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lochwinnoch no 107 June 2002

community newsletter produced by lochwinnoch publicity committee for lochwinnoch cc

What’s On The new shop is called

Now and Then. It is run
11:00am - 4:00pm Sunday
by Colin Nicholson with I received a plea for in-
Sat, June 22 - Festi- help from his wife Sue.
val of Light: Druid Cele- The shop should provide a
bration of Midsummer
at the Muirshiel Centre
place where villagers can
browse through everything
Lost Cat
2:00pm - 4:00pm. Booking in from 500 million year old fos-
advance 01505 842803 sils to article that stand on formation on a missing
cat. The cat was adopted
Sat,June 22 & Sun, the cutting edge of modern
d e s i g n . along with its mother
June 23 - Scottish Canoe Recently Colleen said: from the Cat Protection
Polo Champianships at 'We have lived in the village League. The mother is in
the Castle Semple Centre. for over twenty years. One of distress now that her kit-
Teams from all over the coun- the few disadvantages we ten has gone missing. It
try compete to stand on the have found is having to travel is important that the cat
champion's podium. outside to buy presents or b e f o u n d .
10:00am - 4:30pm. Prizegiv- something that little bit dif- The cat is a female called
ing ceremony on Sunday at f e r e n t . Monkey and it was last seen
5 : 0 0 p m . 'Most residents have to in the Breahead, Ewing Rd/
Sat,June 29 & Sun, travel outside of the village Sem
Caption p l epicture or
describing Agraphic.
ve area.
June 30 -Adult Kayak- for work, but businesses are The description is of a small
ing Course at the Castle being established in the vil- white and black/grey cat. She
Semple Centre 10:00am - lage, more shops and restau- has a white head and tummy
12:00 and 1:00pm - 3:00pm rants are opening - all add to with black/grey striped patch
both days. Booking essential the amenities of the village. on her back tail and legs.
call 01505 842 882 I hope that villagers and visi- Monkey was wearing a blue
tors alike will recognise the collar with a magnet and
Sun, June 30 - increasing resources and give brass name tag.
Mountain bike course at the local businesses their sup- Any information will be
the Castle Semple Centre port - after all it saves in time, greatly received and a reward
1:30pm - 3:30pm. Booking effort and petrol to shop in for Monkey's return is being
essential, for more details call the village - it also helps the offered. If you have any in-
0 1 5 0 5 8 4 2 8 8 2 . e n v i r o n m e n t . ' formation, please call Shona
Tue, July 2 - Com- The Now and Then opening on 843788.
munity Council meeting - hours are: 10:00am - 5:30pm
McKillop Institute Tuesday to Saturday,
A new shop has recently
Emergency Repairs, Storm Damage

