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Nuisance Helpline Anti-Social Behaviour Noise problems Support and Advice Every day 9am — 10pm Tel: 0800 169 1283 CHATTERBOX ASIST Anti-Social Investigation Team No 198 June 2010 Office 8:45am — 4:45pm Tel: 0141 840 2163 ‘Community newsletter produced by lochwinnoch publicity committee for lochwinnoch ce WOMEN’S 10K ROAD RACE (On 9! May, the ‘Lochwinnoch Burdz’, along with several other enthusiastic participants from the village, took part in the Women’s 10K in Bellahouston Park. Those who attended enjoyed a very special day defined by the unique supportive atmosphere, ideal weather conditions and fantastic crowd turn out. This year marks the ‘Lochwinnoch Burdz’ seventh consecutive year par- ticipating in the race, which proves to be not only a fantastic experience but gives great opportunity for fundrais- ing. A huge thanks goes to all those ‘who have supported the various chari- ties including SUDEP, St.Vincent's Hospice, Cystic Fibrosis Trust, Cancer Research, Teenage Cancer Trust, Breast Cancer Research, RNLI and the Beatson to name but a few. What's On See centre pages for dates of vil- lage events, club activities and regular classes. See back pages for Visitor Centre/RSPB events and outdoor activities. Editorial and copy for: Let us have your stories, notices, news, information, events & items of interest ~ either hand-deliver them to the Chatter- box drop-box in the Library or e-mail to: ‘To advertise in Chatterbox Tel: 07899 746403 or e-mail: Copy DEADLINE FOR JULY CHATTERBOX IS FRIDAY 25TH JUNE Harpy T3rd Birthday to a gpeoidl dad Summer Fete Janet MoNance Saturday 5th June From 10am - 12 noon on 7th Jane at the McKillop Institute With lets of love ard beet wickes fron | Books, Gomes, Face Pointing, Toys, Bottle Stall, Boking, Plants, Bric-a-Brac Entrance: £1.50 Adults, Children 50p (includes tea, coffee & home baking) Gale, Fea, Garden, les, Kerr, Argel, Garden, Vrie, Aaroe and Get MATTHEW NEW & SONS ROOFING - ROUGHCASTING - BUILDING MAINTENANCE Emergency Repairs, Storm Damage Insurance Work, New Roofs, Flat Roofs Roughcasting -UPVC Cladding—Guttering Tel No 01505 843400 FMB Certificate No 26366 Vee Bee Sugarart Established 1996 For alll your cake decorating needs LEAP PROJECT UPDATE Cake Stand Hire and rf Cake Tin Hire. a Ternalied weidngand 6} celebration cake decoration available to suit any occasion! Largest Stockist of Sugar Flowers the West Coast. eerie ‘The LEAP project is all about helping reduce the amount of energy wasted in our homes. We want to save money by cutting fuel bills and ensuring everyone in Lochwinnoch can take advantage of the many subsidies and loans available to ‘make our homes more energy efficient. There are plenty of easy ways to cut the ‘energy we use at home, but they aren’t always easy to find. LEAP wants to change that Come along to our shop and see our selection. Professional or amateur, everyone is catered for. Ring Judy on 01505 683689 or visit our shop at 19 Main Street (The Cross), Since last month’s article Carol Gemmell from the village has been appointed as Kilbirnie, Ayrshire KA25 7BX_ || Project Manager, to lead Lochwinnoch’s Energy Initiative. An Energy Advisor is still to be recruited. ‘The team will be working towards reducing wasted energy Opening hours: expenditure and saving us all money until March 2011. Mon, Tue, Thur, Fri 10am—-4pm Weds, & Sat | 10am-1pm Bg Mal Over ow speciality For details, visi ore-mail: If you'd like to find out what LEAP can do for you, visit the website or telephone 842040. ‘This is the first project of its kind in Renfrewshire and LEAP is particularly keen to work with up to 120 households to develop a Fuel Bill Reduction Plan to implement over the next 6 to 10 months. Thermal imaging equipment will be used to help identify where the money is escaping from your home and a plan will be put in place to get the fuel bills down. If you'd like to be part of this, please contact the project for more details. POPPY’S FLORIST £400 Towards a New Boiler ? Is your boiler old and inefficient? Upgrading to a greener boiler will help reduce 29 MAIN STREET heating costs by about a quarter and save about £190 a year on fuel bills. KILBIRNIE ‘The