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Name: Roll No.

Post Graduate Diploma in Computer Applications

1st Internal Test PGDCA-105 (Office Automation)
1. Mention the Commands/Options to perform the following functions as briefly as you can. Use slash (/) for next screen and
use '---' to choose the option from same screen.
e.g. Question : How the page no. can be placed at the top of page.
Ans. : Insert/Page Numbers --- Position --- Top of page
2. For answering these questions you can use computer. However paper will be taken back strictly after 45 minutes, so it is suggested that
first answer those questions which you can answer without using computer. If space provided is not adequate, you can write on the
backside of the page, mentioning clearly the Question number. Each question carry 0.5 marks except where mentioned

Time allowed: 45 Minutes Max. Marks: 18

1. How to activate or deactivate

sound for some particular event
2. How to add/remove window
standard features
3. How to associate files with
particular application
4. How to auto hide task bar
5. How to cascade all open windows
6. How to change the cursor blink
7. How to change the resolution of
8. How to Create a new blank word
document icon on desktop
9. How to create/change/delete the
password of Window user.
10. How to display/hide clock from
the taskbar
11. How to enable/disable hot keys
12. How to hide/view file extensions
13. How to interchange the left and
Right buttons of Mouse
14. How to make your hard disk
15. How to remove Quick Launch
toolbar from the taskbar and bring
it back
16. How to rotate the desktop on
90/180/270 degrees.
17. How to set wallpaper as Centre
18. How to shift among different
opened applications
19. How to Sort files By –
name/type/size/date modified
20. How to view hidden files
21. How to view large/small icons in
quick launch toolbar
22. How to view the configuration of
the system you are using
23. How to view the start menu as
“start menu/classic start menu”
24. What are the different files 2
attributes. What is the use of these
attributes and how these can be
25. What is the difference between 1
“Save” and “Save as” in Notepad.
26. What is the difference between 1
Open and open with.
27. What is the difference to select 1
files using Ctrl, Shift and Select all
28. What is the use of LOG command 1
in Notepad.
29. Where the necessary changes will
be made to execute an application
with single/double click of mouse?

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