Insurance Work, New Roofs, Flat Roofs

Roughcasting & General Building
opened at 8 Church St -
always a w e l co m e Tel No. 01505 843400
FMB Certification No 26366
event. Get rid of another
c l o s e d s h o p .
Auld Simons Gardening
saves you money. You won't
have to buy soil improvers,
Column Club
fertilisers or mulches.
Material for compost breaks
down at different speeds. The
Picture a summer eve- quickest materials to break
ning in the village. If you The gardening club is down are: comfrey leaves,
listen care fully mingling now flourishing. During grass cuttings poultry ma-
with the chirping of bird the last meeting interest- nure's and young
and the whining of a ing questions were raised weeds. Fruit and veg scraps,
dozen lawnmowers you on such diverse subjects tea leaves and coffee grounds,
can hear the plaintive as the sex life of worms, old straw and hay and young
notes of the flipple flute,
or as it is better known,
t h e r e c o r d e r .
renewable energy and
how to split dahlias. East Lochhead
hedge clipping will rot but
will take a little time.
Don't compost fish or meat
The members of the club were
Lochwinnoch has its fair given the opportunity to get a unless you have no sense of
share of recorder players. Or free compost bin - something smell and a passion for flies.
at least it has one I know very useful as you will see be- Don't compost cat litter, dis-
of. Yes, Auld Simon him- l o w . posable nappies, old drawers
self. Yours truly. The next meeting of the club or glossy magazines.
I play the tenor re- is on at the museum on Mon- Get composting!
corder. Much to Mrs Simon's day, June 10 at 7:30pm. All Green Finger
delight it is a big one that gardeners - and non garden- On Sunday, May 12 Ross
sings in a low voice. Descant ers - are welcome to come
recorders, the most common a l o n g
kind, are fiddly, shrill and dif-
ficult to finger.
East Lochhead
Sadly, I have to report, the
recorder is a much maligned
Compost and Janet Anderson of
instrument. The novelist, and
East Lochhead opened
jazz enthusiast, Kingsley Compost is good their gardens to the pub-
Amis took a swipe at it in his stuff. It's good for the lic. This year the chari-
first novel Lucky Jim. garden and it's good for ties chosen to benefit
Lucky Jim is at the moment the environment. If you from the money raised
up in Mrs Simon's bed- make your own compost were: the RNLI, the Na-
room. I don't dare disturb the chance is you will not tional Trust Gardens
her or I would quote a few use peat, therefore, you Fund and the Queen's
relevant passages. won't add to the deple- Nursing Institute.
The recorder has a long il- tion of the country's peat- The Sunday dawned bright
lustrious history. It is the lands. and clear. Visitors were able
forerunner of the modern Also if you compost your to enjoy the warmth and shel-
traverse flute. The great JS rubbish it means less has to ter of the courtyard and enjoy
Bach wrote for it in many of be incinerated or thrown onto a cup of tea after a walk
his cantatas, he also wrote a t i p .
parts for the flipple flute in Making your own compost
two of his Brandenburg Con-
c e r t o .
But enough of this fascinating
musical history. For me it's Just £30 to advertise in this space .
pen down, flipple flute out Tel Chatterbox on
and a merry hour ahead.
07764 236 822
Have a nice month.
to book for next months edition
Auld Simon
around the gardens. The L o c h s i d e
Also on display were exhibi-
tions of paintings by mem-
Neighbourhood Watch
Ceilidh - or Spring Fling -
Books -Books
bers of the Anderson family
and items of pottery created
by a close family friend.
was another sell out on
Saturday, May 18. Over Books
£500:00 were raised for
The event raised over
a couple of charities: Mo-
£1400:00. Ross and Janet
want to thank all those who
tor Neuron Disease and
the local windsurfing
Here is a selection of
made the effort to come along new books at the library.
c l u b .
and all those lifeboat ladies
The next Ceilidh - the Fall Lyn Andrews Love and a Promise
who baked and served superb
Ball - will be on Saturday, No- Lawrence Block Hope to Die
afternoon teas. Amanda Brookfiield Sisters and
vember 2. Tickets vanish like Husbands
My Life Has Not Been hot cakes, so get your request Michael Connolly
Pamela Evans
City of Bones
Always There

the Same i n a s a p . S u e Gee Thin A ir
The charities supported will Rosie Harris Turn of the Tide
Andrew Klavan Man and Wife

be the Garnock Boys Rugby Jim Lusby A Waste of Shame
Club, who need a new pavil- David Morrell Long Lost
Edna O'Brien In the Forest
ion, and a friend of the band Peter Robinson Aftermath
who was paralysed in a rugby Nancy T Rosenberg Conflict of
a c c i d e n t . Robert Ryan Early One Morning
This clarification letter Danielle Steel The Cot-
comes from Neil Meighan Incidentally, Dr Rowena Jessica Stirling Shamrock Green
from the USA who wrote Murray one of the organisers Nicola Thorne A Friend of the Family
to Chatterbox last year. of the Ceilidh organisers has
'I wish to clarify a situation just written a book. It is a If any item ou require is not
that I may have caused in last must for all students and any- available, out request system
November's Chatterbox. one else who plans to write a gives access to stock held in
It concerns the poem, My Life thesis. The book is called all public libraries within
Has Not Been the Same. A How to write a Thesis and it R e n f r e w s h i r e .
poem I though all golfers is published by the Open Uni- There is a 20p charge per
would appreciate and identify versity Press. item for this service.
with as much as I did.
However, I made one serious
error, I did not write Anon af-
t e r t h e p o e m .
Because of this some of my
friends assumed that I had
written the poem. Whilst I am
grateful that some considered
I was the author of the verse I
New for the web this month...
have to own that I am not. I Read about the Lochwinnoch Heritage Forum and their plans to re
apologise if I have misled store the Bridgend Falls.
anyone in the village. Chatterbox on the Web... read the online version of Chatterbox
Community Calendar.... a section for Clyde Muirshiel Regional Park
Neil Meighan showing dates of events at the Castle Semple Centre and Muirshiel
Forums... the RSPB grapevine keeping you up to date on the wildlife
activity in the area