Government's Boiler Serappage Scheme was just launched on Monday 24" Tel No: 01505 681212 May. Up to 5,000 households across Scotland will receive £400 towards the cost of replacing their old G-Rated boiler with a new energy efficient one. For people in Lochwinnoch to benefit we need to be quick, the £400 vouchers, redeemable Flowers for cash once the boiler is installed, are being allocated on a first come first Spor ai oerness served basis until all the funds are gone ! ? Gé to the LEAP website Weddings to find out more about Scotland’s Boiler Scrappage Scheme Funeral Tributes New Arrivals Birthdays, Anniversaries H LEAP RoreleArrangetients: * Home Energy Advisor made to order Bedding Plants Banners, Balloons, Cards, |; chwinnoch until 31% March 2011. Good personal skills are important and a Costume Jewellery technical knowledge of energy issues would be helpful, although training will ‘The project is looking to employ 2 part-time Home Energy Advisors to work in be given. Closing Date Wednesday 9" June e-mail for a detailed job description or telephone 842040. All competitively priced. Lochwinnoch Choral Society 2010 Coneegrt This year's concert is on 6° June in the Par- ish Chueh. This is D-Day and the concert ‘will reflect this historic occasion, We will be singing sections of Karl Jenkins Stabat Ma- ter with other related picees and a new ar- rangement of some D-Day songs written by Lynda Cochrane our very own pianist (although we do share her with the BBC Scottish Symphony Orchestra). As usual, the Junior choir will start the concert under their conductor Laura Sands, followed by the Senior choir with extracts from the very moving Stabat Mater and D Day songs. We will also have an exclusive preview of a new work by Adrian Wiseniewski and Gordon Rigby. Following on from the crit- cally acclaimed G.B.H. and La Befana we ‘will have a chance to witness this preview performance ofthe third piece in te trilogy ‘Foundation Stone’ (Amber). This piece ‘was supported by Glasgow University and the Scottish Arts Couneil and will have its official premiere atthe Charles Rennie Mackintosh Church in Glasgow on Friday the 11° of June. Like La Befana, Founda- tion Stone will be performed by the remark- able young artist Danielle Stewart with the marvellous Scotish Philharmonic Orchestra. Conducted by the composer himself, Gordon Rigby and directed by the well loved figure of stage and screen, Dave Anderson. This isa fantastic opportunity to see this major new work in our very own village. Come and see Danielle and the wonderful ‘musicians from the Scottish Philharmonic Orchestra ata fraction of Glasgow prices. Tickets (£8 and £5 cons.) are available from the Junction, the Brown Bull or from any choir member. There will be a short inter- val where refreshments will be served Beith Arts Guild Annual Art Exhibition which runs until Sunday, 6th June in Beith Community Centre, King’s Rd, Beith ‘This is a great opportunity to view and per- haps purchase some original art work by local artists. The exhibition is open to visi- tors Mon. to Friday from 2.30pm - 8.30pm, Saturday 10am - 4pm and Sunday 1pm - 3pm. Everyone is very welcome and you may even have a cup of tea or coffee and a biscuit or two. Beith Arts would like to thank all the Lochwinnoch residents who have supported us this season and look for- ward to welcoming even more of you at our next events,, TRAINING ‘or Women by Wom FITNESS * WEIGHT LOSS * SELF CONFIDENCE INNO OF ETS. as eee ea porsonelraineg.con email: Chat from the Chair ‘The main issues at the May meeting. were: what's going to happen on the day the Christmas lights get switched on and the work outside the McKillop. We also talked about Pawsitive Action and how successful it's been ~ well done Jacquie, Tony and everyone else who helped ~ and a couple of things coming up. So, dates for your diary: at the June meeting, Tuesday 1* at 7.30 in the Guild Room of the Parish Church (the smaller of the halls, entrance at the right-hand side of the big church on Church St), Toby Wilson from the RSPB will be talking about their pro- posals for “biodiversity improve- ments” at their reserve, Basically they are considering changes to Aird Meadow (the bit in front of the shop) which