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Job Analysis

Submitted By :
Shikha Jain
Job Analysis
(Job oriented) (Employee oriented)
 Job identification  Job identification
 Job Summary  Job Summary
 Relation to other jobs  Relation to other jobs
 Location in the hierarchy  Location in the hierarchy
 Machine tools & equipments used  Machine tools & equipments used
 Materials used  Materials used
 Responsibilities  Responsibilities
 Conditions of work, location of  Conditions of work, location of
work, work,
 Posture  Posture
 Hazards  Hazards
 Job descriptions give a general description of the work to be
carried out and of the type of person required to do it;
e.g. Education background, work experience , additional
responsibilities working conditions as well as equipments
and materials to be used in the course of the job

 Job descriptions must be tailored to the specific operational

need of individual properties.

 Job descriptions can ease employees anxiety by specifying

responsibilities, requirements, and peculiarities of their
 It is used in recruitment, training, performance appraisal &
wage and salary administration.

 It is a detailed report describing all functions that must be

performed by a housemen etc., and the manner in
which they must be performed.

 Following guidelines help in writing a good Job Description:-

 Scope & nature of the work, including all important

relationships should be indicated.
 After describing the job, all specifications are listed for the
position; filling in the requirements for each important
aspect in detail. This procedure is called JOB SPECIFICATION.

 Accurate Job Specifications & a realistic Job Description go hand

in hand in a good recruitment process. They are invaluable tools
for interviewers and applicants alike.
 It helps in selecting right candidate for the right job.

 It helps the employees in adjusting to different working


 It adds to job satisfaction which helps in reducing employee


 It helps in reducing Manpower cost like:-

“Recruitment Training” etc.

 It helps the task of implementing standardized procedure.

 Job descriptions can ease employees anxiety by specifying
responsibilities, requirements, and peculiarities of their jobs.

 It forms the basis for developing job breakdown.

 It provides job security.

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