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COROT-7b – “Feuer”

Atmosphere – Acrid. Composed mostly of carbon dioxide, sulfur, methane,

and hydrogen. Water vapor after eruptions.

Gravity – 1.3 times Earth

Length of Day – 20 hours

Climate – Extremely hot and fiery. The planet is constantly plagued with
volcanic activity, and so the air is smoky and dark. The average surface
temperature is 137F. The sky is almost always dark.

Surface conditions – Volcanic activity is constant on this planet, and rivers

run with lava instead of water. Liquid water is non-existent, but water vapor
is common. The planet is completely covered in rock and plant life as we
know it is non-existent. Plants resemble fungus and cacti. Bacteria is
common, and complex life has developed. Volcanoes erupt daily, and quakes
are common, but because there is so much carbon, life thrives.

Notes – This planet is extremely hostile, but life is common, although is

resembles nothing on Earth.

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