will, hopefully, attract more birds where they're easy to see, and alterations to the way the water gets around Barr Loch. This is at an early consultation stage in the planning Process. ‘Tuesday 64 July, same time, same place, Scott Allan, Renfrewshire ‘Couneil’s new Head of Roads, is coming to diseuss the winter gritting programme. Ifyou can remember ‘what was good (or bad) last winter, or have any ideas for improvement, come along. The idea's to help him to give usa better service next time wwe have a bad winter, not just com- plain about last winter's problems ~ especially as Scott wasn’t in charge then. ‘There's a suggestion that we have a “Yuletide Celebration” on the day the Christmas lights are turned on, the same sort of thing as places like Dalry and Kilbirnie have. Maybe rides and stalls outside the McKillop and a charity event inside the hall, from lunchtime until the fireworks. ‘This would take some ideas from the Brown Bull’s 200% street party, though not necessarily including closing the road. On the face of it, this seems to be a great idea, but some of the village shops are worried that it could lose them busi- ness at this critical time of year, so the Community Council has set up a com- mittee to try and keep everyone happy. As the work around the McKillop had nearly finished, and there’s been quite a lot of complaints about what we got, we invited Fraser Carlin, Renfrewshire Council's new Head of Planning (it was his project in his previous job), to meet us there and explain. think it's a great improvement on what vas there before, but not what T was ex- pecting. Anyway, there were two main areas of concern ~ the changes to the materials and to the design. Fraser's ex- planations were that real Caithness stone could not be used because it would have taken too long to get (this project HAD to be done quickly) as well as being three times the price, With a fixed budget, this would have meant a much smaller area being done. Most of the de- sign changes were as a result of the con- sultations — people wanted the more open design, green benches were pre- ferred to black or silver, ete. By the way, the small areas of gravel around the trees should be enough to water them naturally, especially as the water table is quite shallow here. Some things were still to be finished, like the detail in front of the hall steps and the concrete bench. ‘The hall steps have suffered from the harsh winter, not the contractors, and will be repaired by the Council, along with lots of other hall steps in Ren- frewshire. ‘This is my personal take on things - for the official Community Council line you'll have to read the minutes! Chris Gould Chairman, Lochwinnoch Community Council Support your local hardware store. We stock hardware, electrical, plumbing, paint sundries, gardening ‘and fancy goods at competitive prices. Mobile phone top-ups. FREE local deliveries. All major credit cards accepted. SUMMER BEDDING PLANTS - while stocks last. BEAUTIFUL RANGE OF HAND-MADE JEWELLERY = 1X SELECTION OF HAND-MADE GREETINGS CARDS CARPET CLEANING MACHINE FOR HIRE * 86 Main Street, Kilbirnie, KA25 7AA_ Tel/Fax: 01505 682125 OPEN - Monday, Tuesday, Thursday & Friday from 9am-Ipm & 2.15-5.15pm OPEN - Wednesday & Saturday From 9am -1pm. SAVE YOUR REGIONAL PARK Campaign Glenlora, Lochwinnoch - Anaerobic Digester Application Finally Refused by Renfrewshire Council ‘There has been an on-going saga with this application since our report in March 2010 and readers will remember that the developer had given 3 different varia tions of the feedstock to be digested to create methane from which electricity would be generated. We wondered whether there would be a 4th alteration. ‘The 27% April was the date set for the application to be placed on the agenda of the Planning and Economic Development Policy Board by the Planning Dept and 1s there were no further documents on the Renfrewshire Council website, a visit ‘was made to the Paisley offices to view the file. It was found that the file had even less documents than the website and, on enquiring, were told that the file had been removed by the Police who were investigating a possible fraud. We were allowed to see a number of new documents which were