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(A Study at the Eleventh Grade Studnents of SMA Negeri 1 Sosopan)

The aim of this research are to find: 1) the extent of the ability of the students at
the SMA Negeri 1 Sosopan in mastering part of speech, 2) the extent of the ability of the
students at the SMA Negeri 1 Sosopan in mastering spoof text, 3) whether there is a
significant correlation between part of speech and spoof text mastery at the eleventh
grade students of SMA Negeri 1 Sosopan.
The population of this research was the eleventh grade students of SMA negeri 1
Sosopan . The population of this research consists of 50 students. The sample was 50
respondents and the technique for taking the sample is total sampling.
The method used in this research is descriptive method. The descriptive method
is used to describe the correlation between part of speech and spoof text mastery. The
instrument in collecting the data of part of speech mastery is test and instrument for
spoof text mastery is also test. To prove the hypothesis, the writer uses technique of

N ∑ xy − ( ∑ X ) ( ∑ Y )
correlation “r” Product Moment by:

{N(∑ x )− (∑ x) }{N(∑ y )− (∑ y)
rxy =

2 2 2 2

From the analysis of the result of the students, it was found that the mean of the
students mastering in part of speech is 66,2 an spoof text mastery is 65,4. Therefore, it
can be categorized that part of speech mastery of the students is categorized “enough”.
The students mastering in spoof text also categorized “enough”.
The result of the data analysis shows that the correlation between part of speech
mastery and spoof text mastery is 0,782 (rxy = 0,782 > r table = 0,284). It means r xy is
grater that r table and it can be concluded that the hypothesis of the research is accepted.
It means that there is a significant correlation between part of speech mastery and spoof
text mastery

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