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Level of hygiene:
•10% out of 50 responder choose in the clean level.

•24%out of 50 responder choose in the satisfactory

•66%0ut of the 50 responder choose in the dirty level.

From the data, we know that:

Major: dirty level
Minor: clean level

 Students going cafeteria almost at the same time, that is lunch

and dinner ,cause messy at the cafeteria.

 No enough worker during rush hour, no worker clean the table.

 Students did not keep clean of the cafeteria but sometimes even
make the rubbish around the café.

 Worker lazy-they want to clean all table at once for save

From the analysis, we can see that are 10% of the responder

choose at clean level, it may due to they go cafeteria at time

when little people go but mostly of them felt hygiene of café

in poor level.
Price :
 54% out of 50 responder feel expensive.

 42% out of 50 responder feel affordable.

 4% out of the 50 responder feel cheap.

From the data, we know that:

Majority: expensive
Minority: cheap

 The quantity of responder who respond expensive and affordable is

almost same mean they felt “ affordable but expensive”.

 As the living level in town, the price in cafeteria is reasonable, but

students think that cafeteria should consider us as a students, hence the
price must be lower compared with outside.

 Some stall even more expensive than outside.

 Students think affordable because most of then have scholarship and

loan .

 Students who coming from rural area may think the price is affordable.

From the analysis, we can conclude that, there

are only minority of them felt the price of
cafeteria is cheap, and the majority of them
feel expensive, hence, the cafeteria should
reduce their price.

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