on the Council's own com- puter system though not on their website and, surprise surprise, possible new foodstock had been advised! To quote ”...There is also one other facility in the area which will be targeting a similar waste stream as the proposed plant. This ‘facility at Barkip was recently granted planning approval to treat 75,000 tonnes per year of waste foods, fats, greases and organic effluent sludge and farm Save Your Regional Park 4” ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING on Monday 28% June 2010 at 7.gopm in the Parish Church Hall, Church Street, Lochwinnoch. ‘Speakers Councillor David Arthur Chairman of the Clyde Muirshiel Regional Park Authority on “Clyde Muirshiel Regional Park Authority - The Park Strategy 2011-2016 Consultation” and Kenneth Gibson MSP ‘who will give an update on progress with his “Protecting Scotland's Regional Parks” Bill ALL MEMBERS, FRIENDS AND INTERESTED PEOPLE WELCOME wwaste..” If the Glenlora scheme is targeting the similar waste stream the new chart is as follows - Feedstock] September | October 2009] December 2009 | February 2010 2009 (tonnes | (tonnes per (tonnes per (tonnes per per year) | year) year) year) ©: Press release | Amended ap- plication | in ‘Chatterbox’ | plieation Cow Slurry 11,500 4,000 3,000 ¥ Potato Tops | 3,000 7 ? Grass Silage | 4,000 - 4,740 ? Barley - 3,200 740 ? TOTAL 15300 7200 3480 ? ‘Waste foods 2 Fate ? Greases 7 ‘Organic ef- ? fuent sludge Farm waste 7 Further information suggested that a local heating system could be established as part of a Combined Heat & Power (CHP) system "The preferred option is the integration of a CHP scheme into a new development as it is being built. As such, the following types of end use are deemed to be the best potential outputs: commercial properties & offices, hotels & communal residences and new hous- ing developments*. This raises many questions regarding the developer's long term plans for development in this part of Clyde Muirshiel Regional Park. It was also learnt that the recommenda- tion of the Planning Dept was that the development should be approved by the Planning and Economic Development Policy Board on 27/4/10. However the Board insisted that no decision should be made until representatives of the com- mittee undertook a site visit and more information was provided on the sources of feedstock and the distances it would be transported. ‘At the meeting of the Planning and Eco- nomic Development Policy Board on 18% May, the application was refused on the basis ” the proposal would be detrimen- tal to the visual amenity of the rural landscape by reason of its size, design and locationand no compelling justifica- tion for a facility at this location has been demonstrated which would out- weigh this adverse effect’. It is also an- ticipated that the legal action taken by certain individuals may well have as- sisted the meeting's decision to refuse this application, ‘Thank you to all our members who at- tended both these Planning meetings and congratulations to the Renfrewshire Councillors for a good and wise decision. Councillor Arthur’s Report I’m sure you are all aware that the roads in the whole of Renfrewshire tooka batter- ing with this year’s severe snow and ice, which resuited in major damage to a great ‘many of therm. 'm pleased to say that some of our damaged road surfaces such as Calder Street, Newton of Barr, Step- ends Road, Bridesmill Road and Corsefield Road have featured in the early pro- gramme of resurfacing and repair works. 1 am till pursuing a few repairs which | have identified to the Roads Department. I had much pleasure in attending and pre- senting some medals at the recent Castle ‘Semple Rowing Club Annual Regatta which was held down at the Loch. This is the largest single day regatta held in Scot- land with a six lane 1000 metre course. Entries were from as far afield as Aber- deen and the Provost of Renfrewshire was on hand to name the recent new boat ‘Sandpiper’ which was funded through the LAC (Local Area Committee) grant board. At the last LAC board there was one appli- cation from the village which | was happy to support. This was from Lochwinnoch Country Dancing Club who received a grant of £400 towards teaching