance and standard deviation.
Probability: Concept of set, Concept of probability, Marginal and Conditional
probability, Mutually exclusive events, Independent and dependent events,
Complementary events. Multiplication rule, Addition rule, Total Probability Rule, Bayes
Random variables and Probability Distributions: Concept of random variable:
discrete and continuous, Binomial distributions, Poisson distributions
Sampling Distributions: Sampling distribution on sample means, Sampling
distribution of proportions
Estimation: Concept of estimation, Interval estimation of a population mean for large
and small samples. Determination of sample size for the estimation of population
means, Interval estimation of the population proportions, Determination of the sample
size for the estimation of population proportions
Hypothesis Testing: Introduction: null and alternative hypothesis, type I and type II
error, one tailed and two tailed test. Hypothesis test about a population mean: large
and small samples, Hypothesis test using p-value approach. Hypothesis test about a
population proportion.
Simple Linear Regression: Scatter Diagram, Least Squares Method, Regression
Line. Hypothesis Test about slope of Regression Line. Correlation Coefficient.
6 BENE3113 Industrial Control This subject will provide the students the principles of industrial control in engineering.
This subject covered Relay Ladder Diagram: operating principle of relay, ladder
diagram, relay ladder logic; Programmable Logic Controller (PLC): architecture, scan
time, sequential control, counters and timers; GRAFCET/Sequence Function Chart:
sequential control model, structures and rules; Electro-pneumatic valve: directional
control valve symbols, valve logics, construction of directional control valve, and
auxiliary valve; Pneumatic cylinder: construction and operating principles of pneumatic
linear and rotary cylinders.
6 BKKxxxxx Co-Curriculum II This subject is to produce students who are active and righteous in terms of physical,
emotional, mental and intellectual, to instill in them the spirit of perseverance and inner
strength, to promote the spirit of cooperativeness, good management and implement
activities as well as to build leadership qualities among the students.
6.5 BENU3006 Industrial Training In the special semester at the end of third year, the students have to undergo an
industrial placement in the related industries or government agencies for 12 weeks.
The students will be exposed and gained experience in the actual working environment
that is related to course of studies.
7 BLHC4062 Project Management The aim of this subject is to provide knowledge to the students on strategic mission of
a project in a contemporary organization, This subject also exposes the students to the
various types of management that will bring greater opportunity of success to a project,
Besides, it also focusses on the factors that will contribute to the high achievement of
project group development. The students are given skills to coordinate complex netting
that covers vendors, subcontractors, project group members, highest management
level, project management hierachy and clientille. The students can become project
managers as their career.