Ceilidh News
We are looking for help to build a history section for the website. Just think
of a topic and write down on paper a few pages that we can take and use for
content. eg. how many mills were there in the village at one time? Where

were they? What did they do and how many people were employed? If you
have anything you would like to contribute just hand it in to the Library or
e-mail it to if you have access to e-mail.
It’s your website – use it
McIlroy, Rachel Holmes, Re- been set for Monday 10th
Teen spot becca Colburon, Sophie Curran
Helen Turner, Vickie Waddel
June at 7.30pm in the mu-
seum – door open to all weed
and Mhari Collins won the Ren- pickers and prizewinners.
On Sunday the 26 of frewshire Netball Tournament,
winning against 30 other bril-
Youth Club
April a group of young- The youth club has been a win-
liant teams, including Bushes ner with the local young peo-
sters - including myself - Primary who were defeated in
raised a large amount of ple – a big thanks to everyone
the final. This is a fantastic who supported them in their
money for the youth club achievement for Lochwinnoch as sponsor clean up, they raised a
by taking part in a spon- Bushes remained unbeaten for whopping £300. Needless to
sored clean- up from the many years before the tourna- say, they are now enjoying a new
loch cycle track to the m e n t b e g u n . pool table, music player and a
b r i d g e . The team is wonderfully coached range of arts and crafts materi-
We had industrial gloves by Carolyn McIlroy. We wish als.
and bin sacks given to us them all the best in the Scottish Walking Club
National Tournament. I have been asked to find out if
by Renfrewshire Council.
That's all for this month's issue locals would like to set up a local
A skip was supplied for the of Teenspot. If you have any-
bags of rubbish. We came walking club. It was hoped that
thing you would like me to add I the club would take up a few
across lots of wrappers, bot- would be more than happy too, hours each week for locals to
tles and other stuff. It was so just drop your information join together and take in the
horrible, but we had a good into the Chatterbox envelope be- beautiful scenery in and around
laugh. Do us a big favour, hind the desk at the library and, Lochwinnoch. If you are inter-
though, and bin your rubbish hopefully, it will appear in the ested, a meeting has been set for
in future. Anyway we cleared next Teenspot. Tuesday 11th June at 7.30pm
up a lot of mess, so, hopefully, in the museum. This meeting
our park and loch look a lot will provide the opportunity for
b e t t e r . locals to discuss what they
Liz Nickerson, the leader of would like to do.
the youth club helped us out If you want to discuss possible
projects that you would like to
and took pictures of us in ac-
be involved in or want more in-
tion. Two of the pictures are
formation about the sustain-
in the Johnsone and Linwood
Gazette, a folder of them is in
the old museum.
Liz’s Patch able project or the group
above, give me a call or pop
We would like to say a big Just a wee update on into the museum for a chat.
thank you to everyone who how things are going on
came along and mucked in. in the Sustainable Com-
Y o u t h C l u b munities Project. Community Development Worker
L i z s a y s : Gardening Group How to contact
"The youth club has been well The gardening group have Liz Nickerson
attended and everyone has met again and are busy going
Tel No: 01505 842 615
been chipping in to get the re- around admiring the bloom- Mobile: 07776 123 950
s our c es y oun g p e op l e ing good gardens in Lochwin- Email:
want. The young people noch. The next meeting has Drop into museum on
worked extremely hard at the Mondays : 2-5pm and 6-8pm
clean up and raised around
£300:00. I glad the young Sales and Marketing Consultancy
people are getting involved in
N e t b a l l
N e w s
Calder Marketing
The Lochwinnoch Primary Tel : 01505 842 681 Mobile: 07764 236 822
School netball team: Lauren
Chatterbox is independently produced for the Community Council
of Lochwinnoch through financial assistance by Lochwinnoch Business Plans, Funding,. Market Research,
Community Council, Renfrewshire Council and advertisements.
The editor welcomes all items for possible inclusion but will
reserve all rights over them. All views are of individuals. The PR, Company Newsletters
editor accepts no liability for errors.

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