costs. | was also happy to support a successful grant application for £14130 from Castle ‘Semple Wednesday Club who meet in the ‘McKillop Hall and who have 60 members from Lochwinnoch, Howwood, Kilbarchan, Johnstone and Eldersle ‘There was plenty of tea, coffee, home bak- ing and people at the recent Garden Party at the library to celebrate the completion of the work carried out on the garden. The only thing missing was the dry day but that didn’t dampen our spirits although Michael from Clyde Muirshiel Regional Park who was demonstrating the art of ‘turning green wood (known as Bodging) ‘got fair drooket. My thanks to Margaret and all involved who made ita good after- noon and made sure that the home baking that passed my lips was low calorie. My next Surgery is on Saturday 19” June but there is no need to wait for a Surgery if you require my help, you can contact me ‘on 843507 or email me at and we can agree atime when we can meet. Councillor David Arthur June can be an expensive month. First it’s Father's Day on June 20- then a week or so later, it's the end of the school year when kids love to say thanks to teacher. It doesn't have to be costly, however, as Now & Then has lots of inexpensive card and gift options for these important people. Take the stress out of gift buying and keep it local. Now(GP THEN Gifts Cards Jewellery Leather Home 8 Church Street, Lochwinnoch 01505 843311 Open 9-5 Monday-Saturday. Sundays 12-4 THANK YOU,THANK YOU for supporting me in Haiti. Dear Friends & Relatives, Many thanks from thousands of smiling faces in Leogane in Haiti. Your generosity got me here (in March) and I gt stuck in with helping to rebuild the Haitian town of Leogane with the organization Hands on Disaster Relief (HODR). Cotswold Outdoor Shop donated a tent (Fee of charge) and cash donations amounted to £1,180, which ‘were put towards the cost of flights, medications, jabs and water treatment kit/tablets, Private expenses, taxi fares and a 3-day “enforced” break after the frst month vwere me from my own savings. ‘As you can see, it’s hot (very) and its hard work (very). Your generosity has gone a long way to restoring some comfort and dignity to thousands of grateful Haitians. On their behalf I need to thank every single person ~ friends, relatives and many others anonymously - who gave so generously. With much thanks. Simon Williamson Neen eS aaa Elderly Forum ‘The AGM on 28th April saw the existing Office Bearers voted in for another year. Our speaker, Sophie Bell, (Community Liaison Officer from Engery Sav- ing Scotland Advice Centre) came to talk about their energy saving package. ‘Thar regulars are looking forward to a Tea Dance to be held on Friday 28th from Spm-8pm in the McKillop Lesser Hall. ‘The Lunch Club continues to be popular with 31 turning up last week for a two course lunch followed by tea/cofive and biscuits for £2.30. Our May meeting on the 27th welcomes Doreen Watson, Manager at Commu- nity Alarm Service R.D.C. Maggi Boyd health practitioner is returning on Thursday 24th June to discuss the “Message in a Bottle” scheme, explained at the March meeting and also to give more information on the setting up of a singing group within Lochwinnoch. We are having a break with no meeting in July. However the Thar and lunch club will continue throughout July & August. PLUMBING + HEATING * Plumbing * Gas Fitting * Heating * Air Conditioning Domestic and commercial Installation and maintenance © Oil, Gas & LPG © Boilers up to 5 year warranty e Landlord safety inspections _ Under floor heating Lochwinnoch Gala Day Companion Dog Show 2010 (Held under Kennel Club Rules and Regulations) yt Tha, SATURDAY JUNE 12" Lochwinnoch Park Entries on the field from 12.30 Judge: Mr Craig Hosie (Hosarvar) Judging commences 1.30pm with the Novelty Classes followed by Pedigree Classes. ‘Teaching you to train your dog, “Sercon Novelty Pedigree ‘Waggiest Tail ‘AN. (Any Variety) Puppy 6 ~ 12 months Best 6 Legs Dog most like Owner Dog Judge wants to take Home Best Child Handler Best Crossbreed + Mongrel A.V. Gundog AL. Hound + Terrier AN. Pastoral + Working AN. Toy + Utility Best in Show (from Pedigree classes only) ‘** Entry £1 per class ** Rosettes ** Place Prizes ** Trophies ** Fun ** NB: Only undoched dogs ard legally docked dogs may be entered for exhibition at this show Companion Dog Shows give all dog owners the chance to show their dog in a laxed atmosphere under a knowledgeable Judge. Whilst ideal for people wanting to try out showing and for seasoned show folk to give their young dogs experience, Companion Dog Shows are primarily about pet dogs and their owners having a fun day out! ‘As the Show has been kindly sponsored by local business's (details below) ALL proceeds will go to local initiative P.A.D.S.S. Charitable Status applied for, the People & Dog School (Strathclyde) aims to specialise in Education and Reha- bilitation, Bespoke daily rehabilitation facilities will help owners whose dogs’ behaviour is problematical to the owner, dog or both (e.g: dog-dog or dog-human aggression), Augmenting the dog management and training facilities provided by local trainers, vets, rehoming centres etc, will further educate and support own- ers / would-be-owners with the aim of preventing or decreasing the need for reha- Dilitation. With grateful thanks to our Sponsors; Place Prizes: Paws & Claws Pet Shop & Posh Paws Grooming, Beith (502324) Rosettes, License ete.: Brown Bull Public House, Lochwinnoch (843250) Clyde Muirshiel Regional Park, (HQ 614791) La Dolee Vita, Fast Food Take-Away, Lochwinnoch (842712) McKenzie, Bryson & Marshall, Veterinary Surgeons, Beith (502126) Now & Then (Gifts and Jewellery), Lochwinnoch (843311) ‘information on. yw &/ oF M : ‘Anne D. Moss MSc (CABC), MBIPDT (Adv) ‘Tel: 01505 842967 or e-mail: For: spochwinnoc4 Gala Day Saturday 12 June ‘Saturday 12th of June is drawing closer and ‘we are busy finalising all the arrangements. We hope to have another great day with something for everyone. We hope to see spaceships and aliens in abundance that day, We have Star Trek costumiers mak- ing a guest appearance which should be truly amazing t The Line up for the Music Tent is almost ‘complete with a few well-kent names taking part. All homegrown musicians make it that little bit more special and we know you will all support them in this first event of its kind at Gala Day. They are working hard to get ready for the big day. The finalised programme will be announced shortly and oon Gala Day. [As previously mentioned Mr. John Smeaton will open Gala Day. As John does not take a fee for doing this, the Gala Day Commit- tee will instead donate money to charity. Gala Day programmes are on sale from Crafts of Calder Gallery, 8 High Street and ‘on the day itself. The programmes are priced £1 (still the same price as when Gala Day first produced them). The programmes are of course entered into a lucky draw. Each programme has its own lucky number and, with a bit of luck ,you might be a win- ner of one of the prizes on offer! We will of course have our bottle stall as usual and. let's not forget the Duck Race ! ‘The ‘ Doughnuts’ Stall will be there again to everyone's pleasure. ‘That was a great suc- cess last year and helped to raise money for charity. ‘There are a great variety of stalls again this year, some familiar and some new ones too. ‘We hope the weather will be kind tows and that we have a good turnout. Remember, the Parade starts at 12.30pm from Auld ‘Simon making its way along High Street, Church Street, Lochlip Road arriving at the park at approximately 1.00pm. Lastly, where are all those volunteers? We really DO NEED HELP on the day. As we said before, one hour of your time is all we ask, Buta few volunteers would make all the difference. Please help us to make this ‘easier for us to give you, the community. a day to enjoy. Please callin to the Calder Gallery and leave your details with Chris- tine Brown. Christine Brown (Gala Day Chairperson) Castle Semple Sailing Club Come and Sail with Us! Castle Semple Sailing Club will be holding its annual 24 Hour Race over the weekend of Saturday 26 & Sunday 27 June and, weather permitting, will be taking members of the public out sailing for £5 each. To book a place visit the Club's stall at Gala Day on 12th June or e-mail: Bring suitable clothing, buoyancy aids provided. Even ifyou don't sail why not come along to the Club House and meet us. website: 1st Lochwinnoch Company, ‘The Boys’ Brigade 28th running of LOCHWINNOCH OPEN RACE u Saturday 12th June 2010 Starting at 2.15pm in Calder Street, Lochwinnoch, Check out posters for more infor- mation - such as details of the ‘Waterstone Trophy, entry fees and closing date for all entry forms. Alternatively, further details ‘can be obtained from Race Organiser, Murray Lawrie at Tel: 0141 887 8791 or by e-mail at: Castle Semple Sailing Club ‘Andy Tunnicliffe, 2 times and current GP14 World Champion, was treated to arrived at Castle Semple Sailing Club for the GP14 Scottish coaching weekend in April. Bright sunshine, 20°C and a steady 10 knot wind, Perfect conditions for the activities planned for the week- end. Eight boats from 3 clubs across Scot- land, Gold, Silver & Bronze Fleet launched at | 1am on Saturday looking to have their boat skills scrutinised and improved by Andy's keen eye for per- fection. This session continued to lunch- time, giving Andy a chance to debrief on the extensive notes he had taken on the water. ‘Andy's skills as a sail-maker at Goacher Sails led to an informative discussion bout the new laminated main sail that has been adopted by the GP14 class this var. More ‘on-water’ coaching after lunch Ted on to several very short one-lap wind -ward/leeward races giving the opportu- nity to see the cost of even small errors. At the end of a packed first day Andy ‘had noted improvements in all the boats. Day 2 produced more of the same weather with all the boats keen to make tn early start. The morning coaching reinforced the previous day’s activities, with some crews getting the opportunity to briefly sail with a World Champion, After lunch, it was clear fiom the races that followed there had been a vast im- provement in the fleet with the finishing positions in every race different. ‘The Open Meeting at Annandale Sailing Club, the first event in the Scottish ‘Travellers Series, is going to be very hotly contested with six of the boats at the training weekend planning to com- pete, One of the boat is also hoping to be the first Scottish boat to use the new approved laminated main sal Paul O°Neill (former CSSC Commo- dore, GP14 owner and competitor) expressed a sincere and huge thanks to ‘Andy Tunnicliffe on behalf of the host club and all who participated in the weekend, A very special way to start the Scottish celebrations of the 60th year of the GP14. It is very humbling to have a World Champion give so much of his time, enthusiasm and huge efforts in what must be a very busy schedule. Paul O'Neill GP14000, Castle Semple Sailing Club J QUINN & SON MEMORIALS Personal Service & Quality Guaranteed ‘SALE ITEMS ALWAYS IN STOCK 42 MAIN STREET KILBIRNIE Please Call 01505 68 5455 Mon & Fri 10am-Spm @ Tue-Thur 1Oam-2pm STRATHCLYDE Sat 10am—Ipm POLICE The Strathelyde Police website con- tains information on all of the local Community Policing Teams. Check out our website at - www. for contact details of officers in your local Policing Team. You can also ‘e-mail us from this website USEFUL CONTACT NUMBERS Strathclyde Police -0141 532 5900 Johnstone Police ~01505 404000 Johnstone unity Saf Office — 01505 404023 Trading Standards 0141 840 3184 Care and Repair~ 0141 812 4111 Renfrewshire Council - Tel: 0141 842 5000 Anti-social Behaviour Investigation ‘Team (ASIST) - 0141 840 2163 Victim Support — 0141 887 0328 ‘Nuisance Support & Advice Helpline — 0800 169 1283, Crimestoppers ~ 0800 355 111 See e eras Eee yeceae! (Ol nvatiacctel INCOR cas 9th —-15th May 10. POVERTY tet’s ena it Christian Aid Week was seven amazing days of fundraising, prayer and action inst global poverty and we tried to-end it LOCHWINNOCH Christian Aid Group was active in and around the village on Christian ‘Aid Week - 9*to 15" May. ‘The community of Lochwinnoch gave gen- erously in their support when the red enve- lope came through their leterboxes. OVER 35 volunteers got out there, put out and collected the envelopes. OVER £ 3,150 total cash was collected OVER 130 Gift Aid forms were signed adding over £ 420 to the total Christian Aid ccan claim and use to try to overcome pov- eny. OVER £ 3,570 was the total donated by this village. Lochwinnoch should be proud that, in very

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