7 BENE4013 Power Electronics & Course includes the topics:
Drive Overview of power electronics fundamentals: General introduction and concepts;
Applications and prospcts; power switches; switching and related issues (drivers,
waveform generators, lossess etc); modeling and simulation
AC to DC conversion: Basic rectifier with different loads; Performance criteria for
rectifiers; Line distortion consideration; Effect of line inductance/overlap; Harmonic
DC to DC Conversion: Non-isolated DC-DC topologies- Buck, Boost, Buck-boost, Cuk;
CCm, DCM operation; Isolated DC-DC topologies - Flyback, Forward, Push-pull,
Full-bridge; Switched-mode power supply; DC-DC Converter Control
DC to AC Conversion: Basic inverter topologies- basic bridge, full bridge, three-phase;
Modulation and harmonics issues for square wave, QSW, PWM; Switching methods -
bipolar, unipolar; Advanced inverter topologies; Advanced modulation methods.
Introduction to drives: Elements in electrical drives, overview of DC and AC drives,
Torque equations, Components of load torque, torque characteristics, Four-quadrant
Speed control of DC Motor: Speed control of shunt or separately excited motor,
Controlling speed by adding resistance, adjusting armature voltage and adjusting field
voltage, Speed control of a series motor: Controlling speed by adding resistance to
armature circit, adjusting armature voltage and adjusting field current.
Speed control of Induction Motor: Basic principle of speed control, controlling speed
using rotor resistancem rotor voltage injection, slip energy recovery, controlling speed
using inductance, controlling speed by adjusting the stator voltage, controlling speed
by adjusting the supply frequency and current source speed control.
Bracking of Electrical Drives: Bracking of DC motors: Regenerative, dynamic and
countercurrent bracking of DC shunt and series motor. Bracking of Induction Motors:
Regenerative, dynamic and countercurrent bracking.
7 BLHLxxxx Third Language The language courses are designed to equip and improve student’s proficiency so as
to enable them to understand and communicate at the beginner’s level through both
spoken and written form. All the four proficiency skills are taught in an integrated
approach so as to build confidence in them to understand and appreciate the
7 BENU4583 Engineering Ethics This course will discuss:
Career guidance, Job Seeking Strategies, Resume and Cover Letters, Interview
Techniques. Ethics and professionalism, Engineers and society, Professional ethics,
Code of ethics, IEM, BEM code of ethics, Rights and Responsibilities of Engineers,
Regulation on professional conducts, Engineer as employee, Moral decision making,
Engineer Accountability, Ethics practice in occupational safety and health at work;
Engineers legal liability Engineer and environment:, Ethics dealing with human , Global
and Local Case Studies, Engineers and Technologies Progress, Ethics in Research
and Experimentation.
7 BENU4972 Bachelor Degree This subject represents the preliminary part of the final year’s project. Students should
Project I produce a project proposal and start work on their project before the end of the
semester, Projects can be either the development of useful software or electronic
hardware. Projects can also take the form of either case studies or solving industrial
problems encountered by the students during their industrial training.
7 BENE4113 Industrial Robotics Topics covered are: Mechanics and control of mechanical manipulator, coordinate
mapping and transformation, forward kinematics, inverse manipulator kinematics,
manipulator dynamics, trajectory generation, linear and nonlinear robot control system.
7 BENE4771 Industrial Electronics This course covers topics in BENE 4013 Power Electronics & Drives and BENE 4113
Laboratory 3 Industrial Robotics with the following items:
For BENE 4013 Power Electronics & Drives:i) Single phase & 3 phase Control Rectifier
(ii) Switch Mode Power Supply DC-DC converter (iii) DC Motor Circuits Familiarization
(iv) Stepper Motor and AC Motor Circuits (v) Analog Speed Control of a DC Motor (vi)
Pulse Speed Control of a DC Motor
BENE 4113 Industrial Robotics: (i) Introduction to Robosim2 (ii) Manipulator Kinematic
(iii) Inverse Kinematic
8 BENU4984 Bachelor Degree This is the second part of the final year project. Students are expected to continue the
Project II project done in Bachelor Degree Project Part I till completion. At the end of the
semester, students are required to submit the final year project report both orally and in
writing for assessment.
8 BENE4781 Industrial Electronics This course covers topics in BENE 4153 Process Instrumentation, BENE 4143
Laboratory 4 Manufacturing Automation and BENM 3133 IC Design & Process with reference to the
following items: (i) Temperature Sensor (ii) Mechanical Sensor: Load Cell (iii) PID
Controller Design (iv) Functionality and the handling process (v) Pneumatic process
(vi) Electrical analysis (vii) Programming using grafcet and ladder diagram.


8 BENE4153 Process Instrumentation Process control block diagram, analog and digital signal conditioning, and sensors;
thermal, mechanical, and optical; final control operation, controller principles;
discontinuous, continuous, and composite control modes; analog controllers,
control-loop characteristics and system stability.
8 BENE4143 Manufacturing This course will discuss the automation and control technologies, material handling,
Automation manufacturing support systems, quality control in manufacturing systems and
manufacturing support systems.
8 BENM3133 IC Design & Process Introduction to IC Design Technology, CMOS: Complementary Metal Oxide
Semiconductor, CMOS Characteristics & Analysis Design, Subsystem Design and IC

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